The recent SVG Network Clock Start Local Time Favicon Tutorial talked about …
- SVG data basis …
- emoji data content …
- favicon web browser tab icon … SVG type not accepted by all browsers and platforms …
- dynamism … and today we start with another offshoot of thought regarding this, as well as …
- document.title also showing in the web browser tab icon … universally accepted …
… ideas we wanted to get into by writing a pretty simple generic PHP helper emojiicon.php, we got a great heads up from regarding its logic, thanks, to dynamically create favicon.svg, currently looking like …
… in our nominated folder (so, so far not catering for a lot of online traffic … we’ll see) …
// emojiicon.php
// RJM Programming
// March, 2025
if (isset($_GET['codepoint'])) {
if (strlen($_GET['codepoint']) > 0) {
if (isset($_GET['ishex']) || isset($_GET['tohex']) || isset($_GET['hex'])) {
//file_put_contents('', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['codepoint'])));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', '<svg xmlns=""><text y="32" font-size="32">' . str_replace(',',';',str_replace(';','',str_replace('','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['codepoint']))))) . ';</text></svg>');
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'emojiicon' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg', str_replace('🇦','🇦🇩','<svg xmlns=""><text y="32" font-size="32">' . str_replace(',',';',str_replace(';','',str_replace('','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['codepoint']))))) . ';</text></svg>'));
} else {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'emojiicon' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg', '<svg xmlns=""><text y="32" font-size="32">' . str_replace(',',';',str_replace(';','',str_replace('','',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['codepoint']))))) . ';</text></svg>');
echo "<html>
<link rel='icon' href='/emojiicon/favicon.svg?rand=" . rand(0,3456789) . "' sizes='any' type='image/svg+xml'>
<h1>Emoji Icon - RJM Programming - March, 2025</h1>
… used in a changed emoji_widget_idea.htm content live run.
Previous relevant SVG Network Clock Start Local Time Favicon Tutorial is shown below.
Today we’re revisiting the SVG Network Clock we last talked about with SVG Network Clock Minimize Tutorial. Why?
Well, we were re-researching the topic of Favicon (those images on the tabs of your web browser tabs) that we talked about when we presented Gimp Favicon via Logo Primer Tutorial, but we realize now, things have moved on with the web browsers supporting SVG svg+xml “favicons” so much better these days, that we’d better “get with the plan”, so to speak (though it might be better if I give that a rest for a minute).
Okay, minutes up!
With increased usage of SVG svg+xml text element solutions for things around here lately, we wondered whether there was a dynamic way to start using these SVG favicons, in some way. Then we thought of our SVG Clock work. At first we thought a favicon that is a relevant timestamp, but realized the impost on the web server is too big for that, and so we set out to present a local start time of the SVG Clock for a user of this web application. The SVG favicon basis is so simple …
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="32" height="32" version="1.1" xmlns="" style="background-color:white; letter-spacing:-1px; transform:scale(1,1.6);>
<text x="0%" y="65%" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="red" font-size="16px">11:54</text>
Stick the SVG file in Document Root folder, and replace “11:54” with the relevant timestamp and we’re away, right? Yes, sort of, but there is the little matter of the relevant favicon link statement existing as a non-dynamic call to that SVG in the head section of the webpage.
Bit onerous, huh? But, what did work for us was to have a static starting wrong favicon SVG link (in head) statement that now goes in the parental svg_clock.html SVG Network Clock …
<link id='mylink' rel='icon' href='/faviJUNKcon.svg' sizes='any' type='image/svg+xml'>
… and set up the changed cldate.php PHP now called …
<script type='text/javascript'>
var pwo=null;
var analoguesuffix='';
var bothsuffix='';
if (document.URL.indexOf('analogue=') != -1) { analoguesuffix=' selected'; }
if (document.URL.indexOf('both=') != -1) { bothsuffix=' selected'; }
var pretzlist='';
var tzlist="<option value='Africa/Abidjan' data-geo='5.31666,-4.03334,GMT,CI,+0'>Africa/Abidjan</option><option value='Africa/Accra' data-geo='5.55,-0.21667,GMT,GH,+0'>Africa/Accra</option>"; // etcetera etcetera etcetera
if (tz != "") {
document.write("<h1 title='Clock clicks popup Colour Wheel, Separator click for Timezone Info, Separator right click for Google Geo Chart Map, Flag text click for Google Maps and right click for concatenated Google Map Chart' id=myh1>SVG Network Clock</h1><h3>RJM Programming <button title='- for here and toggle to + for to right' id=lhmode onclick='this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML.replace(String.fromCharCode(45),String.fromCharCode(93)).replace(String.fromCharCode(43),String.fromCharCode(45)).replace(String.fromCharCode(93),String.fromCharCode(43));'>-</button> January, 2020</h3><h4 onclick='woit(this.title);' id=myh4 title='" + sih + "'>Enter toggles fullscreen mode and thanks to The PHP Anthology Volume II: Applications by Harry Fuecks</h4><p>The <select id=mysel onchange=gonext(this.value);>" + ("<option value='GMT'>GMT</option><option value='localtime'>Localtime</option>" + setpretz() + tzlist).replace('>' + tz.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + tz.substring(1) + '<',' selected>' + tz.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + tz.substring(1) + '<') + "</select> <select style='display:inline-block;' onchange=\"locationhref=(document.URL.replace('analogue=','x=').replace('both=','y=') + ('&' + this.value + '=y').replace('&=y','')).replace('.html&','.html?').replace('.htm&','.htm?') + lh; lhit(prevmysel,this);\"><option value=''>digital clock</option><option value=analogue" + analoguesuffix + ">analogue clock</option><option value=both" + bothsuffix + ">digital and analogue clock</option></select> sponsored by SVG is<br><hr id=myhr style='height:3px;' title='Click here for any Daylight Saving Time information' onclick=\"'" + encodeURIComponent(tz) + "','_blank','top=50,left=50,width=500,height=500');\"><br><object id=myclock data='svg_clock.php?timezone=" + encodeURIComponent(tz + loct) + uprefix + "' width='" + nh + "' height='530' type='image/svg+xml' /></p>" + es);
} else {
document.write("<h1 title='Clock clicks popup Colour Wheel, Separator click for Timezone Info, Separator right click for Google Geo Chart Map, Flag text click for Google Maps and right click for concatenated Google Map Chart' id=myh1>SVG Network Clock</h1><h3>RJM Programming <button title='- for here and toggle to + for to right' id=lhmode onclick='this.innerHTML=this.innerHTML.replace(String.fromCharCode(45),String.fromCharCode(93)).replace(String.fromCharCode(43),String.fromCharCode(45)).replace(String.fromCharCode(93),String.fromCharCode(43));'>-</button> January, 2020</h3><h4 onclick='woit(this.title);' id=myh4 title='" + sih + "'>Enter toggles fullscreen mode and thanks to The PHP Anthology Volume II: Applications by Harry Fuecks</h4><p>The <select id=mysel onchange=gonext(this.value);>" + ("<option value='GMT'>GMT</option><option value='localtime'>Localtime</option>" + setpretz() + tzlist).replace('>' + tz.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + tz.substring(1) + '<',' selected>' + tz.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + tz.substring(1) + '<') + "</select> <select style='display:inline-block;' onchange=\"locationhref=(document.URL.replace('analogue=','x=').replace('both=','y=') + ('&' + this.value + '=y').replace('&=y','')).replace('.html&','.html?').replace('.htm&','.htm?') + lh; lhit(prevmysel,this);\"><option value=''>digital clock</option><option value=analogue" + analoguesuffix + ">analogue clock</option><option value=both" + bothsuffix + ">digital and analogue clock</option></select> sponsored by SVG is<br><br><br><object id=myclock data='svg_clock.php" + uprefix.replace('&','?') + "' width='" + nh + "' height='530' type='image/svg+xml' /></p>");
