<title>Reveal via Fragmented Parts Card Game - RJM Programming - September, 2014</title>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' />
<link href='//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/emboss_h1.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<script type="text/javascript">
var prevc = -1;
var thisc = 0;
var curcard = -1;
var ascore = [0];
var agoes = [0];
var names = [""];
var npref = [""];
var nsuf = [""];
var numplayers = 1;
var whichplayer = 0;
var s5 = "";
var c5 = "";
var desc = "";
var lst = -9;
var mst = -9;
var avg = 0;
var prevo, thiso;
var sfive = new Array("-1", "-1", "-1", "-1", "-1");
var cfive = new Array("99x", "99x", "99x", "99x", "99x");
var mypictures = new Array("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/01c.gif",
var myforstuff = new Array("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/01c.gif",
var odds = 0.0;
var lastodds = 0.0;
var accumulatedodds = 0.0;
var aheadoftheodds = 0.0;
var thispicture = 0;
var goesbehind = 0;
var goesahead = 0;
var possibleodds = 0.0;
var achievedresults = 0.0;
var numcards = 0;
var thiscard = 0;
var correct = 0;
var percentwinning = "";
var ingreen = 0;
var plusmaybe = "<span style='color:yellow;'>+";
var incorrect = 0;
var valarr = {};
function htwo() {
document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = "Goes: " + goes + " ... Last Odds: " + lastodds + " ... Accumulated Odds: " + possibleodds + " ... <br>Winning Guesses (% beating the odds): " + achievedresults + percentwinning + " ... Ahead of the Odds (+ve good): " + plusmaybe + aheadoftheodds + "</span>";
function initA() {
//document.getElementById("prevA").onclick = prevDo;
//document.getElementById("nextA").onclick = nextDo;
var isel=document.getElementById('numcardsingame');
var ivalarr, inumcards;
for (var ii=0; ii<myforstuff.length; ii++) {
if (myforstuff[ii].indexOf(',') != -1) {
ivalarr = myforstuff[ii].split(',');
inumcards = (ivalarr[1] - ivalarr[0]) / ivalarr[2] + 1;
if (eval(ii + 1) == myforstuff.length) {
isel.innerHTML = isel.innerHTML + "<option value='" + myforstuff[ii] + "'>" + inumcards + "</option>";
} else {
isel.innerHTML = isel.innerHTML + "<option value='" + myforstuff[ii] + "'>" + inumcards + "</option>";
function prevDo() {
//if (thispicture == 0) {
// thispicture = mypictures.length;
//document.getElementById("myPic").src = mypictures[thispicture];
return false;
function nextDo() {
//if (thispicture == mypictures.length) {
// thispicture = 0;
//document.getElementById("myPic").src = mypictures[thispicture];
return false;
function gamechange(os) {
if (os.value != '') {
valarr = os.value.split(',');
numcards = (valarr[1] - valarr[0]) / valarr[2] + 1;
var ibb = "<tr>";
kk = eval(0+valarr[0]);
for (var jj=1; jj<=numcards; jj++) {
ibb += "<td>";
//ibb += "<img title='Click on me if you think it is me the computer chose ... Latest Odds: 1 in " + numcards + "' id='i" + kk + "' onclick='guess(this);' src='" + mypictures[kk] + "' style='opacity:0.03;border: 5px solid pink;' onmouseover=' this.style.borderColor = \"orange\"; ' onmouseout=' this.style.borderColor = \"pink\"; ' />";
//ibb += "<img id='i" + kk + "' onclick='guess(this);' src='" + mypictures[kk] + "' style='opacity:0.03;border: 5px solid pink;' onmouseover=' this.style.borderColor = \"orange\"; ' onmouseout=' this.style.borderColor = \"pink\"; ' />";
ibb += "<img id='i" + kk + "' src='" + mypictures[kk] + "' style='opacity:0.00;border: 2px solid teal;' onmouseover=' this.style.borderColor = \"orange\"; ' onmouseout=' this.style.borderColor = \"teal\"; ' />";
ibb += "</td>";
for (var mm=0; mm<valarr[2]; mm++) {
kk += 1;
if ((jj % 13) == 0) ibb += "</tr><tr>";
ibb += "</tr>";
document.getElementById('ibody').innerHTML = ibb;
thiscard = Math.floor((Math.random()*numcards)+1);
function assertionis(cid, tc) {
var kk = eval(0+valarr[0]);
var vskk = eval(tc-1);
var retis=false;
for (var jj=1; jj<=numcards; jj++) {
if (jj == tc) {
if (cid == ("i" + kk)) retis = true;
for (var mm=0; mm<valarr[2]; mm++) {
kk += 1;
return retis;
function guess(iis) {
//var odds = 0.0;
//var lastodds = 0.0;
//var accumulatedodds = 0.0;
//var aheadoftheodds = 0.0;
//var thispicture = 0;
//var goes = 0;
//var goesbehind = 0;
//var goesahead = 0;
//var possibleodds = 0.0;
//var achievedresults = 0.0;
//var numcards = 0;
//var correct = 0;
//var plusmaybe = "";
//var incorrect = 0;
//var thiscard = 0;
//var valarr = {};
goes = goes + 1;
