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<title>Image Capture Email - RJM Programming - October, 2018 - Thanks to https://www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture/</title>
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function bp() {
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if (document.getElementById('zipname').value != '') { document.getElementById('zipname').style.display='inline-block'; }

nocamera=location.search.split('nocamera=')[1] ? true : false;
try {
if (nocamera) { document.getElementById('cimage').removeAttribute('capture'); }
} catch(ee) {
if (nocamera) { document.getElementById('nocamera').checked=true; }

var input = document.querySelector('input[type=file]'); // see Example 4

input.onchange = function () {
var file = input.files; //[0];
cfile = file;

for (var ii=0; ii<file.length; ii++) {

for (var ji=0; ji<exts.length; ji++) {
if (("." + file[ii].name.split('.')[eval(-1 + file[ii].name.split('.').length)]).toLowerCase() == exts[ji].toLowerCase()) {

if (ii == 0) { displayAsImage(file); } // see Example 7
if (ii == 0) { done=upload(file); }
if (eval(1 + eval('' + ii)) == file.length) { if (ourmimetype == '' || ourmimetype.indexOf('image') != -1) { whenokdrawOnCanvas(); } } // see Example 6
//if (done) { done=false; notfirstinsession=0; }

var cdate = new Date();
cdatestr=cdate.getFullYear() + ("0" + eval(1 + cdate.getMonth())).slice(-2) + ("0" + cdate.getDate()).slice(-2);
document.getElementById('zipname').placeholder+=' ... imagezip_' + cdatestr + '.zip';

function upload(file) {
if (!form) { form = new FormData(); }
if (!xhr) { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }

if (notfirstinsession == 0) {
if (document.getElementById('to').value.indexOf('@') != -1) {
form.append('to', document.getElementById('to').value);
if (document.getElementById('subject').value != '') {
form.append('subject', document.getElementById('subject').value);
} else {
form.append('subject', 'Image in email');
form.append('filename', file[0].name);
form.append('image', file[0]);
if (document.getElementById('zipname').value != '') {
form.append('zipname', document.getElementById('zipname').value);
if (file.length > 1) {
for (var iii=1; iii<file.length; iii++) {
if (document.getElementById('to').value.indexOf('@') != -1) {
form.append('filename' + iii, file[iii].name);
form.append('image' + iii, file[iii]);
} else {
var ioff=notfirstinsession;
for (var iiii=0; iiii<file.length; iiii++) {
if (document.getElementById('to').value.indexOf('@') != -1) {
form.append('filename' + ioff, file[iiii].name);
form.append('image' + ioff, file[iiii]);
//alert('here is ioff=' + ioff);
if (eval('' + notfirstinsession) >= eval('' + swir)) {
//alert('here is');
xhr.open('post', 'mailto.php', true);
return true;
//} else if (eval('' + swir) > 0) {
//alert('here is notfirstinsession=' + notfirstinsession + ' and swir=' + swir);
return false;

function whenokdrawOnCanvas() {
if (kk == cfile.length) {
var imgs=document.getElementsByTagName('img');
var ztop=0;
for (var jjjk=0; jjjk<imgs.length; jjjk++) {
ztop+=eval('' + imgs[jjjk].style.height.replace('px',''));
if (ztop > atop) { atop=ztop; }
c = document.querySelector('canvas'), // see Example 4
ctx = c.getContext('2d'),
c.width = awidth;
c.height = Math.abs(atop);
if (atop < 0) {
atop = -atop;
if (swir == 0) {
for (var zjk=0; zjk<kk; zjk++) {
drawOnCanvas(cfile[zjk], tops[zjk]);
} else {
var jk=0;
for (var jjk=0; jjk<imgs.length; jjk++) {
ctx.drawImage(imgs[jjk], 0, tops[jjk]);
for (var mjk=0; mjk<kk; mjk++) {
if (eval(jk + mjk) < tops.length) {
drawOnCanvas(cfile[mjk], tops[eval(jk + mjk)]);
if (done) { done=false; notfirstinsession=0; }
} else {

function displayAsImage(file) {
for (var ii=0; ii<file.length; ii++) {

for (var ji=0; ji<exts.length; ji++) {
if (("." + file[ii].name.split('.')[eval(-1 + file[ii].name.split('.').length)]).toLowerCase() == exts[ji].toLowerCase()) {


