YouTube Video API Interfacer Audio Play Tutorial

YouTube Video API Interfacer Audio Play Tutorial

YouTube Video API Interfacer Audio Play Tutorial

The recent Making Of Earth Scanner Legs Tutorial set us to thinking about how to offer a toggling arrangement between our inhouse YouTube Embedded Iframe API playing of …

  • video … with an incarnation of this that plays …
  • audio … “sort of” only (but able to be toggled back to video playing)

… and it got us wondering how to “dull out” a video. We chose the CSS …


iframe { filter: invert(45%); }


If you want a “complete dull out” try filter: invert(50%); … but we wanted to see controls down the bottom, still useful for audio only playing.

You can try this all out in the changed karaoke_youtube_api.htm inhouse YouTube video interfacer.

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