Did you wake up wanting to write your own Web Server? No? Well, what are WE to do with YOU? “Lefty? Mugsy? Priscilla? Let ’em ‘av it? Yes, the web server, you ‘eard what oi said! Sorry, you’re having lunch?”
… four hours later …
“Mugsy, what’s that triangular piece of paper … never mind … have you got that web server?”
(Metallic tinkering sound)
“You do know what a web server is, don’t you? What’s that you’ve got there on that silver thing behind your back?”
(Metallic tinkering sound) … replaced by (Metallic sounds that are tinkering)
“Lefty, do you know what is behind Mugsy’s back … and why have you got one of those triangular pieces of pap … oh, never mind. Is that a link you want me to click?”
Welcome to Mugsy’s and Lefty’s personalized link
Our tutorial today builds on previous Go Install Primer Tutorial as shown below.
Link to downloadable Go programming source code for a rudimentary webserver (about animals) could be called webserver.go as you wish.
Link to Go “spiritual home” at Google.
Link to really good Go tutorials at Google.
Link to Go 1.1 Google Open Source Blog is here.
Link to really good Go web information at Google.
Previous Go Install Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Go Install Primer Tutorial (try twirling round bottom of image for a synopsis ... 'do the twirl now')
Go (by Google) gave me that feeling like you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg, again. A friend kindly put me onto this as a programming language which is an alternative to OOP but not just a function call type of language.
Here we just install it (on a Mac 64bit laptop with Mac OS X 10.7.5) and do the old “Hello World“, but we will explore more in tutorials to come, and in any case here we do 4 x “hello world” with 3 different programs. Meanwhile, have a read from Wikipedia about it, below:
Go, otherwise known as Golang, is an open source, compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent system programming language. It was first designed and developed at Google Inc.[7] beginning in September 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.[3]
The language was officially announced in November 2009 and is now used in some of Google’s production systems.[8] Go’s “gc” compiler targets the Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Plan 9, and Microsoft Windows operating systems and the i386, amd64, and ARM processor architectures.[9]
You can download go (2009) programming source codes and rename to hello.go, helloworld.go, slice.go.
Link to Go “spiritual home” at Google.
Link to really good Go tutorials at Google.
Link to Go 1.1 Google Open Source Blog is here.
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