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Category Archives: GIMP
Gimp Image Map HTML Primer Tutorial
As we intimated yesterday with Gimp Guides to HTML Primer Tutorial regarding the GIMP image editor’s “Filter -> Web” menu … … you would also see an “Image Map” option helping out in a similar fashion to the stupendous mobilefish … Continue reading
Gimp Guides to HTML Primer Tutorial
The great GIMP image editor has several ways to create Guides, which are the precursor to being able to break an image into component parts via “Image -> Transform -> Guillotine” or the more enticing, for those web developers out … Continue reading
Octopus Anatomy Primer Tutorial
What do Carpentry and Octopus Anatomy have in common? Many hands make light fittings get a bevelled edge? No, for us, finding an arrowed diagram for Octopus Anatomy that functioned like the one we used for our Carpentry web application … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged anatomy, blur, carpentry, game, games, gaussian blur, GIMP, HTML, image, Javascript, label, map, mobilefish, octopus, programming, tutorial
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial
We normally start the web application games we write by making sure the information, or data, aspects to the game are attended to. So for us, the priorities, end up being … making sure the information, or data, aspects to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, API, background, background image, button, CSS, data attributes, dropdown, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, opacity, option, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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