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// ES6 Unicode Shims 0.1 , © 2012 Steven Levithan , MIT License
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var llj=sfhz(false);
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if (eval('' + totcpp) > 0) {
if (confirm('Thanks for playing the 500 (hybrid) card game ... ' + scoresuffix + sss + ' ... OK to play again?')) {
} else {

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for (ibn=0; ibn<spcps.length; ibn++) {
if (spcps[ibn].indexOf(inthree + '.') != -1) {
if (spcps[ibn].indexOf(outthree + '.') != -1) {
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var deckn=52;
var hackString='';
var tricknumber=1;
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// Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7996252/window-popups-how-to-get-window-blur-or-window-focus-to-work-in-firefox-4
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// Thanks to https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/playing_cards/list.htm
var spcps=["127137/images/01s.gif",

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var communication_list='';
var emailsms=[];

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} else if (('' + nominal_numplayers).trim().indexOf('-') == 0) {
} else if (('' + nominal_numplayers).trim().indexOf('.') != -1) {
if (('' + nominal_numplayers).trim().indexOf('.0') != -1) {
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
//Ten cards are dealt each player in a three-four-three sequence, and three cards are dealt facedown to the table as a “widow.”

// 16,33,23,3,18,41,20,11,19,47

deckn=eval('' + cards.length);
thirteen=4; //13;
four=11; //4;

} else {
if (('' + nominal_numplayers).indexOf(' ') != -1) { gallow=true; }
nominal_numplayers=nominal_numplayers.replace(/\ /g,'');
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} else {
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} else {
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cards.push("//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/000.gif?n=" + deckn);

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if (('' + nominal_numplayers).trim().indexOf('-') == 0) { nominal_numplayers=nominal_numplayers.replace(/\-/g,''); backi='/PHP/animegif/white.jpg'; card_game='any_colour'; }
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var jsz=0;
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var jsas=jsa.split(',');
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if (jsas[jsz].indexOf('.') != -1) {
if (jsas[jsz].indexOf('-') != -1) {
jscores.push(eval('-' + jsas[jsz].split('.')[1]));
} else {
} else {
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
if (eval(eval('' + jscores[0]) + eval('' + jscores[2])) >= 500) {
alert('Congratulations, Player 1 and Player 3 for reaching 500');
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[1]) + eval('' + jscores[3])) >= 500) {
alert('Congratulations, Player 2 and Player 4 for reaching 500');
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[0]) + eval('' + jscores[2])) <= -500) {
alert('Congratulations, Player 2 and Player 4 for opponents reaching -500');
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[1]) + eval('' + jscores[3])) <= -500) {
alert('Congratulations, Player 1 and Player 3 for opponents reaching -500');
} else {
for (jsz=0; jsz<nominal_numplayers; jsz++) {

if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
var prompt = function(zwords, defwords){ return null; };
nominal_implication=" var prompt = function(zwords, defwords){ return null; }; ";
if (card_game == 'memories') { backi="/Games/Memories/Memories.jpg"; }
} else {


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var firstbit=' Will accept Q?A (sessional questions ended via ? & cleared with ?x) or Q?!A (local ended via ?! & cleared with ?!x). Versus Memories or ';
var otop=100, thistop=100;
var uis='';
var force=false;
var overallgoes=0, overallscore=0;
var numplayers=1, curplayer=nextdealer, lastcurplayer=nextdealer;
var lastgoes=[0], lastscore=[0];
var clastgoes='0', clastscore='0';
var theblurb='', wblurb='';
var lastdts0='';
var lastsq=-1;
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var eles=[];
var nullv='' + eval(-1 + deckn);
var cw=-1;
var defstcp='127166';
var stcprefix='';
var lastdrag='';
var wastitle='0.0/0.0 is User Score/Goes ... up to ' + deckn + ' players can take it in turns with our Numbers Quiz - RJM Programming - April, 2021';
var given="Given answer is integer from 0 to 25 ... ";
var iourx=-1, ioury=-1;
var aminmiddle=false;
var da='';
var dp='';
var def='', os='', ps='', pg='';
var lastzkq='', lastzkl='';

var scoresuffix='';
var donelistis=',';
var nogolist=',';
var susslist=',';
var curpcols=['0,0,255,','0,255,0,','255,0,0,','0,0,127,','0,127,0,','127,0,0,', '255,0,255,','255,255,0,','0,255,255,', '127,0,127,','127,127,0,','0,127,127,'];

var hands=[], trumpsare='', thishand=[], lastwinner=nextdealer, thehand=',';
var tcp=0, tcpnum=1;
var iflip=0, cpp=deckn, totcpp=deckn, backis="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/back01.gif";

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var lasttogglenumber='';
var lastec='', notyet=false;
var backi="/rjmquiz_plus.jpg";
var fiftytwo=deckn;
var message='';
var lastcard='';
var lasttto='';
var dhi='';
var prevsb='';
var covercover=',cover,cover';
var gamescoreprefix='';
var gamescores=[0];
var lasttmid='';
var lasttfrom='';
var lasttoggleto='';
var lasttogglefrom='';
var card_of_play=0;
var csuff=String.fromCodePoint(8320 + eval('' + curplayer));

if (nominal_numplayers) {
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
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} else if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
document.head.innerHTML+='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';

var ic=0;
var flip=0; //, iflip=0, cpp=52, totcpp=52, backis="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/back01.gif";
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
cpp=Math.floor(eval(eval(-1 + deckn) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)));
totcpp=eval(cpp * eval('' + nominal_numplayers));
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
//alert('cpp=' + cpp + ' and totcpp=' + totcpp);
covercover=',580px 60px,580px 60px';
for (var iixc=0; iixc<nominal_numplayers; iixc++) {
if (iixc != 0) { scoresuffix+=',' + sfh('0'); }
dhi='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + fey + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix.split(' (via ')[0] + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';
for (ic=1; ic<=eval(0 + eval('' + cards.length)); ic++) {
if (nominal_numplayers) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
if (eval('' + ic) > eval('' + totcpp)) { if (iflip == 0) { iflip=eval(-1 + ic); } backis="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/animegif/white.jpg"; }
for (var jjc=1; jjc<=cards.length; jjc++) {
if ((cards[eval(-1 + jjc)] + '~').indexOf('?n=' + ic + '~') != -1) {
if (('' + cards[eval(-1 + ic)]).indexOf('?n=') != -1) {
//alert(backis + "?n=" + cards[eval(-1 + jjc)].split('?n=')[1] + '#' + cards[eval(-1 + jjc)].split('?')[0]);
//altcards.push(backis + "?n=" + cards[eval(-1 + jjc)].split('?n=')[1] + '#' + cards[eval(-1 + jjc)].split('?')[0]);
altcards.push(backis + "?n=" + cards[eval(-1 + ic)].split('?n=')[1] + '#' + cards[eval(-1 + ic)].split('?')[0] + '##' + spcps[eval(-1 + ic)].split('/')[0]);
} else {

} else {
if (cards[eval(-1 + ic)].indexOf('?n=') != -1) {
altcards.push("//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/back01.gif?n=" + cards[eval(-1 + ic)].split('?n=')[1] + '#' + cards[eval(-1 + ic)].split('?')[0] + '##' + spcps[eval(-1 + ic)].split('/')[0]);
} else {
//cards[eval(-1 + ic)]="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/blank01.gif#" + cards[eval(-1 + ic)];
} else {
altcards.push(cards[eval(-1 + ic)]);

// if (flip != 0) { // trumps card
// curplayer=1;
// if (cards[iflip].indexOf('?n=') != -1) {
// altcards[iflip]=cards[iflip].split('?')[0] + "?n=" + cards[iflip].split('?n=')[1] + '#' + "//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/back01.gif";
// } else {
// altcards[iflip]=cards[iflip].split('?')[0];
// }
// }

if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish' || 1 == 1) {
for (ic=1; ic<=cards.length; ic++) {
for (var jc=1; jc<=cards.length; jc++) {
if ((cards[eval(-1 + jc)] + '~').indexOf('?n=' + ic + '~') != -1) {
dragorder.push(eval(-1 + jc));
dragorderbig.push(eval(spcps[eval(-1 + jc)].split('/')[0]));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
cards[eval(-1 + jc)]=cards[eval(-1 + jc)].replace('?n=' + ic, '');
firstbit+=String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[eval(-1 + jc)].split('/')[0])) + ' ';
//if (!found) {
// alert('ic=' + ic);

console.log('dragorder=' + dragorder);

var sq=["Is the additive identity.",
"Is the multiplicative identity.",
"Is the only even prime.",
"Is the number of spatial dimensions we live in.",
"Is the smallest number of colours sufficient to colour all planar maps.",
"Is the number of Platonic solids.",
"Is the smallest perfect number.",
"Is the smallest number of sides of a regular polygon that is not constructible by straightedge and compass.",
"Is the largest cube in the Fibonacci sequence.",
"Is the maximum number of cubes that are needed to sum to any positive integer.",
"Is the base of our number system.",
"Is the largest known multiplicative persistence.",
"Is the smallest abundant number.",
"Is the number of Archimedian solids.",
"Is the smallest even number n with no solutions to phi(m) = n.",
"Is the smallest composite number n with the property that there is only one group of order n.",
"Is the only number of the form xy = yx with x and y being different integers.",
"Is the number of wallpaper groups.",
"Is the only positive number that is twice the sum of its digits.",
"Is the maximum number of 4th powers needed to sum to any number.",
"Is the number of rooted trees with 6 vertices.",
"Is the smallest number of distinct squares needed to tile a square.",
"Is the number of partitions of 8.",
"Is the smallest number of integer-sided boxes that tile a box so that no two boxes share a common length.",
"Is the largest number divisible by all numbers less than its square root.",
"Is the smallest square that can be written as a sum of 2 squares."];

var ijk=0;
var asq=[];

for (var acv=0; acv<sq.length; acv++) {
asq.push('' + acv);

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var factorx=1.0;
var factory=1.0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
factory=1.8; //8;
oleft=Math.floor(eval(235 / factorx));
thisleft=Math.floor(eval(235 / factorx));
otop=Math.floor(eval(198.0 / eval('' + factory)));
thistop=Math.floor(eval(198.0 / eval('' + factory)));

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kq='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * sq.length);
documenttitleeq('0.0/0.0 is User Score/Goes ... up to ' + deckn + ' players can take it in turns with our Numbers Quiz');
kl='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * spcps.length);

// kl=16; // kludge

//if (card_game == '500ISH') { alert('totcpp=' + totcpp + ' and kl=' + kl); }

donelist.push('' + kl);
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
// cards[ijk]=cards[ijk].split('?')[0] + '?n=' + kl;
uis=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?spcp=' + spcps[eval('' + donelist[0])].split('/')[0];
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oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.write("<html><head><link rel=icon href=" + altcards[kl].split('##')[0] + "><scr" + "ipt type='text/javascript'>" + nominal_implication + " var aminmiddle=false; var da='" + asq[eval(0 + kq)] + "'; var dp='" + given + sq[kq] + "'; var def=String.fromCodePoint(" + spcps[eval('' + kl)].split('/')[0] + "); function checka(tpa) { var os=''; var ps=eval(window.opener.documenttitle.split('/')[0].trim()); var pg=eval(window.opener.documenttitle.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0]); if (tpa.trim().toLowerCase() == da.toLowerCase()) { ps++; os=tpa.split(da)[1]; } else { pg++; os=tpa.split(tpa.trim())[1]; } window.opener.documenttitleeq(ps + os + '/' + pg + ' is User Score/Goes'); window.opener.closeit('" + kl + "'); window.close(); } function pa() { if (aminmiddle) { setTimeout(pa, 10000); return false; } if (document.hasFocus()) { var hj=window.opener.ourprompt(" + eval(-1 + oplist.length) + ",dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj) { aminmiddle=true; setTimeout(function() { hj=prompt(dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=window.opener.assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') != '') { checka(hj); } else { setTimeout(pa,10000); } aminmiddle=false; }, 8000); } if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=window.opener.assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') == '') { setTimeout(pa,1000); } else { checka(hj); } } else { setTimeout(pa,1000); } } document.head.innerHTML+=\"<style> html { background:URL('" + trumpgames(altcards[kl],kl) + "'); background-size:contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; } </style>\"; pa(); </scr" + "ipt></head></html>");
oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.title=documenttitleeq(String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[eval('' + donelist[0])].split('/')[0])));
oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.name='' + kl;
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if (huh(oplist[0])) {
if ((nominal_numplayers && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) && card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish" && dhi != '') {
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document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
} else if (nominal_numplayers && card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish" && dhi != '') {
document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
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//alert('-4 ' + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0]);
//alert(dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + ' ... via ' + dhi);
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} //else {

var tendone=false;
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { tendone=true; }
for (var jijk=1; jijk<spcps.length; jijk++) {
kq='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * sq.length);
kl='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * spcps.length);

// if (jijk == 1) { kl=38; } // kludge 2

if (eval(3 + eval('' + jijk)) == eval('' + spcps.length) && !tendone && ('' + kl) != '10') {
while (donelist.indexOf(kl) != -1) {
kl='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * spcps.length);
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
// cards[jijk]=cards[jijk].split('?')[0] + '?n=' + kl;
if (('' + kl) == '10') {

