PHP is a server-side language hankering to do database and file management at the server?
Unfortunately this can not be done with a handkerchief alone, as you will also need a database like MySql.
What else is needed? A framework to act as a web server, and for our purposes on this tutorial, on a Mac laptop, we are going to use MAMP.
So we will first show you the MAMP environment for PHP and MySql where we are talking about URLs like http://localhost:8888/ ( or ).
Then we will show you a MySql database and table that we will access later via PHP.
Then we will show you two simple PHP scripts to ask for requirements from the MySql database, and one to report on the results of running that SQL query on that MySql database.
Grasp these concepts and a lot of functionality opens up. Imagine what you could do with Ajax techniques.
Enjoy the tutorial.
A great book for this subject is
Professional PHP Programming by Jesus Castagnetto, Harish Rawat, Sascha Schumann, Chris Scollo, Deepak Veliath
Link to downloadable source code of PHP above is ourmysql_testphp and ourmysqltest
php which you need to rename in order to try.
Here is a lifesaver of a link, perhaps.
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