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<title>Interfacing to Google Charts Image Chart Venn Chart or Scatter Chart or GraphViz Chart - RJM Programming - November, 2023 ... thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18012420/draw-diagonal-lines-in-div-background-with-css</title>
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var cencodename=(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'v' ? 'Venn%20Diagram' : (ctype == 's' ? 'Scatter%20Chart' : (ctype == 'gv' ? 'GraphViz%20Chart' :
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(ctype == 'gom' ? 'Google-O-Meter%20Chart' :
(ctype == 'r' ? 'Radar%20Chart' :
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(ctype == 'r' ? '10,20,30,40,50' :
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(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'p' ? 'January|February|March|April' :
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(ctype == 'gom' ? 'A|B|C' :
(ctype == 'r' ? '0:|1|2|3|4|5|6' :
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(ctype == 'r' ? 'FF0000,FF9900,ff0a00,00ffb0,000cff' :
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(ctype == 'r' ? chdt + prenchtt + chdl + preachtt :
var promptone=(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'v' ? "Enter delimited values string for Venn Diagram such that ... " + String.fromCharCode(10) + "For QuickCharts adjust the Dot code (where ~~ is line feed and wording is controlled via those xlabel attributes (within which \\n can signify a line feed) for maximum of 3 circles) and where hashes separate the Google Charts Image Chart Venn Chart first three values specify the sizes of three circles: A, B, & C. For chart with only two circles, specify zero for the third value." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The fourth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and B." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The fifth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The sixth value specifies the size of the intersection of B and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The seventh value specifies the size of the common intersection of A, B, and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + "" : (ctype == 's' ? "Enter delimited values string for Scatter Chart" : (ctype == 'gv' ? "Enter delimited values string for GraphViz Chart" :
(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'p' ? "Enter delimited values string for Pie Chart" :
((ctype + ' ').substring(0,2).substring(0,1) == 'bv'.substring(0,1) ? "Enter v for Vertical or h for Horizontal then one of g for Group or s for Stacked or o for Overlapped Bar Chart look then a space and then enter delimited values string for Bar Chart. Here is a Candlestick and horizontal Bar Chart idea eg. hg 1:20,10,15,25,17,30|0,5,10,7,12,6|35,25,45,47,24,46|15,40,30,27,39,54|70,55,63,59,80,6 Here is a vertical Bar Chart and Box Chart idea vs 1:-1,5,10,7,12,-1|-1,25,30,27,24,-1|-1,40,45,47,39,-1|-1,55,63,59,80,-1|-1,30,40,35,30,-1|-1,-1,5,70,90,-1|-1,-1,-1,80,5,-1&chm=F,FF9900,0,1:4,40|H,0CBF0B,0,1:4,1:20|H,000000,4,1:4,1:40|H,0000FF,3,1:4,1:20|o,FF0000,5,-1,7|o,FF0000,6,-1,7 Prefix just the delimited string you enter by 1: to additionally display Candlestick/Box Charts or by 0: to only display Candlestick/Box Chart" :
(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'l' ? "Enter c for Even or s for Sparklines or xy for Just XY Line Chart look then a space and then enter delimited values string for Line Chart. Here is a Candlestick and Line Chart idea eg. c 1:20,10,15,25,17,30|0,5,10,7,12,6|35,25,45,47,24,46|15,40,30,27,39,54|70,55,63,59,80,6 Here is a Line Chart and Box Chart idea s 1:-1,5,10,7,12,-1|-1,25,30,27,24,-1|-1,40,45,47,39,-1|-1,55,63,59,80,-1|-1,30,40,35,30,-1|-1,-1,5,70,90,-1|-1,-1,-1,80,5,-1&chm=F,FF9900,0,1:4,40|H,0CBF0B,0,1:4,1:20|H,000000,4,1:4,1:40|H,0000FF,3,1:4,1:20|o,FF0000,5,-1,7|o,FF0000,6,-1,7 Prefix just the delimited string you enter by 1: to additionally display Candlestick/Box Charts or by 0: to only display Candlestick/Box Chart" :
(ctype == 'map' ? "" :
(ctype == 'gom' ? "Enter delimited values string for Google-O-Meter Chart" :
(ctype == 'r' ? "Enter delimited values string for Radar Chart but prefix with an s for smooth lines" :