document.write("<iframe style=height:60vh; frameborder=0 id='loces' onload='getmelt(this);' src='cldate.php?localtime=y&firstcall=" + ('' + Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone) + '&nowis=' + ('0' + (new Date().getHours())).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + (new Date().getMinutes())).slice(-2) + "'></iframe>");
<!--iframe style=height:60vh; frameborder=0 id='loces' onload='getmelt(this);' src='cldate.php?localtime=y'></iframe-->
… “helper” code to create the amended favicon.svg and amend the parent to use the new favicon.svg as per …
if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "localtime") !== false) {
if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "firstcall") !== false) {
if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "nowis=") !== false) {
if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg')) {
$fsvg=file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg');
if (strpos($fsvg, '</text>') !== false) {
$curts=explode('>', explode('</text>', $fsvg)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode('>', explode('</text>', $fsvg)[0]))];
if (strpos($fsvg, '>' . $curts . '</text>')) {
$pdt=" parent.document.title+=' you started at " . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['nowis'])) . " local time'; parent.document.getElementById('myh1').innerHTML+='<font size=1> ... you started at " . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['nowis'])) . " local time</font>'; ";
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg', str_replace('>' . $curts . '</text>', '>' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['nowis'])) . '</text>', $fsvg));
} else {
$localtime = localtime();
if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg')) {
$fsvg=file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg');
if (strpos($fsvg, '</text>') !== false) {
$curts=explode('>', explode('</text>', $fsvg)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode('>', explode('</text>', $fsvg)[0]))];
if (strpos($fsvg, '>' . $curts . '</text>')) {
$pdt=" parent.document.title+=' you started at " . substr(('0' . $localtime[2]),-2,2) . ':' . substr(('0' . $localtime[1]),-2,2) . " local time'; parent.document.getElementById('myh1').innerHTML+='<font size=1> ... you started at " . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['nowis'])) . " local time</font>'; ";
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'favicon.svg', str_replace('>' . $curts . '</text>', '>' . substr(('0' . $localtime[2]),-2,2) . ':' . substr(('0' . $localtime[1]),-2,2) . '</text>', $fsvg));
echo "<html><head><script type='text/javascript'> var iwois=null; </script></head><body><div id=mydiv></div><script type='text/javascript'>
var asuff='" . $midbit . $csuff . "';
var adate = new Date();
var dow=['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
var his=eval('' + adate.getHours());
var mis=eval('' + adate.getMinutes());
var sis=eval('' + adate.getSeconds());
var ssuff='';
if (('' + adate).indexOf(' GMT') != -1) { ssuff=' GMT' + ('' + adate).split(' GMT')[1]; }
if (1 == 1) {
document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML=dow[eval('' + adate.getDay())] + ' ' + ('0' + his).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + mis).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + sis).split('.')[0].slice(-2) + ' ' + ('0' + adate.getDate()).slice(-2) + ' ' + ('0' + eval(1 + eval('' + adate.getMonth()))).slice(-2).replace('01','Jan').replace('02','Feb').replace('03','Mar').replace('04','Apr').replace('05','May').replace('06','Jun').replace('07','Jul').replace('08','Aug').replace('09','Sep').replace('10','Oct').replace('11','Nov').replace('12','Dec') + ' ' + ('' + adate.getFullYear()) + ' ' + ssuff + asuff;
} else {
document.write(dow[eval('' + adate.getDay())] + ' ' + ('0' + his).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + mis).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + sis).split('.')[0].slice(-2) + ' ' + ('0' + adate.getDate()).slice(-2) + ' ' + ('0' + eval(1 + eval('' + adate.getMonth()))).slice(-2).replace('01','Jan').replace('02','Feb').replace('03','Mar').replace('04','Apr').replace('05','May').replace('06','Jun').replace('07','Jul').replace('08','Aug').replace('09','Sep').replace('10','Oct').replace('11','Nov').replace('12','Dec') + ' ' + ('' + adate.getFullYear()) + ' ' + ssuff + asuff);
var myl=parent.document.getElementById('mylink').href;
if (myl.indexOf('JUNK') != -1) { parent.document.getElementById('mylink').href='/favicon.svg?rand=" . rand(0, 4534567) . "'; " . $pdt . " }
Interesting, huh?!
Previous relevant SVG Network Clock Minimize Tutorial is shown below.
Today’s blog posting’s underlying SVG Network Clock web application (we last talked about with Colour Wheel Size and Spoke Colour Tutorial’>Colour Wheel Size and Spoke Colour Tutorial) shares a couple of commonalities with yesterday’s MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Visibility Tutorial, those being …
- the date and time concepts …
- the use of Page Visibility API ideas
… those Page Visibility API ideas you might equate to “minimize” concepts, that originated when GUIs were left to deal with how to present the representation of an application when it is no longer front and center in front of the user as an opened up window. We’d “minimize” back down to the desktop icon or toolbar view of the application. Web browsers can have tabs for this equivalent purpose, and we can improve the usefulness of a web application that can still be useful when “minimized” out of the top viewing tab. Date and time themed web applications can be your more obvious candidate for usefulness here. Just present a form of “digital clock readout” and your web applications like our SVG Network Clock can still be a source of information, even when “minimized”. We think that is an improvement?!
As you might have noticed with the last application of Page Visibility API “smarts”, this API is not hard to use, but for the first time we can remember, making changes just to the changed HTML supervisor svg_clock.html SVG Network Clock supervisor HTML and Javascript, and only changed to see in a new external Javascript svg_clock.js helper, we saved coding time by being able to …
- scrutinize the DOM …
- within an “object” HTML element’s …
- SVG … featuring in some new Javascript with its own Page Visibility API reference …
function huhcont() {
var dtidea='';
var dotwis=['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
if (document.title != origdtis || ishd == ishd.toUpperCase()) { setTimeout(huhcont, 1000); }
ishd == ishd.toLowerCase();
if (document.getElementById('myclock') && ('' + document.visibilityState) == 'hidden') {
if (document.getElementById('myclock').contentDocument.documentElement.outerHTML.indexOf(' id="sclock"') != -1) {
dtidea=document.getElementById('myclock').contentDocument.documentElement.outerHTML.split(' id="sclock"')[1].split('<')[0].split('>')[1].trim();
console.log('dtidea=' + dtidea + ' ... ' + document.URL);
if (dtidea != '') {
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('timezone=') != -1) {
document.title=('' + new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: ('timezone=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('timezone=')[1].split('&')[0]) : "")}) + ' ' + ('timezone=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('timezone=')[1].split('&')[0]) : "") + ' ' + ('emflag=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('emflag=')[1].split('&')[0]) : ""));
} else {
document.title=new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "GMT"});
} else {
… where we’d like to thank this useful link, thanks, for the heads up
Interesting, huh?!