//if (card_game == '500ISH') { alert('donelist.length=' + donelist.length); }
//if (card_game == '500ISH') { alert('altcards.length=' + altcards.length); }
console.log('kl=' + kl);
defstcp=spcps[eval('' + kl)].split('/')[0];

if (huh(oplist[0])) {
dothis('' + donelist[0]);

for (ijk=1; ijk<spcps.length; ijk++) {
kq='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * sq.length);
kl='' + donelist[ijk]; //Math.floor(Math.random() * spcps.length);
//while (donelist.indexOf(kl) != -1) {
// kl='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * spcps.length);
//if (!oplist[0]) {

if (1 == 2 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
if (eval(ijk % eval(2 * thirteen + 1)) == 0) {
thistop+=eval(eval(screen.height - 100) / eval(four / 1.5)); // four
} else {
thisleft+=eval(eval(screen.width - 235) / eval(2 + eval(2 * thirteen + 1))); // thirteen
} else {
if (eval(ijk % eval(2 * thirteen + 1)) == 0) {
//thistop+=eval(eval(eval(eval(screen.height / factory) - 100) / eval(four / 1.5))); // four
console.log('top change is ' + eval(eval(eval(eval(screen.height - 100) / factory)) / eval(four / 1.5)));
thistop+=eval(eval(eval(eval(screen.height - 100) / factory)) / eval(four / 1.5)); // four
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thisleft+=Math.floor(eval(eval(eval(screen.width * factorx) - eval(235 / factorx)) / eval(2 + eval(2 * thirteen + 1)))); // thirteen
uis=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?spcp=' + spcps[eval('' + kl)].split('/')[0];
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if (altcards[kl].indexOf('##') != -1) {
opltlistl.push('.' + altcards[kl].split('##')[1]);
eval("oplist.push(windowopen('" + uis + "', '_blank', '" + hackString + "left=" + thisleft + ",top=" + thistop + ",width=20,height=20'))");
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oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.write("<html><head><link rel=icon href=" + altcards[kl].split('##')[0] + "><scr" + "ipt type='text/javascript'>" + nominal_implication + " var aminmiddle=false; var da='" + asq[eval(0 + kq)] + "'; var dp='" + given + sq[kq] + "'; var def=String.fromCodePoint(" + spcps[eval('' + kl)].split('/')[0] + "); function checka(tpa) { var os=''; var ps=eval(window.opener.documenttitle.split('/')[0].trim()); var pg=eval(window.opener.documenttitle.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0]); if (tpa.trim().toLowerCase() == da.toLowerCase()) { ps++; os=tpa.split(da)[1]; } else { pg++; os=tpa.split(tpa.trim())[1]; } window.opener.documenttitleeq(ps + os + '/' + pg + ' is User Score/Goes'); window.opener.closeit('" + kl + "'); window.close(); } function pa() { if (aminmiddle) { setTimeout(pa, 10000); return false; } if (document.hasFocus()) { var hj=window.opener.ourprompt(" + eval(-1 + oplist.length) + ",dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj) { aminmiddle=true; setTimeout(function() { hj=prompt(dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=window.opener.assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') != '') { checka(hj); } else { setTimeout(pa,10000); } aminmiddle=false; }, 8000); } if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=window.opener.assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') == '') { setTimeout(pa,1000); } else { checka(hj); } } else { setTimeout(pa,1000); } } document.head.innerHTML+=\"<style> html { background:URL('" + trumpgames(altcards[kl],kl) + "'); background-size:contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; } </style>\"; pa(); </scr" + "ipt></head></html>");
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documenttitleeq('0.0/0.0 is User Score/Goes ... up to ' + deckn + ' players can take it in turns with our Numbers Quiz - RJM Programming - April, 2021');
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defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', (',linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.4),rgba(255,255,255,0.4)),url(' + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + '); } </style>')); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
} else if ((nominal_numplayers && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) && ocp) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', (',linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.4),rgba(255,255,255,0.4)),url(' + ocp.style.cursor.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + '); } </style>')); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
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defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', (',linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.4),rgba(255,255,255,0.4)),url(' + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + '); } </style>')); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
} else if ((nominal_numplayers && card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish") && dhi != '') {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', (',linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.4),rgba(255,255,255,0.4)),url(' + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + '); } </style>')); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
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defstyle=defstyle.replace('} </style>', ' animation: animatedBackground 10s linear infinite; } @keyframes animatedBackground { from { filter: brightness(160%); } to { filter: brightness(190%); } } </style>');
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} else if (huh(oplist[0])) {
for (var kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {

if (!nominal_numplayers) {
if (huh(oplist[0])) {
setInterval(examinescore, 200);
} else {

} else {

dothis((location.search.split('spcp=')[1] ? location.search.split('spcp=')[1].split('&')[0] : defstcp));



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for (var iij=1; iij<4; iij++) {
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) > eval('' + iij)) {
aurl+=encodeURIComponent(',' + emailsms[iij]);
return aurl;

function clater() {
if ((nominal_numplayers && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) && card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish" && dhi != '') {
document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
} else if ((nominal_numplayers && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) && ocp) {
document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + ocp.style.cursor.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
} else if ((nominal_numplayers && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) && dhi != '') {
document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
} else if (nominal_numplayers && card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish" && dhi != '') {
//dhi='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + emojisuit() + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';
document.head.innerHTML+='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + emojisuit() + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>'; //"<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL(" + dhi.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0] + "); background-repeat: repeat; } </style>";
} else {
document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { opacity:1.0; overflow:visible; background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL('//www.rjmprogramming.com.au" + backi + "'); background-size: contain; } </style>";

function snapshot(defb) {
if (prevsb != '') {
//if (dhi.indexOf('url(') != -1) {
return 'url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + 'margin-left:5px;border-radius:160px;background-color:rgba(' + curpcols[eval(eval(-1 + curplayer) % eval('' + curpcols.length))] + '0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '> ' + String.fromCodePoint(10004) + ' ' + csuff + '</text></svg>")';
return defb;

function antilastec() {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish' || 1 == 1) { lastec=''; }

function antinotyet() {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish' || 1 == 1) { notyet=true; }

function domessagetwo() {
gamescoreprefix='Tricks taken are ' + gamescores[0];
for (var ijkhl=1; ijkhl<eval('' + nominal_numplayers); ijkhl++) {
if (eval('' + gamescores.length) > eval('' + ijkhl)) {
gamescoreprefix+=':' + gamescores[eval('' + ijkhl)];
} else {
if (message != '') {
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') { ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer'; }
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff;
alert(gamescoreprefix + ' ... ' + message + '');
defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, togglefrom);
defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, lasttogglefrom);

function domessage() {
gamescoreprefix='Tricks taken are ' + gamescores[0];
for (var ijkhl=1; ijkhl<eval('' + nominal_numplayers); ijkhl++) {
if (eval('' + gamescores.length) > eval('' + ijkhl)) {
gamescoreprefix+=':' + gamescores[eval('' + ijkhl)];
} else {
if (message != '') {
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') { ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer'; }
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10067,10068) + csuff;
alert(gamescoreprefix + ' ... ' + message + '');
// Thanks to https://css-tricks.com/more-control-over-css-borders-with-background-image/
//alert(' repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(180deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(270deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px),'.substring(0,1) + togglefrom.replace(/\.gif/g,'.JUNKgif'));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, snapshot(' repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(180deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(270deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px),'.substring(0,1) + togglefrom.replace(/\.gif/g,'.JUNKgif'))); // + ' 30 round');
defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, snapshot(' repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(180deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px), repeating-linear-gradient(270deg, #333333, #333333 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px, #333333 20px),'.substring(0,1) + lasttogglefrom.replace(/\.gif/g,'.JUNKgif'))); // + ' 30 round');

function pa() {
if (aminmiddle) {
if (1 == 2) { setTimeout(pa, 10000); }
return false;
if ('document.hasFocus()' == 'document.hasFocus()' && card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { overallgoes=curdrag; }
console.log(('' + opltlistl[eval('' + cw)]) + ' dragorderbig[' + curdrag + ']=' + dragorderbig[eval('' + curdrag)] + ' vs cw=' + cw + ' and overallgoes=' + overallgoes);
if ((('' + opltlistl[eval('' + cw)]).split('.')[1] == ('' + dragorderbig[eval('' + curdrag)]) && eval('' + curdrag) == eval('' + overallgoes))) {
console.log('Dragorderbig[' + curdrag + ']=' + dragorderbig[eval('' + curdrag)] + ' vs cw=' + cw + ' and overallgoes=' + overallgoes);
pg=documenttitle.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0];
if (ps.indexOf('.') == -1 || pg.indexOf('.') == -1) {
ps=eval('' + overallscore + '.' + psecs); //eval(documenttitle.split('/')[0].trim());
pg=eval('' + overallgoes + '.' + secs);
documenttitleeq(documenttitle.replace(documenttitle.split(' ')[0], '' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + '' + overallgoes + '.' + secs));
console.log('documenttitle becomes ' + documenttitle);
} else {
var decs=documenttitle.split('.');
if (eval('' + decs.length) >= 3) {
documenttitleeq(documenttitle.replace('.' + decs[1] + '.', '.' + curdrag + '/' + overallgoes + '.'));
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');
//oplist[eval('' + tw)].close();
return null;
var hj=prompt(dp + blurb(), def);
if (hj) {
//setTimeout(function() { hj=prompt(dp + blurb(), def); if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') != '') { checka(hj); } else if (1 == 2) { setTimeout(pa,10000); } aminmiddle=false; }, 8000);
if (hj == null) {
} else {
if (hj.replace(def,'') == '') {
if (1 == 2) { setTimeout(pa,1000); }
} else {
} else if (1 == 2) {

function checka(tpa) {
console.log('documenttitle=' + documenttitle + ' and tpa=' + tpa);
console.log('documenttitle=' + documenttitle + ' and tpa=' + tpa);
if (1 == 5) {
if (huh(oplist[0])) {
pg=eval(documenttitle.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0]);
} else {
pg=documenttitle.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0];
if (ps.indexOf('.') == -1 || pg.indexOf('.') == -1) {
ps=eval('' + overallscore + '.' + psecs); //eval(documenttitle.split('/')[0].trim());
pg=eval('' + overallgoes + '.' + secs);
documenttitleeq(documenttitle.replace(documenttitle.split(' ')[0], '' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + '' + overallgoes + '.' + secs));
console.log('documenttitle becomes ' + documenttitle + ' and tpa=' + tpa);
} else {
if (('' + ps) == '') { ps='0'; }
if (('' + pg) == '') { pg='0'; }
if (tpa.trim().toLowerCase() == da.toLowerCase()) {
if (os == '' || 1 == 1) {
console.log('Os=' + os + 'dt=' + '' + ('' + ps).split('.')[0] + os + '/' + '' + ('' + pg).split('.')[0] + ' is User Score/Goes');
documenttitleeq('' + '' + ('' + ps).split('.')[0] + os + '/' + '' + ('' + pg).split('.')[0] + ' is User Score/Goes');
} else {
if (os == '' || 1 == 1) {
console.log('os=' + os + 'dt=' + '' + ('' + ps).split('.')[0] + os + '/' + ('' + pg).split('.')[0] + ' is User Score/Goes');
documenttitleeq('' + ('' + ps).split('.')[0] + os + '/' + ('' + pg).split('.')[0] + ' is User Score/Goes');
if (tpa != '') {
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');
if (!nominal_numplayers) {

function threetoone(threeis) {
var suitis=('' + threeis).slice(-1);
var crdis=('' + threeis).substring(0,2);
if (crdis == '11' && trumpsare != '0') {
if (trumpsare.replace('c','s') == 's' && suitis.replace('c','s') == 's' && suitis != trumpsare) {
return suitis.replace('c','S').replace('s','C').toLowerCase();
} else if (trumpsare.replace('h','d') == 'd' && suitis.replace('h','d') == 'd' && suitis != trumpsare) {
return suitis.replace('h','D').replace('d','H').toLowerCase();
return suitis.toLowerCase();

function lessmaybeno(xxcw) {
var allowthrough=gallow, fnd=false, fnds=[], ifnds=0;
//if (nogolist.indexOf(',' + xxcw + ',') != -1) { if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { console.log('oops'); } return '1234567'; }
//alert('thishand.length=' + thishand.length);
if (thishand.length != 0 && card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
//if (!allowthrough) { alert('RE ' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + ' ... lead with ' + thishand[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase() + ' and you played ' + hands[eval(0 + xxcw)].slice(-1).toLowerCase()); }
if (!allowthrough && threetoone(thishand[0].slice(-3).toLowerCase()) != threetoone(hands[eval(0 + xxcw)].slice(-3).toLowerCase())) {
fnds=ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].substring(1).split(' ');
for (ifnds=0; ifnds<fnds.length; ifnds++) {
if (fnds[ifnds].indexOf(',') != -1) {
if (fnds[ifnds].indexOf(thishand[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase()) != -1) { fnd=true; }
if (fnd) {
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) { if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') { csuffix=' Will resend last email if you cancel this play.'; } }
if (lastconf != xxcw) { allowthrough=confirm('You could follow suit (where trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '), Player ' + clong(curplayer) + '! Allow through anyway?' + csuffix); }
if (!allowthrough) { if (1 == 11) { alert('false'); } lastiourx=-1; lastioury=-1; lastconf='' + xxcw; if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) { retcom(pmesg, pretv); } return '1234568'; } else { if (1 == 11) { alert('true'); } lastiourx=iourx; lastioury=ioury; lastconf=''; setTimeout(lastixy,2000); }
return xxcw;

function lastixy() {
lastiourx=-1; lastioury=-1;

function maybeno(xxcw) {
var allowthrough=gallow, fnd=false, fnds=[], ifnds=0;
if (nogolist.indexOf(',' + xxcw + ',') != -1) { if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { console.log('oops'); } return '1234567'; }
//alert('thishand.length=' + thishand.length);
if (thishand.length != 0 && card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
//if (!allowthrough) { alert('RE ' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + ' ... lead with ' + thishand[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase() + ' and you played ' + hands[eval(0 + xxcw)].slice(-1).toLowerCase()); }
if (!allowthrough && threetoone(thishand[0].slice(-3).toLowerCase()) != threetoone(hands[eval(0 + xxcw)].slice(-1).toLowerCase())) {
fnds=ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].substring(1).split(' ');
for (ifnds=0; ifnds<fnds.length; ifnds++) {
if (fnds[ifnds].indexOf(',') != -1) {
if (fnds[ifnds].indexOf(thishand[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase()) != -1) { fnd=true; }
if (fnd) {
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) { if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') { csuffix=' Will resend last email if you cancel this play.'; } }
allowthrough=confirm('You could follow suit (where trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '), Player ' + clong(curplayer) + '! Allow through anyway?' + csuffix);
if (!allowthrough) { if (1 == 11) { alert('False'); } if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) { retcom(pmesg, pretv); } return '1234568'; } else { if (1 == 11) { alert('True'); } }
return xxcw;

