Haiku Image Tutorial

Haiku Image Tutorial

Haiku Image Tutorial

Were you around when Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Media Tutorial‘s “genesis tutorial” called Python Cowsay API Primer Tutorial intimated …

… with an integration purpose in mind

? And then, sometime between then and now were you a “Doubting Thomas” thinking we’d forgotten about that statement? And while we’re at it, where were you on February 6, 2025 03:01 AEST?

I’m conflicted if your answers are “No” and “Robbing a bank” but, be that as it may, “we did have an integration purpose in mind” and we’ve come back to it via Haiku poetry, and a web application we wrote some time ago regarding them, and it interfaced to the theme of “the integration purpose in mind” … well you had to be there, said Putricia?!

Yes, it’s the case that hoping for the umpteenth re-researching whether anything manageable Linux wise can match what the great macOS say command has done for Speech to Text relations since Audrey Hepburn’s speech … and coming back with a “No” yet again … we started looking at it a bit more laterally and thought 😜😜 …

But what would the Cow say?

But seriously, no, we just stumbled onto the wonderful cowsay Python API / Command-line tool and wanted to … thinking laterally … have “cowsay” smarts be included into our changed macos_say_record.php PHP Voiceover inhouse web application, itself interfaced to by our changed haiku_animated_gif.html Haiku creating inhouse web application you can also try below …

… so that our changed latest draft can interface in a popup window scenario.

Previous relevant Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Media Tutorial is shown below.

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Media Tutorial

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Media Tutorial

As soon as a web application talks about image slides, as we have been dealing with allowing for the creation of cartoons with our recent cowsay Python API / Command-line tool interfacing PHP web application, maybe as Louis Lumière did many years ago, it brings out media thoughts regarding “moving pictures”. We use, here, at our RJM Programming AlmaLinux web server, the great Open Source ffmpeg to help create such media, in today’s case …

  • video
  • animated GIF

… productions using those image slides created via the (again, Open Source) cowsay Python API / Command-line tool …


if (isset($_GET['getvideo'])) {
if (isset($_GET['len'])) {
if ($_GET['getvideo'] == '1' && $lenv == '0') {
echo "<html><body onload=\" if (parent.document.getElementById('divvideo')) { parent.document.getElementById('divvideo').innerHTML='<video id=myvideo controls><source id=mysource type=video/mp4 src=' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '></source></video>'; } else if (parent.document.getElementById('mysource')) { parent.document.getElementById('mysource').src='data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "'; } else { parent.document.getElementById('divmedia').innerHTML+='<br><br><p id=pvd>Video version below ... <a style=display:inline-block; href=#myh1>Back to top ...</a></p><br><div id=divvideo><video id=myvideo controls><source id=mysource type=video/mp4 src=' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '></source></video></div>'; } setTimeout(function(){ parent.document.getElementById('pvd').scrollIntoView(); }, 2000); \"></body></html>";
} else {
if (file_exists('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) {
unlink('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4');
exec('ffmpeg -framerate 2 -i /tmp/slide_' . server_remote_addr() . '-%03d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 /tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4');
echo "<html><body onload=\" if (parent.document.getElementById('divvideo')) { parent.document.getElementById('divvideo').innerHTML='<video id=myvideo controls><source id=mysource type=video/mp4 src=' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '></source></video>'; } else if (parent.document.getElementById('mysource')) { parent.document.getElementById('mysource').src='data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "'; } else { parent.document.getElementById('divmedia').innerHTML+='<br><br><p id=pvd>Video version below ... <a style=display:inline-block; href=#myh1>Back to top ...</a></p><br><div id=divvideo><video id=myvideo controls><source id=mysource type=video/mp4 src=' + String.fromCharCode(39) + 'data:video/mp4;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/video' . server_remote_addr() . '.mp4')) . "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '></source></video></div>'; } setTimeout(function(){ parent.document.getElementById('pvd').scrollIntoView(); }, 2000); \"></body></html>";
} else if (isset($_GET['getagif'])) {
if (isset($_GET['len'])) {
if ($_GET['getvideo'] == '1' && $lenv == '0') {
echo "<html><body onload=\" if (parent.document.getElementById('mygif')) { parent.document.getElementById('mygif').src='data:image/gif;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) . "'; } else { parent.document.getElementById('divmedia').innerHTML+='<br><br><p id=pag>Animated GIF version below ... <a style=display:inline-block; href=#myh1>Back to top ...</a></p><br><img id=mygif src=data:image/gif;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) . "></img>'; } setTimeout(function(){ parent.document.getElementById('pag').scrollIntoView(); }, 2000); \"></body></html>";
} else {
if (file_exists('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) {
unlink('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif');
exec('ffmpeg -framerate 2 -i /tmp/slide_' . server_remote_addr() . '-%03d.png /tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif');
echo "<html><body onload=\" if (parent.document.getElementById('mygif')) { parent.document.getElementById('mygif').src='data:image/gif;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) . "'; } else { parent.document.getElementById('divmedia').innerHTML+='<br><br><p id=pag>Animated GIF version below ... <a style=display:inline-block; href=#myh1>Back to top ...</a></p><br><img id=mygif src=data:image/gif;base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents('/tmp/agif' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) . "></img>'; } setTimeout(function(){ parent.document.getElementById('pag').scrollIntoView(); }, 2000); \"></body></html>";


