Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial

Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial

Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial

When doing our inhouse testing for Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial the other day, it got us “peeved”, shall we say. We wanted a mechanism, with those “a” link “mailto:” emailing arrangements, of not having to fill out the email address in the “To:” field each time. First world problem alert! Still and all …

  • When it comes to procedures …
  • Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh
  • Nuances count … regarding …
  • Errrrrrr
  • Saving time …
  • Saving frustration

… resulting in the “easy to remember” acronym WANESS … we rest our cases!

What can help here? Well, it is a personalization … so … anyone, anyone? Yes, Lou, back from holidays, a month late … yes, well, okay … we can see you’ve put some thought into this … HTTP Cookies could be used. Yes, Shwetank, you’ve had your hand up some time now. We agree, Web Storage window.localStorage allows for more data, so we’ll go with that, though either style of approach would work here.

Global variables initialization …

var defemail='', defsms='';
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratoremailee')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
Within document.body onload event logic …

if (document.getElementById('semail') && document.getElementById('ssms')) {
document.getElementById('semail').oncontextmenu=function(){ emailaskit(); };
document.getElementById('semail').ontouchmove=function(){ emailaskit(); };
document.getElementById('ssms').oncontextmenu=function(){ smsaskit(); };
document.getElementById('ssms').ontouchmove=function(){ smsaskit(); };
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
document.getElementById('semail').title+=' Move gesture here can ask for new default remembered email address for collaboration purposes';
document.getElementById('ssms').title+=' Move gesture here can ask for new default remembered SMS number for collaboration purposes';
} else {
document.getElementById('semail').title+=' Right click here can ask for new default remembered email address for collaboration purposes';
document.getElementById('ssms').title+=' Right click here can ask for new default remembered SMS number for collaboration purposes';
Calling these two Javascript function helpers …

function emailaskit() {
if (defemail == defemail.trim()) {
defemail=defemail.trim() + ' ';
var emailm=prompt('Enter default email address.', defemail.trim());
if (emailm == null) { emailm=''; }
if (emailm.trim() != '' && emailm.trim().indexOf('@') != -1) {
defemail=emailm.trim() + ' ';
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratoremailee')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('eventcollaboratoremailee', emailm.trim());
defemail=defemail.trim() + ' ';

function smsaskit() {
if (defsms == defsms.trim()) {
defsms=defsms.trim() + ' ';
var smsm=prompt('Enter default SMS number.', defsms.trim());
if (smsm == null) { smsm=''; }
if (smsm.trim() != '' && smsm.trim().replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'').trim() == '') {
defsms=smsm.trim() + ' ';
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno', smsm.trim());
defsms=defsms.trim() + ' ';
And allow control, as well, at the SMS prompt window logic

function dosms() {
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratoremailee')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {

//alert('' + eval('' + ('sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(parent.hfanalyze()))).length));
if (eval('' + ('sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(parent.hfanalyze()))).length) >= 18000) {
snum=('' + prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to. We suspect message is too long for an SMS and if you enter an email address here instead, we will try to send an email instead. Append space(s) to remember, whatever you enter, for next time.', snum)).replace(/^null/g, (defemail.indexOf('@') != -1 ? defemail : (defsms != '' ? defsms : '')) );
} else {
snum=('' + prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to. Append space(s) to remember for next time.', snum)).replace(/^null/g, (defsms != '' ? defsms : (defemail.indexOf('@') != -1 ? defemail : '')));
if (snum == null) { snum=''; }
if (snum.indexOf('@') != -1) {
if (snum.trim() != snum) {
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratoremailee')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('eventcollaboratoremailee', snum);

return doemail(snum);
} else if (snum.trim() != '' && snum.trim().replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'').trim() == '') {
//alert('Snum=' + snum + '?');
if (snum.trim() != snum) {
if (('' + window.localStorage.getItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('eventcollaboratorsmsno', snum);

var azx=top.document.getElementById('xas' + 'ms');
if (azx == null) { azx=top.document.createElement("a"); }
//if (1 == 1) {
// document.getElementById('divas').appendChild(azx);
//} else {
// }
azx.id = 'xas' + 'ms';
azx.target = "_top";
azx.style = "display: none";
azx.href = 'sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(parent.hfanalyze()));
return '';

Also, today, we battled the logic to allow the textarea element onblur events also open the door to emailing and SMS “work in progress”. Believe it or not, this timing change was quite difficult in the changed events_in_month.htm parent of the Events in Month web application. Never a dull moment in web application I.T. we’d say!

