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"=" . $fval; //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } else { $shto.="&" . $name . "=" . $fval; //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } } } if (isset($_GET['data'])) { foreach ($_GET as $name => $val) { if (strpos($val, 'data:') !== false) { $fval=urlencode($val); //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } else { //$fval=str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($val)); //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); $fval=str_replace('+','%20',urlencode(str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',$val)))); //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } if ($anmore == "" && $name == "title" && substr(urldecode(substr($val,2)),0,1) == ';' && !isset($_GET['iso'])) { $andurl=" "; $andfrom=$name . '=' . substr($val,0,2) . urlencode(';'); $andto="iso=" . substr($val,0,2) . '&' . $name . '='; } else if ($anmore == "" && $name == "iso" && strlen($val) == 2) { $andurl=" "; $andfrom='title='; $andto='title=' . $val . urlencode(';'); $andtwofrom='iso='; $andtwoto='isJUNKo='; } if ($gshto == "") { $gshto="#" . $name . "=" . $fval; //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } else { $gshto.="&" . $name . "=" . $fval; //str_replace(" ", "%20", str_replace("'", urlencode("'"), str_replace('"', urlencode('"'), str_replace('=', urlencode('='), str_replace('>', urlencode('>'), str_replace('<', urlencode('<'), str_replace('?', urlencode('?'), str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), $val)))))))); } } } if ($andurl == " ") { $anmore=' ' . substr(substr($andto,6),0,2) . 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';margin-top:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['mt'])) . ';'; if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ml'])), '-') !== false) { $antimlr=' style="margin-left:' . str_replace('-','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ml']))) . ';"'; } } else if (isset($_POST['ml']) && isset($_POST['mt'])) { $mlr='margin-left:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml'])) . ';margin-top:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['mt'])) . ';'; if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml'])), '-') !== false) { $antimlr=' style="margin-left:' . str_replace('-','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml']))) . ';"'; } } else if (isset($_GET['ml'])) { // && isset($_GET['mt'])) { $mlr='margin-left:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ml'])) . ';'; if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ml'])), '-') !== false) { $antimlr=' style="margin-left:' . str_replace('-','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ml']))) . ';"'; } } else if (isset($_GET['mt'])) { // && isset($_GET['mt'])) { $mlr='margin-top:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['mt'])) . ';'; } else if (isset($_POST['ml'])) { // && isset($_POST['mt'])) { $mlr='margin-left:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml'])) . ';'; if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml'])), '-') !== false) { $antimlr=' style="margin-left:' . str_replace('-','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ml']))) . ';"'; } } else if (isset($_POST['mt'])) { // && isset($_POST['mt'])) { $mlr='margin-top:' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['mt'])) . ';'; } $justrand=false; if (isset($_POST['rand']) || isset($_GET['rand'])) { $justrand=true; } $gw="556"; if ($justrand) { $gw="660"; } $gh="347"; if ($justrand) { $gh="440"; } $toverlay=''; $smore=''; if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '&are') !== false || isset($_POST['aregeographicals']) || isset($_POST['areplaces'])) { $tmore=''; if (isset($_POST['width']) && isset($_POST['height']) && isset($_POST['data'])) { $smore="W?  H?      "; } else if (isset($_GET['width']) && isset($_GET['height']) && isset($_GET['data'])) { $smore="W?  H?      "; } if (isset($_GET['title'])) { if (substr(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . ' '),2),0,1) == ';') { if (!isset($_GET['iso'])) { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } else if ($_GET['iso'] == '') { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } else { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } } else if (isset($_GET['iso'])) { $tmore="  W" . strtoupper(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['iso']))) . ""; } } else if (isset($_POST['title'])) { if (substr(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . ' '),2),0,1) == ';') { if (!isset($_POST['iso'])) { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } else if ($_POST['iso'] == '') { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } else { $tmore="  " . strtoupper(substr((str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . ' '),0,2)) . "W"; } } else if (isset($_POST['iso'])) { $tmore="  W" . strtoupper(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['iso']))) . ""; } } $toverlay=$smore . "  TT" . $tmore; if ($smore != '') { $scrmore=str_replace('none','inline-block',$toverlay); } } $greenis='green'; if (isset($_GET['gcol'])) { $greenis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['gcol'])); } else if (isset($_POST['gcol'])) { $greenis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['gcol'])); } if (trim($greenis) == '') { $greenis='green'; } $prechartdiv=""; $postchartdiv=""; $xiso='iso'; $xxiso=''; $cdefascr=''; function perhapsmorecols($inbp, $csofar) { $sixrs=['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f']; $ineeded=explode("|", $inbp); $jneeded=explode("|", $csofar); if ($jneeded < $ineeded) { while ($jneeded < $ineeded) { $sixrand=explode("|", $csofar)[0]; while (strpos(strtolower($csofar), strtolower($sixrand)) !