function bpmore(incss) {
var thirty=30;
var cgcols=['lime','maroon','lightblue','purple','lightgray','teal','fuchsia','olive','red','lightgreen','darkorange','pink','orange','yellow'];
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
var icg=eval(0 + Math.floor(Math.random() * cgcols.length));
var mvt=eval(10 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 40));
var kf=" @keyframes animatedBpos { from { background-position: bp1; } to { background-position: bp2; } } ";
var inkf="", jnkf="", jnkfd="", nn=0;
var inks=[];
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { thirty=1; mvt=1; }
if (incss.indexOf('} </style>') != -1) {
if (incss.indexOf('background-position:') != -1) {
for (nn=0; nn<inks.length; nn++) {
if (('' + inks[nn]).indexOf(' ') != -1) {
if (('' + inks[nn]).indexOf('px') != -1) {
jnkf+=jnkfd + eval(mvt + eval('' + inks[nn].replace(/px/g,'').replace(/\%/g,'').split(' ')[0])) + 'px ' + eval(thirty + eval('' + inks[nn].replace(/px/g,'').replace(/\%/g,'').split(' ')[1])) + 'px';
} else {
jnkf+=jnkfd + eval(mvt + eval('' + inks[nn].replace(/px/g,'').replace(/\%/g,'').split(' ')[0])) + '% ' + eval(thirty + eval('' + inks[nn].replace(/px/g,'').replace(/\%/g,'').split(' ')[1])) + '%';
} else {
jnkf+=jnkfd + inks[nn];
if (card_game == '500ISH') { incss=incss.replace(/1\.11\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<').replace(/2\.11\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<').replace(/3\.11\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<'); }
if (incss.indexOf('} @keyframes ') != -1) {
return incss.replace(/\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<').replace('yellow',cgcols[icg]).replace('} @keyframes ', ' animation: animatedBpos 10s linear infinite; }' + kf.replace('bp1', inkf).replace('bp2', jnkf) + ' @keyframes ');
} else {
return incss.replace(/\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<').replace('yellow',cgcols[icg]).replace('} </style>', ' animation: animatedBpos 10s linear infinite; }' + kf.replace('bp1', inkf).replace('bp2', jnkf) + ' } </style>');
return incss.replace(/\ \?n\=[^<]*\</g,'<');

function myalertwt(wh) {
if (lastwinner == lastwinner) {
if (thehand.replace(',','') != '' && 1 == 1) {
var thbits=('' + thehand).split(',');
for (var ith=0; ith<thbits.length; ith++) {
if (thbits[ith] != '') {
for (var jth=0; jth<spcps.length; jth++) {
if (spcps[jth].indexOf(thbits[ith].slice(-3) + '.') != -1) {
emstuff+=' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0]));
dolaterz(wh + ' ... Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]); //myalertmc(wh + ' ... Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);

function tabord(indivhtml) {
var ilook=0, jlook=1, klook=0, cbidfound='SUBMIT', tdyellow='';
var slookfor=[' data-suit=s', ' data-suit=c', ' data-suit=d', ' data-suit=h'];
var slooks=[];
var outdivhtml='<br><style> isyellow { background-color:yellow; </style><table border=2><thead></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
if (in_bidding) {
//outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</tbody>', '<tr><td>Bidding<br>Current Bid: ' + cbid + '<td><input type=SUBMIT name=myanswer value="pass "></input></td></TR></tbody>');
if (in_kitty) {
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</tbody>', '<tr><td>Bidding<br>Your Current Bid: None<td><input type=' + cbidfound + ' name=myanswer value="pass "></input></td></TR></tbody>');
} else {
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</tbody>', '<tr><td>Bidding<br>Current Bid: None<td><input type=' + cbidfound + ' name=myanswer value="pass "></input></td></TR></tbody>');
if (cbid.toLowerCase().trim().replace('pass','none').replace('none','') != '') { cbidfound='button'; }
for (klook=0; klook<bids.length; klook++) {
if (bids[klook].toLowerCase().trim() == cbid.toLowerCase().trim()) { tdyellow=' title="Current leading bid by Player ' + cbidby + '" class=isyellow'; }
if (bids[klook].indexOf('open') == 0) {
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</TR>', '<td' + tdyellow + '><input style=display:none; type=' + cbidfound + ' name=myanswer value=' + bids[klook] + '></input></td></TR>');
} else {
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</TR>', '<td' + tdyellow + '><input type=' + cbidfound + ' name=myanswer value="' + bids[klook] + ' "></input></td></TR>');
if (bids[klook].toLowerCase().trim() == cbid.toLowerCase().trim()) { cbidfound='SUBMIT'; }
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</TR>', '<td colspan=' + twentythree + '></tr><tr><td colspan=30 style=text-align:center;>... relevant to your cards below ...</td></tr>' + tds_kitty);
} else if (in_kitty) {
//alert('in_kitty=t ' + tds_kitty + ' ... ' + outdivhtml);
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</tbody>', tds_kitty + '</tbody>');
for (ilook=0; ilook<slookfor.length; ilook++) {
slooks=(indivhtml + ' <input ').split(slookfor[ilook]);
if (in_bidding && !in_kitty) {
for (jlook=0; jlook<slooks.length; jlook++) {
slooks[jlook]=slooks[jlook].replace('>:','><br>').replace(/submit/g,'button').replace(/\ href\=/g,' data-href=').replace(/background\-color\:yellow\;/g,'').replace(/background\-color\:lightgreen\;/g,'').replace(/border\:5px\ solid\ yellow\;/g,'');
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</tbody>', '<tr><td>' + slookfor[ilook].replace(' data-suit=','').replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '</td></TR></tbody>');
for (jlook=1; jlook<slooks.length; jlook++) {
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</TR>', '<td> <input' + slooks[jlook].split(' <input ')[0].replace('>:','><br>') + '</td></TR>');
outdivhtml=outdivhtml.replace('</TR>', '<td colspan=' + twentythree + '></tr>');
return outdivhtml;

function inhouse(inhref) {
var ine=inhref.split('mailto:')[1].split('?')[0];
var dprefix='';
var byis='';
var wasy='';
var aprefix=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?gamedate=' + encodeURIComponent('' + dis) + '&myanswer=';
if (ine.toLowerCase() == ine) {
form = new FormData();
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
form.append('to', ine);
form.append('inline', 'y');
var subjis=decodeURIComponent(inhref.split('subject=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]).replace(/\<font\ color\=red\>/g,'').replace(/\<\/font\>/g,'');
if (in_bidding) {
if (ssuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)] == '') { ssuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]=subjis; } else { subjis=ssuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]; }
if (in_kitty) {
subjis=subjis.replace('Bidding ', 'Kitty and Bidding ');
var sjs=subjis.split('Bidding proceeds after last ');
if (eval('' + sjs.length) != 1) {
wasy=subjis.split('Bidding proceeds after last ')[1].split(' ')[0];
subjis=sjs[0] + 'Bidding proceeds after last ' + cbid + ' ' + subjis.split('Bidding proceeds after last ' + wasy + ' ')[1];
//alert('0:' + subjis);
sjs=subjis.split('Winning bid in this 500 card game is ');
if (eval('' + sjs.length) != 1) {
wasy=subjis.split('Winning bid in this 500 card game is ')[1].split(' ')[0];
subjis=sjs[0] + 'Winning bid in this 500 card game is ' + cbid + ' ' + subjis.split('Winning bid in this 500 card game is ' + wasy + ' ')[1];
//alert('1:' + subjis);
form.append('subject', subjis);
var indef=decodeURIComponent(inhref.split('body=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + "%20");
var indefs=indef.split(':'), changefrom='', changeto='';
//if (inhref.indexOf('Congratulations') != -1) { alert("0:indefs[0].slice(-12)=" + indefs[0].slice(-12) + " and indef=" + indef); }
var data_suit='';
var thispcard='';
for (var ijhg=0; ijhg<eval(-1 + eval('' + indefs.length)); ijhg++) {
data_suit=' data-suit=' + ('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare);
thispcard=' ' + ('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-3).substring(0,2).toLowerCase().replace('00','Joker aka ').replace('01','Ace of ').replace('02','Two of ').replace('03','Three of ').replace('04','Four of ').replace('05','Five of ').replace('06','Six of ').replace('07','Seven of ').replace('08','Eight of ').replace('09','Nine of ').replace('10','Ten of ').replace('11','Jack of ').replace('12','Queen of ').replace('13','King of ') + data_suit.replace(' data-suit=','').replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '';
if (indefs[ijhg].slice(-1) == '>' || (indefs[ijhg].slice(-1) >= '0' && indefs[ijhg].slice(-1) <= '9')) {
if ((indefs[eval(1 + ijhg)] + 'x').substring(0,1) != ' ') {
changefrom=' ' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + ':';
if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('h','d') == 'd') {
//alert('1:' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]);
if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') == -1 && ('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == (thehand + ' ,xxx, ').substring(1).split(',')[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase()) {
if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
byis='border:5px solid yellow;';
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:lightgreen;' + byis + '" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:red;font-color:red;" title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:red;font-color:red;" title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:red;font-color:red;" title="Click me if you want to play this' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
//if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') != -1) { alert("1:changefrom=" + changefrom + " changeto=" + changeto); }
} else if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('s','c') == 'c') {
//alert('2:' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]);
if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') == -1 && ('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == (thehand + ' ,xxx, ').substring(1).split(',')[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase()) {
if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
byis='border:5px solid yellow;';
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:lightgreen;' + byis + '" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:black;font-color:black;" title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:black;font-color:black;" title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;color:black;font-color:black;" title="Click me if you want to play this' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
//if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') != -1) { alert("2:changefrom=" + changefrom + " changeto=" + changeto); }
} else {
//alert('3:' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].substring(1));
if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') == -1 && ('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == (thehand + ' ,xxx, ').substring(1).split(',')[0].slice(-1).toLowerCase()) {
if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
byis='border:5px solid yellow;';
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:lightgreen;' + byis + '" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;" title="Click me if you want to play this leading suit' + byis.replace('border:5px solid yellow;',' and trump') + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else if (('' + ysuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].substring(1).split(' ')[eval('' + ijhg)]).slice(-1).toLowerCase().replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare.toLowerCase()) {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;background-color:yellow;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;" title="Click me if you want to play this trump' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
} else {
changeto=dprefix + ' <input' + data_suit + ' title="Click me if you want to play' + thispcard + ' card to my right" style="display:inline-block;" type="submit" name="myanswer" value="' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + '"></input>:<a target=_blank style="text-decoration:none;font-size:48px;" title="Click me if you want to play this' + thispcard + ' card" href="' + aprefix + encodeURIComponent(indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)]) + '">';
//if (indef.indexOf('Congratulations') != -1) { alert("3:changefrom=" + changefrom + " changeto=" + changeto); }
if (1 == 7 && (in_bidding || in_kitty)) {
changeto=changeto.split('<a ')[0];
} else {
indef=indef.replace(changefrom, changeto);
} else if (dprefix != '') {
changefrom=' ' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + ':';
changeto=dprefix + ' ' + indefs[ijhg].split(' ')[eval(-1 + indefs[ijhg].split(' ').length)] + ':';
if (1 == 7 && (in_bidding || in_kitty)) {
changeto=changeto.split('<a ')[0];
} else {
indef=indef.replace(changefrom, changeto);
var htmlis='<html><body><form method=GET action="' + document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '"><input type=hidden name=gamedate id=gamedate value="' + dis + '"></input><div style=font-size:36px;>' + tabord(indef + dprefix) + '</div></form></body></html>';
if (in_bidding) {
if (hsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)] == '') { hsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]=htmlis; } else { htmlis=hsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)].replace(': None<',': ' + cbid + '<').replace(/\ href\=/g,' data-href='); }
if (in_kitty) {
htmlis=htmlis.replace(/button/g, 'submit').replace(/\=isyellow/g, '=isnotyellow');
clater(); //document.head.innerHTML+='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + emojisuit() + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';
form.append('body', htmlis.replace(': None<',': ' + cbid + '<'));
xhr.open('post', '//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/emailhtml.php', true);

// Thu Apr 15 2021 12:05:50 GMT 1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
listenforwhat=('' + dis).replace(/\+/g,'_').replace(/\ /g,'_').replace(/\:/g,'_').replace(/\(/g,'_').replace(/\)/g,'_').toLowerCase() + '.html';

setTimeout(listenout, 5000);

return '';
return inhref;