lastodds = eval(parseFloat(1) / parseFloat(numcards));
if (assertionis(iis.id, thiscard)) {
correct = correct + 1;
if (goes == 1) {
possibleodds = eval(parseFloat(1) / parseFloat(numcards));
achievedresults = 1.0; //eval(parseFloat(numcards) / parseFloat(1));
aheadoftheodds = eval(achievedresults - possibleodds);
} else {
possibleodds += eval(parseFloat(1) / parseFloat(numcards));
achievedresults += 1.0; //eval(parseFloat(numcards) / parseFloat(1));
aheadoftheodds = eval(achievedresults - possibleodds);
} else {
incorrect = incorrect + 1;
if (goes == 1) {
possibleodds = eval(parseFloat(1) / parseFloat(numcards));
achievedresults = 0.0; //eval(parseFloat(0) / parseFloat(1));
aheadoftheodds = eval(achievedresults - possibleodds);
} else {
possibleodds += eval(parseFloat(1) / parseFloat(numcards));
achievedresults += 0.0; //eval(parseFloat(0) / parseFloat(1));
aheadoftheodds = eval(achievedresults - possibleodds);
plusmaybe = "<span style='color:red;'>";
if (aheadoftheodds > 0.0) {
ingreen = eval(1 + ingreen);
plusmaybe = "<span style='color:green;'>+";
} else if (aheadoftheodds == 0.0) {
plusmaybe = "<span style='color:yellow;'>";
percentwinning = " (" + eval(parseFloat(100) * (parseFloat(ingreen) / parseFloat(goes))) + "%)";
thiscard = Math.floor((Math.random()*numcards)+1);
function fullo() {
var ok = 0, i;
if (prevc >= 0) {
prevo = document.getElementById('i' + prevc);
prevo.style.opacity = 0.00;
curcard = eval(((curcard + 1) % 5));
while (ok == 0) {
thisc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52) + 0;
ok = 1;
for (i=0; i<sfive.length; i++) {
if (thisc == sfive[i]) ok = 0;
thiso = document.getElementById('i' + thisc);
thiso.style.opacity = 1.0;
cfive[curcard] = thiso.src.replace("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/", "").replace(".gif", "");
sfive[curcard] = thisc;
prevc = thisc;
setTimeout(display_all, 1000);
function twotomore(in2) {
var suf = "";
if (in2.length > 2) {
if (in2.substring(2,3) == "d") suf = "Diamonds";
if (in2.substring(2,3) == "c") suf = "Clubs";
if (in2.substring(2,3) == "h") suf = "Hearts";
if (in2.substring(2,3) == "s") suf = "Spades";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "11") return "Jack of " + suf;
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "12") return "Queen of " + suf;
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "13") return "King of " + suf;
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "01") return "Ace of " + suf;
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "10") return "10 of " + suf;
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "99") return "" + suf;
return "" + in2.substring(1,2) + " of " + suf;
function twotoone(in2) {
var ret = " ";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "99") return " ";
var nis = 0;
nis = eval(in2.substring(1,2));
if (in2.substring(0,1) == "1") nis = eval(in2.substring(0,2));
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "01") nis = 14;
if (in2.substring(0,1) == "0") ret = "" + in2.substring(1,2);
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "11") ret = "J";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "12") ret = "Q";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "13") ret = "K";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "01") ret = "A";
if (in2.substring(0,2) == "10") ret = "0";
if (c5.indexOf(ret) != -1) {
if (desc.indexOf(" " + ret + "x") != -1) {
desc = desc.replace(ret + "x3", ret + "x4").replace(ret + "x2", ret + "x3");
//alert(c5 + " .... " + desc);
} else {
desc = desc + " " + ret + "x2";
//alert(c5 + " ... " + desc);
if (lst < 0 || nis < lst) lst = nis;
if (mst < 0 || nis > mst) mst = nis;
avg = avg + nis;
return ret;
function assess() {
var cx = "";
desc = "";
c5 = "";
s5 = "";
avg = 0;
agoes[whichplayer] = agoes[whichplayer] + 1;
s5 = cfive[curcard].substring(2,3).replace("x", " ");
s5 = s5 + cfive[eval((curcard + 4) % 5)].substring(2,3).replace("x", " ");
s5 = s5 + cfive[eval((curcard + 3) % 5)].substring(2,3).replace("x", " ");
s5 = s5 + cfive[eval((curcard + 2) % 5)].substring(2,3).replace("x", " ");
s5 = s5 + cfive[eval((curcard + 1) % 5)].substring(2,3).replace("x", " ");
cx = twotoone(cfive[curcard].substring(0,2));
c5 = cx;
cx = twotoone(cfive[eval((curcard + 4) % 5)].substring(0,2));
c5 = c5 + cx;
cx = twotoone(cfive[eval((curcard + 3) % 5)].substring(0,2));
c5 = c5 + cx;
cx = twotoone(cfive[eval((curcard + 2) % 5)].substring(0,2));
c5 = c5 + cx;
cx = twotoone(cfive[eval((curcard + 1) % 5)].substring(0,2));