== false) { $sixrand=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; for ($kr=1; $kr<6; $kr++) { $sixrand.=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; } if (strtoupper($sixrand) == 'D0D0D0' || strtoupper($sixrand) == 'FFFFFF' || strtoupper($sixrand) == '000000' || strtoupper($sixrand) == 'B3BCC0' || strtoupper($sixrand) == 'BCBCBC') { $sixrand=explode("|", $csofar)[0]; } } $csofar.="|" . $sixrand; $jneeded=explode("|", $csofar); } } return $csofar; } if (isset($_POST['title']) || $justrand) { $ibps=1; foreach ($_POST as $name => $val) { if ($name == "shade" && !isset($_POST['onclick'])) { $_POST['onclick']='y'; } if ($name == "data" && !isset($_POST['question']) && !isset($_POST['guess']) && !isset($_POST['titlequiz'])) { //file_put_contents('zxxxx.zxxxx', $_POST['data']); $pinfo=''; if ($name == "data" && !isset($_POST['peninfo']) && strpos($_POST['title'], 'Airports') !== false) { // https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/GeoChart/geo_chart.php?title=My%20Emojis%20World%20Survey&aregexographicals=y // &aregeographicals=HTTP.Ice%2Chttp.Lakagigar_Volcano%2Chttp.Bora_Bora // &peninfo=75.57|-92.28|127938_Ice,64.04|-18.15|127755_Lakagigar_Volcano,-16.30|151.44|127958.65039_Bora_Bora&width=834&height=520&country=Places&popularity= // &data=%20[75.57|-92.28|~Ice~,2]%20,%20[64.04|-18.15|~Lakagigar%20Volcano~,2]%20,%20[-16.30|151.44|~Bora%20Bora~,2] $dsets=explode(']', $_POST['data']); for ($idsets=0; $idsets $isregional=false; if (isset($_POST['regional'])) { $isregional=true; } $theframeoh=''; if (strpos($bps[$ibps], '-') !== false) { if (strlen(explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0]) == 2) { if (strpos($ourtzlist, ',' . strtoupper(explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0]) . ',') !== false) { $thiscntis=explode('/', explode('>', explode(',' . strtoupper(explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0]) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]; if (strpos($continfo, ';' . $thiscntis . ';') !== false) { if ($crange == $wrange || $crange == ':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]) { $crange=':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]; } else { $crange=$wrange; } } } $isregional=true; $_POST['data']=str_replace($bps[$ibps], explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0],$_POST['data']); } } else if (strpos($bps[$ibps], urlencode('-')) !== false) { if (strlen(explode(urlencode('-'), $bps[$ibps])[0]) == 2) { $thiscntis=explode('/', explode('>', explode(',' . strtoupper(explode(urlencode('-'), $bps[$ibps])[0]) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]; if (strpos($continfo, ';' . $thiscntis . ';') !== false) { if ($crange == $wrange || $crange == ':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]) { $crange=':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]; } else { $crange=$wrange; } } $isregional=true; $_POST['data']=str_replace($bps[$ibps], explode(urlencode('-'), $bps[$ibps])[0],$_POST['data']); } } for ($ibps=$mstart; $ibps', explode(',' . strtoupper(explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0]) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]; if (strpos($continfo, ';' . $thiscntis . ';') !== false) { if ($crange == $wrange || $crange == ':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]) { $crange=':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]; } else { $crange=$wrange; } } } $isregional=true; $_POST['data']=str_replace($bps[$ibps], explode('-', $bps[$ibps])[0],$_POST['data']); } else if (strpos($bps[$ibps], urlencode('-')) !== false) { $thiscntis=explode('/', explode('>', explode(',' . strtoupper(explode(urlencode('-'), $bps[$ibps])[0]) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]; if (strpos($continfo, ';' . $thiscntis . ';') !== false) { if ($crange == $wrange || $crange == ':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]) { $crange=':fixed=' . explode(':', explode(':', explode(';' . $thiscntis . ';', $continfo)[1])[1])[0]; } else { $crange=$wrange; } } $isregional=true; $_POST['data']=str_replace($bps[$ibps], explode(urlencode('-'), $bps[$ibps])[0],$_POST['data']); } } if (!isset($_POST['onclick'])) { $_POST['onclick']='y'; } if ((6 == 6 || strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])), ';') !== false) && strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['data'])), '|undefined') !== false) { $isregional=true; // recent //file_put_contents('zz.zz', $_POST['data']); $dm='%20'; if (strpos($_POST['data'], '+') !== false) { $dm='+'; } else if (strpos($_POST['data'], ' ') !== false) { $dm=' '; } $dataparts=explode('' . $dm . ',' . $dm . '', $_POST['data']); for ($kdata=0; $kdata'; // $theframeoh=""; $prechartdiv="
" . $theframeoh . ""; $postchartdiv="
"; } else { $theframeoh=""; echo "" . $jsis . "My World Quiz

My World Zoom In Quiz ... Hints ... Flags ... Wikipedia Images  