… as a new optional piece of additional functionality offered in our changed “fifth draft” (picking up from Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Content Tutorial‘s fourth draft, and further to yesterday’s Text to Image via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial) Cartoon creation and email sharing capable PHP web application you can also try below.

Previous relevant Text to Image via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Text to Image via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial

Text to Image via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial

Why would a “Primer” tutorial point at a “well along the way” one? Well, a few reasons really …

Yes, the great ImageMagick (and we’re using it’s command line “convert” command here to make this happen) can convert text to images (ie. HTML img elements). Now, we’re not saying you always get perfect matches here, but it is akin to mere mortal dreamers think of as “intelligent scanning”. So, we wanted to have this sidetrack, and we will be resuming “normal transmission” shortly?!

We’ll leave you with some cowsay.php new relevant PHP code to ponder …


if (isset($_GET['fontlist'])) {
if (!file_exists('/tmp/imfl.txt')) {
exec('convert -list font > /tmp/imfl.txt');
if (strpos($fcont, 'family: ') !== false) {
$fcs=explode('family: ', $fcont);
for ($iuy=1; $iuy<sizeof($fcs); $iuy++) {
if (strpos($selpop, '>' . explode("\n", $fcs[$iuy])[0] . '<') === false) {
$selpop.="\n selo.innerHTML+='<option value=' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '" . explode("\n", $fcs[$iuy])[0] . "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '>" . explode("\n", $fcs[$iuy])[0] . "</option>'; \n";
if ($selpop != '') {
echo "<html><body onload=\" var selos=parent.document.getElementsByTagName('select'); if (eval('' + selos.length) > 0) { var selo=selos[eval(-1 + selos.length)]; " . $selpop . " selo.style.display='inline-block'; selo.style.backgroundColor='#f0f0f0'; } \"></body></html>";
} else if (isset($_POST['text'])) {
$emojilabbit="@- "; // vs perl
if (isset($_POST['ext'])) { $iex=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ext'])); }
if (isset($_POST['ffam'])) { $fnt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ffam'])); }
if (isset($_POST['width'])) { $pwdt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['width'])); }
if (isset($_POST['height'])) { $hgt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['height'])); }
if (isset($_POST['ptsize'])) { $psiz=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ptsize'])); }
if (isset($_POST['fcol'])) { $fcol=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['fcol'])); }
if (isset($_POST['bcol'])) { $bcol=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['bcol'])); }
$slidename='/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.' . $iex;
file_put_contents('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])));
file_put_contents('/tmp/maybeemojisP.txt', htmlspecialchars(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8', true));
// yes no &#129684;
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), '&#') !== false || strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), '&#') !== false) { // thanks to https://usage.imagemagick.org/text/#unicode
$outsofar=''; // '\x{201C}Unicode \x{2018}\x{263A}\x{2019} Please\x{201D}'
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), '&#') !== false) {
$outs=explode('&#', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])));
for ($ivx=1; $ivx<sizeof($outs); $ivx++) {
$decis=explode(';', $outs[$ivx])[0];
if (str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','',$decis)))))))))) != '') {
if (substr(strtolower($decis),0,1) == 'x') {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . substr($decis,1) . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . $decis . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . dechex($decis) . "}";
$outsofar.=substr($outs[$ivx],strlen($decis . ';'));
} else if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), '&#') !== false) {
$outs=explode('&#', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])));
for ($ivx=1; $ivx<sizeof($outs); $ivx++) {
$decis=explode(';', $outs[$ivx])[0];
if (str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','',$decis)))))))))) != '') {
if (substr(strtolower($decis),0,1) == 'x') {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . substr($decis,1) . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . $decis . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . dechex($decis) . "}";
$outsofar.=substr($outs[$ivx],strlen($decis . ';'));
$perlemoji="perl -e 'binmode(STDOUT, \":utf8\"); print \"" . str_replace("\n", "\x{000A}", $outsofar) . '";' . "' | ";
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['text'])), "\\") !== false) {
if ($perlemoji == '') { $labbit='"$(cat /tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt | ' . " sed '/\\\\/s//\\\\\\\\/g')" . '" '; }
file_put_contents('/tmp/imag.cmd', $perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename);
exec($perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename);
exec('chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
} else {
if ($perlemoji == '') { $labbit='"$(cat /tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt)' . '" '; }
file_put_contents('/tmp/imaG.cmd', $perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename . ' ; chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
exec($perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename);
exec('chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
if (isset($_POST['raw'])) {
header('Content-Type: image/' . $iex);
echo file_get_contents($slidename);
unlink('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt');
} else {
echo "<html>
<body onload=\"
if (window.parent != window.self) {
var cnvs=parent.document.getElementsByTagName('canvas');
if (eval('' + cnvs.length) > 0) {
var imgsis=new Image();
var canvasis=cnvs[0];
var cntxis=canvasis.getContext('2d');
cntxis.drawImage(event.target, 0, 0);
imgsis.src='data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "';
} else {
var imgs=parent.document.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (eval('' + imgs.length) > 0) {