c5 = c5 + cx;
//alert(c5 + " +++ " + desc);
//alert("Your last five cards are " + c5 + " " + s5 + " " + cfive[curcard] + " " + cfive[eval((curcard + 4) % 5)] + " " + cfive[eval((curcard + 3) % 5)] + " " + cfive[eval((curcard + 2) % 5)] + " " + cfive[eval((curcard + 1) % 5)]);
if (s5 == "ddddd") {
if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst) && mst == 14) { // royal flush
desc = " ... Royal Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 649739; // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poker_probability
} else if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst)) { // straight flush
desc = " ... Straight Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 72192;
} else { // flush
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 508;
} else if (s5 == "sssss") {
if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst) && mst == 14) { // royal flush
desc = " ... Royal Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 649739;
} else if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst)) { // straight flush
desc = " ... Straight Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 72192;
} else { // flush
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 508;
} else if (s5 == "ccccc") {
if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst) && mst == 14) { // royal flush
desc = " ... Royal Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 649739;
} else if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst)) { // straight flush
desc = " ... Straight Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 72192;
} else { // flush
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 508;
} else if (s5 == "hhhhh") {
if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst) && mst == 14) { // royal flush
desc = " ... Royal Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 649739;
} else if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst)) { // straight flush
desc = " ... Straight Flush";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 72192;
} else { // flush
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 508;
} else if (eval(mst - lst) == 4 && eval(0.2 * avg) == eval(2.0 + lst)) { // straight
desc = " ... Straight";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 254;
} else if (desc.indexOf("x4") != -1) { // four of a kind
desc = " ... Four of a Kind";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 4164;
} else if (desc.indexOf("x3") != -1 && desc.indexOf("x2") != -1) { // full house
desc = " ... Full House";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 693;
} else if (desc.indexOf("x2") != -1 && desc.substring(3).indexOf("x2") != -1) { // two pairs
desc = " ... Two Pairs ";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 20;
} else if (desc.indexOf("x3") != -1) { // three of a kind
desc = " ... Three of a Kind";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 46.3
} else if (desc.indexOf("x2") != -1) { // one pair
desc = " ... One Pair ";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 1.36;
} else {
desc = "";
ascore[whichplayer] = ascore[whichplayer] + 0;
//alert("Your last five cards are " + twotomore(cfive[curcard]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 4) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 3) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 2) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 1) % 5)]) + desc);
var aa = "Your last five cards are " + twotomore(cfive[curcard]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 4) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 3) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 2) % 5)]) + ", " + twotomore(cfive[eval((curcard + 1) % 5)]) + desc;
document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = scorewording(" " + aa);
document.getElementById('score').style.display = 'block';
desc = "";
function scorewording(asuf) {
var k, rets="", bigname="", sep="", yours=" ... Your ", winningscore=-1;
if (numplayers == 1) {
rets = "Score: " + ascore[0] + " Goes: " + agoes[0] + asuf;
} else {
for (k=0; k<numplayers; k++) {
bigname = bigname + names[k];
npref[k] = "";
nsuf[k] = "";
if (eval(whichplayer + 1) == numplayers && ascore[k] > winningscore) winningscore = ascore[k];
if (bigname == "") {
rets = "Scores (after turn of player <font color='orange'>" + eval(whichplayer + 1) + "</font>): ";
} else {
yours = " ... " + names[whichplayer].replace(":", "") + " ";