function retcom(mesg, retv) {
var afi=null, thbits=[], ith=0, jth=0, kth=1, prefis='';
var ccbit='', bbbit='', followedby='';
var splitter=' ...';
if (!dis) {
dis=new Date();
if (in_bidding) {
if (mesg.indexOf(' ' + bidplayer + '.11:') != -1) { mesg=mesg.split(' ' + bidplayer + '.11:')[0]; }
if (msuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)] == '') { msuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]=mesg; }
if (rsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)] == '') { rsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]=retv; }
var thisd=new Date();
var sbit='';
if (in_bidding) {
if (in_kitty) {
prefis='Kitty decisions of winning bid in this 500 card game is ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + ('' + cbidby).replace('1','1,III').replace('2','2,IV').replace('3','3,1').replace('4','4,2').replace('III','3').replace('IV','4') + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + '. ';
sbit='Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
prefis+=sbit; //'Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
for (var ihgs=0; ihgs<ssuffs.length; ihgs++) {
if (ssuffs[ihgs].indexOf('Bidding proceeds ') != -1) {
ssuffs[ihgs]='Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
} else if (cbid != 'None') {
if (in_kitty) {
prefis='Kitty decisions of winning bid in this 500 card game is ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + ('' + cbidby).replace('1','1,III').replace('2','2,IV').replace('3','3,1').replace('4','4,2').replace('III','3').replace('IV','4') + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + '. ';
//alert('prefis=' + prefis);
} else {
prefis='Winning bid in this 500 card game is ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + ('' + cbidby).replace('1','1,III').replace('2','2,IV').replace('3','3,1').replace('4','4,2').replace('III','3').replace('IV','4') + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + '. ';
if (mesg.indexOf('Congratulations') == 0) {
prefis='Congratulations' + csuffix.replace(' Will resend last email if you cancel this play.', ', again, but last play did not follow suit, so ') + ' ... ' + prefis;
} else if (mesg.indexOf('Bad luck') == 0) {
prefis='Bad luck' + csuffix.replace(' Will resend last email if you cancel this play.', ', again, but last play did not follow suit, so ') + ' ... ' + prefis;
} else {
prefis+=csuffix.replace(' Will resend last email if you cancel this play.', ' Sorry, but last play did not follow suit, so ... ');
if (thehand.replace(',','') != '') {
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
if (emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].indexOf('@') != -1) {
if (('' + curplayer) != '1' || 1 == 1) {
if (clong(1).indexOf('@') != -1) {
for (kth=1; kth<eval('' + nominal_numplayers); kth++) {
followedby+=', Player ' + clong(eval(1 + kth));
ccbit='&cc=' + emailsms[0].trim();
bbbit='(dealt by Player ' + clong(1) + followedby + ') ';
if (thehand.replace(',','') != '' && 1 == 1) {
thbits=('' + thehand).split(',');
for (ith=0; ith<thbits.length; ith++) {
if (thbits[ith] != '') {
for (jth=0; jth<spcps.length; jth++) {
if (spcps[jth].indexOf(thbits[ith].slice(-3) + '.') != -1) {
emstuff+=' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0]));
if (spcps[jth].slice(-5).substring(0,1).toLowerCase().replace('h','d') == 'd') {
cemstuff+=' <font color=red>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0])) + '</font>';
} else {
cemstuff+=' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0]));
if (emstuff != '') {
//if (prefis == '' && thehand.replace(',','') != '') { alert(mesg); }
if (prefis == '' && thehand.replace(',','') != '' && mesg.indexOf(' cards are ') != -1) { // && mesg.indexOf(' is hosting at ') != -1) {
mesg=mesg.replace(' cards are ', ' cards, with trick cards so far being (), are ');
prefis=' ';
splitter=' ...';
if (prefis != '') {
if (mesg.indexOf(' (') != -1) {
var xfrom=' (' + mesg.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')';
var xto=' (' + emstuff + ')';
if (('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]).indexOf('@') != -1 && ('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]).toLowerCase() == ('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))])) {
xto=' (' + cemstuff + ')';
mesg=mesg.replace(xfrom, xto);
//if (('' + emailsms[0]).indexOf('@') != -1 && ('' + emailsms[0]).toLowerCase() == ('' + emailsms[0])) {
if (('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]).indexOf('@') != -1 && ('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]).toLowerCase() == ('' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))])) {
bbbit=bbbit.replace(')', ' and Trick ' + tricknumber + ' so far Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + ' after lead by Player ' + clong(lastwinner) + ' is ' + cemstuff + ' and so you could click a button below or reply to Player ' + clong(1) + ' with [playerNumber].[cardNumber] of your choice)');
} else {
bbbit=bbbit.replace(')', ' and Trick ' + tricknumber + ' so far Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + ' after lead by Player ' + clong(lastwinner) + ' is ' + emstuff + ' and so you could reply to Player ' + clong(1) + ' with [playerNumber].[cardNumber] of your choice)');
afi.href=inhouse('mailto:' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(prefis + 'Regarding the Five Hundred card game Player ' + clong(1) + ' is hosting at ' + dis + ' ... ' + mesg.split(splitter)[0] + ' ... ' + ' (at ' + thisd + ') ... ') + ccbit + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(mesg.replace(' cards are ',' ' + bbbit + 'cards are ')));
} else {
afi.href=inhouse('mailto:' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(prefis + 'Regarding the Five Hundred card game (Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's)' + ' you are hosting ' + dis + ' ... ' + mesg.split(' ...')[0] + ' ...') + ccbit + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(mesg));
if (afi.href.indexOf('mailto:') == 0) {
} else if (emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].trim() != '') {
//afi.href='sms:' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(mesg);
if (('' + curplayer) != '1' || 1 == 1) {
if (clong(1).indexOf('@') != -1 || 11 == 11) {
for (kth=1; kth<eval('' + nominal_numplayers); kth++) {
followedby+=', Player ' + clong(eval(1 + kth));
ccbit='&cc=' + emailsms[0].trim();
bbbit='(dealt by Player ' + clong(1) + followedby + ') ';
if (thehand.replace(',','') != '' && 1 == 1) {
thbits=('' + thehand).split(',');
for (ith=0; ith<thbits.length; ith++) {
if (thbits[ith] != '') {
for (jth=0; jth<spcps.length; jth++) {
if (spcps[jth].indexOf(thbits[ith].slice(-3) + '.') != -1) {
emstuff+=' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0]));
if (spcps[jth].slice(-5).substring(0,1).toLowerCase().replace('h','d') == 'd') {
cemstuff+=' <font color=red>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0])) + '</font>';
} else {
cemstuff+=' ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[jth].split('/')[0]));
if (('' + emailsms[0]).indexOf('@') != -1 && ('' + emailsms[0]).toLowerCase() == ('' + emailsms[0])) {
bbbit=bbbit.replace(')', ' and Trick ' + tricknumber + ' so far Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + ' after lead by Player ' + clong(lastwinner) + ' is ' + emstuff + ' and so you could click a button below or reply to Player ' + clong(1) + ' with [playerNumber].[cardNumber] of your choice)');
} else {
bbbit=bbbit.replace(')', ' and Trick ' + tricknumber + ' so far Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + ' after lead by Player ' + clong(lastwinner) + ' is ' + emstuff + ' and so you could reply to Player ' + clong(1) + ' with [playerNumber].[cardNumber] of your choice)');
afi.href='sms:' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent('Regarding the Five Hundred card game Player ' + clong(1) + ' is hosting at ' + dis + ' (and now is ' + thisd + ') ... ' + mesg.split(splitter)[0] + ' ... ') + ccbit + encodeURIComponent(mesg.replace(' cards are ',' ' + bbbit + 'cards are '));
} else {
afi.href='sms:' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))] + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent('Regarding the Five Hundred card game (Trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's)' + ' you are hosting ' + dis + ' ... ' + mesg.split(' ...')[0] + ' ... ') + ccbit + encodeURIComponent(mesg);
if (mesg.indexOf('Congratulations, Player ') != -1 && csuffix == '') {
var prevretv=retv;
var pcurplayer=curplayer;
var truncmesg=mesg.split(' ... ')[0];
for (var ijb=1; ijb<=eval('' + nominal_numplayers); ijb++) {
if (eval('' + ijb) != eval('' + lastwinner)) {
retcom(truncmesg.replace('Congratulations,', 'Bad luck Player ' + clong(ijb) + ' and good luck for '), prevretv);
curplayer=lastwinner; //pcurplayer;
curplayer=lastwinner; //pcurplayer;
return retv;

function clong(inisc) {
var lastintis='';
if (('' + inisc).trim() != '') {
lastintis=('' + inisc).split(' ')[eval(-1 + ('' + inisc).split(' ').length)];
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + lastintis)) {
return '' + inisc + '[' + emailsms[eval(-1 + eval('' + lastintis))] + ']';
return '' + inisc;

function myalertmc(wh) {
if (passcnt != 0) {
} else {
setTimeout(gmyalertmc, 200);

function gmyalertmc() { // (wh) {
var wh='';
if (gwh != '') {
var inbidding=in_bidding;
var kittybidding='';
//if (in_kitty) {
// inbidding=false;
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
wh=wh.split(' ' + curplayer + '.11:')[0];
var aapref='', bbpref='';
if (inbidding) {
bbpref='In this bidding phase the last winning bid is ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' so what is your bid out of Pass,6s,6c,6d,6h,6n,7s,7c,7d,7h,7n,8s,mis' + String.fromCodePoint(232) + 're,8c,8d,8h,8n,9s,9c,9d,9h,9n,10s,10c,10d,10h' + (',open_mis' + String.fromCodePoint(232) + 're,').substring(0,1) + '10n (bearing in mind that a lowercase email address suffices to enter your next bid, via an email)? ';
if (card_game.toUpperCase() == '500ISH') { aapref+='In this game trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's, '; }
if (in_kitty) {
kittybidding=" Kitty of 3 cards (" + kemoji + ") can be swapped via comma separated list of card replacements in order eg. " + curplayer + ".7,," + curplayer + ".5 replaces card 7 with Kitty Card 1 and replaces card 5 with Kitty Card 3. " + zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].split(' ' + curplayer + '.11:')[0];
if (!in_kitty && !in_bidding) {
if (curplayer == curplayer) {
var huhc='yes';
var cfm='';
//alert('emailsms.length=' + emailsms.length + ' curplayer=' + curplayer);
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
//if (thehand.replace(',','') != '' && wh.indexOf(' (') == -1) {
//wh+=' ... cards so far in this trick are () ';
//huhc=retcom(wh.replace('Player 1 ', 'Player 1 (dealer and host) '), ' ');
//} else {
huhc=retcom(wh.replace('Player 1 ', 'Player 1 (dealer and host) '), ' ');
} else if (inbidding) {
if (kittybidding != '') {
cfm=prompt(aapref.replace('In this bidding phase the last winning bid is ','Last winning bid is ').replace(' (bearing in mind that a lowercase email address suffices to enter your next bid, via an email)','') + 'Player ' + clong(curplayer) + ', see your cards below. ' + kittybidding,'');
} else {
cfm=prompt(aapref + 'Player ' + clong(curplayer) + ', do you want to see your cards while other players turn away in popup (alert) window, else enter an email/SMS address/number for you as Player ' + curplayer + '? ' + kittybidding,'');
if (cfm != null && kittybidding != '') {
var sentas=cfm.split(',');
var outgoes=0, inthree='', outthree='', ibn=0;
if (eval('' + sentas.length) > 1 || cfm.indexof('.') != -1 || cfm.trim() == '') {
for (var is=0; is<sentas.length; is++) {
if (sentas[is].trim() != '') {
outgoes=eval(-1 + eval('' + sentas[is].replace('' + curplayer + '.','')));
inthree=hands[eval(40 + eval('' + is))].slice(-3);
for (ibn=0; ibn<spcps.length; ibn++) {
if (spcps[ibn].indexOf(inthree + '.') != -1) {
if (spcps[ibn].indexOf(outthree + '.') != -1) {
hands[outgoes]=hands[eval(40 + eval('' + is))];
if (eval('' + outthree.length) == 6 && eval('' + inthree.length) == 6) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]=zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree))).split(' ' + curplayer + '.11:')[0];
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]=ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree))).split(' ' + curplayer + '.11:')[0];
msuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]=msuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree)));
hsuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))]=hsuffs[eval(-1 + eval('' + curplayer))].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + outthree)), String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inthree)));
if (1 == 1) {
if (cbid.trim().slice(-1).toLowerCase() == 'n' || cbid.toLowerCase().indexOf('mis') != -1) {
} else {
//alert('trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' and ' + defstyle.indexOf('></text>'));
//defstyle=defstyle.replace('></text>', '>' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '</text>');
defstyle=defstyle.replace('></text>', '>' + emojisuit() + '</text>');
for (var zihgs=0; zihgs<hsuffs.length; zihgs++) {
//hsuffs[zihgs]=hsuffs[zihgs].replace('></text>', '>' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '</text>');
hsuffs[zihgs]=hsuffs[zihgs].replace('></text>', '>' + emojisuit() + '</text>');
clater(); //document.head.innerHTML+='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + emojisuit() + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';
curplayer=eval('' + cbidby);
lastwinner=eval('' + curplayer);
var hjg='' + lastwinner;
var prevcsuff=csuff;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
//alert('prevcsuff=' + prevcsuff + ' and csuff=' + csuff);
if (sss != '' && defstyle.indexOf(sss) == -1 && defstyle.indexOf(' leading ') == -1 && !sssdone) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + sss);
dhi=dhi.replace(prevcsuff,csuff + ' ' + sss);
} else {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + '');
donelistis=(',1,2,3,4,').replace(',' + lastwinner + ',', ',');
donelistis=',' + lastwinner + ',';
if (cfm == null) {
} else if (('' + cfm).trim() != '') {
var jsbid=false;
if (inbidding && cfm.indexOf('@') == -1 && cfm.replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'') != '') {
for (var ibidis=0; ibidis<bids.length; ibidis++) {
if (cfm.toLowerCase().indexOf('pass') == 0) {
gd=('' + dis);
sentanswer='pass ';
} else if ((cfm + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase() == (bids[ibidis] + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase()) {
gd=('' + dis);
sentanswer=bids[ibidis] + ' ';
if (!jsbid) {
if (communication_list == '') {
} else {
communication_list+=',' + cfm;
huhc=retcom(wh, ' ');
} else {
} else if (card_game != '500ISH' || donelistis.replace(',','') == '') {
cfm=prompt(aapref + 'Player ' + clong(curplayer) + ', do you want to see your cards while other players turn away in popup (alert) window, else enter an email/SMS address/number for you as Player ' + curplayer + '? ' + kittybidding,'');
if (cfm == null) { huhc=''; } else if (('' + cfm).trim() != '') { if (communication_list == '') { communication_list+=cfm; emailsms=communication_list.split(','); } else { communication_list+=',' + cfm; emailsms=communication_list.split(','); } huhc=retcom(wh, ' '); } else { huhc='yes'; }
if (huhc.trim() != '' && !inbidding) {
if (card_game != '500ISH' || donelistis.replace(',','') == '') { alert(wh); }
} else if (huhc.trim() != '' && inbidding) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
donelistis+='' + curplayer + ',';
cfm=prompt('Winning bid is ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' where trumps are ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's. ' + wh);
} else {
} else {
cfm=prompt(bbpref + wh);
if (cfm == null) {
} else if (('' + cfm).trim() != '') {
var isbid=false;
if (inbidding && cfm.indexOf('@') == -1 && cfm.replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'') != '') {
for (var ibidis=0; ibidis<bids.length; ibidis++) {
if (cfm.toLowerCase().indexOf('pass') == 0) {
gd=('' + dis);
sentanswer='pass ';
} else if ((cfm + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase() == (bids[ibidis] + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase()) {
gd=('' + dis);
sentanswer=bids[ibidis] + ' ';
if (!isbid) {
if (communication_list == '') {
} else {
communication_list+=',' + cfm;
huhc=retcom(wh, ' ');
} else {

function sfhz(torf) {
var om='';
var psx=scoresuffix;
var jkscores=scoresuffix.split(',');
var iyt=0, lurldone=false;
var tscores=[];
for (iyt=0; iyt<jkscores.length; iyt++) {
if (('' + jkscores[iyt]).indexOf('-') != -1) {
} else {
var sofard=scoresuffix.split('.');
for (iyt=0; iyt<bids.length; iyt++) {
if ((bids[iyt].toLowerCase() + ' ').substring(0,3).indexOf((cbid + ' ').toLowerCase().substring(0,3)) != -1) {
if (cbid.indexOf('6') == 0) {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) >= 6) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) >= 6) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else if (cbid.indexOf('7') == 0) {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) >= 7) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) >= 7) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], '' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));

} else if (cbid.indexOf('8') == 0) {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) >= 8) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) >= 8) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else if (cbid.indexOf('9') == 0) {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) >= 9) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) >= 9) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else if (cbid.indexOf('10') == 0) {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) >= 10) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) >= 10) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (('' + cbidby).replace('3','1') == '1') {
if (eval(tscores[0] + tscores[2]) == 0) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

