It was three days ago we said …
We used to use the iOS mobile app called FTPManager to perform sftp file transfers up to our RJM Programming web domain on this iPad or iPhone, but now FTPManager Pro is needed to do this. So we decided to write our own uploading methodology, but not with all the bells and whistles, but enough to get by until we see the MacBook Pro again. In our first draft here, we start with some image uploading where …
- imagecapture.htm supervisory image capture web application … involving a new Save As button calling on new prompt window asking for …
- password
- number filename suffix
… call of new …
- img_maker.php new PHP image uploading functionality web application
- scooter or bike hire
… can be tried here via that new Save As button presented above “the revealed” canvas element used as the conduit between image capture and upload parts of the solution. We hope it interests a little more than somewhat?!
… and today we wanted to move onto uploads of code, rather than images, today, starting with the upload of HTML data. We want to keep the “two parameters separated by a space” paradigm with the arrangements, but how can a whole HTML code string be contained within the one parameter not containing a space? Well, there’s base64 strings that JavaScript can get to via window.btoa to convert to base64 from HTML data string and on recall it is PHP base64_decode that comes to our aid via the changed img_maker.php helper uploading tool here.
… as a first step towards out and about “code from scratch” just using iPad or iPhone development here.
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