imgs[0].src='data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "';
} else if (document.body.innerHTML == '') {
document.body.innerHTML='<img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img><style> * { margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; } img { border-top: 8px solid " . $bcol . "; }</style>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<br><img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img>';
} else if (document.body.innerHTML == '') {
document.body.innerHTML='<img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img><style> * { margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; } img { border-top: 8px solid " . $bcol . "; }</style>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<br><img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img>';
unlink('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt');
try {
} catch(Exception $esdw) { }
} else if (isset($_GET['text'])) {
$emojilabbit="@- "; // vs perl
if (isset($_GET['ext'])) { $iex=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ext'])); }
if (isset($_GET['ffam'])) { $fnt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ffam'])); }
if (isset($_GET['width'])) { $pwdt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['width'])); }
if (isset($_GET['height'])) { $hgt=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['height'])); }
if (isset($_GET['ptsize'])) { $psiz=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ptsize'])); }
if (isset($_GET['fcol'])) { $fcol=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['fcol'])); }
if (isset($_GET['bcol'])) { $bcol=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['bcol'])); }
$slidename='/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.' . $iex;
file_put_contents('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])));
file_put_contents('/tmp/maybeemojisG.txt', htmlspecialchars(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8', true));
// yes no &#129684;
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), '&#') !== false || strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), '&#') !== false) { // thanks to https://usage.imagemagick.org/text/#unicode
$outsofar=''; // '\x{201C}Unicode \x{2018}\x{263A}\x{2019} Please\x{201D}'
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), '&#') !== false) {
$outs=explode('&#', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])));
for ($ivx=1; $ivx<sizeof($outs); $ivx++) {
$decis=explode(';', $outs[$ivx])[0];
if (str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','',$decis)))))))))) != '') {
if (substr(strtolower($decis),0,1) == 'x') {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . substr($decis,1) . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . $decis . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . dechex($decis) . "}";
$outsofar.=substr($outs[$ivx],strlen($decis . ';'));
} else if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), '&#') !== false) {
$outs=explode('&#', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])));
for ($ivx=1; $ivx<sizeof($outs); $ivx++) {
$decis=explode(';', $outs[$ivx])[0];
if (str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','',$decis)))))))))) != '') {
if (substr(strtolower($decis),0,1) == 'x') {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . substr($decis,1) . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . $decis . "}";
} else {
$outsofar.="\\x{" . dechex($decis) . "}";
$outsofar.=substr($outs[$ivx],strlen($decis . ';'));
$perlemoji="perl -e 'binmode(STDOUT, \":utf8\"); print \"" . str_replace("\n", "\x{000A}", $outsofar) . '";' . "' | ";
if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['text'])), "\\") !== false) {
if ($perlemoji == '') { $labbit='"$(cat /tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt | ' . " sed '/\\\\/s//\\\\\\\\/g')" . '" '; }
//file_put_contents('/tmp/imag.cmd', 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:"$(cat /tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt | ' . " sed '/\\\\/s//\\\\\\\\/g')" . '" ' . $slidename . ' ; chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
exec($perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename);
exec('chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
} else {
if ($perlemoji == '') { $labbit='"$(cat /tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt)' . '" '; }
exec($perlemoji . 'convert -background "' . $bcol . '" -fill "' . $fcol . '" -size ' . $wdt . 'x' . $hgt . ' -font ' . $fnt . ' -pointsize ' . $psiz . ' label:' . $labbit . ' ' . $slidename);
exec('chmod 777 ' . $slidename);
if (isset($_GET['raw'])) {
header('Content-Type: image/' . $iex);
echo file_get_contents($slidename);
unlink('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt');
} else {
echo "<html>
<body onload=\"
if (window.parent != window.self) {
var cnvs=parent.document.getElementsByTagName('canvas');
if (eval('' + cnvs.length) > 0) {
var imgsis=new Image();
var canvasis=cnvs[0];
var cntxis=canvasis.getContext('2d');
cntxis.drawImage(event.target, 0, 0);
imgsis.src='data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "';
} else {
var imgs=parent.document.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (eval('' + imgs.length) > 0) {
imgs[0].src='data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "';
} else if (document.body.innerHTML == '') {
document.body.innerHTML='<img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img><style> * { margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; } img { border-top: 8px solid " . $bcol . "; }</style>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<br><img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img>';
} else if (document.body.innerHTML == '') {
document.body.innerHTML='<img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img><style> * { margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; } img { border-top: 8px solid " . $bcol . "; }</style>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<br><img src=data:image/" . $iex . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($slidename)) . "></img>';
unlink('/tmp/imagerequest_' . server_remote_addr() . '-0.txt');
try {
} catch(Exception $esdw) { }