var oneprompt=(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'v' ? "Enter delimited values string for your Venn Diagram collaborations, optionally, such that ... " + String.fromCharCode(10) + "For QuickCharts adjust the Dot code (where ~~ is line feed) where hash separates the Google Charts Image Chart Venn Chart first three values specify the sizes of three circles: A, B, & C. For chart with only two circles, specify zero for the third value." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The fourth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and B." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The fifth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The sixth value specifies the size of the intersection of B and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + "The seventh value specifies the size of the common intersection of A, B, and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here." + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + "" : (ctype == 's' ? "Enter delimited values string for Scatter Chart" : (ctype == 'gv' ? "Enter delimited values string for GraphViz Chart" :
(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'p' ? "Enter delimited values string for Pie Chart" :
((ctype + ' ').substring(0,2).substring(0,1) == 'bv'.substring(0,1) ? "Enter g for Grouped or s for Stacked or o for Overlapped Bar Chart look then a space and then enter delimited values string for Bar Chart. Here is a Candlestick and Bar Chart idea eg. g 1:20,10,15,25,17,30|0,5,10,7,12,6|35,25,45,47,24,46|15,40,30,27,39,54|70,55,63,59,80,6 Here is a vertical Bar Chart and Box Chart idea vs 1:-1,5,10,7,12,-1|-1,25,30,27,24,-1|-1,40,45,47,39,-1|-1,55,63,59,80,-1|-1,30,40,35,30,-1|-1,-1,5,70,90,-1|-1,-1,-1,80,5,-1&chm=F,FF9900,0,1:4,40|H,0CBF0B,0,1:4,1:20|H,000000,4,1:4,1:40|H,0000FF,3,1:4,1:20|o,FF0000,5,-1,7|o,FF0000,6,-1,7 Prefix just the delimited string you enter by 1: to additionally display Candlestick/Box Charts or by 0: to only display Candlestick/Box Chart" :
(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'l' ? "Enter c for Even or s for Sparklines or xy for Just XY Line Chart look then a space and then enter delimited values string for Line Chart. Here is a Candlestick and Line Chart idea eg. c 1:20,10,15,25,17,30|0,5,10,7,12,6|35,25,45,47,24,46|15,40,30,27,39,54|70,55,63,59,80,6 Here is a Line Chart and Box Chart idea s 1:-1,5,10,7,12,-1|-1,25,30,27,24,-1|-1,40,45,47,39,-1|-1,55,63,59,80,-1|-1,30,40,35,30,-1|-1,-1,5,70,90,-1|-1,-1,-1,80,5,-1&chm=F,FF9900,0,1:4,40|H,0CBF0B,0,1:4,1:20|H,000000,4,1:4,1:40|H,0000FF,3,1:4,1:20|o,FF0000,5,-1,7|o,FF0000,6,-1,7 Prefix just the delimited string you enter by 1: to additionally display Candlestick/Box Charts or by 0: to only display Candlestick/Box Chart" :
(ctype == 'map' ? "" :
(ctype == 'gom' ? "Enter delimited values string for Google-O-Meter Chart" :
(ctype == 'r' ? "Enter delimited values string for Radar Chart but prefix with an s for smooth lines" :
var asktwo=(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'v' ? true : (ctype == 's' ? true : (ctype == 'gv' ? false :
(ctype.substring(0,1) == 'p' ? true :
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(ctype == 'map' ? false :
(ctype == 'gom' ? true :
(ctype == 'r' ? true :
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var agvoh='';
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inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[1], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top + rectex.height / 2)));
} else {
if (theang > (315 + 45) || theang < (45 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[1], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 0 + rectex.bottom * 1 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
//alert('' + wasi + ' vs ' + inv + ' ' + invs.length);
} else if (theang >= (225 + 45) && theang <= (315 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[1], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 1 + rectex.bottom * 0 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
} else if (theang >= (45 + 45) && theang < (135 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[1], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 0 + rectex.bottom * 1 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
} else {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[1], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 1 + rectex.bottom * 0 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
//alert('was=' + wasi + ' and now=' + inv);
} else if (eval('' + invs.length) == 2 && inv.indexOf(',') != -1) {
//alert('' + rectex.width + 'x' + rectex.height + ' ' + ';' + rectex.top + 'vs' + rectex.bottom + ' ' + ';' + rectex.left + 'vs' + rectex.right + ' ' + inv + ' ' + extents[-1 + extents.length].outerHTML + ' ' + rectex.x + '+' + rectex.y);
if (theang > (315 + 45) || theang < (45 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(invs[0], '' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.left * 1 + rectex.right * 0 + 0 * rectex.width / 2)));
} else if (theang >= (45 + 45) && theang <= (135 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(invs[0], '' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.left * 0 + rectex.right * 1 + 0 * rectex.width / 2)));
} else if (theang >= (225 + 45) && theang <= (315 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(invs[0], '' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.left * 1 + rectex.right * 0 + 0 * rectex.width / 2)));
