Client Browsing
RJM Programming - June, 2019
Circular Text Iframe Browsing
Circular Text Iframe via Media/QR⎼Code⎼HtTp URL or Data URI
Circular Text Iframe via Media URL or Data URI repeat
Circular Text Iframe via Media URL or Data URI contain
Iframe via Media/QR⎼Code⎼HtTp URL or Data URI
Versus New Window
Send to Server Top Half
.fade { -webkit-animation: fade 11s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: fade 11s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: fade 11s ease-in-out infinite alternate; } @keyframes fade { from { background-image: url(); text-shadow: 0 0 3px #fff, 0 0 5px #fff, 0 0 37px #e60073, 0 0 9px #e60073, 0 0 11px #e60073, 0 0 13px #e60073, 0 0 15px #e60073; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 300px 300px; } to { background-image: URL(); text-shadow: 0 0 24px #fff, 0 0 6px #ff4da6, 0 0 8px #ff4da6, 0 0 10px #ff4da6, 0 0 12px #ff4da6, 0 0 14px #ff4da6, 0 0 16px #ff4da6; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 300px 300px; } }