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Desktop Application Tutorial is shown below.
We figured that an improvement on the progress with our Timekeeping web application of the recent MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Audio Broadcast Tutorial would be to mention what macOS or Mac OS X Desktop Application is topmost when the screenshot is taken. When thinking about solutions for this, there was not much time before thinking turned to …
- Apple Script, which has its GUI Apple “look” … but also …
- Apple Script PHP shell_exec and (macOS Terminal) command line accessible osascript command line “look” too
… and excellent resources such as this excellent one to read that made us realize a PHP codeline such as …
if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'script.jxa')) {
// Thanks to
$scris="var seApp = Application(\"System Events\");
var oProcess = seApp.processes.whose({frontmost: true})[0];
var appName = oProcess.displayedName();
var url;
var title;
switch(appName) {
case \"Safari\":
url = Application(appName).documents[0].url();
title = Application(appName).documents[0].name();
case \"Opera\":
url = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().url();
title = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().name();
case \"Google Chrome\":
url = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().url();
title = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().name();
case \"Google Chrome Canary\", \"Chromium\":
url = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().url();
title = Application(appName).windows[0].activeTab().name();
title = oProcess.
find(w => w.attributes.byName(\"AXMain\").value() === true).
appname: appName,
url: url,
title: title
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'script.jxa', $scris);
$tma=shell_exec('osascript -l JavaScript ' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'script.jxa');
… can glean such useful JSON results such as …
… well, it almost makes us speechless!
This change affected …
- the changed HTML and Javascript quarter_hour_timer.html (we still ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Web Application supervisor
- the changed PHP quarter_hour_timer.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage
- the changed macos_say_record.js external Javascript
… and we hope you try it for yourself!
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Audio Broadcast Tutorial is shown below.
We thought what could be a benefit to the Timekeeping web application of the recent MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Web Share Personalization Tutorial would be to …
- offer an optional audio broadcasting piece of functionality … presented via a new 📢 (📢) emoji button, that might accompany …
- notifications
… when a screenshot is taken. As good as notifications are, it could be that the user is beavering away with their head down at work as the screenshot is taken, but welcome the audio queue that a Timekeeping screenshot has been taken. As well as that, with this new audio broadcasting, the *.aiff audio files created are available to share via email or SMS using the Web Share API interfacing code. This involved changes to …
- the changed HTML and Javascript quarter_hour_timer.html (we still ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Web Application supervisor
- the changed PHP quarter_hour_timer.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage
- the changed macos_say_record.js external Javascript
- the changed PHP macos_say_record.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] subfolder) Say Text to Audio Supervision
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Web Share Personalization Tutorial is shown below.
Your words, helped out by some computer derived detail data, can help personalize your work using the Quarter Hour Timekeeping web application of yesterday’s MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Web Share API Tutorial which, at least with the Safari browser (and a whole lot of other macOS conditions), now integrates with the Web Share API to attach images to prepared emails with a “body blurb”. It is that prepared “body blurb” we are trying to refine, today, should the user attach any of those Timekeeper screenshot files created via macOS screencapture command.
This is because these screenshot file names, by our convention, are of the format …
… within the macOS MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] folder (though the path to the file is unavailable to File API File object programmers).
That, teamed with the fact that individual user comments linked to any one quarter hour screenshot image has an ID attribute of the form …
… and you have modified Javascript helping the user to tailor better personalized and detail email or SMS communications using the changed macos_say_record.js external Javascript via …
var wsadate=new Date();
var lfd=String.fromCharCode(10);
function getwsadate(dd, mm, yyyy, hh, mi) {
wsadate=new Date(yyyy, eval(-1 + eval('' + mm)), dd, hh, mi, 0, 0);
var outdstr=wsadate.toDateString() + ' ' + wsadate.toTimeString();
outdstr=outdstr.replace('Sun ', 'Sunday ').replace('Mon ', 'Monday ').replace('Tue ', 'Tuesday ').replace('Wed ', 'Wednesday ').replace('Thu ', 'Thursday ').replace('Fri ', 'Friday ').replace('Sat ', 'Saturday ');
outdstr=outdstr.replace(':00 ', ' ').replace(' Jan ', ' January ').replace(' Feb ', ' February ').replace(' Mar ', ' March ').replace(' Apr ', ' April ').replace(' Jun ', ' June ').replace(' Jul ', ' July ').replace(' Aug ', ' August ').replace(' Sep ', ' September ').replace(' Oct ', ' October ').replace(' Nov ', ' November ').replace(' Dec ', ' December ');
//console.log('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi);
if (document.getElementById('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi)) {
//console.log('yes tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi);
if (document.getElementById('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi).value.trim() != '') {
outdstr+=' ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '"' + document.getElementById('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi).value + '"';
} else if (document.getElementById('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi).innerHTML.trim() != '') {
outdstr+=' ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '"' + document.getElementById('tatd_' + yyyy + mm + dd + '_' + hh + mi).innerHTML + '"';
return outdstr + String.fromCharCode(10);
async function atclick() {
const files = document.getElementById('files').files;
var moressi='', ifl=0, lessssi='';
if (files.length === 0) {
document.getElementById('output').textContent = 'No files selected.';
} else {
for (ifl=0; ifl<files.length; ifl++) {
if (('' + files[ifl].name).indexOf('screen-') != -1) {
if (('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[0].length == 8) {
if (('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[1].split('.')[0].length == 4) {
moressi+=lfd + ' on ' + getwsadate(('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[0].slice(-2), ('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[0].slice(-4).substring(0,2), ('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[0].substring(0,4), ('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[1].split('.')[0].substring(0,2), ('' + files[ifl].name).split('screen-')[1].split('-')[1].split('.')[0].slice(-2));
while (lessssi.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) {
lessssi=lessssi.replace(String.fromCharCode(10), ' ');
// feature detecting navigator.canShare() also implies
// the same for the navigator.share()
if (!navigator.canShare) {
//if (document.URL.indexOf('localhost') != -1) { alert('Can not share'); }
document.getElementById('output').textContent = `Your browser doesn't support the Web Share API.`;
//} else {
//if (document.URL.indexOf('localhost') != -1) { alert('Can Share'); }
if (navigator.canShare({ files })) {
try {
console.log('Can share');
await navigator.share({
title: 'Timekeeping screenshots' + lessssi + ' or media or documents',
text: 'Timekeeping screenshots' + moressi + ' perhaps?! Take a look at media or documents below' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10)
document.getElementById('output').textContent = 'Shared!';
} catch (error) {
document.getElementById('output').textContent = `Error: ${error.message}`;
} else {
//if (document.URL.indexOf('localhost') != -1) { alert('Cannot share'); }
document.getElementById('output').textContent = `Your system doesn't support sharing these files.`;
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Web Share API Tutorial is shown below.