} else {
inv=inv.replace(invs[0], '' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.left * 0 + rectex.right * 1 + 0 * rectex.width / 2)));
if (theang > (315 + 45) || theang <= (45 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[0].split('.')[0], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 0 + rectex.bottom * 1 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
//alert('' + wasi + ' vs ' + inv + ' ' + invs.length);
} else if (theang >= (225 + 45) && theang <= (315 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[0].split('.')[0], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 1 + rectex.bottom * 0 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
} else if (theang >= (45 + 45) && theang < (135 + 45)) {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[0].split('.')[0], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 0 + rectex.bottom * 1 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
} else {
inv=inv.replace(',' + invs[1].split(',')[0].split('.')[0], ',' + Math.floor(eval(rectex.top * 1 + rectex.bottom * 0 + 0 * rectex.height / 2)));
//alert('was=' + wasi + ' and now=' + inv);
if (eval('' + fsx) > 5) {
zrs='0' + ('000' + fsx).slice(-3) + '0';
} else {
for (var jsx=0; jsx<eval('' + fsx); jsx++) {
if (inv.indexOf('.') != -1) {
//alert(' fsx=' + fsx + ' and zrs=' + zrs + ' ' + inv.replace('.', '.' + zrs));
return inv.replace('.', '.' + zrs);
return zrs + inv;
function fsxit(inv) {
// transform-origin: 0 0; transform: translate(-100%, 50%) rotate(45deg) translate(100%, -50%);
if (('' + inv.value).trim() != '') { fsx='' + inv.value; fsxcss='visibility:visible;opacity:1.0;transform-origin:0 0;transform:rotate(' + eval(360 - eval('' + fsx)) + 'deg);'; } else { fsxcss=''; }
//if (('' + inv.value).trim() != '') { fsx='' + inv.value; fsxcss='transform:rotate(' + eval(360 - eval('' + fsx)) + 'deg);'; } else { fsxcss=''; }
function huhnothing(invl) {
if (invl == '') { return xfsz; }
return invl;
function hextoninedec(inv) {
var retval=''; //('000000000' + parseInt(inv, 16)).slice(-9);
var letters='0123456789abcdef';
var rvalis=0, gvalis=0, bvalis=0, aval='';
for (var iiu=1; iiu<=inv.length; iiu++) {
aval=inv.substring(eval(-1 + iiu)).substring(0,1);
if (iiu == 1) {
rvalis+=eval(16 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
} else if (iiu == 2) {
rvalis+=eval(1 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
} else if (iiu == 3) {
gvalis+=eval(16 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
} else if (iiu == 4) {
gvalis+=eval(1 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
} else if (iiu == 5) {
bvalis+=eval(16 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
} else if (iiu == 6) {
bvalis+=eval(1 * eval(letters.indexOf('' + aval)));
retval=('000' + rvalis).slice(-3) + ('000' + gvalis).slice(-3) + ('000' + bvalis).slice(-3);
singcword='#' + inv;
tcolbit='color:' + singcword + ';';
fsy='.' + retval;
singrval=eval(('#' + retval.substring(0,3).trimStart('0')).replace(/^\#$/g, '0').replace('#',''));
singgval=eval(('#' + retval.substring(3).substring(0,3).trimStart('0')).replace(/^\#$/g, '0').replace('#',''));
singbval=eval(('#' + retval.substring(6).substring(0,3).trimStart('0')).replace(/^\#$/g, '0').replace('#',''));
//alert('inv=' + inv + ' retval=' + retval + ' singcword=' + singcword + ' (' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ')');
if (colchange == '') {
} else {
colchange='' + eval(1 + eval('' + colchange));
document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML+='<style> .crossedtotl' + colchange + ' { background: linear-gradient(to top left, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) 0%, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) calc(50% - 0.8px), rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',1) 50%, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) calc(50% + 0.8px), rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) 100%); } .crossedtotr' + colchange + ' { background: linear-gradient(to top right, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) 0%, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) calc(50% - 0.8px), rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',1) 50%, rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) calc(50% + 0.8px), rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0) 100%); } </style>';
if (xfsz != '') {
fszbit=' <span id=spanfsz></span><select id=fsz onchange="xfsz=huhnothing(this.value);"><option value="' + xfsz + '">' + xfsz.replace('.','') + 'px</option><option value=".10">10px</option><option value=".6">6px</option><option value=".8">8px</option><option value=".9">9px</option><option value=".11">11px</option><option value=".12">12px</option><option value=".14">14px</option><option value=".16">16px</option><option value=".18">18px</option><option value=".20">20px</option><option value=".24">24px</option><option value=".30">30px</option><option value=".36">36px</option><option value=".40">40px</option><option value=".48">48px</option><option value=".50">50px</option><option value=".64">64px</option></select> <input onchange="myfscol=hextoninedec(this.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(35),String.fromCharCode(32)).replace(String.fromCharCode(59),String.fromCharCode(32)).trim());" title=\"\" type=color id=fscol value="' + singhex + '"></input> <input onblur=fsxit(this); onchange=fsxit(this); type=number id=fsangle max=359 step=1 min=0 value=' + fsx + ' title=Angle></input>';
if (document.getElementById('fsz')) { document.getElementById('fsz').value=xfsz; }
if (document.getElementById('fsangle')) { document.getElementById('fsangle').value='' + fsx; }
} else {
fszbit=' <span id=spanfsz></span><select id=fsz onchange="xfsz=huhnothing(this.value);"><option value=".10">10px</option><option value=".6">6px</option><option value=".8">8px</option><option value=".9">9px</option><option value=".11">11px</option><option value=".12">12px</option><option value=".14">14px</option><option value=".16">16px</option><option value=".18">18px</option><option value=".20">20px</option><option value=".24">24px</option><option value=".30">30px</option><option value=".36">36px</option><option value=".40">40px</option><option value=".48">48px</option><option value=".50">50px</option><option value=".64">64px</option></select> <input onchange="myfscol=hextoninedec(this.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(35),String.fromCharCode(32)).replace(String.fromCharCode(59),String.fromCharCode(32)).trim());" title=\"\" type=color id=fscol value="' + singhex + '"></input> <input onblur=fsxit(this); onchange=fsxit(this); type=number id=fsangle max=359 step=1 min=0 value=' + fsx + ' title=Angle></input>';
return '' + retval;
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var tdr=document.getElementById('tdtr').getBoundingClientRect();
wpx=eval('' + tdr.width);
hpx=eval('' + tdr.height);
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//alert('89 ' + elem.toDataURL().length);
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iijk=eval(0 + eval('' + ('' + document.getElementById('tdtr').style.backgroundImage).split('),').length));
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if (iijk > eval(checkforsquare * checkforsquare)) { checkforsquare++; }
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if (bsx.indexOf(':;') != -1) {
bsx=bsx.replace(':;', ':' + Math.round(eval(wpx / checkforsquare)) + 'px ' + Math.round(eval(hpx /checkforsquare)) + 'px;');
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brx=brx.replace(';', ',no-repeat;');
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xxstart=eval('' + tdr.left);
ystart+=eval(hpx / checkforsquare);
yystart+=eval(hpx / checkforsquare);
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xstart+=eval(wpx / checkforsquare);
xxstart+=eval(wpx / checkforsquare);
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} else if ((document.getElementById('bcommentary').value.trim() + ' ').substring(0,3) == '...') {
if (waspis.indexOf(lastval.trim()) == -1) {
prefixandon=String.fromCharCode(10) + lastval.trim().replace(/\.\.\.NoWayJosE$/g, ' ' + nl + ('' + (new Date())) + ' ... ') + waspis;
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function checkforaction(rubberbanding,nx,ny) {
var bcbit='background-color:rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0.5);';
var zeroes='';
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var brbit='';
var ourdist=0;
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//document.title+=' Map ';
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ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((nx - xneeds[0]) * (nx - xneeds[0]) + (ny - yneeds[0]) * (ny - yneeds[0])));
bcbit='border:2px solid ' + singcword + ';background-color:transparent;';
} else {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) * (xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) + (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0]) * (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0])));
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brbit='border-radius:' + Math.floor(eval(ourdist / 2)) + 'px;';
classbit=' class="ocirc" ';
//alert('open circle');
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if (rubberbanding) {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((nx - xneeds[0]) * (nx - xneeds[0]) + (ny - yneeds[0]) * (ny - yneeds[0])));
} else {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) * (xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) + (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0]) * (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0])));