rets = "Scores after turn of <font color='orange'>" + names[whichplayer].replace(":", "") + "</font> ... ";
for (k=0; k<numplayers; k++) {
if (ascore[k] == winningscore) {
npref[k] = "<font color='red'>";
nsuf[k] = "</font>";
rets = rets + sep + npref[k] + names[k] + nsuf[k] + " " + npref[k] + ascore[k] + nsuf[k] + "/" + agoes[k];
sep = ", ";
rets = rets + asuf.replace("Your ", yours);
whichplayer = eval(((whichplayer + 1) % numplayers));
rets = rets + (" ... ready for <font color='green'>" + names[whichplayer].replace(":", "") + "</font>.").replace("ready for <font color='green'></font>.", "ready for player <font color='green'>" + eval(whichplayer + 1) + "</font>");
return rets;
function setnump(inv) {
var n, pname;
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var isiPad = /iPad/i.test(ua) || /iPhone OS 3_1_2/i.test(ua) || /Android/i.test(ua) || /iPhone OS 3_2_2/i.test(ua);
numplayers = inv;
if (numplayers > 1) {
whichplayer = 0;
for (n=0; n<numplayers; n++) {
if (n >= 0) {
names[n] = "";
npref[n] = "";
nsuf[n] = "";
ascore[n] = 0;
agoes[n] = 0;
if (isiPad) {
pname = "Player " + eval(n + 1);
} else {
pname = prompt("Optionally enter name of player " + eval(n + 1), names[n]);
if (pname != null) names[n] = pname;
if (names[n] != "") names[n] = names[n] + ":";
if (!isiPad) alert("Thanks for that ... let's play ... first turn to " + ("player " + names[0].replace(":", "") + " ... ").replace("player ...", "player 1 ...") + " and then others in turn.");
function display_all() {
var ij, io, ix, iy, ik;
thiso.style.opacity = 0.1;
for (ij=0; ij<52; ij++) {
for (ik=0; ik<4; ik++) {
ix = Math.floor((Math.random() * 97) + 1);
iy = Math.floor((Math.random() * 80) + 18);
io = document.getElementById(ij + "_" + ik);
io.style.left = ix + "%";
io.style.top = iy + "%";
io.style.opacity = 0.8;
io.style.display = 'block';
function hide_all() {
var ij, io, ik;
for (ij=0; ij<52; ij++) {
for (ik=0; ik<4; ik++) {
io = document.getElementById(ij + "_" + ik);
if (1 == 1) {
io.style.opacity = 0.1;
} else {
io.style.display = 'none';
<body onload="initA(); document.getElementById('numcardsingame').value = '0,51,1'; gamechange(document.getElementById('numcardsingame')); setInterval(fullo, 2000); " style="background-color: teal; ">
<div id="silver" align="center" style="background-color: silver; padding-bottom: 20px; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0.9;">
<br><h1 title="Click when you've seen a poker hand scoring sequence of cards to score points"> Reveal & Remember Good Poker Hand Card Game for <select id='nump' onchange='setnump(this.value);'><option value=1>1</option><option value=2>2</option><option value=3>3</option><option value=4>4</option><option value=5>5</option><option value=6>6</option><option value=7>7</option><option value=8>8</option></select> Player(s) ... Click at Good Last Five Cards</h1>
<h2 id='score' style='display:none;'>Score: 0 Goes: 0</h2>
<select id='numcardsingame' size=10 onchange='gamechange(this);' style='display:none;'><option value=''>Pick a game with number of cards as below ...</option></select>
<table id='itable' style="width:100%;" onclick="assess();"><tbody id='ibody' style="width:100%;"></tbody></table>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var ij;
for (ij=0; ij<52; ij++) {
document.write("<div id='" + ij + "_0' style='position:absolute; z-index:5; opacity: 0.8; display: none; top: 50%; left:200; overflow: hidden; width: 37.5; height: 49.5; '><img style=' margin-top:0; margin-left:0;' src='" + mypictures[ij].replace(".gif", ".jpg") + "'></img></div>");
document.write("<div id='" + ij + "_1' style='position:absolute; z-index:5; opacity: 0.8; display: none; top: 55%; left:250; overflow: hidden; width: 37.5; height: 49.5; '><img style=' margin-top:0; margin-left:-37.5;' src='" + mypictures[ij].replace(".gif", ".jpg") + "'></img></div>");
document.write("<div id='" + ij + "_2' style='position:absolute; z-index:5; opacity: 0.8; display: none; top: 60%; left:300; overflow: hidden; width: 37.5; height: 49.5; '><img style=' margin-top:-49.5; margin-left:0;' src='" + mypictures[ij].replace(".gif", ".jpg") + "'></img></div>");
document.write("<div id='" + ij + "_3' style='position:absolute; z-index:5; opacity: 0.8; display: none; top: 65%; left:350; overflow: hidden; width: 37.5; height: 49.5; '><img style=' margin-top:-49.5; margin-left:-37.5;' src='" + mypictures[ij].replace(".gif", ".jpg") + "'></img></div>");