Adding onto yesterday’s MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Audio Commentary Tutorial …
- Timekeeping Web Application newish Text to Audio (via macOS say via MAMP “Intranet feel”) … today, we have …
- Timekeeping Web Application new Web Share API (public domain Document Root external Javascript Web Share API) Javascript logic
This got us decoupling what can become …
- an external Javascript web_share_api_test.js that becomes dual purpose … from … reducing …
- the changed HTML and Javascript web_share_api_test.html Web Share API supervisor down to size …
<script type='text/javascript' src='/web_share_api_test.js' defer></script>
… and helps out … - the changed HTML and Javascript quarter_hour_timer.html (we still ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Web Application supervisor …
<script type='text/javascript' src='//' defer></script>
… nicely
… but as we’ve warned before you may need all these for total success for the Timekeeping Quarter Hour Timer web application (that can screenshot, can create notification when screenshot taken, and have audio commentary, and share screenshot image(s) or Timekeeper URL) …
- macOS or Mac OS X underlying operating system …
- Safari web browser (supports Web Share API) address bar should get you to …
- MAMP Apache/PHP/MySql local web server installed and activated …
- downloads to MAMP environment as talked about in blog posts so that local web server version of URL above is totally functional
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Audio Commentary Tutorial is shown below.
The recent MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Notifications Tutorial‘s Timekeeping via Screenshots changed HTML and Javascript quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Web Application supervisor is another very suitable candidate for interfacing to our recent Webpage Audio Commentary functionality. Both …
- the changed PHP quarter_hour_timer.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage
- the changed PHP macos_say_record.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] subfolder) Say Text to Audio Supervision
… share an …
- underlying macOS or Mac OS X operating system dependence …
- underlying local web server such as MAMP …
- downloaded into that local web server Document Root folder PHP code
… set of interest points for full and useful functionality, because of two macOS or Mac OS X commands, respectively …
We add the changed macos_say_record.js external Javascript call into the supervisory HTML and Javascript <head></head> webpage section via …
<script type='text/javascript' src='//' defer></script>
… sitting up at the Document Root of your public domain, that “?ongoing=” based $_GET[‘ongoing’] argument deliberate, effectively asking the code to look out for “on the fly” HTML elements created within an execution run of the webpage.
We add some “smarts” to those global data attribute usage we talked about at Webpage macOS Say Audio Commentary Access Count Tutorial, allowing some “date extraction” templating via the supervisory HTML and Javascript array declaration as per …
<script type='text/javascript'>
var commentary_array=['textarea', 'You can enter comments about this screenshot here %value%outerHTML%@yyyymmdd%hhmm%.', 'img', 'Timekeeper screenshot here %id%@yyyymmdd%hhmm%.'];
… where the first field describes an HTML element attribute to first look at, the optional second is a stand by attribute, followed by “date extraction” fields to match with numerical data found so as to substitute the blue parts with a “date and timestamp” string.
Previous relevant MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Notifications Tutorial is shown below.
Today we’re revisiting the macOS (or Mac OS X) or Windows timekeeping web application of 2016’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Aesthetics Tutorial. Why? Well, given our recent work with Notifications API based web applications you can read about at Notification API Hidden Popup Tutorial, the timekeeping one is a great candidate for functionality improvement here, it being a web application that …
- can work behind the scenes …
- not necessarily frontmost … but benefitting from any …
- notification reminders separate from web activities and webpage focus issues can help tell the user when they might want to turn back attention to the timekeeping screenshot recording
This needs PHP to work and it needs real access via PHP exec function to underlying operating system commands. When this happens, we still try to offer a public RJM Programming interface but this interface is far less useful if you have not downloaded to your local Apache/PHP/MySql local web server (such as a MAMP one) as per …
- the changed quarter_hour_timer.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage
- the unchanged (from tutorial below, supervisory HTML and Javascript) quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application
- the “how we got there” PHP notifications_ideas.php (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] subfolder) Notification API functionality PHP web application
… in what we like to call an “Intranet feeling” scenario.
Up at the public RJM Programming domain, as far as the Notification API functionality supervisor webpage goes, the changed HTML and Javascript notifications_ideas.html Notification API functionality HTML and Javascript web application is worth trying.
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Aesthetics Tutorial is shown below.
To finish up our revisit to the Timekeeping web application of the recent Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Iframe Tutorial we …
- make some styling calendar tweaks …
td { vertical-align: top; }
#divmc { background-color: #ffffff; }
p:not(:empty) { border: 1px dotted red; }
td { text-align: center; vertical-align: top; }
th { background-color: cyan; }
#thyear { background-color: pink; }
div { word-wrap: break-word; }
.adaNOte { border: 3px solid pink; border-radius: 7px; }
a.adate { border:2px solid transparent; background-color:lightgreen; border-radius:50px; }
- settle for mobile platforms never being able to screenshot, on this round of looking, and redirecting to the “Monthly Chronicler” web application (of (the unchanged) monthly_chronicler.html we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) …
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPod|iPad|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
document.write("<scri" + "pt> location.href='./monthly_chronicler.html'; </scr" + "ipt> <style> a.adate { border:1px solid green; background-color:#f0f0f0; border-radius:50px; } </style> <table id=mtable style=display:none;width:95%;><tr><th><input style=width:450px; placeholder='' id=iask type=text value=''></input><</th><th><input onclick=\" document.getElementById('mtable').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mybod').style.opacity='1.0'; postask(document.getElementById('iask'));\" type=button value=OK></input></th><th><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('iask').value=''; document.getElementById('mtable').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mybod').style.opacity='1.0'; \" type=button value=Cancel></input></th></tr></table>");
… dumbing down, but working more reliably, using “Javascript writes Javascript” methodology
Again, feel free to try the changed quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage, is helped out by a “mobile platform check” changed quarter_hour_timer.php PHP (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) for you to try out on your MAMP macOS environment, or all showing up at an RJM Programming public domain webpage, in an iframe element, visible now.
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Windows Tutorial is shown below.
Did you notice that the “Timekeeping” PHP did not have to change for yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar iCal Integration Tutorial?