Previous relevant Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial is shown below.

Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial

Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial

The Event Calendar web application project, of Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial, from last year is worth a revisit, the reason being …

  • it did not have a fully fleshed out collaboration or sharing set of functionalities … at the time, probably, because …
  • each Monthly calendar filled out, and wanting to be saved, could involve much more than the 850 characters available to previous “mailto:” or “sms:” communication conduits, back to when we first tackled this project … but now …
  • hashtagging parts to the “mailto:” URLs (and maybe sometimes the “sms:” URL) might cover the data length needs

… so that this Event Calendar could be a web application at the center of a collaboration network of people working on that event organization. Much more useful, we figure!

Timing became really important with this integration of …

  • email
  • SMS

… communication conduit possibilities. With its design we have to wait until the point where the user is filling in textarea elements regarding a designated …

  1. Month
  2. Year

… of relevance, before we allow the email 📧 and SMS 📟 emoji buttons be shown. In the code …

Amended HTML h1 element static HTML to add, later shown, perhaps, email 📧 and SMS 📟 emoji buttons

<h1>Events in Month &nbsp;&nbsp;<button style=display:none; title='Share via Email' id=semail onclick="doemail('');">&#128231;</button> <button style=display:none; title='Share via SMS' id=ssms onclick=dosms();>&#128223;</button> </h1>
New static HTML div element placed to the bottom of the body element …

<div id=divas></div>
New Javascript global variables (picking up hashtagging parts of the address bar URL, perhaps linked off an email or SMS link clicked) …

var bigbih=('' + ('' + location.hash).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).split('bih=')[1] ? (decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).split('bih=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
if (bigbih != '' && bigbih.indexOf('xae' + 'mail') == -1) {
bigbih+='<a target=_blank id=xae' + 'mail style=display:none; href="mailto:"></a>';
if (bigbih != '' && bigbih.indexOf('xas' + 'ms') == -1) {
bigbih+='<a target=_blank id=xas' + 'ms style=display:none; href="sms:"></a>';
var viatext='', smallbih='', wes=null, sparewes=null;
On or around document.body onload event we can analyze any such location.hash hashtagging data …

if (bigbih.indexOf('</he' + 'ad>') != -1 || bigbih.indexOf('<b' + 'o' + 'dy') != -1 || bigbih.indexOf('<h' + '1') == 0) {
//bigbih=bigbih.replace('" id="eventcalendar"', 'margin-top:50px;" id="eventcalendar"');
viatext=' (via contact at ' + ('' + new Date()) + ')';
if (bigbih.indexOf('<h' + '1') == 0) {
} else {
smallbih=bigbih.split('<b' + 'o' + '')[1].split('</b' + 'o' + 'd' + 'y>')[0].replace(bigbih.split('<b' + 'o' + '')[1].split('</b' + 'o' + 'd' + 'y>')[0].split('>')[0] + '>', '');
if (wes) {
}, 3000);
//wes.setphpthere(' ');
}, 5000);
A window.open wrapper windowopen Javascript function …

function windowopen(poneis, ptwois, pthreeis) {
document.getElementById('divas').innerHTML='<iframe name=ovif id=ovif style="position:absolute;top:140px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:99;" src="' + poneis + '" onload=wopencheck(this);></iframe>';
sparewes=window.open(poneis.split('.htm')[0] + '.php', 'ovif');
//sparewes=window.open(poneis, 'ovif');
var sdem=sparewes.document.getElementById('semail').outerHTML;
var sdss=sparewes.document.getElementById('ssms').outerHTML;
sparewes.document.getElementById('dmore').innerHTML+=(' ' + sdem.replace('doeJUNKmail(', 'parent.doe' + 'mail(') + ' ' + sdss.replace('dosJUNKms(', 'parent.dos' + 'ms(') + '<br>');
//sparewes.setphpthere(' ');
}, 5000);
return null;
Is augmented by other new Javascript functions …

