"; } $tletter=""; $startword=""; $wordlist=""; $wlistd="none"; $why=""; $score=0; $emailhrefjl = ""; $emailhrefet = ""; $preemailhrefjl = ""; $preemailhrefet = ""; $postemailhrefjl = ""; $postemailhrefet = ""; $wordstable="  "; $letterstable=""; if (strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0) { $emailhref="http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $emailhrefet=$emailhref; $stuffsa=explode("&wordlist", $emailhref); $emailhrefjl=$stuffsa[0]; $stuffs=explode("?", $emailhref); $emailhref=$stuffs[0]; $preemailhrefjl = "/"; $postemailhrefjl = "Letters"; if (sizeof($stuffsa) > 1) { $preemailhrefet = "/"; $postemailhrefet = "Everything"; } $letwrd="&" . substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 44); $withletters .= (strtoupper(substr($letwrd, (5 * 5) - 1, 1)) . " and could contain"); for ($j=0; $j<9; $j++) { if ($j == 5) { $tletter = strtolower(substr($letwrd, ($j * 5) - 1, 1)); } else { $withletters .= (" " . strtoupper(substr($letwrd, ($j * 5) - 1, 1))); } $startword = $startword . strtolower(substr($letwrd, ($j * 5) - 1, 1)); } } else { $emailhref="http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $done = "n"; $tl = -1; $delim = "?"; if (1 == 1) { if ($startword == "") $startword = strtolower(file_get_contents("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "/PHP/surprise.php?min=10&max=10")); $prestartword = $startword; if ($tletter == "") { $tl = rand(0,8); $tletter = substr($startword, $tl, 1); $withletters .= (strtoupper($tletter) . " and could contain"); $letterstable=str_replace(" id='keyl'>", " id='keyl' style='background-color:yellow;'>

" . strtoupper($tletter) . "

", $letterstable); for ($j=0; $j<15; $j++) { $xtl = rand(2,8); $thisletter = substr($startword, $xtl, 1); $prefix = substr($startword, 0, ($xtl)); $suffix = substr($startword, ($xtl + 1)); $startword=$thisletter . $prefix . $suffix; } } else { $letterstable=str_replace(" id='keyl'>", " id='keyl' style='background-color:yellow;'>

" . strtoupper($tletter) . "

", $letterstable); } $k = 1; for ($j=0; $j"); $prefix = substr($letterstable, 0, ($place + 4)); $suffix = substr($letterstable, ($place + 4)); $letterstable=$prefix . "

" . strtoupper(substr($startword, $j, 1)) . "

" . $suffix; if ($tl >= 0) { $preemailhrefjl = "/"; $postemailhrefjl = "Letters"; if ($emailhrefjl == "") $emailhrefjl="http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $emailhrefjl .= ($delim . "l" . $k . "=" . strtoupper(substr($startword, $j, 1))); $withletters .= (" " . strtoupper(substr($startword, $j, 1))); $delim = "&"; if ($k == 4) $emailhrefjl .= ($delim . "l" . ($k + 1) . "=" . strtoupper($tletter)); } $k = $k + 1; if ($k == 5) { $k = $k + 1; } } } } if (isset($_GET['wordlist'])) { $wordlist=$_GET['wordlist']; } else if (isset($_POST['wordlist'])) { $wordlist=$_POST['wordlist']; } if ($wordlist != "") { $words=explode(";", $wordlist); $fwlist=""; $sofarlist=";;"; for ($jk=0; $jk Target Share Challenge Game - RJM Programming - March, 2015 id='myh1' align='center'>Target Share Challenge Game Help ... Score: ... Email ='mailto:?subject=Target%20Share%20Challenge&body=' ='Target Share Challenge ... New Game'>='mailto:?subject=Target%20Share%20Challenge&body=' ='Target Share Challenge ... Same Letters'>='mailto:?subject=Target%20Share%20Challenge&body=' ='Target Share Challenge ... Same Letters and Word List So Far'>>

Your words: Score: