// RJM Programming // January, 2023 error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR ); set_time_limit(3600); $scrst=" var sretis='', sreturl=''; var newwo=null; function sistuffis() { if (sretis.trim().length > 0) { sreturl=sretis; //document.title='checking ...'; sretis=' '; setTimeout(presistuffend, 12100); setTimeout(sistuffend, 13000); } } function presistuffend() { if (sretis == ' ') { if (!window.opener.quizlhc() && !newwo) { window.opener.clicklhc(); } } } function sistuffend() { if (sretis == ' ') { siretis=''; //document.title='refocussing ...'; if (!window.opener.quizlhc() && !newwo) { newwo=window.open(sreturl,'_blank','top=320,left=120,width=600,height=600'); } else if (!window.opener.quizlhc()) { window.opener.postMessage( { message: \"focus\", }, \"*\" // cross-origin ); // window.opener.focus(); } } } if (window.opener) { setInterval(sistuffis, 1000); } "; $scrsttwo=" function whichone() { if (document.getElementById('simpleSearch') && document.getElementById('firstHeading')) { var rectoneis=document.getElementById('simpleSearch').getBoundingClientRect(); var recttwois=document.getElementById('firstHeading').getBoundingClientRect(); var diffisnow=eval(eval('' + recttwois.top) - eval('' + rectoneis.top)); if (diffisnow > 300) { if (window.parent != window.self && !window.opener) { setTimeout(whichonelater, 2000); } return 'firstHeading'; } else { return ''; } } else if (document.getElementById('firstHeading')) { return 'firstHeading'; } return ''; //'firstHeading'; } function whichonelater() { parent.scrollTo(0,0); } setTimeout(function(){ var wodg=whichone(); if (wodg != '') { document.getElementById(wodg).scrollIntoView(); } }, 5000); "; $semic=[]; $thisc=[]; $presemic=''; $postsemic=''; $clist=explode(';', 'red;blue;purple;brown;orange;green'); $clist=explode(';', 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5);rgba(0,0,255,0.5);rgba(230,230,250,0.5);rgba(165,42,42,0.5);rgba(255,165,0,0.5);rgba(0,255,0,0.5)'); $letlen=8; $langis='en'; $urlis=''; $preminmax=""; if (1 == 2) { $sih=""; } else { $preminmax="data-"; $sih=''; } foreach ($_GET as $name=>$val) { $_POST[$name]=$val; } function relative_to_absolute($inth) { global $urlis, $letlen, $presemic, $postsemic, $clist, $semic, $scrst; $froms=[]; $sfroms=" "; $postub=""; $ub="http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . str_replace(":443","",":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (strpos($ub, "&url=") !== false && isset($_POST['ongoing'])) { $postub=explode("&url=", $ub)[0] . 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"/w/", $inth); $inth=str_replace('"/w/', '"' . explode("/wiki/", $udirname)[0] . "/w/", $inth); $inth=str_replace("'/er/", "'" . explode("/wiki/", $udirname)[0] . "/er/", $inth); $inth=str_replace('"/er/', '"' . explode("/wiki/", $udirname)[0] . "/er/", $inth); $inth=str_replace("'/esitest-", "'" . explode("/wiki/", $udirname)[0] . "/esitest-", $inth); $inth=str_replace('"/esitest-', '"' . explode("/wiki/", $udirname)[0] . "/esitest-", $inth); $outth = $inth; for ($m=0; $m 1) { for ($ii=(sizeof($huhs) - 1); $ii>=1; $ii--) { if (strtolower(str_replace("file", "http", strtolower(substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 4)))) == "http") { $outth = $outth; } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { $outth = str_replace($huhs[$ii], $udirname . $huhs[$ii], $outth); } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 1, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { $outth = str_replace($huhs[$ii], substr($udirname, 0, (strlen($udirname) - 0)) . $huhs[$ii], $outth); } } } } } $fixthis=$outth; if (strpos(explode("") !== false) { $fixthis=explode("", explode("", explode("", explode("", explode("= 1000) { if (strpos($sfroms, ' ' . $aerrs[$ii] . ' ') === false && strpos($postsemic, ' ' . $aerrs[$ii] . ' ') !== false) { if (strpos($aerrs[$ii], '=') === false) { if (substr($aerrs[$ii],-1,1) != '"') { $sfroms.=$aerrs[$ii] . ' '; } } } } else if (strlen($aerrs[$ii]) >= $letlen || strpos($postsemic, ' ' . $aerrs[$ii] . ' ') !== false) { if (strpos($sfroms, ' ' . $aerrs[$ii] . ' ') === false) { $berrs=explode(' ' . $aerrs[$ii] . ' ', $outth); //$laste=explode(">", $berrs[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(">", $berrs[0]))]; //if (strpos($laste, "<") === false) { if (strpos($aerrs[$ii], '=') === false) { if (substr($aerrs[$ii],-1,1) != '"') { $sfroms.=$aerrs[$ii] . ' '; } } //} } } } } $froms=explode(" ", trim($sfroms)); $prefixthis=$fixthis; for ($ii=0; $ii' . $froms[$ii] . '<', str_replace('>' . $froms[$ii] . ' ', '>' . $froms[$ii] . ' ', str_replace(' ' . $froms[$ii] . ' ', ' ' . $froms[$ii] . ' ', $fixthis))); } $outth=str_replace($prefixthis, $fixthis, $outth); $tos=explode("", $tos[$ii])[0], "") !== false) { $outth=str_replace(explode("", $tos[$ii])[0], str_replace("", "", str_replace("", "", explode("", $tos[$ii])[0])), $outth); } } $tos=explode('="', $outth); for ($ii=1; $ii") !== false || strpos(explode('"', $tos[$ii])[0], "") !== false) { $outth=str_replace(explode('"', $tos[$ii])[0], str_replace("", "", str_replace("", "", explode('"', $tos[$ii])[0])), $outth); } } if ($letlen >= 1000 || trim($postsemic) != '') { for ($ih=0; $ih' . $thisc[$jh] . '', '' . $thisc[$jh] . '', $outth); } } } } //if (strpos($_POST['url'], 'Melbourne') !== false) { file_put_contents('xxx.xxx', $outth); } if (isset($_POST['place'])) { if (urldecode($_POST['place']) != '_blank') { return str_replace('', ' parent.document.body.style.cursor="pointer"; ', $outth); } } //return str_replace('< mark>', '', str_replace('" ', '"', $outth)); return $outth; } if (isset($_POST['url'])) { if (isset($_POST['letlen'])) { $letlen=urldecode($_POST['letlen']); } if (isset($_POST['personal'])) { if (strlen(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['personal'])))) > 0) { $presemic=',' . trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['personal']))) . ','; $postsemic=str_replace(',',' ',str_replace(';',' ',$presemic)); $semic=explode(';', trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['personal'])))); } } $langis=urldecode($_POST['lang']); $urlis=urldecode($_POST['protocol']) . urldecode($_POST['lang']) . urldecode($_POST['afterlang']) . str_replace('+','_',urldecode($_POST['url'])); $contis=file_get_contents($urlis); if (trim($contis) == "" && $langis != "en") { $urlis=urldecode($_POST['protocol']) . 'en' . urldecode($_POST['afterlang']) . str_replace('+','_',urldecode($_POST['url'])); $contis=""; $contis=file_get_contents($urlis); } if (strpos(trim($contis), '

Sorry, nothing found for that topic.

parent.document.body.style.cursor="pointer"; '; } else { echo "

Sorry, nothing found for that topic.

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Wikipedia Mark and Above Length Word

RJM Programming January, 2023

"; } ?>