But the PHP is the change agent for Windows (client) integration called quarter_hour_timer.php today …
// blah top
$user_agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
function getOS() { // thanks to
global $user_agent, $lportbit;
$os_platform = "win Unknown OS Platform";
$os_array = array(
'/windows nt 10/i' => 'Windows 10',
'/windows nt 6.3/i' => 'Windows 8.1',
'/windows nt 6.2/i' => 'Windows 8',
'/windows nt 6.1/i' => 'Windows 7',
'/windows nt 6.0/i' => 'Windows Vista',
'/windows nt 5.2/i' => 'Windows Server 2003/XP x64',
'/windows nt 5.1/i' => 'Windows XP',
'/windows xp/i' => 'Windows XP',
'/windows nt 5.0/i' => 'Windows 2000',
'/windows me/i' => 'Windows ME',
'/win98/i' => 'Windows 98',
'/win95/i' => 'Windows 95',
'/win16/i' => 'Windows 3.11',
'/macintosh|mac os x/i' => 'Mac OS X',
'/mac_powerpc/i' => 'Mac OS 9',
'/linux/i' => 'Linux',
'/ubuntu/i' => 'Ubuntu',
'/iphone/i' => 'iPhone',
'/ipod/i' => 'iPod',
'/ipad/i' => 'iPad',
'/android/i' => 'Android',
'/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry',
'/webos/i' => 'Mobile'
foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) {
if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) {
$os_platform = $value;
return $os_platform;
$callornot="call ";
$impreexe="screenCapture"; //"import";
$switches=""; //" -window root ";
if (substr(strtoupper(getOS()),0,3) === 'WIN') {
if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\" . $impreexe . ".exe")) {
$precmds=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\";
} else {
foreach (glob("C:\\Users\\*\\" . $impreexe . ".exe") as $infl) {
$precmds=explode($impreexe . ".exe", $infl)[0];
// blah blah some other PHP functions
if (isset($_GET['yourta'])) {
// calendar work
} else if (isset($_GET['myta'])) {
// embed image metadata
} else if (isset($_POST['myta'])) {
// parse image metadata
} else if ($lportbit != "") {
exec("/usr/sbin/screencapture -Cd -tjpg " . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/screen-`date +\"%Y%m%d-%H%M\"`.jpg");
} else {
if (isset($_GET['tz'])) {
if (strpos($tzis, "/") !== false) { date_default_timezone_set($tzis); }
$dateis = date('Ymd-Hi');
if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\screenCapture.jpg")) {
exec('copy ' . '"' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\screenCapture.jpg" . '" "' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\screen-" . $dateis . '.jpg"');
// exec('erase ' . '"' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\screenCapture.jpg" . '"');
} else {
exec($callornot . '"' . $precmds . $impreexe . '.exe" ' . $switches . ' "' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\\screen-" . $dateis . '.jpg"');
… which you may glean has a Windows “fallback” position (with that “copy” codeline). Why? Well, we found a .Net framework “exe creation via bat” using ScreenCapture.bat (thanks to this useful link) created black screen shots. Probably a privilege thing or PHP exec thing, but we’ve opted for the workaround, which is just “Windows talk” …
- write Windows batch scapcontinuous.bat as a continuous fifteen minute user of the .Net Framework (ScreenCapture.exe) derived from above
- set up a task via “Task Schedular” (please ignore the warts ‘n all “garden path” schtask ideas in the video below) that has an action “C:\MAMP\htdocs\scapcontinuous.bat” and starts when the Windows user logs in and takes (successful) screen shots at 14 and 29 and 44 and 59 minutes (in the hour) times
Take a more detailed look at “warts ‘n all” crab progression towards the Windows (client) solution, below …
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar iCal Integration Tutorial is shown below.
Yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Contenteditable Tutorial‘s “Calendar Past” improvements don’t have to be the end of the story regarding “calendar timings”. There is an Apple iCal standard interfacing format that can drive calendar integrations with many well known online Calendar applications.
You may recall us talking about this with Calendar Location Services Integration Tutorial and we tweak the changed ics_attachment.php (which we’d ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “PHP” subfolder) and its standalone ical creator to better integrate with the changed quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage.
This bit of functionality works (interfacing) both with MAMP and with the public RJM Programming domain incarnation of the Timekeeping web application, so that could be interesting. It can interface via …
… modes of use. In action, should you create an iCal file this way, the web application will download the resultant .ics file into your Downloads folder and to interface into your default online Calendar application double click that Downloads folder file to complete the Calendar integration …
function icalpostit(tl, tg) {
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
var hh = today.getHours();
var minm = today.getMinutes(); //January is 0!
//if (icalavailable) { alert('is ' + ('' + yyyy + ('00' + mm).slice(-2) + ('00' + dd).slice(-2) ) + ' >= ' + tl.substring(1)); }
if ((document.getElementById('yics').value.indexOf('all') != -1 || tl.substring(1) >= ('' + yyyy + ('00' + mm).slice(-2) + ('00' + dd).slice(-2) )) && icalavailable && document.getElementById('yics').value != '') {
if (document.getElementById('yics').value.indexOf('nw') != -1) {
icald=tl.substring(1) + ':' + ('00' + hh).slice(-2) + ('00' + minm).slice(-2) + '59';
if (icalwo != null) { icalwo.close(); icalwo=null; }'../PHP/ics_attachment.php','_blank','top=100,left=100,width=740,height=800');
if (1 == 1) {
setTimeout(icalw, 3000);
} else {
icalwo.document.getElementById('eventwords').value=icalg.replace(/\<br\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)).replace(/\<Br\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)).replace(/\<BR\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10));
if (document.URL.indexOf('localhost') != -1) {
var jcald=icalg.replace(/\<br\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)).replace(/\<Br\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)).replace(/\<BR\>/g, String.fromCharCode(10)).replace(/\ \;>/g, ' ');
while (jcald.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) { jcald=jcald.replace(String.fromCharCode(10),' '); }
} else {
icalwo.document.getElementById('title').value='Calendar event at ' + icald;
icalwo.document.getElementById('description').value='Calendar event at ' + icald;
if ( ('' + today.getTimezoneOffset()).replace('null','').replace('undefined','') != '' ) {
//alert(('' + eval(eval('' + qd.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60.0)).replace('.00','').replace('.0',''));
icalwo.document.getElementById('tz').value=('' + eval(eval('' + today.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60.0)).replace('.00','').replace('.0','');
//icalwo.document.getElementById('pform').onsubmit=function() { window.opener.document.getElementById('icalstatus').innerHTML=' '; return true; };
} else if (document.getElementById('yics').value.indexOf('if') != -1) {
icald=tl.substring(1) + ':' + ('00' + hh).slice(-2) + ('00' + minm).slice(-2) + '59';
document.getElementById('icslocit').src='../PHP/ics_attachment.php?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19876564);
} else {
var xzhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var xform=new FormData();
xform.append('icald',tl.substring(1) + ':' + ('00' + hh).slice(-2) + ('00' + minm).slice(-2) + '59');
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Contenteditable Tutorial is shown below.
We’ve spoken quite a bit in the past about the joys of involving the “contenteditable=true” attribute for HTML elements that have an “innerHTML” (ie. they have a formalized end tag arrangement eg. div, span, p, td, th etcetera) and with today’s work which extends that started with yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Past Tutorial it is the turn of a set of “p” elements it helps out today.