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img.push(document.createElement('source')); //'audio'));
img[eval(-1 + img.length)].onload = function() {
URL.revokeObjectURL(imgURL[eval(-1 + imgURL.length)]);
if (eval(('' + this.width).replace('px','')) > awidth) {
awidth=eval(('' + this.width).replace('px',''));
var imgs=document.getElementsByTagName('video');
var ztop=0;
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ztop+=eval('' + imgs[jjjk].style.height.replace('px',''));
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atop+=eval(('' + this.height).replace('px',''));
this.id='img' + kk;
this.style.height='' + this.height + 'px';
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dhuh=document.getElementById('audio' + dhuh.id);
img.push(document.createElement('source')); //'audio'));
img[eval(-1 + img.length)].onload = function() {
URL.revokeObjectURL(imgURL[eval(-1 + imgURL.length)]);
if (eval(('' + this.width).replace('px','')) > awidth) {
awidth=eval(('' + this.width).replace('px',''));
var imgs=document.getElementsByTagName('audio');
var ztop=0;
for (var jjjk=0; jjjk<imgs.length; jjjk++) {
ztop+=eval('' + imgs[jjjk].style.height.replace('px',''));
if (ztop > atop) { atop=ztop; }
atop+=eval(('' + this.height).replace('px',''));
this.id='img' + kk;
this.style.height='' + this.height + 'px';
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img[eval(-1 + img.length)].onload = function() {
URL.revokeObjectURL(imgURL[eval(-1 + imgURL.length)]);
if (eval(('' + this.width).replace('px','')) > awidth) {
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var ztop=0;
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ztop+=eval('' + imgs[jjjk].style.height.replace('px',''));
if (ztop > atop) { atop=ztop; }
atop+=eval(('' + this.height).replace('px',''));
this.id='img' + kk;
this.style.height='' + this.height + 'px';

if (ourmimetype.indexOf('image/') == -1) {
if (ourmimetype != '') {
img[eval(-1 + img.length)].setAttribute("type",ourmimetype);
} else {
img[eval(-1 + img.length)].setAttribute("type","video/mp4");
img[eval(-1 + img.length)].setAttribute("src", imgURL[eval(-1 + imgURL.length)]);
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img[eval(-1 + img.length)].src=imgURL[eval(-1 + imgURL.length)];

dhuh.appendChild(img[eval(-1 + img.length)]);
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dv.id='dnhuh' + dnhuh;
var dva=document.createElement('audio');
dva.id='audiodnhuh' + dnhuh;
var dvv=document.createElement('video');
dvv.id='videodnhuh' + dnhuh;
dhuh=document.getElementById('dnhuh' + dnhuh);

function drawOnCanvas(file, xtop) {
var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = function (e) {
var dataURL = e.target.result, imgl = new Image();
// c = document.querySelector('canvas'), // see Example 4
// ctx = c.getContext('2d'),

imgl.onload = function() {
//c.width = img.width;
//c.height = img.height;
ctx.drawImage(imgl, 0, xtop);

imgl.src = dataURL;

<body onload='bp();' style='background-color:lightblue;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.write('<h1>Image ' + aia + ' Capture Email</h1>');
<!--h1>Image Capture Email</h1-->
<h3>RJM Programming - October, 2018 - Thanks to <a target=_blank title='https://www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture/' href='//www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture/'>https://www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture/</a></h3>
<script type='text/javascript'>
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<hr><div id=demail></div><hr>
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return navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Edge') > -1);

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document.write('<br>Canvas image(s) via [canvasContext].drawImage() below ...<br><canvas></canvas>');
} else {
document.write('<details><summary>Canvas image(s) via [canvasContext].drawImage() below ...</summary><canvas></canvas></details>');
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document.write('<hr><p>' + selprefix + 'Image' + selsuffix + aia + '(s) below ...</p>');
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