} else {
if (eval(tscores[1] + tscores[3]) == 0) {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]+=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
} else {
jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]-=eval('' + sbid[iyt]);
om='' + jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
if (om.substring(0,1) == '-') { om='-'; } else { om=''; }
scoresuffix=scoresuffix.replace('-' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))])).replace('' + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + sofard[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))].split(',')[0], om + tscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))] + '.' + Math.abs(jscores[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))]));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + psx + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');

if (torf) {
if (eval(eval('' + jscores[0]) + eval('' + jscores[2])) >= 500) {
if (confirm('Congratulations, Player 1 and Player 3 for reaching 500. Another game?')) {
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[1]) + eval('' + jscores[3])) >= 500) {
if (confirm('Congratulations, Player 2 and Player 4 for reaching 500. Another game?')) {
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[0]) + eval('' + jscores[2])) <= -500) {
if (confirm('Congratulations, Player 2 and Player 4 for opponents reaching -500. Another game?')) {
} else if (eval(eval('' + jscores[1]) + eval('' + jscores[3])) <= -500) {
if (confirm('Congratulations, Player 1 and Player 3 for opponents reaching -500. Another game?')) {
if (!lurldone) { location.href=lurl(); }
return lurl();

function sfh(invl) {
var ssl=eval(0 + eval('' + scoresuffix.split(',').length));
if (scoresuffix == '') { ssl=0; }
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
//alert('scoresuffix=' + scoresuffix + ' calls on jscores[' + ssl + ']');
if (invl.indexOf('.') == -1) {
if (('' + jscores[ssl]).indexOf('-') != -1) {
return '-' + invl + '.' + Math.abs(eval('' + jscores[ssl]));
} else {
return invl + '.' + jscores[ssl];
return '' + invl;

function whowon() {
var leadoff=lastwinner;
var wis=lastwinner, qw=0;
var tsw=wis, ioff=0;
var sofarnotrumps=true;
var oss=scoresuffix, leadis=thishand[qw].slice(-1);
var osses=scoresuffix.split(',');
if (thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) != trumpsare && leadis == thishand[qw].slice(-1)) { ioff=13; } else { ioff=0; }
if (thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare) { sofarnotrumps=false; }
var wl=eval(ioff + eval('' + thishand[qw].length));
var nextoss='', jnext;
//alert(thehand.replace(/\ /g,'x') + ' ... ' + trumpsare);
while (eval('' + qw) < eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
if (thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) != trumpsare && leadis == thishand[qw].slice(-1)) { ioff=13; } else { ioff=0; }
if (eval(ioff + eval('' + thishand[qw].length)) > eval('' + wl) || (sofarnotrumps && thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare)) {
//if (thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare) {
if (sofarnotrumps && thishand[qw].slice(-1).replace('0',trumpsare) == trumpsare) { sofarnotrumps=false; leadis=' '; }
wl=eval(ioff + eval('' + thishand[qw].length));
if (wis > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) { wis=1; }
//alert('winner=' + lastwinner);
osses[eval(-1 + lastwinner)]='' + eval(1 + eval(('' + osses[eval(-1 + lastwinner)]).replace('-','').split('.')[0]));
scoresuffix='' + sfh(osses[0].replace('-','').split('.')[0]);
for (jnext=1; jnext<eval('' + nominal_numplayers); jnext++) {
scoresuffix+=',' + sfh(osses[jnext].replace('-','').split('.')[0]);

if (1 == 2) {
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) == 0) {
} else if (('' + emailsms[0]).indexOf('@') != -1) {
if (scoresuffix.indexOf(' via ') == -1) { scoresuffix=scoresuffix + ' (via emails to Player 1 perhaps)'; }
} else if (('' + emailsms[0]).trim() == '') {
} else {
if (scoresuffix.indexOf(' via ') == -1) { scoresuffix=scoresuffix + ' (via SMS to Player 1 perhaps)'; }

myalertwt('Congratulations, Player ' + clong(lastwinner) + ', you win Trick ' + tricknumber + ' (' + emstuff + ') lead off by Player ' + clong(leadoff) + ' and Trumps ' + trumpsare.replace('c','Club').replace('d','Diamond').replace('s','Spade').replace('h','Heart').replace('0','No Trump') + 's' + '), and lead off, as applicable, for the next trick. Scores are ' + scoresuffix.split(' (via ')[0]);
curplayer=eval('' + lastwinner);
var prevcsuff=csuff;
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' ' + oss + '<', ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');
if (csuff != prevcsuff) {

if (sss != '' && defstyle.indexOf(sss) == -1 && defstyle.indexOf(' leading ') == -1 && !sssdone) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + sss);
} else {

//if (defstyle.indexOf(' (via ') != -1 || eval('' + emailsms.length) == 0) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + '');
//} else if (('' + emailsms[0]).indexOf('@') != -1) {
//defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + ' (via emails to Player 1 perhaps)');
//} else if (('' + emailsms[0]).trim() == '') {
//defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + '');
//} else {
//defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + prevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + ' (via SMS to Player 1 perhaps)');


function dolaterz(inwh) {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
} else {
alert(inwh.split(' ...')[0]);

function dolaterx() {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);

function popupsim(zkq, zkl) {
var xkq='' + zkq;
if (xkq == '0') { xkq='' + deckn; }
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && lasttogglenumber == ' ') { lasttogglenumber=''; }
if (lasttogglenumber != ' ') {
for (var ihj=0; ihj<spcps.length; ihj++) {
if (('' + zkl) == spcps[ihj].split('/')[0]) {
for (var jhj=0; jhj<donelist.length; jhj++) {
if (('' + donelist[jhj]) == ('' + ihj)) {
cw=eval(0 + jhj);
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && ('' + altcw) != '-1') { cw=eval(-1 + altcw); }
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && nominal_numplayers && lasttogglenumber != ' ' && eval('' + defstyle.split('url(').length) > eval('' + maybeno(cw))) {
// if (defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>')[eval(-1 + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>').length)].indexOf('' + curplayer + '.') != 0) {
// console.log('Cw=' + cw + ' and curplayer=' + curplayer + ' and Dbit=' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].substring(0,350));
// lasttogglenumber=' ';
// }
// }
if (nominal_numplayers && lasttogglenumber.replace(' ',' ') != ' ' && eval('' + defstyle.split('url(').length) > eval('' + maybeno(cw))) {
console.log('cw=' + cw + ' and dbit=' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].substring(0,350));
var cardlook=('' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))]);
if (cardlook.indexOf('?n=') != -1) {
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' cardlook=' + cardlook + ' ' + defstyle);
cardlook='?n=' + cardlook.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '#';
console.log('cw=' + cw + ' cardlook=' + cardlook);
cardlook=cardlook.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '#'; //'' + spcps[eval('' + cw)].substring(6).split('.')[0] + '.';
console.log('cw=' + cw + ' Cardlook=' + cardlook);
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' Cardlook=' + cardlook + ' ' + defstyle);
if (defstyle.indexOf(cardlook) != -1) {
var hh='#';
if (defstyle.indexOf('?n=' + xkq + '<') != -1 || card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { hh='<'; }
console.log('hh=' + hh + ' and xkq=' + xkq);
if (defstyle.indexOf('?n=' + xkq + hh) != -1) {
if (lasttogglenumber != ('' + xkq)) { // || card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
lasttogglenumber=('' + xkq);
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' and ihj=' + ihj + ' cardlook=' + cardlook);
//alert(defstyle.split('?n=' + eval(1 + iuh) + '#')[0].slice(-150) + '?n=' + eval(1 + iuh) + '#');
togglefrom='url(' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0] + '?n=' + xkq + hh + defstyle.split('?n=' + xkq + hh)[1].split(')')[0] + ')';
tmid='?' + togglefrom.split('?')[1].split(hh)[0] + hh;
toggleto='url(' + tto + tmid + tfrom + ')';
//if (defstyle.indexOf(togglefrom) != -1) {
//alert(togglefrom + ' to ' + toggleto);

if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(togglefrom, toggleto);

if (card_of_play == 0) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && thehand.indexOf(',' + hands[eval(0 + cw)] + ',') == -1) {
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' and ihj=' + ihj + ' and donelist[ihj]=' + donelist[ihj]);
//alert(hands[eval(0 + cw)] + ' before is ' + hands[eval(-1 + cw)] + ' after is ' + hands[eval(1 + cw)]);
thishand.push(hands[eval(0 + cw)]);
thehand+=hands[eval(0 + cw)] + ',';
var qs='';
for (var kjijk=0; kjijk<cards.length; kjijk++) {
if ((cards[kjijk] + '~').indexOf('?n=' + xkq + '~') != -1) {
//alert('qs=' + qs + ' and xkq=' + xkq + ' ' + cards[0]);
if (eval('' + qs) >= 127153 && eval('' + qs) <= 127182) {
if (hands[cw].replace(/d\./g, 'h.').indexOf('h.') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0], defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].replace(eyfb,neweyfb).replace(eypc,neweypc).replace(tfpx,newtpfx + 'margin-top:20px;font-color:red;')).replace('>' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>')[eval(-1 + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>').length)], '>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + qs)));
} else {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0], defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].replace(eyfb,neweyfb).replace(eypc,neweypc).replace(tfpx,newtpfx + 'margin-top:20px;')).replace('>' + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>')[eval(-1 + defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + eval('' + cw))].split('?')[0].trim().split('>').length)], '>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + qs)));
} else if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
susslist+='' + cw + ',';
console.log('first card');
if (toggleto.indexOf('images/0') != -1) {
lastcard='0' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0];
} else if (toggleto.indexOf('images/1') != -1) {
lastcard='1' + toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0];
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
var wqt='> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<';
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(wqt,'> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');
if (eval('' + thishand.length) == eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
setTimeout(dolaterx,2000); //alert('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
//message=('Player ' + curplayer + ', your hand currently holds ' + emojistr[eval(-1 + curplayer)] + ' so do you want to keep card showing, or discard.'); // + lastcard.substring(0,2) + ' ' + ('0' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,1)));
//if (ocp) { ocp.style.cursor='progress'; }
//} else {
console.log('First card');
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10068,10067) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, crosshair';
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10068,10067) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10068,10067) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10068,10067) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10068,10067) + csuff;
if (message != '') { alert(gamescoreprefix + ' ... ' + message + ''); }

} else {
console.log('second card');
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { susslist+='' + cw + ','; }
if (toggleto.indexOf('images/0') != -1) {
console.log('Second card');
if ((card_game == 'any_colour' || lastcard.substring(0,2) == ('0' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,1))) && (card_game == 'memories' || ((card_game == 'zebra' && lastcard.substring(2,3).replace('h','black').replace('d','black').replace('c','red').replace('s','red') == toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red')) || (card_game == 'any_colour' && lastcard.substring(2,3).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red') == toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red')) ) )) {
message=('Well done, continue Player ' + curplayer);
gamescores[eval(-1 + curplayer)]++;
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, progress';
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff;
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, togglefrom.replace(/\./g,'.JUNK'));
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, lasttogglefrom.replace(/\./g,'.JUNK'));
} else {
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, togglefrom);
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, lasttogglefrom);
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) { curplayer=1; }
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + gamescores.length)) { gamescores.push(0); }
message=('Next player ' + curplayer + ' goes now '); // + lastcard + ' ' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2) + ' vs ' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1]); // + lastcard.substring(0,2) + ' ' + ('0' + toggleto.split('images/0')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,1)));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, not-allowed';
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff;

} else if (toggleto.indexOf('images/1') != -1) {
if ((card_game == 'any_colour' || lastcard.substring(0,2) == ('1' + toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,1))) && (card_game == 'memories' || ((card_game == 'zebra' && lastcard.substring(2,3).replace('h','black').replace('d','black').replace('c','red').replace('s','red') == toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red')) || (card_game == 'any_colour' && lastcard.substring(2,3).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red') == toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2).replace('c','black').replace('s','black').replace('d','red').replace('h','red')) ) )) {
message=('Well done, continue Player ' + curplayer);
gamescores[eval(-1 + curplayer)]++;
//if (ocp) { ocp.style.cursor='progress'; }
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, progress';
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10004) + csuff;

//defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, togglefrom.replace(/\./g,'.JUNK'));
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, lasttogglefrom.replace(/\./g,'.JUNK'));
} else {
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(toggleto, togglefrom);
//defstyle=defstyle.replace(lasttoggleto, lasttogglefrom);
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) { curplayer=1; }
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + gamescores.length)) { gamescores.push(0); }
message=('Next player ' + curplayer + ' goes now '); // + lastcard + ' ' + toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0].substring(1,2) + ' vs ' + toggleto.split('images/1')[1]); // + lastcard.substring(0,2) + ' ' + ('1' + toggleto.split('images/1')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,1)));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() != '500ish') {
if (ocp) {
ocp.style.cursor='url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff + '</text></svg>") 16 0, not-allowed';
if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff;
} else if (defstyle.indexOf('data:image/svg') != -1) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(prevsb, String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff);
prevsb=String.fromCodePoint(10060) + csuff;

lasttogglenumber=' ';
//console.log('zkq=' + zkq + ' asq.length=' + asq.length + ' sq.length=' + sq.length);
//alert('zkq=' + zkq);
da='' + asq[eval(0 + zkq)];
//console.log('da=' + da);
//alert('da=' + da);
dp='' + given + sq[eval('' + zkq)];
//console.log('dp=' + dp);
//alert('dp=' + dp);
def=String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + zkl));
//documenttitleeq(ps + os + '/' + pg + ' is User: Score/Goes');
// window.close(); // remove from defstyle created background-image list
//document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { background:URL('" + cards[zkl] + "'); background-size:contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; } </style>";
if (zkq != lastzkq || zkl != lastzkl) {

function StringsearchCodePoint(inumis) {
for (var igf=0; igf<spcps.length; igf++) {
//alert('inumis=' + inumis + ' ... ' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[igf].split('/')[0])));
if (inumis.indexOf('' + String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[igf].split('/')[0]))) != -1) {
if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'd') {
return inumis + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9830,65039); // ♦ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'h') {
return inumis + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(10084,65039); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'c') {
return inumis + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9827); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 's') {
return inumis + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9824); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} // ♣
return inumis;

function StringreCodePoint(inumis) {
for (var igf=0; igf<spcps.length; igf++) {
if (('' + inumis) == spcps[igf].split('/')[0]) {
if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'd') {
return 'style=color:red; '; // ♦ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'h') {
return 'style=color:red; '; // ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'c') {
return 'style=color:black; '; // ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 's') {
return 'style=color:black; '; // ❤ ️
} // 
return '';

