HTML/Javascript/CSS Reveal Information Primer Tutorial ... thanks to Training Industry ( http://www.trainingindustry.com/ ) for the image, within an image
Welcome to the continuing discussion regarding HTML, Javascript and CSS on the theme of “reveal”. We’ll be doing several postings on this theme, and today we continue these ideas with the revealing of information in the (simple) form of a hidden div element only revealed when the user clicks a link, following on from the previous HTML/Javascript/CSS Reveal Top to Bottom Primer Tutorial as shown below.
Here is a tutorial that “reveals” wording, or information regarding a puzzle using HTML, Javascript and CSS, featuring:
- Encasing working visible HTML elements within div element for ease of:
- positioning
- scrolling, or not
- visibility control
- Javascript DOM methods to dynamically change HTML, particularly with respect to visibility
- Javascript prompt windows to receive, analyze and act on user interaction
- HTML/CSS body element that it is Clickable via a div supervising a “background” a tag (but this is not popular with the search engines)
So here is a tutorial about Curry’s Paradox, and here is the HTML programming source code you could call revealing.html which called on the content of this tutorial. Today there will be no links below regarding getting to other links regarding Curry’s Paradox (ie. the content), but this is available via the live run link (as above, also) (except that to say the inspiration came from an answer on the BBC quiz show QI) … don’t want to give away any surprises before they surprise!
Previous relevant HTML/Javascript/CSS Reveal Top to Bottom Primer Tutorial is shown below.
Welcome to a new discussion regarding HTML, Javascript and CSS on the theme of “reveal”. We’ll be doing several postings on this theme, and today we have the first.
Do you often wish to make webpages that hide things until the user interacts with the webpage or some time period has expired, so that there is some sort of element of surprise?
Do you sometimes wish to make webpages that hide things until the user interacts with the webpage or some time period has expired, so that there is some sort of element of surprise?
Still no, huh? (Aside: two can play this little game)
Do you occasionally wish to make webpages that hide things until the user interacts with the webpage or some time period has expired, so that there is some sort of element of surprise … OR …
will allow those who have never had this thought in their life on Earth?
No again, huh? (Aside: two planets can play this puerile little game!)
Do you ever wish to make webpages that hide things until the user interacts with the webpage or some time period has expired, so that there is some sort of element of surprise … OR …
will allow those who have never had this thought in their life on Earth, nor Mars?
Non? Nicht? Good nicht! (chortle, chortle)
Well, that’s fixed their little red wagon.
Here is a tutorial that “reveals” a surprise from top to bottom using HTML, Javascript and CSS, featuring:
- CSS overflow: hidden; style property
- Encasing working visible HTML elements within div element for ease of:
- positioning
- scrolling, or not
- visibility control
- Javascript setInterval and clearInterval timer functionality
- Javascript DOM methods to dynamically change HTML (over time)
- HTML/CSS body element background URL (with fallback background colour) and the Javascript control of its fallback to just the background colour
So here is today’s tutorial’s live run, and here is the HTML programming source code you could call reveal_fromtoptobottom.html which called on the content of this tutorial.
Chow for now, brown cow (she’s always on(line), you know … but is anything sinking in?! … I haven’t been able to moo respectfully in public after 63.5 lessons?! … she still owes me that half lesson when she didn’t get up in time for milking).
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