function hfanalyze() {
var fio=document.getElementById('ecform');
if (forceit) { forceit=false; return true; }
var delm='?';
var fioih=fio.innerHTML;
var fions=fioih.split(' name="');
var testurl=documentURL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0];
for (var ijk=1; ijk<fions.length; ijk++) {
testurl+=delm + fions[ijk].split('"')[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById(fions[ijk].split('"')[0]).value.replace(/\?\>/g,'? >'));
//if (eval('' + testurl.length) < 750) { return true; }
//if (lastbut.value.indexOf('New') == 0 || 11 == 11) {
if (22 == 22) {
//wo=window.open('', '_blank', 'top=50,left=50,height=600,width=600');
//wo.document.write('<html><head>' + hih.replace("=docum" + "ent.URL", "='" + testurl.replace(/\'/g, "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '") + "'") + boh + '</html>');
return ('<html><head>' + hih.replace("=docum" + "ent.URL", "='" + testurl.replace(/\'/g, "' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '") + "'") + boh + '</html>');
} else if (phpthere != '') {
if (1 == 1) {
postit(fio, false, testurl);
} else {
if (!document.getElementById('dmore')) {
document.getElementById('ddmore').innerHTML='<input type=hidden id=caltitle name=caltitle value="' + document.getElementById('myoldsel').options[document.getElementById('myoldsel').selectedIndex].innerText + '"></input><input type=hidden id=phpthere name=phpthere value="' + phpthere + '"></input><input type=hidden id=bigurl name=bigurl value="' + testurl + '"></input>';
} else {
document.getElementById('dmore').innerHTML='<input type=hidden id=phpthere name=phpthere value="' + phpthere + '"></input><input type=hidden id=bigurl name=bigurl value="' + testurl + '"></input>';
return 'true';
return 'false';

function doemail(inidea) {
var azx=document.getElementById('xae' + 'mail');
if (!azx) { azx=document.createElement("a"); }
//if (1 == 1) {
//} else {
azx.style = "display: none";
azx.id = 'xaem' + 'ail';
azx.href = 'mailto:' + inidea + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].innerHTML.split('&')[0].split('<')[0].replace(/\`/g,'').replace(/^Events\ in\ /g, 'Events in Month ').substring(0)) + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(hfanalyze())); //encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('#')[0] + '<h2' + document.body.innerHTML.split('<h2')[1]));
return '';

function dosms() {
//alert('' + eval('' + ('sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(hfanalyze()))).length));
if (eval('' + ('sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(hfanalyze()))).length) >= 18000) {
snum=('' + prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to. We suspect message is too long for an SMS and if you enter an email address here instead, we will try to send an email instead.', snum)).replace(/^null/g,'');
} else {
snum=('' + prompt('Please enter SMS number to send to.', snum)).replace(/^null/g,'');
if (snum.indexOf('@') != -1) {
return doemail(snum);
} else if (snum.trim() != '') {
alert('Snum=' + snum + '?');
var azx=document.getElementById('xas' + 'ms');
if (azx == null) { azx=document.createElement("a"); }
//if (1 == 1) {
// document.getElementById('divas').appendChild(azx);
//} else {
// }
azx.id = 'xas' + 'ms';
azx.style = "display: none";
azx.href = 'sms:' + snum + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '#bih=' + encodeURIComponent(hfanalyze()));
return '';

function wopencheck(iois) {
var aconto = null;
aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument);
if (aconto != null) {
if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; }
if (aconto.body != null) {

function setviatext(towhat) {

… to help bed down this new sharing and collaboration functionality in a changed events_in_month.htm parent of the Events in Month web application.