function emojisuit() {
if (trumpsare == 'd') {
return String.fromCodePoint(9830,65039); // ♦ ️
} else if (trumpsare == 'h') {
return String.fromCodePoint(10084,65039); // ❤ ️
} else if (trumpsare == 'c') {
return String.fromCodePoint(9827); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} else if (trumpsare == 's') {
return String.fromCodePoint(9824); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} // 
return '';

function StringfromCodePoint(inumis) {
for (var igf=0; igf<spcps.length; igf++) {
if (('' + inumis) == spcps[igf].split('/')[0]) {
if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'd') {
return String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inumis)) + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9830,65039); // ♦ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'h') {
return String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inumis)) + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(10084,65039); // ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 'c') {
return String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inumis)) + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9827); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} else if (spcps[igf].split('.gif')[0].slice(-1) == 's') {
return String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inumis)) + ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(9824); // ❤ ️ ❤ ️
} // 
return String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + inumis));

function sentclick() {
var togglefrom='', toggleto='', tfrom='', tto='', tmid='', iok=true, icw=0;
var remote=false;
var tlen=0;
var ihjk=0;

var gono=false;
var froms='>1.1<', tos='>1.1<';
var carddesc='', defval=0, ixc, blanks=' ';
var bdl=[];
var kjn=0;
var iskitty=false;

var bcp='';

if (sentanswer.indexOf('.') != -1) {
//alert('here why');
clater(); //document.head.innerHTML+='<style> html { cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=' + "'" + 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' + "'" + ' width=' + "'" + '96' + "'" + ' height=' + "'" + '48' + "'" + ' viewport=' + "'" + '0 0 100 100' + "'" + ' style=' + "'" + brad + 'background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.1);' + eyfb + 'font-family:Verdana;font-size:' + tfpx + "'" + '><text y=' + "'" + eypc + "'" + '>' + emojisuit() + '</text></svg>") 16 0, pointer; } </style>';
if (('' + curplayer) != ('' + sentanswer.split('.')[0])) {
} else if (('' + curplayer) == ('' + sentanswer.split('.')[0])) {
var iuh=eval(-1 - eval(eval('' + nominal_numplayers) - eval('' + sentanswer.split('.')[0])) + eval(eval('' + nominal_numplayers) * eval('' + sentanswer.split('.')[1])) );
if (eval('' + oplistname.length) > eval('' + iuh) && card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
if (oplistname[iuh] == '') {
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval(('' + opltlistl[iuh]).split('.')[1]));
} else {
if (eval(1 + eval(iuh % nominal_numplayers)) == eval('' + curplayer) && iuh != lastsq) {
//alert(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0]);
var fgs=defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].split('<!-- ');
var zfgs=defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].split(' ?n=');
if (fgs.length > 1 && zfgs.length > 1) {
var repthis='>' + zfgs[0].split('>')[eval(-1 + zfgs[0].split('>').length)] + ' ';
var cde=fgs[1].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0];

if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && thehand.indexOf(cde) == -1) {
if (lastcde == cde && 1 == 7) {
} else {
var iicw=0;
for (var jjcw=0; jjcw<hands.length; jjcw++) {
if (hands[jjcw].slice(-3) == cde) { iicw=jjcw; icw=iicw; }
if (eval('' + defstyle.split('url(').length) > eval('' + maybeno(iicw))) {
} else {

if (iok) {

for (var iz=0; iz<zsuffs.length; iz++) {
zsuffs[iz]=zsuffs[iz].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])), ' ');
ysuffs[iz]=ysuffs[iz].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])) + ',', '');
if (eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) >= 127153 && eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) <= 127182) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0], defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].replace(eyfb,neweyfb).replace(eypc,neweypc).replace(tfpx,newtfpx + 'margin-top:20px;font-color:red;').replace(repthis,'>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])) + ' '));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && thehand.indexOf(cde) == -1) {
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' and ihj=' + ihj + ' and donelist[ihj]=' + donelist[ihj]);
//alert(hands[icw] + ' before is ' + hands[icw] + ' after is ' + hands[icw]);
thehand+=hands[icw] + ',';
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
var wqt='> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<';
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(wqt,'> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');
if (eval('' + thishand.length) == eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
setTimeout(dolaterx,2000); //alert('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
//} else {


// }
} else {
//alert('here xhuh');
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval('' + oplistname[iuh]));
} else {
//alert('here zhuh');
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval(('' + opltlistl[iuh]).split('.')[1]));
// }
// }
//alert('here yhuh');
} else {
//alert('here huh');
if (eval('' + sentanswer.length) < 3 || eval('' + sentanswer.length) > 4) {

if (in_bidding) {

//alert('sent ma=' + ma);

if (ma.toLowerCase().indexOf('pass') == 0) {
if (passcnt == 4 || passcnt == 3) {

if (passcnt == 4 && cbid.toLowerCase().replace('pass','none') == 'none') { alert('Reload.'); location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0]; }
if (passcnt == 4) { in_bidding=false; }
if (passcnt == 3) {
if (eval('' + bidplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayer)) { bidplayer=1; }
var prevcb=' ' + cbid + ' ';
//cbid=bids[eval(-1 + eval('' + cbidby))];
//alert('lead bidplayer=' + cbidby);
//cbidby=eval('' + cbidby);
//alert('lead cbidby=' + cbidby + ' cbid=' + cbid);
var jsbit=' ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' ';
for (var jihgs=0; jihgs<ssuffs.length; jihgs++) {
if (ssuffs[jihgs].indexOf('Bidding proceeds ') != -1) {
ssuffs[jihgs]='Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
msuffs[jihgs]=msuffs[jihgs].replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ').replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ');
ssuffs[jihgs]=ssuffs[jihgs].replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ').replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ');
//cbidrank=eval(-1 + eval('' + bidplayer));
curplayer=eval('' + cbidby);
lastwinner=eval('' + cbidby);
donelistis=(',1,2,3,4,').replace(',' + lastwinner + ',', ',');
if (cbid.trim().slice(-1).toLowerCase() == 'n' || cbid.toLowerCase().indexOf('mis') != -1) {
} else {

var xhjg='' + lastwinner;
var xprevcsuff=csuff;
for (var xipl=0; xipl<xhjg.length; xipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + xhjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + xipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
//alert('prevcsuff=' + prevcsuff + ' and csuff=' + csuff);
sss=' leading ' + cbidby + ' bid ' + cbid + ' ' + emojisuit();
if (sss != '' && defstyle.indexOf(sss) == -1 && defstyle.indexOf(' leading ') == -1 && !sssdone) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + xprevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + sss); //.replace('></text>','>' + sss + '</text>');
dhi=dhi.replace(xprevcsuff,csuff + ' ' + sss);
} else {
defstyle=defstyle.replace('Click away Player ' + xprevcsuff + '', 'Click away Player ' + csuff + '');

var thirty=30;
var threeis=' ';
var eis=0;
var sstyle='style=color:black; ';
var ostyle='style=color:red; ';
//alert('hands.length=' + hands.length + ' hands[40]=' + hands[40]);
for (ixc=0; ixc<hands.length; ixc++) {
bdl=hands[ixc].split(' ');
if (eval('' + ixc) >= 40) {
//alert('0:' + hands[ixc] + '!');
//alert('threeis=' + threeis + ' ... ' + hands[ixc] + '!');
for (ihjk=0; ihjk<spcps.length; ihjk++) {
if (spcps[ihjk].indexOf(threeis + '.') != -1) {
eis=eval('' + spcps[ihjk].split('/')[0]);
//alert(String.fromCodePoint(eis) + ' threeis=' + threeis + 'zsuffs[]=' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
if (tds_kitty == '') {
tds_kitty='<tr><td>Kitty Card</td><td><select ' + StringreCodePoint(eis) + 'name=swap1><option value="">1 ' + StringfromCodePoint(eis) + ' ... in for ...</option></SELECT></td></TR>';
for (ihjk=0; ihjk<10; ihjk++) {
tds_kitty=tds_kitty.replace('</SELECT>','<option value="+' + curplayer + '.11,-' + curplayer + '.' + eval(1 + eval('' + ihjk)) + '">' + StringsearchCodePoint(zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].trim().split(' ')[eval('' + ihjk)]) + '</option></SELECT>');
} else {
tlen=eval(-1 + eval('' + tds_kitty.split('</td>').length));
//alert('tlen=' + tlen + ' ' + tds_kitty + ' ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].trim().split(' ').length);
kemoji+=',' + String.fromCodePoint(eis);
tds_kitty=tds_kitty.replace('</td></TR>','</td><td><select ' + StringreCodePoint(eis) + 'name=swap' + tlen + '><option value="">' + tlen + ' ' + StringfromCodePoint(eis) + ' ... in for ...</option></SELECT></td></TR>');
for (ihjk=0; ihjk<10; ihjk++) {
tds_kitty=tds_kitty.replace('</SELECT>','<option value="+' + curplayer + '.1' + tlen + ',-' + curplayer + '.' + eval(1 + eval('' + ihjk)) + '">' + StringsearchCodePoint(zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)].trim().split(' ')[eval('' + ihjk)]) + '</option></SELECT>');
if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('000') == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,17);
//alert(hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,20)).replace(/\ /g,'x'));
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,33));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 33'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('11' + trumpsare) == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,17);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,31));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 31'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('11' + trumpsare.replace('c','S').replace('s','C').replace('d','H').replace('h','D').toLowerCase()) == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,16);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,30));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 30'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].slice(-1) == trumpsare) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,13);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,27));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 27'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'');
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 0'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
tds_kitty=tds_kitty.replace('</td></TR>','</td><td colspan=' + thirty + '></td></tr>');
for (var ihgs=0; ihgs<hsuffs.length; ihgs++) {
zsuffs[eval(0 + eval('' + ihgs))]=zsuffs[eval(0 + eval('' + ihgs))].split(' ' + eval('' + ihgs) + '.11:')[0];
ysuffs[eval(0 + eval('' + ihgs))]=ysuffs[eval(0 + eval('' + ihgs))].split(' ' + eval('' + ihgs) + '.11:')[0];
if (hsuffs[ihgs].indexOf('</thead>') != -1) {
hsuffs[ihgs]=hsuffs[ihgs].replace('</thead>', tds_kitty + '</thead>');

if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') {
//alert('88:' + in_kitty + in_bidding + ' curplayer=' + curplayer + ' ' + msuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
if (passcnt == 3 && 1 == 6) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
myalertmc(msuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]); //retcom(msuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)], ' '); //rsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
if (1 == 1) {
if (!remote) {
//alert('9 ' + in_bidding + in_kitty);
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
if (eval('' + bidplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayer)) { bidplayer=1; }
curplayer=eval('' + bidplayer);
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') {
retcom(msuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)], rsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]);
if (1 == 1) {
if (!remote) { myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]); }
} else {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(' leading ',' lead ');
//alert('becomes true');
//bids[eval(-1 + eval('' + bidplayer))]=ma.trim(); // ?
var thisbidrank=-1;
for (var ibidis=0; ibidis<bids.length; ibidis++) {
if (ma.substring(0,3).toLowerCase() == (bids[ibidis] + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase()) {
//alert('found bid ' + bids[ibidis]);
if (eval('' + thisbidrank) > eval('' + cbidrank)) {
//alert('found relevant bid ' + bids[ibidis]);
var jprevcb=' ' + cbid + ' ';
cbidby=eval(0 + eval('' + bidplayer));
//sss=' leading ' + cbidby + ' bid ' + cbid + ' ' + emojisuit();
//alert('cbid=' + cbid + ' and ma=' + ma + ' and cbidby=' + cbidby);
var jjsbit=' ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' ';
for (var kjihgs=0; kjihgs<ssuffs.length; kjihgs++) {
if (ssuffs[kjihgs].indexOf('Bidding proceeds ') != -1) {
ssuffs[kjihgs]='Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
msuffs[kjihgs]=msuffs[kjihgs].replace(jprevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ').replace(jprevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ');
if (eval('' + bidplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayer)) { bidplayer=1; }

curplayer=eval('' + bidplayer);
//alert('sent bid=' + cbid + ' and onto bidplayer=' + curplayer);

// send next
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') {
retcom(msuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)], rsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]);
if (1 == 1) {
if (!remote) { myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]); }

//alert('here xhuh');

function clickedmaybe() {
var togglefrom='', toggleto='', tfrom='', tto='', tmid='', icw=0, iok=true;
if (('' + lastiourx) != '-1' && ('' + lastioury) != '-1') {
if (('' + iourx) != '-1' && ('' + ioury) != '-1') {
if (!oplist[0] || 7 == 7) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { console.log('here at x=' + iourx + ' and y=' + ioury + ' ' + opltlistl[0] + ',' + opltlistt[0]); }
for (var iuh=0; iuh<opltlistl.length; iuh++) {
if (eval('' + iourx) >= eval('' + opltlistl[iuh]) && eval('' + ioury) >= eval('' + opltlistt[iuh])) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { console.log('passed left and top test'); }
if (eval('' + iourx) <= eval(eval('' + owidth) + eval('' + opltlistl[iuh])) && eval('' + ioury) <= eval(eval('' + oheight) + eval('' + opltlistt[iuh]))) {
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { altcw=eval(1 + iuh); console.log(' ... and other ' + curplayer); }
if (eval('' + oplistname.length) > eval('' + iuh) && card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') {
if (oplistname[iuh] == '') {
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval(('' + opltlistl[iuh]).split('.')[1]));
} else {
if (eval(1 + eval(iuh % nominal_numplayers)) == eval('' + curplayer) && iuh != lastsq) {
//alert(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0]);
var fgs=defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].split('<!-- ');
var zfgs=defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].split(' ?n=');
if (fgs.length > 1 && zfgs.length > 1) {
var repthis='>' + zfgs[0].split('>')[eval(-1 + zfgs[0].split('>').length)] + ' ';
var cde=fgs[1].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0];
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && thehand.indexOf(cde) == -1) {
if (lastcde == cde && 1 == 7) {
} else {
var iicw=0;
for (var jjcw=0; jjcw<hands.length; jjcw++) {
if (hands[jjcw].slice(-3) == cde) { iicw=jjcw; icw=iicw; }
//alert('cde=' + cde + ' thehand=' + thehand + ' iicw=' + iicw + ' lessmaybeno(icw)=' + lessmaybeno(iicw));
if (eval('' + defstyle.split('url(').length) > eval('' + lessmaybeno(iicw))) {
} else {
for (var iz=0; iz<zsuffs.length; iz++) {
zsuffs[iz]=zsuffs[iz].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])), ' ');
ysuffs[iz]=ysuffs[iz].replace(String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])) + ',', '');
if (eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) >= 127153 && eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) <= 127182) {
//alert(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].replace(eyfb,neweyfb).replace(eypc,neweypc).replace(tfpx,newtfpx + 'margin-top:20px;font-color:red;').replace(repthis,'>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]))));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0], defstyle.split('url(')[eval(1 + iuh)].split('</svg>')[0].replace(eyfb,neweyfb).replace(eypc,neweypc).replace(tfpx,newtfpx + 'margin-top:20px;font-color:red;').replace(repthis,'>' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(fgs[1].split(' ')[0].split('-')[0])) + ' '));
if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish' && thehand.indexOf(cde) == -1) {
for (var jcw=0; jcw<hands.length; jcw++) {
if (hands[jcw].slice(0-3) == cde) { icw=jcw; }
//alert('cw=' + cw + ' and ihj=' + ihj + ' and donelist[ihj]=' + donelist[ihj]);
//alert(hands[icw] + ' before is ' + hands[icw] + ' after is ' + hands[icw]);
thehand+=hands[icw] + ',';
if (eval('' + curplayer) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
var wqt='> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<';
var hjg='' + curplayer;
for (var ipl=0; ipl<hjg.length; ipl++) {
//alert(hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))) + ' has ord ' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0) + ' to ' + eval(8304 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
csuff+=String.fromCodePoint(eval(8320 + eval(eval('' + hjg.substring(ipl,eval(1 + eval('' + ipl))).charCodeAt(0)) - 48)));
defstyle=defstyle.replace(wqt,'> Click away Player ' + csuff + ' ' + scoresuffix + '<');
if (eval('' + thishand.length) == eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
setTimeout(dolaterx,2000); //alert('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else {
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);