RJM Programming - February, 2020

Score: 0/0

" . $tablehead . $tablebody . "

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Web Speech API is not supported by this browser. Upgrade to Chrome version 25 or later.

"; exit; } function expandh($xymd) { //file_put_contents("ymd.ymd", $ymd); //exit; $bigret=""; $bigretd=""; //file_put_contents("xymd.xymd", $xymd); $preplss=explode("[", $xymd); $ymd=""; //for ($ipl=0; $ipl"; $cdivc.="margin-left:" . round(-0.01 * (explode(".", $w_in)[1]) * explode(".", $w_in)[0]) . ";margin-top:" . round(-0.01 * (explode(".", $h_in)[1]) * explode(".", $h_in)[0]) ."px;"; $mapspanstyle=" #mapspan { text-decoration: underline;} "; } } } return $retv; } // https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/GeoChart/geo_chart.php?title=My%20World%20Survey&arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.128249_Sydney%2Chttp.128249_Brisbane&peninfo=128249%20Sydney,128249%20Brisbane&width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=Popularity&data=%20[-33.865|151.20944444444|~Sydney~,2]%20,%20[-27.466666666667|153.03333333333|~Brisbane~,2] function noemoji($inentity) { $allnum=true; if (('' . $inentity) == '0') { $allnum=false; return ''; } if ($inentity != '' && explode(' ',str_replace("_"," ",$inentity))[0] != str_replace("_"," ",$inentity)) { if (substr(str_replace("_"," ",$inentity),0,1) != ' ') { for ($iu=0; $iu '9')) $allnum=false; } if ($allnum && strpos($inentity,"_") !== false) { return str_replace(" ","_",substr($inentity, (strlen(explode(' ',str_replace("_"," ",$inentity))[0]) + 1))); } if ($allnum) { return substr($inentity, (strlen(explode(' ',$inentity)[0]) + 1)); } } } return $inentity; } // https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/GeoChart/geo_chart.php?title=My%20World%20Survey&arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.128249_Sydney%2Chttp.128249_Brisbane&peninfo=128249%20Sydney,128249%20Brisbane&width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=Popularity&data=%20[-33.865|151.20944444444|~Sydney~,2]%20,%20[-27.466666666667|153.03333333333|~Brisbane~,2] function lfb($zcisis) { //global $udirname; $zimgsx=explode("' . str_replace("_"," ",$wplace) . ',') !== false && sizeof(explode("',explode('>' . str_replace("_"," ",$wplace) . ',', $wcont)[1])[0]); if (strpos($newwurll, "<") === false) { $wcont=""; if ($okaytodo) { $wcont=@file_get_contents($newwurll); $wcont=lfb($wcont); } } else { $wurll=$wasw; } } if (strpos($wcont, ' id="content"') !== false) { $isc=sizeof(explode("= 8) { if (strpos($wcont, ' id="firstHeading"') !== false) { $wconts=explode(' id="firstHeading"', $wcont); $wcont=str_replace($wconts[0],"",$wcont); } else { $wcont=$wcont; } } else { $wcont=""; } } else { $wcont=""; } if (strpos($wcont, " 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . " "; //$gfsis[$jfgsis]; } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . ""; //$gfsis[$jfgsis]; } else { $ofupa=""; } } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . $gfsis[$jfgsis] . "#" . $wurll; } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . $gfsis[$jfgsis] . "#" . $wurll; } } return $ofupa; } function tzl($inwith, $dc) { global $iso_country_codes, $isoreplace, $cdefascr, $wrange, $crange, $antimlr, $scrmore, $mlr; if (!$dc) { $inwithtz=($inwith); } if ($dc) { //$inwithtz=urldecode($inwith); $inwithtz=urldecode(urldecode($inwith)); } for ($icc=1; $icc
'); fclose($file_handle); $lastgo = "   
Last" . "  Email  W?  H?    " . $toverlay . "  +"; if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $lastgo .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { $lastgo .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $lastgo .= '  Another?'; } else { $lastgo .= '  Another?'; } } } else if (strlen($inst) > 0 && file_exists("TestGeoChart_" . $rma . ".url")) { $file_handle = fopen("TestGeoChart_" . $rma . ".url", "r"); $rma=fgets($file_handle); fclose($file_handle); $timesuff = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); while (file_exists("GeoChart_" . $rma . "_" . $timesuff . ".html")) { $timesuff = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); } $file_handle = fopen("GeoChart_" . $timesuff . ".html", "w"); fwrite($file_handle, '
'); fclose($file_handle); $rma = "   Last" . "  Email  W?  H?    " . $toverlay . "  +"; if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $rma .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { $rma .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $rma .= '  Another?'; } else { $rma .= '  Another?'; } } $lastgo = $rma; } if ($shto != '') { $lastgo.='  Email snapshot of Google Chart ...'; } else if ($gshto != '') { $lastgo.='  Email snapshot of Google Chart ...'; } else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '=') !== false) { $lastgo.='  Email snapshot of Google Chart ...'; } if (strpos($lastgo, '>Another Geo') !== false && $anmore != '') { $lastgo=str_replace('>Another Geo','>Another ' . $anmore . 'Geo',$lastgo); } return $rma; } function retval($inv) { if (strpos($inv, "E-") !== false) return "0"; return $inv; } echo '' . "\n"; if (isset($_GET['data']) || isset($_POST['data'])) { echo ' ' . "\n"; } else { echo ' ' . "\n"; } echo 'Geo Map - RJM Programming - //www.rjmprogramming.com.au (Copyright © 2013 rjmprogramming.com.au all rights reserved.)' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n" . $cdefascr; echo ' \n"; if ((!isset($_GET['onclick']) && !isset($_POST['onclick'])) && (isset($_GET['data']) || isset($_POST['data']))) echo ' ' . " \n"; //echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { echo "