Previous relevant Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial is shown below.

Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial

Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial

Client meets server today, allowing the PHP data storage talents in yesterday’s Event Calendar PHP Tutorial‘s work to meet a “clientside” way to

Record to Remember via Bookmark

… use the web browser Bookmarks to help you recall an Events in Month report with long entries.

Involving a Bookmark still needs those “get” ? and & arguments, and we allow the PHP to lookup for us the data underscoring an address bar URL such as …


… that mapping being possible, now, making use of a pseudo hashtag arrangement … your Clayton‘s hashtag, if you will!

To start to use a hashtag suits, as your hashtag navigation only makes sense in the “clientside” woooorrrrrllllddd, and even there, really using one only tries to position a webpage where an element with an ID matching the hashtag sits (and we are never going to have this ID element in our work), and in the meantime we’ve passed across from the child PHP to the parent HTML a valuable piece of information helping the link to the Bookmark system be possible. The Javascript codeline (you may have noticed) …

var documentURL=document.URL;

… as stupid and simple looking as it is, is crucial for us. We get child webpage parts (like our PHP) to change document.URL to a far too long in normal circumstances address bar URL the rest of the code feeds off. It’s just that now, that far too long in normal circumstances address bar URL has a #[hashtag] appended such as …


… uniquifying a Month, Year Events in Month identifier part with a version of the user’s IP address (so that they only see what is relevant to them).

Address bar URLs such as “https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/events_in_month.php?exactlabel=August__2023_00000__1” are Bookmarkable, and so we allow for similar outcomes with less concern about how much data is being “recorded” and recallable (via that web browser’s Bookmark system).

Also, today, a lot of CSS tweaks, so that the CSS styling now looks like …

#eventcalendar {
background-color: #fcfcfc;

td {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-left: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
padding-bottom: 12px;

.dayb {
color: white;
background-color: red;
padding: 5 5 5 5;
border-radius: 80px;
margin-bottom: 15px;

.dow {
color: purple;
font-style: bold;

.selday {
margin-left: 8px;
background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.7);
display: inline-block;
width: 50px;
border-color: transparent;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

.tablurb {
background: linear-gradient(to right, white, lightpink, pink);

input[type="submit"] {
margin-bottom: 3px;
border-radius: 180px;

input[type="number"] {
margin-left: 3px;
margin-right: 3px;
border-radius: 180px;
background-color: #f3f3f3;
padding: 2 2 2 2;

#smonth {
margin-left: 3px;
margin-right: 3px;
border-radius: 180px;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
padding: 2 2 2 2;

.boldtitle {
background-color: rgba(0, 211, 107, 0.2);

.boldtitle + .tablurb {
margin-top: 8px;

.selhistory {
border-radius: 180px;
background-color: lightpink;
padding: 2 2 2 2;

… and we thank this webpage for the heads up regarding how to calculate week numbers within a year data item displays now available in …

Previous relevant Event Calendar PHP Tutorial is shown below.

Event Calendar PHP Tutorial

Event Calendar PHP Tutorial

Let’s face it. Serverside PHP is just great! It opens up so many opportunities regarding data in your web applications.

As such, onto yesterday’s Event Calendar New Window Tutorial logic we now have a …

Record to Remember

… form submit button (toggling) value to start involving PHP with those longer datasets of Event in Month descriptions, in our most recent project. What do we use as the data conduit? No, not a database. No, not a serverside flat file. No, not clientside window.localStorage nor window.sessionStorage nor HTTP Cookies. We store long Event in Month description data in our new events_in_month.php PHP itself. And this same PHP can populate options in a new dropdown element in the parent to facilitate the recalling of any relevant “Record to Remember” recordings.