} else {
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval('' + oplistname[iuh]));
} else {
popupsim(eval(('' + opltlistt[iuh]).split('.')[1]), eval(('' + opltlistl[iuh]).split('.')[1]));


function huh(opl) {
if (opl) {
if ((nominal_numplayers || document.URL.indexOf('onewindow=') != -1) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
return null;
} else {
return opl;
} //if (card_game == '500ISH') {
return null;

function windowopen(one, two, three) {
if (1 == 1 || (nominal_numplayers || document.URL.indexOf('onewindow=') != -1) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
console.log('Here ' + oheight);
opltlistt.push(('' + eval(-42 + eval(three.split('top=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0]))).split('.')[0] + '.' + kq);
if (eval('' + opltlistl.length) >= eval('' + opltlistt.length)) {
opltlistl[eval(-1 + eval('' + opltlistt.length))]='' + eval(three.split('left=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0].split('.')[0] + opltlistl[eval(-1 + eval('' + opltlistt.length))]);
} else {
opltlistl.push((three.split('left=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0].split('.')[0] + '.' + one.split('spcp=')[1].split('&')[0]));
oopltlistl.push((three.split('left=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0].split('.')[0] + '.' + one.split('spcp=')[1].split('&')[0]));
oopltlistt.push(('' + eval(-42 + eval(three.split('top=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0]))).split('.')[0] + '.' + kq);
//if (card_game.toLowerCase() == '500ish') { tfpx='' + owidth + 'px'; }
if (defstyle.indexOf('background: URL(') != -1) {
//defstyle=defstyle.split('background: URL(')[0] + 'background-repeat:repeat,no-repeat;background-size:contain,' + owidth + ' ' + oheight + ';background-position:0px 0px,' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image: url(//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/rjmquiz_plus.jpg),url(' + cards[eval('' + donelist[eval(-1 + donelist.length)])] + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'; // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
defstyle=defstyle.split('background: URL(')[0] + 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px;background-position:' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image: url(' + trumpgames(altcards[eval('' + donelist[eval(-1 + donelist.length)])],eval('' + donelist[eval(-1 + donelist.length)])) + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'; // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
//defstyle=defstyle.split('background: URL(')[0] + 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px;background-position:' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image: url(' + altcards[eval('' + donelist[eval(-1 + donelist.length)])] + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'; // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
} else {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(';background-image:', (',' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image:');
defstyle=defstyle.replace('background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px','background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px,' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px');
defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', ',url(' + trumpgames(altcards[eval('' + donelist[eval(0 + ijk)])],eval('' + donelist[eval(0 + ijk)])) + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
//defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', ',url(' + altcards[eval('' + donelist[eval(0 + ijk)])] + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight
//console.log('defstyle=' + defstyle);
if ((nominal_numplayers || document.URL.indexOf('onewindow=') != -1) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
return null;
return window.open(one, two, three);

function bowerworry(inthree) {
if (trumpsare == 'c' && inthree == '11s') {
return '11C';
} else if (trumpsare == 'd' && inthree == '11h') {
return '11D';
} else if (trumpsare == 's' && inthree == '11c') {
return '11S';
} else if (trumpsare == 'h' && inthree == '11d') {
return '11H';
return inthree;

function trumpgames(defi, defkl) {
var gono=false;
var froms='>1.1<', tos='>1.1<';
var carddesc='', defval=0, ixc, blanks=' ';
var bdl=[];
var kjn=0;
var iskitty=false;

var bcp='';
if (defi.indexOf('##') != -1) {

if (card_game.toLowerCase() == "500ish") {

if (bcp != '') { oplistname[eval(-1 + eval('' + defkl))]=bcp; }

if (defi.indexOf('?n=') != -1 && defi.indexOf('back01.gif') != -1) { if (defi.indexOf('?n=') < defi.indexOf('back01.gif')) { gono=true; } }
if (defi.indexOf('images/0') != -1) {
carddesc='0' + defi.split('images/0')[1].substring(0,2);
if (carddesc.indexOf('01') == 0) {
} else if (carddesc == '000') {
//alert(defi + ' ' + defkl);
} else {
defval=eval(-1 + eval(carddesc.substring(1,2)));
} else if (defi.indexOf('images/1') != -1) {
carddesc='1' + defi.split('images/1')[1].substring(0,2);
if (carddesc.indexOf('11') == 0) {
defval=eval(-1 * eval(-1 + eval(carddesc.substring(0,2))));
} else {
defval=eval(-1 + eval(carddesc.substring(0,2)));
if (gono) {
return defi;
} else {
if (eval('' + tcp) > eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) {
if (card_game == "500ISH" && ('' + tcpnum).replace('12','11').replace('13','11') == '11' && 1 == 1) {
hands.push('' + defkl + blanks.substring(0,Math.abs(defval)) + carddesc);
iskitty=true; // tos='>Kitty' + ' ?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '<';
} //else {
tos='>' + tcp + '.' + tcpnum + ' ?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '<';
} else {
if (card_game == "500ISH" && ('' + tcpnum).replace('12','11').replace('13','11') == '11' && 1 == 1) {
hands.push('' + defkl + blanks.substring(0,Math.abs(defval)) + carddesc);
iskitty=true; // tos='>Kitty' + ' ?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '<';
} //else {
tos='>' + tcp + '.' + tcpnum + ' ?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '<';
if (eval('' + hands.length) < eval('' + totcpp) && !iskitty) { // && !iskitty
//if (carddesc == '000' || 1 == 11) { alert(('' + defkl + blanks.substring(0,Math.abs(defval)) + carddesc).replace(/\ /g,'x')); }
hands.push('' + defkl + blanks.substring(0,Math.abs(defval)) + carddesc);
} else if ((tcp == 1 && !iskitty && eval('' + hands.length) >= eval('' + totcpp)) || (tcp == 3 && iskitty)) {
var oneidea=defi.split('?')[0];
var twoidea=defi.split('#')[1];
if (oneidea.indexOf('back01.') == -1) {

if (trumpsare == '') {
if (defi.indexOf('images/0') != -1) {
trumpsare=defi.split('images/0')[1].substring(1,2); // joker results in 0 as trumps
} else if (defi.indexOf('images/1') != -1) {
//if (iskitty && curplayer == 1) { alert('Trumps are ' + trumpsare + ' ... ' + curplayer); }

// trumpsare='h'; // kludge 3

//alert('0:' + defi);
return defi;
} else {

if (trumpsare == '') {
if (twoidea.indexOf('images/0') != -1) {
trumpsare=twoidea.split('images/0')[1].substring(1,2); // joker results in 0 as trumps
} else if (twoidea.indexOf('images/1') != -1) {
//if (iskitty && curplayer == 1) { alert('TrumPs are ' + trumpsare + ' ... ' + curplayer); }

// trumpsare='h'; // kludge 3

for (ixc=0; ixc<hands.length; ixc++) {
bdl=hands[ixc].split(' ');
if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('000') == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,17);
//alert(hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,20)).replace(/\ /g,'x'));
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,33));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 33'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('11' + trumpsare) == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,17);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,31));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 31'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].indexOf('11' + trumpsare.replace('c','S').replace('s','C').replace('d','H').replace('h','D').toLowerCase()) == 0) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,16);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,30));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 30'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else if (bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))].slice(-1) == trumpsare) {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'') + blanks.substring(0,13);
hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(' ',blanks.substring(0,27));
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 27'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
} else {
//hands[ixc]=hands[ixc].replace(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))],'');
// if (ixc == 0) { alert('hands[ixc]=' + hands[ixc] + ' trumpsare=' + trumpsare + ' 0'); }
if (eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) == curplayer || 1 == 1) {
for (kjn=0; kjn<spcps.length; kjn++) {
if (spcps[kjn].indexOf(bdl[eval(-1 + eval('' + bdl.length))]) != -1) {
zsuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0]));
ysuffs[eval(-1 + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1))]+=' ' + eval(eval(ixc % nominal_numplayers) + 1) + '.' + Math.floor(eval(ixc + eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) / eval('' + nominal_numplayers)) + ':' + String.fromCodePoint(eval(spcps[kjn].split('/')[0])) + ',' + bowerworry(spcps[kjn].slice(-7).split('.')[0]);
zsuff=zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)];
if (donelistis.indexOf(',' + curplayer + ',') == -1) {
if (!in_bidding && !in_kitty) { donelistis+='' + curplayer + ','; }
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
} else if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
myalertmc('Player ' + curplayer + ' cards are ... ' + zsuffs[eval(-1 + curplayer)]);
//alert('1:' + twoidea + '?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '#' + oneidea);
if (!iskitty) { return twoidea + '?n=' + defi.split('?n=')[1].split('#')[0].split('<')[0] + '#' + oneidea; }
} else {
//alert('2:' + '' + dhicp.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0].replace(froms,tos) + '');
if (bcp != '') { return '' + dhicp.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0].replace(froms,tos).replace('<text','<!-- ' + bcp + ' ' + carddesc + ' --><text'); }
return '' + dhicp.split('url(')[1].split(') ')[0].replace(froms,tos) + '';
return defi;

function wosf(st) {

function ourprompt(tw, blb, bdef) {
var kijk;
console.log('oplist[' + eval('' + tw) + '].document.name=' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].document.name + ' and dragorder[' + curdrag + ']=' + dragorder[eval('' + curdrag)] + ' vs tw=' + tw + ' and overall;goes=' + overallgoes);
if (oplist[eval('' + tw)].document.name == ('' + dragorder[eval('' + curdrag)]) && eval('' + curdrag) == eval('' + overallgoes)) {
console.log('Dragorder[' + curdrag + ']=' + dragorder[eval('' + curdrag)] + ' vs tw=' + tw + ' and overall;goes=' + overallgoes);
var decs=documenttitle.split('.');
if (eval('' + decs.length) >= 3) {
documenttitleeq(documenttitle.replace('.' + decs[1] + '.', '.' + curdrag + '/' + overallgoes + '.'));
oplist[eval('' + tw)].close();
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[donelist[eval('' + tw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[donelist[eval('' + tw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');
return null;
if (eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenTop) == eval('' + opltlistt[eval('' + tw)]) && eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenLeft) == eval('' + opltlistl[eval('' + tw)])) {
if (spcps[eval('' + tw)].indexOf('#') != -1) {
spcps[eval('' + tw)]=spcps[eval('' + tw)].replace(/\#/g,'');
if (xwogf(tw).indexOf(' dragged to ') != -1) {
return null; //false;
} else {
cw=eval('' + tw);
for (kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {
spcps[eval('' + kijk)]=spcps[eval('' + kijk)].replace(/\#/g,'');
return true; //prompt(blb, bdef); //true;
} else {
spcps[eval('' + tw)]+='#';
} else {
opltlistt[eval('' + tw)]=eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenTop);
opltlistl[eval('' + tw)]=eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenLeft);
//spcps[eval('' + tw)]=spcps[eval('' + tw)].replace(/\#/g,'');
spcps[eval('' + tw)]+='#';
return null; //false;
spcps[eval('' + tw)]+='#';
if (nullv) {
cw=eval('' + tw);
for (kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {
spcps[eval('' + kijk)]=spcps[eval('' + kijk)].replace(/\#/g,'');
return true; //prompt(blb, bdef); //true;
cw=eval('' + tw);
for (kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {
spcps[eval('' + kijk)]=spcps[eval('' + kijk)].replace(/\#/g,'');
return true; //prompt(blb, bdef); //nullv; //false;

function wond(tw) {
return true;
//cw=eval('' + tw);
console.log('tw=' + tw);
if (eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenTop) == eval('' + opltlistt[eval('' + tw)]) && eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenLeft) == eval('' + opltlistl[eval('' + tw)])) {
if (spcps[eval('' + tw)].indexOf('##') != -1) {
spcps[eval('' + tw)]=spcps[eval('' + tw)].replace('##','');
if (xwogf(tw).indexOf(' dragged to ') != -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
spcps[eval('' + tw)]+='#';
} else {
opltlistt[eval('' + tw)]=eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenTop);
opltlistl[eval('' + tw)]=eval('' + oplist[eval('' + tw)].screenLeft);
spcps[eval('' + tw)]=spcps[eval('' + tw)].replace(/\#/g,'');
spcps[eval('' + tw)]+='#';
return false;

function xwogf(xcw) {
var sx='', nearest=-1;
var minl=-1, mint=-1;
if (eval('' + xcw) >= 0) {
if (!oplist[eval('' + xcw)].closed) {
sx=' (' + oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenLeft + ',' + oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenTop + ')';
for (var kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {
if (!oplist[kijk].closed) {
if (eval('' + kijk) != eval('' + xcw)) {
if (minl < 0) {
mint=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk]));
minl=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]));
sx+=' [' + opltlistt[kijk] + ';' + opltlistl[kijk] + '] ';
} else if (eval(eval('' + mint) + eval('' + minl)) > eval(Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk])) + Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]))) ) {
mint=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk]));
minl=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + xcw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]));
if (lastdrag.indexOf(',' + xcw + ',' + nearest + ',') == -1 && eval('' + nearest) != eval('' + xcw) && Math.abs(eval('' + minl) + eval('' + mint)) < 10 && eval('' + nearest) != -1) {
sx+=' ... dragged to ' + nearest;
lastdrag=',' + xcw + ',' + nearest + ',' + xcw + ',';
//oplist[eval('' + nearest)].focus();
//oplist[eval('' + cw)].blur();
oplist[eval('' + xcw)].close();
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[donelist[eval('' + xcw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[donelist[eval('' + xcw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');
console.log(xcw + sx);
return '' + xcw + sx;

