Initializationvar three_sentences="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Many hands make light work.";$three_sentences="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Many hands make light work.";
Extracting first sentencevar first_sentence=three_sentences.split('.')[0] + '.';$first_sentence=explode('.', $three_sentences)[0] . '.';
Extracting last sentence (assuming there are at least 2 sentences, for first idea of the two)var last_sentence=three_sentences.split('.')[eval(-2 + three_sentences.split('.').length)].trim() + '.'; // or you might prefer (our more usual eval(-1 + ?.length) arrangement)
var last_sentence=three_sentences.split('. ')[eval(-1 + three_sentences.split('. ').length)].trim();
$last_sentence=ltrim(explode('.', $three_sentences)[(-2 + sizeof(explode('.', $three_sentences)))]) . '.'; // or you might prefer (our more usual (-1 + sizeof(?)) arrangement)
$last_sentence=ltrim(explode('. ', $three_sentences)[(-1 + sizeof(explode('. ', $three_sentences)))]);
Picking on "Spain" (assuming you know "Spain" exists just the once)var no_Spain=three_sentences.split(' Spain ')[0] + ' ' + three_sentences.split(' Spain ')[1];$no_Spain=explode(' Spain ', $three_sentences)[0] . ' ' . explode(' Spain ', $three_sentences)[1];
Extracting count of second sentence words (assuming there are at least 2 sentences)var count_second_sentence_words=eval(-1 + three_sentences.split('. ')[1].split(' ').length);$count_second_sentence_words=sizeof(-1 + explode(' ', explode('. ', $three_sentences)[1]);
How many "o"'s in first sentencevar count_o_first_sentence=eval(-1 + three_sentences.split('.')[0].split('o').length);$count_o_first_sentence=sizeof(-1 + explode('o', explode('.', $three_sentences)[0]));