",">",file_get_contents(str_replace("HTTPS:","http:",str_replace("Https:","http:",str_replace("https:","http:",$inwithtz)))))); // exit; //} $inwithtz=read_and_date_array(file_get_contents(str_replace("HTTPS:","http:",str_replace("Https:","http:",str_replace("https:","http:",$inwithtz)))), str_replace('calendarchart.php','calendar_chart.php',str_replace('index.php','calendar_chart.php',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); } else if (strpos($inwithtz, "[") === false) { // label and dates via clipboard $inwithtz=str_replace("`","",str_replace("`,","",'`' . read_and_date_array($inwithtz, str_replace('calendarchart.php','calendar_chart.php',str_replace('index.php','calendar_chart.php',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))))); } else { return $inwith; } echo "\n pardata=\"" . str_replace("+","%20",urlencode("" . $inwithtz)) . "\"; paramdata=decodeURIComponent(pardata); \n var xxpardata=\"" . ("" . $inwithtz) . "\"; \n"; return urlencode($inwithtz); } ?> Calendar Chart - RJM Programming - //www.rjmprogramming.com.au (Copyright © 2014 rjmprogramming.com.au all rights reserved.) ' . "\n"; ?> \n"; echo " \n"; if (!isset($_GET['desc']) && !isset($_POST['desc'])) { echo " \n"; } else { echo " \n"; } echo "

" . $GETtitle . " Calendar Chart

\n"; ?>
Another calendar chart? ' . "\n " . " function altcals1(inhuh,mode) { retval = ''; var iput = document.getElementById('i' + inhuh + 'put'); retval = retval + '['; // + String.fromCharCode(34) + iput.value.replace(/\,/g,'$@$') + String.fromCharCode(34) + ','; var pDates = '' + document.getElementById('sd' + inhuh + 'put').value; var pDatee = 'junk'; // + document.getElementById('ed' + inhuh + 'put').value; if (pDates.indexOf('-') != -1) { retval = retval + 'newDate(' + pDates.split('-')[0] + ','; retval = retval + eval(-1 + eval('' + pDates.split('-')[1])) + ','; retval = retval + pDates.split('-')[2] + '),' + iput.value.replace(/\,/g,'$@$') + ']'; } else { pDates = '' + document.getElementById('sd' + inhuh + 'put').value; if (pDates.indexOf('-') != -1) { retval = retval + 'newDate(' + pDates.split('-')[0] + ','; retval = retval + eval(-1 + eval('' + pDates.split('-')[1])) + ','; retval = retval + pDates.split('-')[2] + '),'; } } if (pDatee.indexOf('-') != -1) { retval = retval + 'newDate(' + pDatee.split('-')[0] + ','; retval = retval + eval(-1 + eval('' + pDatee.split('-')[1])) + ','; retval = retval + pDatee.split('-')[2] + ')]'; } else { pDatee = 'junk'; // + document.getElementById('ed' + inhuh + 'put').value; if (pDatee.indexOf('-') != -1) { retval = retval + 'newDate(' + pDatee.split('-')[0] + ','; retval = retval + eval(-1 + eval('' + pDatee.split('-')[1])) + ','; retval = retval + pDatee.split('-')[2] + ')]'; } } return retval; } function datefix(infg) { } function later() { \n" . ' var datalineprefix = " "; ' . "\n"; echo ' var datalinesuffix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var extra = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var bits = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var task = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var ict = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' var thisline = 1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var totalleft = 100.0; ' . "\n"; echo ' var title = prompt("Enter Calendar Chart Title (background image URL or background image data URI ; separated (followed by ;) before title are available options, and suffix by &onclick=y for added onclick functionality)", "' . $GETtitle . '"); ' . "\n"; echo ' if (title != null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' ttitle = title; ' . "\n" . ' task = prompt("Enter Number of " + title.replace(' . '"' . '&onclick=y' . '"' . ',' . '"' . '' . '"' . ') + " (can enter URL whose contents contains description,date1,date2 sets or your own list entered here comma separated)", "0"); ttask = task; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (task == null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' title = title; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (("~" + task.toLowerCase().replace(",","~http")).indexOf("~http") != -1) { ' . "\n"; echo ' if (allowed) { wwl = iftoobig("","./calendar_chart.php?title=" + ttitle.replace(String.fromCharCode(39), "~~").replace(String.fromCharCode(34), String.fromCharCode(126)) + "&desc=" + ttitle.replace(String.fromCharCode(39), "~~").replace(String.fromCharCode(34), String.fromCharCode(126)) + nojwinextra + "&data=" + encodeURIComponent(task)); if (wwl != "#") { location.href=wwl; } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (task != "0" && task.indexOf("-") == -1 && (task.length == 1 || task.length == 2)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' bits = "
Click here to Show Chart when All Filled out Below ...
";' . "\n"; echo ' num = task;' . "\n" . 'while (ict != task) { ' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; echo ' ict = ict + 1;' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(ict + " -- " + bits);' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { alert("Can only handle 99 or less."); window.location = "./calendar_chart.php" + nojwinx; }' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "
From" + title + " (non-numerics mapped to 0)To
";' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(bits);' . "\n"; echo ' var ct = document.getElementById("calendar_table"); ' . "\n"; echo ' ct.innerHTML = bits; location.href="#wafo"; ' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(ct.innerHTML);' . "\n"; echo ' if (ict != 0) { ict = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' while (ict != task) { ' . "\n"; echo ' ict = ict + 1;' . "\n"; echo ' if (7 == 5) { cals1(ict,0); } ' . "\n"; echo ' } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo "} \n" . '' . "\n"; } else { echo '<' . 'script' . '>' . "\n " . " function later() { \n" . ' ' . "\n"; echo "} \n" . '' . "\n"; } ?>