Previous relevant Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Content Tutorial is shown below.

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Content Tutorial

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Speech Content Tutorial

If you were to ask most people what is more onerous filling in online web forms on the way to making something happen …

  • we’re guessing, rather than saying button presses …
  • we’re guessing, they’re more likely to say typing out text …

… with it’s associated tabbing out to negotiate as well. But, supposing we could offer you a “speech to text” approach to performing “typing out text” in our latest cowsay Python API / Command-line tool interfacing PHP web application?

For some years now, we’ve interfaced to a …

  • non-mobile
  • Google Chrome
  • secure URL via https: protocol
  • allowing access to microphone

… means by which we normally access via a “top” hierarchy level call to our inhouse Google Speech to Text API interfacing web application helper.

Isn’t a popup window awkward here? Well, you might think so, but today, we discovered with the Google Chrome browser we used on macOS …

  • we initially call our inhouse Google Speech to Text API interfacing web application helper as a popup sitting in front of the cowsay interfacing parent window …
    <?php echo ”

    function anop() {
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
    topwo=window_open('https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/demos/speech.html','_blank','top=120,left=' + eval(eval('' + screen.width) - 690) + ',width=690,height=550');
    setTimeout(function(){ topwo.scrollTo(0,0); topwo.document.getElementById('tdm').style.opacity='0.0'; }, 6000);
    setInterval(function(){ if (!topwo.closed) { topwo.focus(); } topwo.location.href='https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/speech_supervisor.php?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1987967) + '&mode=4'; setTimeout(function(){ topwo.scrollTo(0,0); topwo.document.getElementById('tdm').style.opacity='0.0'; }, 6000); }, 30000);
    } else {
    topwo=window.open('https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/speech_supervisor.php?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1987967) + '&mode=4','_blank','top=120,left=' + eval(eval('' + screen.width) - 690) + ',width=690,height=550');
    setTimeout(function(){ topwo.scrollTo(0,0); topwo.document.getElementById('tdm').style.opacity='0.0'; }, 6000);
    setInterval(function(){ if (!topwo.closed) { topwo.focus(); } topwo.location.href='https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/speech_supervisor.php?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1987967) + '&mode=4'; setTimeout(function(){ topwo.scrollTo(0,0); topwo.document.getElementById('tdm').style.opacity='0.0'; }, 6000); }, 30000);