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brbit='border-radius:' + Math.floor(eval(ourdist / 2)) + 'px;';
//bcbit='border:2px solid rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0.5);';
classbit=' class="ccirc" ';
//alert('closed circle ' + bcbit);
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if (rubberbanding) {
bcbit='border:2px solid ' + singcword + ';background-color:transparent;';
} else {
bcbit='border:2px solid rgba(' + singrval + ',' + singgval + ',' + singbval + ',0.5);';
classbit=' class="orect" ';
} else if (curmode == 2) {
if (rubberbanding) {
if (Math.min(xneeds[0],nx) == xneeds[0] && Math.min(yneeds[0],ny) == ny) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18012420/draw-diagonal-lines-in-div-background-with-css
classbit=' class="crossedtotl' + colchange + '" ';
} else if (Math.min(xneeds[0],nx) == nx && Math.min(yneeds[0],ny) == yneeds[0]) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18012420/draw-diagonal-lines-in-div-background-with-css
classbit=' class="crossedtotl' + colchange + '" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotr' + colchange + '" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotl' + colchange + '" ';
} else if (Math.min(xneeds[0],xneeds[1]) == xneeds[1] && Math.min(yneeds[0],yneeds[1]) == yneeds[0]) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18012420/draw-diagonal-lines-in-div-background-with-css
classbit=' class="crossedtotl' + colchange + '" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotr' + colchange + '" ';
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document.getElementById('aemail').href+='&text' + textnum + '=' + encodeURIComponent('' + xneeds[0] + '.' + zeroes + xneeds[1] + ',' + yneeds[0] + '.' + myfscol + yneeds[1] + ',') + '';
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//alert('brbit=' + brbit);
//xneeds[0]-=(xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]);
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//alert('xneeds[0]=' + xneeds[0]);
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document.getElementById('fauxdtext').innerHTML='<div' + classbit + ' style="' + brbit + 'z-index:-89;position:absolute;left:' + Math.min(xneeds[0],nx) + 'px;top:' + Math.min(yneeds[0],ny) + 'px;width:' + Math.max(Math.floor(eval(-30 + Math.abs(xneeds[0] - nx))),Math.floor(eval(mone * Math.abs(xneeds[0] - nx)))) + 'px;height:' + Math.max(Math.floor(eval(-30 + Math.abs(yneeds[0] - ny))),Math.floor(eval(mone * Math.abs(yneeds[0] - ny)))) + 'px;z-index:98;' + bcbit + '"></div>';
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//alert('arest=' + arest);
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if (document.getElementById('fsz')) { document.getElementById('fsz').value=xfsz; }
if (document.getElementById('fsangle')) { document.getElementById('fsangle').value='' + fsx; }
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document.getElementById('tdright').innerHTML=" <span id=spemail><a target=_blank href='mailto:?subject=My%20" + cencodename + "%20...%20best%20viewed%20in%20landscape%20...&body=" + encodeURIComponent((document.getElementById('myvenn').src + arest).replace((document.getElementById('myvenn').src + arest).split('?')[0].split('#')[0], document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0])).replace(/\%26/g, '&').replace(/\%3D/g, '=').replace(/\%3d/g, '=') + "' onclick='prehrefcheck(this);' onmouseover='hrefcheck(this);' id=aemail title=Email>📧</a></span> <span id=spsms><a target=_blank onmouseover=\"if (smsee.length == 0 && origsmsurl.indexOf('sms:&') != -1) { smsee=prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to.', ''); if (smsee == null) { smsee=''; } else { origsmsurl=origsmsurl.replace('sms:&','sms:' + smsee + '&'); asmsurl=asmsurl.replace('sms:&','sms:' + smsee + '&'); this.href=asmsurl; hrefcheck(this); } }\" ontouchstart=\"if (smsee.length == 0 && origsmsurl.indexOf('sms:&') != -1) { smsee=prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to.', ''); if (smsee == null) { smsee=''; } else { origsmsurl=origsmsurl.replace('sms:&','sms:' + smsee + '&'); asmsurl=asmsurl.replace('sms:&','sms:' + smsee + '&'); this.href=asmsurl; hrefcheck(this); } }\" href='sms:&body=" + encodeURIComponent((document.getElementById('myvenn').src + arest).replace(document.getElementById('myvenn').src.split('?')