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Category Archives: NetBeans
NetBeans Backbone.js HTML5 Web Application Primer Tutorial
Today we create a NetBeans (IDE) HTML5 project based on the Backbone.js methodology for web application creation, which we include a bit about as quoted from Wikipedia (thanks) below: Backbone.js is a JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface and … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, NetBeans, Tutorials
Tagged BackBone.js, Google Chrome, Hello World, HTML, HTML5, IDE, Javascript, JSON, local web server, MVC, MVP, NetBeans, NetBeans Connection, programming, RESTful, tutorial
NetBeans Java EE RESTful Web Service Primer Tutorial
Web Services allow for communication using the World Wide Web between two devices, as Wikipedia explains below. Do you remember previous Java Eclipse Web Service Primer Tutorial as shown below that used Eclipse IDE which works on Mac OS X … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, NetBeans, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Glassfish, GlassFish web server, Hello World, IDE, Java, Java EE, local web server, NetBeans, programming, REST, RESTful, thread, tutorial, web service
C, C++ NetBeans, gdbserver Debugging Primer Tutorial
Today’s tutorial is about debugging C (and C++ can be done too) using the gdbserver plugin in the NetBeans IDE, and its progression brought into play issues regarding the upgrade of Xcode 4 to Xcode 5 (and Mac OS 10.7.5 … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, NetBeans, Tutorials
Tagged C++, debugging, gdbserver, IDE, Mac OS X 10.9.1, Mavericks, NetBeans, programming, tutorial, Xcode5
NetBeans Grails Groovy Primer Tutorial
Today’s NetBeans (IDE) Grails (framework) Groovy (programming language) Primer tutorial shows a simple application project using Groovy with a Grails framework, which is an environment with similarities to Java. Let’s see below some of what Wikipedia says about Grails. Grails … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, NetBeans, Tutorials
Tagged Apache Tomcat, Grails, Groovy, Hello World, NetBeans, programming, tutorial, Web Application
C, C++ NetBeans, Xcode gcc Primer Tutorial
Today’s tutorial has come about as a consequence of Xcode and its Command Line Tools Primer Tutorial in the sense that the installation of Xcode Command Line Tools (in earlier Xcode versions … think maybe less than 4 … “out … Continue reading
NetBeans HTML/JavaScript Web Application Primer Tutorial
Today’s NetBeans HTML/JavaScript Web Application primer tutorial shows how an HTML and JavaScript project can be managed from within an IDE. NetBeans uses the GlassFish web server to run the web application built under NetBeans supervision. The original website is … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, NetBeans, Tutorials
Tagged GlassFish web server, HTML, Javascript, NetBeans, programming, tutorial