The scenario is that yesterday’s work did not allow for “orphaned screenshots” of the past be allowed to be brought back into play to “annotate them” and in so doing “give them a home”. This led us to …
- allow for a new “Infill Earlier Days All Screenshots” button augment yesterday‘s “Infill Earlier Days Just Annotated Screenshots” button …
- the pressing of that new “Infill Earlier Days All Screenshots” button causes all screenshot 15 minute entries relevant to the current year be displayed in the calendar … but then it occurred to us users might want to “annotate them” … but how? …
- in the PHP we introduced code …
if (isset($_GET['yourta'])) {
$dru="http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "/";
if (strlen($_GET['yourta']) != 0) { $cet=" contenteditable=true onblur=repostit(this); onfocus=wopen(event,false); "; }
// blah blah blah
$ccpre="" . $cet . " onclick=this.innerHTML+=String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(62); style=background-color:orange;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;background-image:linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.3),rgba(255,255,255,0.3)),URL(" . $dru . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . ".jpg" . "); onmouseover=wopen(event,true); onmouseout=wopen(event,false); title=" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-4,2) . ":" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-2,2) . "++ id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">";
// blah blah blah
… to, when an “orphaned” screen shot image is happened upon, allows … - contenteditable=true “does its stuff” turning might might have been a pretty unintelligent HTML element into a “textarea” type collector of user input, and then that onblur event logic’s “midair feeling” Ajax/FormData “recursive feeling” methodology …
function repostit(ih) {
var ihis=(ih.innerText || ih.contentWindow || ih.contentDocument);
if (ihis != '') {
var xzhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var xform=new FormData();
… which can cement that (newly user entered) annotation into future permanency in the “Yearly Report Calendar” section
… of the changed quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage, is helped out by a contenteditable=true changed quarter_hour_timer.php PHP (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) for you to try out on your MAMP macOS environment.
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Past Tutorial is shown below.
If you’ve been using the Timekeeping web application as of yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Tutorial you would have noticed a very …
- first person
- present tense
… feel to it all. Today, we improve on the latter “restrictiveness” issue, within yesterday’s “Yearly Report Calendar” new functionality, by looking back into the current calendar year’s “past” with respect to the date of using the web application, whether that be …
- screen captures from days in the current calendar year’s “past”
- text entries made and remembered (in window.localStorage) in the current calendar year’s “past”
… to infill and flesh out that “Yearly Report Calendar” better. This involved bringing over a lot of (the unchanged) monthly_chronicler.html‘s Javascript logic into the changed quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage, is helped out by a calendar’s past integrationally changed quarter_hour_timer.php PHP (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) for you to try out on your MAMP macOS environment.
// quarter_hour_timer.php
// RJM Programming
// December, 2021
if (isset($_GET['yourta'])) {
$dru="HTTP://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "/";
$contis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['yourta']));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', $contis);
$bcontis="'" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $contis)))) . "'";
if (substr(($bcontis . ' '),0,3) == "' + ") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(3); }
if (substr((' ' . $bcontis),-3,3) == " + '") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(0,(-3 + strlen($bcontis))); }
foreach ($_GET as $name=>$val) {
if ($name != 'yourta') { // && $val == '') {
//echo $name;
for ($imh=12; $imh>=1; $imh--) {
for ($idd=31; $idd>=1; $idd--) {
//file_put_contents('xz.xz',$orig . ' Is ' . substr('00' . $imh,-2,2) . substr('00' . $idd,-2,2) . ' less than ' . $val);
if (substr('00' . $imh,-2,2) . substr('00' . $idd,-2,2) < $val) {
for ($ihh=0; $ihh<=23; $ihh++) {
for ($imm=0; $imm<=45; $imm+=15) {
//if ($ihh != 0 || $imm != 0) {
$myf=str_replace("0101_", substr('00' . $imh,-2,2) . substr('00' . $idd,-2,2) . "_",$orig);
$myf=str_replace("_0000", "_" . substr('00' . $ihh,-2,2) . substr('00' . $imm,-2,2),$myf);
// Thanks to
// Path to jpeg file
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . '.jpg';
if (file_exists($path)) {
$capt = ""; // Thanks to
$size = getimagesize( $path, $info );
if (isset($info["APP13"])) {
if ($iptc = iptcparse( $info["APP13"] ) ) {
$capt = str_replace( "\000", "", $iptc["2#120"][0] );
$bcontis="" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "";
$ccpre="<p onclick=this.innerHTML+=String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(62); style=background-color:orange;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;background-image:linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.3),rgba(255,255,255,0.3)),URL(" . $dru . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . ".jpg" . "); onmouseover=wopen(event,true); onmouseout=wopen(event,false); title=" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-4,2) . ":" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-2,2) . "++ id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">";
$ccontis="<br><p style='background-color:orange; title='" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . "' id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "<br>", str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "</p>";
//file_put_contents('xxxxxx.xxxxxx',$taback . ' ... ' . $backi);
//file_put_contents('xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx',"parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "'; ");
if ($bcontis != "''" && $bcontis != "") {
if ($htmlis == '') {
$htmlis="<html><head><script type=text/javascript> var imois=null, iwo=null; function wopen(event,overvsout) { if (!overvsout) { if (imois == { imois=null; } return; }; setTimeout(postwopen, 2000); } function postwopen() { var pois=imois; if (pois.outerHTML.indexOf('URL(') != -1) {'URL(')[1].split(')')[0].replace(String.fromCharCode(34),'').replace(String.fromCharCode(34),''),'_blank','top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'); } }</script></head><body onload=\" var huhg=''; if (parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "')) { huhg='" . $ccpre . $bcontis . $ccpost . "'; while (huhg.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) { huhg=huhg.replace(String.fromCharCode(10),'<br>'); } parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "').innerHTML+=huhg; } \"></body></html>";
} else if (strpos($htmlis, $bcontis) === false) {
$htmlis=str_replace("+=huhg; }", "+=huhg; huhg='" . $ccpre . $bcontis . $ccpost . "'; while (huhg.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) { huhg=huhg.replace(String.fromCharCode(10),'<br>'); } parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "').innerHTML+=huhg; }", $htmlis);
if ($htmlis != "") { echo $htmlis; }
// blah else if blah else if blah
… which you may notice implements a “long hover” scenario (using non-mobile platforms) for screenshot images on the calendar by combining the use of …
- global variables …
var imois=null;
var iwo=null;
- onmouseover event logic …
Call onmouseover=wopen(event,true); - setTimeout delays …
function wopen(event,overvsout) {
if (!overvsout) {
if (imois == {
setTimeout(postwopen, 2000);
function postwopen() { //pois) {
if (imois) {
var pois=imois;
if (pois.outerHTML.indexOf('URL(') != -1) {
if (iwo) { iwo.close(); iwo=null; }
iwo ='URL(')[1].split(')')[0].replace(String.fromCharCode(34), '').replace(String.fromCharCode(34), ''), '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600');
- onmouseout event logic …
Call onmouseout=wopen(event,false);
… so that this logic is not responsible for clobbering the default “hover” shows of the “p” element “title” attribute with the onmouseover event for non-mobile platforms.
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Calendar Tutorial is shown below.