    “; ?>
  • and found that it was visible until any click or focus back to the cowsay interfacing parent window … normally an annoyance …
  • but not if …
    1. we semi regularly reload the our inhouse Google Speech to Text API interfacing web application helper … to refresh it’s red “recording” button instigation … and then …
    2. even if it remains hidden, it is still apparent to the focussed cowsay interfacing parent window on account of an orange “microphone on recording” icon appearing for the Google Chrome web browser user up at it’s Menu Bar … and …
    3. audio being “sight independent” the user does not have to refocus our inhouse Google Speech to Text API interfacing web application helper, just talk into the microphone just after that new icon appears … so that …
    4. the Google Speech to Text smarts help transfer that resultant text over to the textarea of the cowsay interfacing parent window, even avoiding any need to tab out of that textarea element … ahead of …
    5. the rest of the dropdown selections and button presses needed to achieve the user aim of establishing a new slide, perhaps for a Cartoon being created

… you can see happening with today’s animated GIF presentation on top of the work of yesterday’s Python Cowsay API Cartoon Tutorial in our changed “fourth draft” Cartoon creation and email sharing capable PHP web application you can also try below.

Previous relevant Python Cowsay API Cartoon Tutorial is shown below.

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Tutorial

Python Cowsay API Cartoon Tutorial

We’ve long been interested in online web application ideas that end up with a half decent cartoon the user can create, and share, themselves. “Half decent” becomes “fully decent” with a user who has a great imagination. And so, onto yesterday’s Python Cowsay API Primer Tutorial‘s start with interfacing to the great cowsay Python API / Command-line tool we access via the PHP exec method conduit to our AlmaLinux Apache/PHP/MySql Linux web server, today we’ve extended that …

  • “proof of concept” thinking … onto …
  • cartoon creation “smarts” … starting with (also egged on here by mobile platform problems with monospaced fonts, it seems like)
  • allowing a tabular display of our cowsay components … into …
  • table cells horizontally aligned (and so, less vulnerable to monospacing inaccuracies) … also allowing …
  • within any table cell there is a topmost th table cell wording part above a cowsay character td cell lower part …
  • “half decent” looking via static CSS
    <?php echo ”

    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 0;
    tr { vertical-align: top; }
    td { vertical-align: top; }
    th { vertical-align: top; }

    * { font-family:'Courier New',Courier,monospace; }
    .img-hor { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32875695/flip-mirror-an-image-horizontally-vertically-with-css
    -moz-transform: scaleX(-1);
    -o-transform: scaleX(-1);
    -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
    transform: scaleX(-1);
    filter: FlipH;
    -ms-filter: 'FlipH';
    .img-ver { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32875695/flip-mirror-an-image-horizontally-vertically-with-css
    -moz-transform: scaleY(-1);
    -o-transform: scaleY(-1);
    -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1);
    transform: scaleY(-1);
    filter: FlipV;
    -ms-filter: 'FlipV';

    .glow {
    -webkit-animation: glow 1s linear infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: glow 1s linear infinite alternate;
    animation: glow 1s linear infinite alternate;

    /* Thanks to https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_glowing_text */

    @-webkit-keyframes glow {
    from {
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px #fff, 0 0 5px #fff, 0 0 37px #e60073, 0 0 9px #e60073, 0 0 11px #e60073, 0 0 13px #e60073, 0 0 15px #e60073;

    to {
    box-shadow: 0 0 24px #fff, 0 0 6px #ff4da6, 0 0 8px #ff4da6, 0 0 10px #ff4da6, 0 0 12px #ff4da6, 0 0 14px #ff4da6, 0 0 16px #ff4da6;

    th[id$='0'] {
    background: rgba(224,240,240,0.6); //#e0f0f0;

    th[id$='1'] {
    background: rgba(225,241,241,0.6); //#e1f1f1;

    th[id$='2'] {
    background: rgba(226,242,242,0.6); //#e2f2f2;

    th[id$='3'] {
    background: rgba(227,243,243,0.6); //#e3f3f3;

