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Category Archives: Land Surveying
Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them ( Wikipedia )
PHP and Javascript and CSS Shape Rotation Tutorial
We’re continuing on with our Geometry and Land Surveying theme today, following on from yesterday’s PHP and Javascript and CSS Shape Drawing Tutorial as shown below. When there are only small distances we talk about Plane Geometry because the curvature … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged CSS, CSS3, document.write, geometry, HTML, Javascript, Land Surveying, mathematics, onunload, PHP, popup, programming, rotation, setInterval, SVG, tutorial,
PHP and Javascript and CSS Shape Drawing Tutorial
It is no coincidence that Geometry and Land Surveying have a lot in common. When there are only small distances we talk about Plane Geometry because the curvature of the earth doesn’t come into the equation. When Earth curvature matters, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged convex polygon, CSS, geometry, Google, Google chart, HTML, Javascript, Lang Surveying, mathematics, PHP, polygon, programming, shape, SVG, tutorial
HTML5 Canvas Map Clickaround Follow Up Tutorial
HTML5 brought in the incredibly useful “canvas” element, for the first time. Its existence opens up a whole new world of possibilities for web applications that are graphical by nature, as we saw yesterday with HTML5 Canvas Map Clickaround Primer … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged airport, Arash Partow, Brazil, canvas, cartogtaphy, coriolis effect, data feed, database, digitising, digitizing, event, feed, file, file_get_contents, Global Airport Database, Google, Google chart, graphics, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, Ireland, Javascript, Land Surveying, map, map projection, Mapping, Mercator, onclick, orientation, PHP, programming, scaling, tutorial, United States of America
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HTML5 Canvas Map Clickaround Primer Tutorial
HTML5 brought in the incredibly useful “canvas” element, for the first time. Its existence opens up a whole new world of possibilities for web applications that are graphical by nature. With the canvas element’s drawImage() method you can draw more … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GUI, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged Brazil, canvas, cartogtaphy, digitising, digitizing, event, Google, Google chart, graphics, HTML, HTML5, image, Ireland, Javascript, Land Surveying, map, map projection, Mapping, Mercator, onclick, orientation, programming, scaling, tutorial, United States of America
Geolocation ISP IP Follow Up Tutorial
We discovered yesterday this great resource for data feeds (thanks to great link for the great lead) at JSON IP and GeoIP REST API (IP Geolocation) by Telize. In the course of discovering its usefulness we saw that it returned … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Networking, Software, Tutorials
Tagged geolocation, Google, Google chart, Google Maps, HTML, IP address, ISP, Javascript, jQuery, JSON, networking, phone box, programming, Telstra, tutorial, Wi-Fi
Geolocation ISP IP Primer Tutorial
It’s good every now and then to see what is new in the world of data feeds on the internet, so that is how, via this great link, we got onto the wonderful Acronym lookup resource at NaCTeM (The National … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Networking, Software, Tutorials
Tagged geolocation, Google, Google chart, Google Maps, HTML, IP address, ISP, Javascript, jQuery, JSON, networking, phone box, programming, Telstra, tutorial, Wi-Fi
Yahoo YQL Nextbus JSON Primer Tutorial
If we add some of the ideas of HTML/Javascript Geolocation Primer Tutorial to yesterday’s Yahoo YQL Geodata JSON Primer Tutorial we may well arrive at the logic and a large part of the content ideas for today’s tutorial, where we … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged geodata, geographicals, geolocation, Google, Google Charts, Google Maps, HTML, PHP, programming, realtime, snapshot, SQL, tutorial, web service, Yahoo, Yahoo Answers, YQL
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PHP Geographical Overlay Image Map Primer Tutorial
Let’s revisit the HTML image map tag talked about previously, specifically, with HTML Geographical Image Map Primer Tutorial as shown below. This HTML element has good practical use with geographical maps, as we show you today with a (free online) … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, cartography, CSS, geography, Google, HTML, Javascript, Land Surveying, map, overlay, PHP, polygon, programming, SVG, tutorial, Wikipedia, z-index
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