Okay then, yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Image Metadata Tutorial “image metadata smarts” puts us in a position to get onto the “bells and whistles” side of our Timekeeping (macOS and Mac OS X only at this stage) web application. We channel the calendar display talents of Monthly Chronicler LocalStorage Tutorial in thought and act (its web application is opened in an iframe … hence our need to ask you to download monthly_chronicler.html to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) to offer a new (“reveal”) piece of details/summary hosted “Yearly Report Calendar” functionality.
// quarter_hour_timer.php
// RJM Programming
// December, 2021
// iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzen
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value) {
$length = strlen($value);
$retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
if($length < 0x8000)
$retval .= chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF);
$retval .= chr(0x80) .
chr(0x04) .
chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .
chr($length & 0xFF);
return $retval . $value;
if (isset($_GET['myta'])) {
$dru="HTTP://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "/";
$contis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myta']));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', $contis);
$bcontis="'" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $contis)))) . "'";
if (substr(($bcontis . ' '),0,3) == "' + ") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(3); }
if (substr((' ' . $bcontis),-3,3) == " + '") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(0,(-3 + strlen($bcontis))); }
foreach ($_GET as $name=>$val) {
if ($name != 'myta' && $val == '') {
//echo $name;
// Thanks to
// Path to jpeg file
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . '.jpg';
$capt = ""; // Thanks to
$size = getimagesize( $path, $info );
if (isset($info["APP13"])) {
if ($iptc = iptcparse( $info["APP13"] ) ) {
$capt = str_replace( "\000", "", $iptc["2#120"][0] );
$bcontis="" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "";
$ccpre="<p onclick=this.innerHTML+=String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(62); style=background-color:orange;background-size:contain;background-image:linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.3),rgba(255,255,255,0.3)),URL(" . $dru . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . ".jpg" . "); title=" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-4,2) . ":" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-2,2) . "++ id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">";
$ccontis="<br><p style='background-color:orange; title='" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . "' id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "<br>", str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "</p>";
//file_put_contents('xxxxxx.xxxxxx',$taback . ' ... ' . $backi);
//file_put_contents('xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx',"parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "'; ");
if ($bcontis != "''") { echo "<html><body onload=\" parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "'; if (parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "')) { var huhg='" . $ccpre . "' + parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value + '" . $ccpost . "'; while (huhg.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) { huhg=huhg.replace(String.fromCharCode(10),'<br>'); } parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "').innerHTML+=huhg; } \"></body></html>"; }
} else if (isset($_POST['myta'])) {
$dru="HTTP://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "/";
$contis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['myta']));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', $contis);
$bcontis="'" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $contis)))) . "'";
$ccpre="<p onclick=this.innerHTML+=String.fromCharCode(60)+String.fromCharCode(98)+String.fromCharCode(114)+String.fromCharCode(62); style=background-color:orange;background-size:contain;background-image:linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.3),rgba(255,255,255,0.3)),URL(" . $dru . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . ".jpg" . "); title=" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-4,2) . ":" . substr(str_replace('td','p',$cali),-2,2) . "++ id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">";
$ccontis="<br><p style='background-color:orange; title='" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . "' id=" . str_replace('td','p',$cali) . ">" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "<br>", str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "</p>";
if (substr(($bcontis . ' '),0,3) == "' + ") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(3); }
if (substr((' ' . $bcontis),-3,3) == " + '") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(0,(-3 + strlen($bcontis))); }
foreach ($_POST as $name=>$val) {
if ($name != 'myta') {
$taback=str_replace('tatd','tatd_',substr(str_replace('-','',str_replace('_','',str_replace('itd','tatd',str_replace('screen','tatd',$myf)))),0,12)) . '_' . substr(str_replace('-','',str_replace('_','',str_replace('itd','tatd',str_replace('screen','tatd',$myf)))),-4,4);
// Thanks to
// Path to jpeg file
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $myf . '.jpg';
//file_put_contents('x.x', $path);
// Set the IPTC tags
$iptc = array(
'2#120' => $contis,
'2#116' => 'Copyright 2021, RJM Programming'
// Convert the IPTC tags into binary code
$data = '';
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string) {
$tag = substr($tag, 2);
$data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
// Embed the IPTC data
$content = iptcembed($data, $path);
// Write the new image data out to the file.
$fp = fopen($path, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $content);
echo "<html><body onload=\" parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title=" . $bcontis . "; if (parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "')) { var huhg='" . $ccpre . "' + parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value + '" . $ccpost . "'; if (parent.document.getElementById('" . $pback . "')) { huhg=parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value; } while (huhg.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(10)) != -1) { huhg=huhg.replace(String.fromCharCode(10),'<br>'); } if (parent.document.getElementById('" . $pback . "')) { parent.document.getElementById('" . $pback . "').innerHTML=huhg; } else { parent.document.getElementById('" . $idcali . "').innerHTML+=huhg; } } \"></body></html>";
} else {
exec("/usr/sbin/screencapture -Cd -tjpg /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/screen-`date +\"%Y%m%d-%H%M\"`.jpg");
And so, again, our changed quarter_hour_timer.html (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage, is helped out by a calendar integrationally changed quarter_hour_timer.php PHP (we ask you to download to MAMP‘s $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] “HTMLCSS” subfolder) for you to try out on your MAMP macOS environment.
Previous relevant Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Image Metadata Tutorial is shown below.
In our opinion, what would make the day before yesterday’s Mac OS MAMP Timekeeping Web Application PHP Intranet Tutorial “Timekeeping Web Application” cooler would be to add to the intelligence of the screen capture images, ahead of other data related improvements to come.
We’ve spoken in the past about Exif in that respect but PHP has Iptc image metadata functions we can call on …
- iptcembed to embed new metadata into an existant image from those associated “caption” textarea elements we offer
- iptcparse to extract old metadata from an existant image into those associated “caption” textarea elements we offer
This metadata can be like a database source we use moving forward on this project, meaning the one image data entity can suffice for both visual and textual usage purposes.
And so our changed quarter_hour_timer.html Timekeeping Web Application suited to macOS (or Mac OS X) “screencapture” command line usage, is helped out by a much more usefully changed quarter_hour_timer.php PHP …
// quarter_hour_timer.php
// RJM Programming
// December, 2021
// iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzen
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value) {
$length = strlen($value);
$retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
if($length < 0x8000)
$retval .= chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF);
$retval .= chr(0x80) .
chr(0x04) .
chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .
