Monthly Archives: August 2024

AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Backup Translation Tutorial

As we intimated earlier, using PHP gettext is a good framework to use regarding writing your own serverside language translation functionality, but the “gruntwork” is there ahead of you maintaining those [domain].po (Poedit) files. And so, improving on yesterday’s AlmaLinux … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Your Own Translation Tutorial

To open up yesterday’s AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Translation Tutorial‘s PHP Gettext Using web application to the possibility of … user supplying a new locale into the mix … and … user supplying their own English to “Their Newly Introduced Locale” … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Translation Tutorial

With our changeover to … AlmaLinux Apache/PHP/MySql web hosting … using … PHP version with an 8 starting it … it is time to revisit the PHP gettext (Human Language Translation) module, that had us reach an install situation which … Continue reading

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Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing Crontab Assisted Sharing Tutorial

In yesterday’s Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing Sharing Tutorial about sharing video data (that might have been edited by ffmpeg command line means) we warned … even though it is only likely to work for shorter videos … regarding the … Continue reading

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Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing Sharing Tutorial

Sharing options for video based data are often more restrictive regarding email and SMS conduits, but we’ll still go ahead with a … “a” link “mailto:” (for emails) or “sms:” (for SMS) methodology … email subject containing ffmpeg command used … Continue reading

Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ffmpeg User Defined Browsed Video Editing Tutorial

Today’s work, onto yesterday’s Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing Tutorial, is to loosen the restrictions regarding “input video file source” we had happening in that “first draft” incarnation of our Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing web application. In order to … Continue reading

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Ffmpeg User Defined Video Editing Tutorial

Today we’re combining video contents from … yesterday’s Ffmpeg Helps iPhone Video to YouTube Tutorial … with … our newly created public interface to ffmpeg with the “soon to be DNS version of … but not yet” AlmaLinux Apache/PHP/MySql … Continue reading

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Ffmpeg Helps iPhone Video to YouTube Tutorial

Today we recorded a video looking out from Govetts Leap, Blackheath, here in the Blue Mountains. We captured it via the Camera app on an iPhone via its Video option. Nineteen seconds long, to share to this MacBook Air we … Continue reading

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