[0].split('#')[0], document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0])) + "' onclick=prehrefcheck(this); id=asms title=SMS>📟</a></span><br><br> <input title=\"\" onclick=\"event.stopPropagation();\" id=ilp onblur=\"waitfortwo(0); lasttext=this.value.replace(/\~\~/g, '<br>'); this.title=lasttext; if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { this.value=''; } if (lasttext != '') { this.placeholder='Click where you want ... ' + lasttext.replace(/\<br\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)); } mvp.setAttribute('content','initial-scale=1'); document.getElementById('myvenn').scrollIntoView();\" placeholder='Enter text and later click place for it on " + decodeURIComponent(cencodename) + " to left (line feed is ~~)' type=text style=width:450px; value=''></input>" + fszbit + "<br><br> <img id=line src='/MarkItUp/line.png' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border='1px dott' + 'ed red'; waitfortwo(2);\"></img> <img id=rectangle src='/MarkItUp/rectangle.png' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border=offit('1px dot' + 'ted red'); waitfortwo(4);\"></img> <img id=orectangle src='/MarkItUp/orectangle.png' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border=offit('1px dot' + 'ted red'); waitfortwo(-4);\"></img> <img id=circle src='/MarkItUp/circlefill.png' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border=offit('1px dot' + 'ted red'); waitfortwo(6);\"></img> <img id=ocircle src='/MarkItUp/circle.png' onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border=offit('1px dot' + 'ted red'); waitfortwo(-5);\"></img>" + scripteditor + " <button id=orerect onclick=\"event.stopPropagation(); this.style.border=offit('1px dot' + 'ted red'); waitfortwo(8);\" title=\"Zoom in on rectangle you define via two clicks\" style=display:none;>🔎</button>" + lastbit + atend;
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { document.getElementById('ilp').focus(); }
document.getElementById('ilp').placeholder='Enter text and later click place for it on ' + decodeURIComponent(cencodename) + ' to left (line feed is ~~)';
} else if (curmode == 2 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('line').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' Nomap ';
} else if (curmode == -4 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('orectangle').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' nOmap ';
} else if (curmode == 4 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('rectangle').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' NOmap ';
} else if (curmode == -5 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('ocircle').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' NoMap ';
} else if (curmode == 6 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('circle').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' NomAp ';
} else if (curmode == 8 && !rubberbanding) {
document.getElementById('orerect').style.border='1px dashed yellow';
// document.title=' NomaP ';
function xcheckforaction(rubberbanding,nx,ny) {
var bcbit='background-color:rgba(127,127,127,0.5);';
var zeroes='';
var classbit='';
var brbit='';
var ourdist=0;
var ioff=(rubberbanding == true ? 1 : 0);
var mone=1;
curno=eval('' + xneeds.length);
if (eval(ioff + curno) >= needtohave) {
if (!rubberbanding) {
if (curmode == 8) {
classbit=' class="crerect" ';
} else if (curmode == -5) {
bcbit='border:2px solid rgba(127,127,127,0.5);';
if (rubberbanding) {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((nx - xneeds[0]) * (nx - xneeds[0]) + (ny - yneeds[0]) * (ny - yneeds[0])));
bcbit='border:2px solid gray;background-color:transparent;';
} else {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) * (xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) + (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0]) * (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0])));
//xneeds[1]=Math.floor('' + ourdist);
brbit='border-radius:' + Math.floor(eval(ourdist / 2)) + 'px;';
classbit=' class="ocirc" ';
//alert('open circle');
} else if (curmode == 6) {
if (rubberbanding) {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((nx - xneeds[0]) * (nx - xneeds[0]) + (ny - yneeds[0]) * (ny - yneeds[0])));
} else {
ourdist=eval(2.0 * Math.sqrt((xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) * (xneeds[1] - xneeds[0]) + (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0]) * (yneeds[1] - yneeds[0])));
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brbit='border-radius:' + Math.floor(eval(ourdist / 2)) + 'px;';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotl" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotl" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotl" ';
} else if (Math.min(xneeds[0],xneeds[1]) == xneeds[1] && Math.min(yneeds[0],yneeds[1]) == yneeds[0]) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18012420/draw-diagonal-lines-in-div-background-with-css
classbit=' class="crossedtotl" ';
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classbit=' class="crossedtotr" ';
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function prebitofonl() {
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exstring='Given that API is deprecated an answer of ! below may navigate you to an alternative web application, as available. ';
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