chr($length & 0xFF);
return $retval . $value;
if (isset($_GET['myta'])) {
$contis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myta']));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', $contis);
$bcontis="'" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $contis)))) . "'";
if (substr(($bcontis . ' '),0,3) == "' + ") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(3); }
if (substr((' ' . $bcontis),-3,3) == " + '") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(0,(-3 + strlen($bcontis))); }
foreach ($_GET as $name=>$val) {
if ($name != 'myta' && $val == '') {
//echo $name;
// Thanks to
// Path to jpeg file
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_','-',str_replace('itd_','screen-',$myf)) . '.jpg';
$capt = ""; // Thanks to
$size = getimagesize( $path, $info );
if (isset($info["APP13"])) {
if ($iptc = iptcparse( $info["APP13"] ) ) {
$capt = str_replace( "\000", "", $iptc["2#120"][0] );
$bcontis="" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $capt)))) . "";
//file_put_contents('xxxxxx.xxxxxx',$taback . ' ... ' . $backi);
//file_put_contents('xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx',"parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "'; ");
if ($bcontis != "''") { echo "<html><body onload=\" parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "'; \"><p>parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title='" . $bcontis . "'; parent.document.getElementById('" . $taback . "').value='" . $bcontis . "';</p></body></html>"; }
} else if (isset($_POST['myta'])) {
$contis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['myta']));
//file_put_contents('xx.xx', $contis);
$bcontis="'" . str_replace(chr(34), "' + String.fromCharCode(34) + '", str_replace("\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("\r\n", "' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '", str_replace("'", "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '", $contis)))) . "'";
if (substr(($bcontis . ' '),0,3) == "' + ") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(3); }
if (substr((' ' . $bcontis),-3,3) == " + '") { $bcontis=$bcontis.substr(0,(-3 + strlen($bcontis))); }
foreach ($_POST as $name=>$val) {
if ($name != 'myta') {
// Thanks to
// Path to jpeg file
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $myf . '.jpg';
//file_put_contents('x.x', $path);
// Set the IPTC tags
$iptc = array(
'2#120' => $contis,
'2#116' => 'Copyright 2021, RJM Programming'
// Convert the IPTC tags into binary code
$data = '';
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string) {
$tag = substr($tag, 2);
$data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
// Embed the IPTC data
$content = iptcembed($data, $path);
// Write the new image data out to the file.
$fp = fopen($path, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $content);
echo "<html><body onload=\" parent.document.getElementById('" . $backi . "').title=" . $bcontis . "; \"></body></html>";
} else {
exec("/usr/sbin/screencapture -Cd -tjpg /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/screen-`date +\"%Y%m%d-%H%M\"`.jpg");
Previous relevant Mac OS X MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Email Tutorial is shown below.
The practicalities of yesterday’s (Mac OS X MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Primer Tutorial) timekeeping Mac OS X Web Application, left as they are, would leave you with a somewhat useful web application whose use is only for the here and now, but what if you want it to be more accountable? Well, that is when we, here, at RJM Programming, like to use that tried and trusted email form of communication.
Today’s email methods spurn the use of server-side intervention, at least for now. So what is available to us as tools, if we don’t include Ajax nor jQuery in that list? Well, we have, to our minds …
- mailto links (get us to the email client) +
- the body section of that email can have a clipboard image pasted into it, for which we can utilize HTML5 canvas element’s toDataURL() method, teamed up with a popup window of the toDataURL image data, which can be selected and copied, optionally, by the user themselves, should they wish this to make their email more self explanatory
We last discussed this thinking with Canvas Annotation Email Attachment Clipboard Tutorial.
We rely on the crontab functionality, being as there is no server-side help, to create the image file, whose contents eventually go to make up the contents that can be selected and copied and pasted by the user into the body section of the email (and sent off to whosoever they feel like sending it too, as you have the full power of the email client available to you with the interaction you have with an actual email client program).
Here is the HTML and Javascript quarter_hour_timer.html which changed to cater for today’s email functionality in this way, and, as per the Stop Press from yesterday, we’ll also have a live run link here today.
Previous relevant Mac OS X MAMP Timekeeping Web Application Primer Tutorial is shown below.
Sometimes when you program, especially for administrative type functionality, there are useful programs to write, that are able to become web applications, but in a limited set of platforms. So it is today with our timekeeping web application that relies on …
- Mac OS X operating system +
- Existance of [/usr/sbin/]screencapture +
- crontab active and editable via crontab -e +
- One of …
- MAMP installed to, in our case, /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ (as is mentioned in the relevant crontab background task that snapshots the user’s screen every quarter hour) that maps to the MAMP web application URL http://localhost:8888/ … or …
- crontab directory mention that corresponds to a URL call of our web application like for our Google Chrome example (where the directory below, used, could be a place of your choosing (that matches what is in your crontab task entry)) …
… or just, via the web browser’s File -> Open File menu …
… pretty restrictive, huh? … but pretty useful for our quarter hour timekeeping purposes today.
We want to have a web application that is running at the user’s discretion, and when first fired up, looks for outputs from crontab tasks above …
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/sbin/screencapture -Cd -tjpg /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/screen-`date +"\%Y\%m\%d-\%H\%M"`.jpg
… for the current day in question and if existant show …
- a date and time stamp +
- the snapshot of what you were doing at the quarter hour, that is clickable to make bigger for more in depth viewing +
- an HTML textarea element in which you can optionally type in more specifics about that quarter hour
So, as much as we like to think of Mac OS X Terminal application’s BSD (a unix derivative) operating system, as being a lot like Linux, there are some commands and usage that …
- adds Mac OS X specific command line functionality to a Linux or unix base set of functionality, like for today’s screencapture command … and we’ve included another such example, below, with the command say featuring in Mac OS X Text to English Speech Primer Tutorial as shown below
- changes switches on Linux or unix commands
- won’t have some Linux or unix commands that other platforms do
In the great tradition of behoving … we behove … we behove thee quarter_hour_timer.html if you like, my liege. On this occasion you’ll have gleaned that there is no live run link, because the RJM Programming web server is not Mac OS X … so command line screencapture has no meaning for a CentOS web server’s operating system command line. You’ll see in the code that rather than use “Client Pre-emptive Iframe” concepts to check for existence of crontab screen capture images, we, instead use the onerror event for HTML img elements to check for non-existance.
Stop Press
Just noticed that, perhaps, after all, a live run from the RJM Programming website can make sense if you have a Mac OS X laptop, for instance, that is running that suggested crontab entry as explained in tutorial above. That type of live run managed to latch on to our local crontab screencaptures on my MacBook Pro.
Previous relevant Mac OS X Text to English Speech Primer Tutorial is shown below.
We’ve got a few new ideas today …
- Text to English Speech via Mac OS X’s command line say command used by PHP via exec to make say.php (which is useful as a download to a Mac OS X laptop using MAMP) which, today, does not have a live run because the web server of domain is a CentOS Linux server … Linux equivalent of Mac OS X’s say? … read here
- Trying to present this brought up the usual movie production problem with iMovie overlaying the audio on top of the video (though you may want to try, and you could start reading with this link) versus QuickTime Player talent to catch both audio and video tracks (and that we ended up using), but not of the “screen goings on”, alas versus MPlayer OSX Extended which can play separately but not two tracks on top and doesn’t do any reconstituting … so …
- Improved on our inhouse Video/Audio synchronizing efforts by allowing audio_video.html supervisor (changed in this way) be able to be called to press one of its preconceived synchronization buttons onload which we do with (the newly added) Macbeth Act 1 Scene 1 … in a small celebration of the Bard … who, am thinking (in that Falstaff way), would have got a huge chuckle out of “anonymous” instead of “anon” during the Three Witches scene … we had to do something to say Happy Birthday
Along the way we tried filming the MacBook Pro with the iPad to a YouTube …
… but weren’t happy with the audio quality, alas (too/two).
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