" . $quizhtml . " " . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)) . " Geo Map

" . $GETimage . " \n"; } else { echo "

" . $quizhtml . " " . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)) . " Geo Map

" . $GETimage . " \n"; } if ((!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) || isset($_GET['popularity'])) { echo $prechartdiv . $bdivstart . '
' . $bdivend . $postchartdiv . "\n"; if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } else { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } else { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } else { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } else { echo '
' . $scrmore . '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; $scrmore=''; } } } } if (!isset($_GET['popularity']) && !isset($_POST['popularity']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "x=x") === false) { if ((isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "x=x") === false) { echo $prechartdiv . '
' . $postchartdiv . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; //echo '
' . server_remote_addr('1') . '
' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; //echo '
' . "\n"; if (strpos($lastgo, "Another") === false) { if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } } } echo '<' . 'script' . ' type="text/javascript">' . "\n "; if (!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { //echo '<' . 'script type="text/javascript">' . "\n"; echo ' setTimeout(prelater, thistwo * 1000);' . "\n"; //echo '<' . '/' . 'script>' . "\n"; } echo ' function styleit(indef) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.indexOf(document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML) != -1) { " . "\n"; echo " if (1 == 1) { document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML=document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.replace(document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML, ' \" + document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML); } " . "\n"; echo " if (1 == 3) { document.getElementById(indef).innerHTML+=(' \"); } " . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n" . "\n"; echo ' return indef; } ' . "\n" . "\n"; echo ' function clearit() { ' . "\n" . ' if (document.getElementById("data").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("data").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("title").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("title").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("width").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("width").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("height").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("height").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("country").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("country").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("popularity").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("popularity").value=""; ' . "\n" . ' } ' . "\n"; if (1 == 7) { echo ' var datalineprefix = " "; ' . "\n"; echo ' var acnt = -1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var defv = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var dlpll = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var defsid="_ABSTRACT_RENDERER_ID_0", alldefs=[]; ' . "\n"; echo ' var datalinesuffix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var extra = "", four; ' . "\n"; echo ' var thisline = 1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var totalleft = 100.0; ' . "\n"; echo ' var title = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var alttitle = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var width = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var height = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var country = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var popularity = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' function whileinnards() { if (datalinesuffix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name or Code or Region ISO-3166 Code (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalineprefix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (datalineprefix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' extra = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) extra = " (for " + totalleft + " enter nothing or hit Cancel button)"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (fti) { datalinesuffix = ""; } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalinesuffix="" + theval; iquiziso++; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "" + theval); } theval--; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "0"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) datalinesuffix = totalleft; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null) datalinesuffix = "0"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix != null) datalineprefix = datalineprefix.replace("{popularity}", datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length == 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(totalleft) == eval(datalinesuffix) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' popularity = popularity + " ercent "; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = eval(totalleft) - eval(datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' datac = datac + ",[~" + datalineprefix + "~," + datalinesuffix + "]"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") == -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); if (exra != "") { exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; } datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix + "~," + exra + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") != -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(",", "~,") + "," + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' thisline++; defv=""; acnt=eval(-1 + thisline); if (document.getElementById("defv" + acnt)) { defv=document.getElementById("defv" + acnt).value; } ' . "\n comma=','; \n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.length != 0 && (popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) || popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") != (0 - 1) || (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && totalleft > 0))) { ' . "\n"; echo ' console.log(1); } else { console.log(2); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; } echo "function prelater() { if (thistwo > 20) { var lesstwo=eval(-20 + thistwo); thistwo=20; setTimeout(prelater, eval(1000 * lesstwo)); return ''; } \n if (saetc) { saetc(); } if ((('' + location.hash).indexOf('title=') != -1 || document.URL.indexOf('?title=') != -1) && document.URL.indexOf('&') == -1) { t=decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]); title=t; w='' + ffs; h='' + tfs; c='Country'; p='Popularity'; w=''; h=''; c=''; p=''; m=''; ilstis=1; later('',w,h,c,p,m); } else { later('','','','','',''); } \n } \n function later(t,w,h,c,p,m) { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad/i)) { setTimeout(function(){ var ass=document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var iass=0; iass 0) { if (isquiz == "Asia") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2002.029 for Asia quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "2002.029"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2002.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "North and Central America") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2001.029 for North and Central America quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "2001.029"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2001.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "South America") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2801.059 for South America quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "2801.059"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2801.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "Africa") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2737.052 for Africa quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "2737.052"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2737.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "South East Asia and Oceania ... add spaces for more quiz places") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (3437.054 for South East Asia and Oceania quiz)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "3437.054"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("3437.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (6875.041 for Europe quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "6875.041"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("6875.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } } else { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . '" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "' . $GETheight . '"); } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (title.indexOf("&are") != -1) { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { country="Places"; } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Places Label" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "Places"); } } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Places Label" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "Places"); } } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { country = "Country"; } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Country Label" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "' . $GETcountry . '"); } } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Country Label" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "' . $GETcountry . '"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { popularity="Countdown"; } else { popularity = geoprompt("Enter " + country + " Numerical Measure(s) (ie. can be comma separated)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "Countdown"); } } else { popularity = geoprompt("Enter " + country + " Numerical Measure(s) (ie. can be comma separated)" + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "' . $GETpopularity . '"); } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' var datac = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var sq = "' . "'" . '"; ' . "\n"; //echo ' datalineprefix = prompt("Enter " + country + " Name " + thisline, ""); ' . "\n"; echo " if (iswq) { if (document.URL.indexOf('wqperspective=') == -1) { document.getElementById('wq').click(); } allowed=false; fti=true; } if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name or Code or Region ISO-3166 Code (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; if (isquiz.length > 0 && iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalineprefix=quizisos[iquiziso]; } else { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name or Code or Region ISO-3166 Code (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=""; } ' . "\n" . ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' while (datalineprefix.length != 0 && (popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) || popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") != (0 - 1) || (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && totalleft > 0))) { ' . "\n"; if (1 == 1) { echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name or Code or Region ISO-3166 Code (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; if (isquiz.length > 0 && iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalineprefix=quizisos[iquiziso]; } else { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name or Code or Region ISO-3166 Code (and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code and can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalineprefix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (datalineprefix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' extra = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) extra = " (for " + totalleft + " enter nothing or hit Cancel button)"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (fti) { datalinesuffix = ""; } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalinesuffix="" + theval; iquiziso++; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "" + theval); } theval--; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra + " ... and ®ionpicker suffix here or later can pick regional code", "0"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) datalinesuffix = totalleft; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null) datalinesuffix = "0"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix != null) datalineprefix = datalineprefix.replace("{popularity}", datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length == 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(totalleft) == eval(datalinesuffix) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' popularity = popularity + " ercent "; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = eval(totalleft) - eval(datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' datac = datac + ",[~" + datalineprefix + "~," + datalinesuffix + "]"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") == -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); if (exra != "") { exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; } datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(/\%5f/g,"%20").replace(/\_/g,"%20") + "~," + exra + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") != -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(",", "~,").replace(/\%5f/g,"%20").replace(/\_/g,"%20") + "," + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' thisline++; defv=""; acnt=eval(-1 + thisline); if (document.getElementById("defv" + acnt)) { defv=document.getElementById("defv" + acnt).value; } ' . "\n comma=','; \n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; } else { echo "\n whileinnards(); \n"; } echo ' } ' . "\n"; if (!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { echo ' if (allowed) { var windowlocation = "./geo_chart.php?title=" + title + m + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height + "&country=" + country + nojwinextra + "&popularity=" + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + "&data=" + assess_small(datac); if (windowlocation.length > 800) { document.getElementById("dpostform").innerHTML="
"; var wwl=iftoobig("",windowlocation); if (wwl != "#") { if (plotblurbs.length != 0) { window.open(wwl,"_blank"); } else { location.href=wwl; } } } else { if (plotblurbs.length != 0) { openwindow(windowlocation,"_blank"); } else { window.location=analyzeit(windowlocation); } } } ' . "\n"; } else { echo ' if (allowed) { var windowlocation = "./geo_chart.php?isMobile=y&title=" + title + m + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height + "&country=" + country + nojwinextra + "&popularity=" + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + "&data=" + assess_small(datac); if (windowlocation.length > 800) { document.getElementById("dpostform").innerHTML="
"; var wwl=iftoobig("",windowlocation); if (wwl != "#") { if (plotblurbs.length != 0) { window.open(wwl,"_blank"); } else { location.href=wwl; } } } else { if (plotblurbs.length != 0) { openwindow(windowlocation,"_blank"); } else { window.location=analyzeit(windowlocation); } } } ' . "\n"; } echo "} \n"; // . "} \n"; echo "} \n"; // . "} \n"; echo '' . "\n"; } echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo '
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' . $scrmore . ''; } else { echo '
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