    th[id$='4'] {
    background: rgba(228,244,244,0.6); //#e4f4f4;

    th[id$='5'] {
    background: rgba(229,245,245,0.6); //#e5f5f5;

    th[id$='6'] {
    background: rgba(230,246,246,0.6); //#e6f6f6;

    th[id$='7'] {
    background: rgba(231,247,247,0.6); //#e7f7f7;

    th[id$='8'] {
    background: rgba(232,248,248,0.6); //#e2f2f2;

    th[id$='9'] {
    background: rgba(233,249,249,0.6); //#e9f9f9;

    td[id$='0'] {
    background: rgba(240,240,240,0.3); //#f0f0f0;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d90;

    td[id$='1'] {
    background: rgba(241,241,241,0.3); //#f1f1f1;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d91;
    float: bottom;

    td[id$='2'] {
    background: rgba(242,242,242,0.3); //#f2f2f2;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d92;

    td[id$='3'] {
    background: rgba(243,243,243,0.3); //#f3f3f3;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d93;

    td[id$='4'] {
    background: rgba(244,244,244,0.3); //#f4f4f4;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d94;

    td[id$='5'] {
    background: rgba(245,245,245,0.3); //#f5f5f5;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d95;

    td[id$='6'] {
    background: rgba(246,246,246,0.3); //#f6f6f6;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d96;

    td[id$='7'] {
    background: rgba(247,247,247,0.3); //#f7f7f7;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d97;

    td[id$='8'] {
    background: rgba(248,248,248,0.3); //#f8f8f8;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d98;

    td[id$='9'] {
    background: rgba(249,249,249,0.3); //#f9f9f9;
    text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d99;

    table tbody tr:first-child {
    background: transparent; //#f6f6e6;

    “; ?>
    … and then …
  • whenever new cell content happens padding-top adding CSS Javascript DOM nuanced display logic via …
    <?php echo ”

    function paddingtopit() {
    var maxtwo=0, thistwo=0;
    var thhs=[], tdhs=[], it=0;
    var thdids=[];
    var tds=document.getElementsByTagName('td');
    for (it=0; it<tds.length; it++) {
    if (('' + tds[it].id).indexOf('trtdtd') != -1) {
    if (('' + tds[it].style.paddingTop).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'').trim() != '') {
    for (it=0; it<tds.length; it++) {
    if (('' + tds[it].id).indexOf('trtdtd') != -1) {
    tdhs.push(eval('' + tds[it].getBoundingClientRect().height));
    thdids.push('' + tds[it].id);
    var ths=document.getElementsByTagName('th');
    for (it=0; it<ths.length; it++) {
    if (('' + ths[it].id).indexOf('trthtd') != -1) {
    thhs.push(eval('' + ths[it].getBoundingClientRect().height));
    thistwo=eval(thhs[it] + tdhs[it]);
    if (thistwo > maxtwo) { maxtwo=thistwo; }
    for (it=0; it<tdhs.length; it++) {
    thistwo=eval(thhs[it] + tdhs[it]);
    if (thistwo < maxtwo) {
    document.getElementById(thdids[it]).style.paddingTop='' + eval(maxtwo - thistwo) + 'px';

    “; ?>
    … so that …
  • cartoons present with “speech bubble” wording aligned to the top in our “cells” (ie. th contenteditable=true editable wording on top of td horizontal flip (double click) and/or vertical flop (right click) editable lower part) with those characters aligned to the bottom

… in our changed “third draft” Cartoon creation and email sharing capable PHP web application you can also try below.

Previous relevant Python Cowsay API Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Python Cowsay API Primer Tutorial

Python Cowsay API Primer Tutorial

We discovered an interesting Open Source Python API / Command-line tool called cowsay which we installed up at our AlmaLinux web server via …

pip install cowsay

… with an integration purpose in mind, so thanks. Before many readers’ time indeed, but some may remember those cute banner printouts that told you who owned the next printout on a spooling “crude graphics” printout in the late 70’s … well cowsay encapsulates those heady days (and who can forget punch cards)?! Before integration, though, we want to test it via a new PHP supervisor on exec method Linux command line interfacings to cowsay.

So we started, with this “first draft” getting places and then this “second draft” with a little more sophistication to leave the day with this interfacer

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If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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