function closeit(ikl) {
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[eval('' + ikl)].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[eval('' + ikl)].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');

function wogf() {
var sx='', nearest=-1;
var minl=-1, mint=-1;
if (eval('' + cw) >= 0) {
if (!oplist[eval('' + cw)].closed) {
sx=' (' + oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenLeft + ',' + oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenTop + ')';
for (var kijk=0; kijk<spcps.length; kijk++) {
if (!oplist[kijk].closed) {
if (eval('' + kijk) != eval('' + cw)) {
if (minl < 0) {
mint=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk]));
minl=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]));
sx+=' [' + opltlistt[kijk] + ';' + opltlistl[kijk] + '] ';
} else if (eval(eval('' + mint) + eval('' + minl)) > eval(Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk])) + Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]))) ) {
mint=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenTop - opltlistt[kijk]));
minl=Math.abs(eval(oplist[eval('' + cw)].screenLeft - opltlistl[kijk]));
if (lastdrag.indexOf(',' + cw + ',' + nearest + ',') == -1 && eval('' + nearest) != eval('' + cw) && Math.abs(eval('' + minl) + eval('' + mint)) < 10 && eval('' + nearest) != -1) {
sx+=' ... dragged to ' + nearest;
lastdrag=',' + cw + ',' + nearest + ',' + cw + ',';
//oplist[eval('' + nearest)].focus();
//oplist[eval('' + cw)].blur();
oplist[eval('' + cw)].close();
if (!nominal_numplayers) {
defstyle=defstyle.replace(cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0], cards[donelist[eval('' + cw)]].split('#')[0].split('gif')[0] + 'JUNK');
console.log(cw + sx);
return '' + cw + sx;

function reputwas() {

function reassess() {
var retv='', ewq;
var retcols=[];
var ir=0;
if (window.localStorage) {
try {
retv=('' + window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local')).replace(/^null$/g,'');
console.log('localStorage=' + retv);
if (retv != '' && retv != retv.replace(/^undefined/g,'')) {
} else if (retv != '' && retv == retv.replace(/^undefined/g,'')) {
//alert('0:' + retv);
for (ir=0; ir<retcols.length; ir++) {
sq.push(retcols[ir].split('?!')[0] + '?');
} catch(ewq) {
if (window.sessionStorage) {
try {
retv=('' + window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session')).replace(/^null$/g,'');
console.log('sessionStorage=' + retv);
if (retv != '' && retv != retv.replace(/^undefined/g,'')) {
} else if (retv != '' && retv == retv.replace(/^undefined/g,'')) {
//alert('1:' + retv);
for (ir=0; ir<retcols.length; ir++) {
sq.push(retcols[ir].split('?')[0] + '?');
} catch(ewq) {

function assess(what) {
var ewq, retv='';
if (what.toLowerCase().indexOf('memor') == 0) {
location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?card_memories=y';
if (what.toLowerCase() == '?x') {
if (window.sessionStorage) {
try {
} catch(ewq) {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);
return '';
return '';
} else if (what.toLowerCase() == '?!x') {
if (window.localStorage) {
try {
} catch(ewq) {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);
return '';
return '';
} else if (what.toLowerCase().indexOf('?!') != -1) {
if (what.toLowerCase() == '?!') {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);
return '';
if (window.localStorage) {
if (lslistq.length == 0) {
window.localStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_local', encodeURIComponent(what));
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_local', window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local') + encodeURIComponent('~' + what));
return '';
} else if (what.toLowerCase().indexOf('?') != -1) {
if (what.toLowerCase() == '?') {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);
return '';
if (window.sessionStorage) {
if (sslistq.length == 0) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_session', encodeURIComponent(what));
} else {
window.sessionStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_session', window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session') + encodeURIComponent('~' + what));
return '';
} else {
if (window.localStorage) {
try {
retv=('' + window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local')).replace(/^null$/g,'');
if (retv != '' && nomap) { location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897); }
} catch(ewq) {
if (window.sessionStorage) {
try {
retv=('' + window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session')).replace(/^null$/g,'');
if (retv != '' && nomap) { location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897); }
} catch(ewq) {
return what;

function blurb() {
if (wblurb == ' Hello Player 1' && theblurb == ' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.') {
var twf=theblurb + wblurb + firstbit;
return twf;

function getnum() {
return numplayers;

function examinescore() {
var zs='';
var dolater=false;
var incscore=0; incgoes=1;
var dts=[];
if (documenttitle.indexOf('/') == -1) {
} else {
if ((force || documenttitle.indexOf(':') == -1) && dts.length != 1) {
if (force) { force=false; }
dts[1]=dts[1].split(' ')[0].split('.')[0];
if (wblurb == ' Hello Player 1' && theblurb == ' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.') {
if (overallgoes == 2 && numplayers == 1) {
if (overallgoes == 2 && dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && theblurb == ' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.') {
if (dts[0] != clastscore) { // || dts[1] != clastgoes) {
overallgoes++; // 4 numplayers is 2
if (theblurb != '' && dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1) {
wblurb=' Hello Player ' + eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) + '.'; // + zs;
dolater=true; //lastgoes[0]++;
} else if (dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && eval(overallgoes % numplayers) == 1 && numplayers != 1) {
dolater=true; //lastgoes[0]++;
if (1 == 1) { //dts[0].trim() != ('' + lastscore[eval(-1 + curplayer)])) {
if (dts[0].trim() != lastdts0.trim()) { incscore++; }
//if (dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && dts[0].trim() != lastdts0.trim()) { lastscore[eval(-1 + curplayer)]+=incscore; }
//if (dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && dts[0].trim() != lastdts0.trim()) { lastscore[eval(-1 + lastcurplayer)]+=incscore; }
if (dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && dts[0].trim() != lastdts0.trim()) { lastscore[eval(eval(-1 + overallgoes) % numplayers)]+=incscore; }
if (curplayer != 1 && 1 == 7) { lastgoes[eval(numplayers - 1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers))]++; }
if (dts[0].trim() != lastdts0.trim()) { overallscore++; }
} else {
if (curplayer != 1 && 1 == 7) { lastgoes[eval(numplayers - 1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers))]++; }
if (dts[0].indexOf(' ') != -1) {
//alert('new player');
curplayer=numplayers; //eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers));
if (curplayer == 1 && eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) == 1) {
lastgoes.push(eval(1 + lastgoes[0]));
} else {
theblurb=' If you are player ' + eval(1 + numplayers) + ' rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
} else if (numplayers == 1 && overallgoes == 1) {
theblurb=' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
} else if (numplayers == 1 && overallgoes > 1) {
theblurb=''; //' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
} else if (theblurb != '') {
theblurb=' If you are player ' + eval(1 + numplayers) + ' rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
curplayer=eval(0 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)); // ?
if (eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) == 1) {
lastgoes[eval(-1 + numplayers)]=lastgoes[0];
if (numplayers != 1) { wblurb=' Hello Player ' + eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) + '.'; } // + zs;
} else {
curplayer=eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers));
if (numplayers != 1) { wblurb=' Hello Player ' + eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) + '.'; } // + zs;
if (curplayer == 1) { // && eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) == 1) {
if (overallgoes == 2 && dts[0].indexOf(' ') == -1 && theblurb == ' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.') {
} else if (dts[1] != clastgoes) {
if (curplayer != 1 && 1 == 7) { lastgoes[eval(numplayers - 1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers))]++; }
if (numplayers != 1) {
curplayer=eval(0 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers));
if (eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) == 1) {
lastgoes[eval(-1 + numplayers)]=lastgoes[0];
if (numplayers != 1) { wblurb=' Hello Player ' + eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) + '.'; } // + zs;
} else if (numplayers == 1 && overallgoes == 1) {
theblurb=' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
} else if (numplayers == 1 && overallgoes > 1) {
theblurb=''; //' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.'; // + zs;
if (curplayer == 1) { // && eval(1 + eval(overallgoes % numplayers)) == 1) {
// 4/4 2:2/3:3
if (numplayers != 1) {

var cd=overallgoes;
for (var qqiuy=0; qqiuy<numplayers; qqiuy++) {
var icd=0;

for (var ikn=0; ikn<overallgoes; ikn++) {
if (eval('' + icd) == eval('' + numplayers)) { icd = 0; }

//while (cd > 0) {
//if (icd == numplayers) { icd = 0; }


//if (eval(overallgoes % numplayers) == 0) {
//lastgoes[0]=eval(overallgoes / numplayers);


if (1 == 2) {
if (eval(overallgoes % numplayers) == 0) {
for (var qiuy=0; qiuy<=eval(-1 + numplayers); qiuy++) {
} else {
for (var iuy=0; iuy<=eval(-1 + curplayer); iuy++) {

//if (eval(overallgoes % numplayers) == 0 && numplayers != 1) {
//lastgoes[eval(-1 + numplayers)]=lastgoes[0];
if (dolater) { lastgoes[0]++; }
if (numplayers > 1) {
infill='' + lastscore[0] + '/' + lastgoes[0];
for (var ijk=1; ijk<lastgoes.length; ijk++) {
infill=infill.replace('/', ':' + lastscore[ijk] + '/') + ':' + lastgoes[ijk];
documenttitleeq('' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + overallgoes + '.' + secs + ' ' + infill + ' is User Score/Goes - RJM Programming - April, 2021 ' + stcprefix);
} else {
documenttitleeq('' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + overallgoes + '.' + secs + ' is User: Score/Goes - RJM Programming - April, 2021 ' + stcprefix);

function dothis(inthing) {
stcprefix=String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + defstcp));
documenttitleeq(String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + defstcp))); //'🂾';

document.head.innerHTML+=bpmore(defstyle); //"<style> html { background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL('//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/rjmquiz_plus.jpg'); background-size: contain; } </style>";

for (ij=0; ij<spcps.length; ij++) {
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if (ji >= 0) {




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function secsu() {
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if (eval('' + overallgoes) < fiftytwo && eval('' + fiftytwo) > 0) {
} else if (documenttitle.indexOf('Congratulations') == -1) {
documenttitle+=' ... Congratulations! End of Game! Refresh webpage to try again.';
if (card_game == '500ISH') {
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// sentclick(); //alert('click ' + sentanswer + ' square');
// sentanswer='';
var decs=documenttitle.split('.');
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documenttitleeq(documenttitle.replace(documenttitle.split(' ')[0], '' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + '' + overallgoes + '.' + secs));
//console.log('documenttitle becomes ' + documenttitle);
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function listenout() {
documenttitleeq('Listening for ' + secs + ' seconds ...');
if (gd != '' && ma != '') {
form = new FormData();
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
form.append('gamedate', gd);
var swap1=location.search.split('swap1=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('swap1=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ' ';
var swap2=location.search.split('swap2=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('swap2=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ' ';
var swap3=location.search.split('swap3=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('swap3=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ' ';
if (swap1 != ' ' || swap2 != ' ' || swap3 != ' ') {
//alert(ma + '|' + swap1.trim() + '|' + swap2.trim() + '|' + swap3.trim());
form.append('myanswer', ma + '|' + swap1.trim() + '|' + swap2.trim() + '|' + swap3.trim());
} else {
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//alert('sending ma=' + ma + '!');
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} else {
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setTimeout(listenout, 5000);

if (gd != '' && ma != '') {
if (1 == 1 || (eval('' + ma.length) >= 3 && eval('' + ma.length) <= 4)) {
} else if (in_bidding || in_kitty) {

if (ma.toLowerCase().indexOf('pass') == 0) {
if (passcnt == 4 || passcnt == 3) {
if (passcnt == 4) { in_bidding=false; }
curplayer=eval('' + cbidby);
lastwinner=eval('' + cbidby);
} else {
if (eval('' + bidplayer) == eval('' + nominal_numplayer)) { bidplayer=1; }
} else {
var thisbidrank=-1;
for (var ibidis=0; ibidis<bids.length; ibidis++) {
if (ma.substring(0,3).toLowerCase() == (bids[ibidis] + ' ').substring(0,3).toLowerCase()) {
if (eval('' + thisbidrank) > eval('' + cbidrank)) {
var xprevcb=' ' + cbid + ' ';
cbidby=eval(0 + eval('' + bidplayer));
//sss=' leading ' + cbidby + ' bid ' + cbid + ' ' + emojisuit();
//alert('Found relevant bid ' + bids[ibidis] + ' and Ma=' + ma + ' and Cbidby=' + cbidby);
var kjsbit=' ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' ';
for (var mjihgs=0; mjihgs<ssuffs.length; mjihgs++) {
if (ssuffs[mjihgs].indexOf('Bidding proceeds ') != -1) {
ssuffs[mjihgs]='Bidding proceeds after last ' + (cbid + ' (by Player ' + cbidby + ')').replace('None (by Player 1)','Pass').replace('None','Pass') + ' leading bid. ';
msuffs[mjihgs]=msuffs[mjihgs].replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ').replace(xprevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ');
ssuffs[mjihgs]=ssuffs[mjihgs].replace(prevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ').replace(xprevcb, ' ' + cbid + ' ');
if (eval('' + bidplayer) == eval('' + nominal_numplayer)) { bidplayer=1; }

curplayer=eval('' + bidplayer);

// send next
var remote=false;
if (eval('' + emailsms.length) >= eval('' + curplayer)) {
if (('' + emailsms[eval('' + curplayer)]).trim() != '') {
retcom(msuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)], rsuffs[eval(-1 + bidplayer)]);
if (!remote) { ma=prompt('Player ' + bidplayer + ', what is your bid out of pass or [6-10][sdhcn] or mis ?'); if (ma == null) { ma="pass "; } else if (ma.toLowerCase().indexOf('mis') == 0) { ma='misere'; } else if (ma.toLowerCase().indexOf('open') == 0) { ma='open'; } location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0].replace('.html','.php').replace('.htm','.php') + '?gamedate=' + encodeURIComponent(gd) + '&myanswer=' + encodeURIComponent(ma); }

} else if (1 == 11) {