The PHP is kind of short, so we will show it below, including one MAMP example of that “self storage” …

// events_in_month.php
// RJM Programming
// August, 2023
// Help out events_in_month.htm

$hcont=file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'events_in_month.htm');
$cont=file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'events_in_month.php');

function server_remote_addr() {
global $ipadless;
$ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
// you can add different browsers with the same way ..
$ipadless=str_replace(".", "_", str_replace(":", "_", $rma));
if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '000000'.$rma;
elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '00000'.$rma;
elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '0000'.$rma;
elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '000'.$rma;
elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '00'.$rma;
elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua))
$rma = '0'.$rma;
return str_replace(".", "_", str_replace(":", "_", $rma));

if (isset($_GET['init'])) {
if (strpos($cont, '_' . $ipad . '=') !== false) {
$things=explode('_' . $ipad . '=', $cont);
for ($it=1; $it<sizeof($things); $it++) {
if ($it == 1 && !$itdone) {
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').style.display='inline-block'; \n";
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').innerHTML+='<option value=\"" . explode("\n", $things[$it])[0] . "\">" . explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[0] . ', ' . explode('_', explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[1])[0] . "</option>'; \n";
if (strpos($cont, '0' . $ipadless . '=') !== false) {
$things=explode('0' . $ipadless . '=', $cont);
for ($it=1; $it<sizeof($things); $it++) {
if ($it == 1 && !$itdone) {
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').style.display='inline-block'; \n";
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').innerHTML+='<option value=\"" . explode("\n", $things[$it])[0] . "\">" . explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[0] . ', ' . explode('_', explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[1])[0] . "</option>'; \n";
echo "<html><head><script type='text/javascript'> " . $js . " </script></head><body><p>" . $ipad . "</p></body></html>";
} else if (isset($_POST['phpthere']) && isset($_POST['bigurl']) && isset($_POST['caltitle'])) {
//file_put_contents('xz.xz', 'l');
if (strpos($cont, '// ' . str_replace(' ','_',str_replace(',','_',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['caltitle'])))) . '_' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['phpthere'])) . '=' . $_POST['bigurl'] . "\n") === false) {
//file_put_contents('xz.xzz', 'l');
$cont=str_replace('?' . '>', '// ' . str_replace(' ','_',str_replace(',','_',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['caltitle'])))) . '_' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['phpthere'])) . '=' . $_POST['bigurl'] . "\n" . '?' . '>', $cont);
file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'events_in_month.php', $cont);
if (strpos($cont, '_' . $ipad . '=') !== false) {
$things=explode('_' . $ipad . '=', $cont);
for ($it=1; $it<sizeof($things); $it++) {
if ($it == 1 && !$itdone) {
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').style.display='inline-block'; \n";
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').innerHTML+='<option value=\"" . explode("\n", $things[$it])[0] . "\">" . explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[0] . ', ' . explode('_', explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[1])[0] . "</option>'; \n";
if (strpos($cont, '0' . $ipadless . '=') !== false) {
$things=explode('0' . $ipadless . '=', $cont);
for ($it=1; $it<sizeof($things); $it++) {
if ($it == 1 && !$itdone) {
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').style.display='inline-block'; \n";
$js.="\n parent.document.getElementById('myoldsel').innerHTML+='<option value=\"" . explode("\n", $things[$it])[0] . "\">" . explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[0] . ', ' . explode('_', explode('__', explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ' . ' ' . ' ', $things[-1 + $it]))])[1])[0] . "</option>'; \n";
//file_put_contents('xz.xzzz', "<html><head><script type='text/javascript'> " . $js . "\n parent.checkif(parent.document.getElementById('phpif')); \n" . " </script></head><body><p>" . str_replace(' ','%20',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['bigurl']))) . "</p></body></html>");
echo "<html><head><script type='text/javascript'> " . $js . "\n parent.checkif(parent.document.getElementById('phpif')); \n" . " </script></head><body><p>" . str_replace(' ','%20',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['bigurl']))) . "</p></body></html>";
} else {
echo $hcont;

// January__1970_00000__1=http://localhost:8888/events_in_month.htm?caltitle=January%2C%201970&i01.00=&ta01.00=kgjfjhf%20jhgfjhf%20jhkgkjhg%20jhgkjhg%20jkghhg%20jkhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg&i02.00=&ta02.00=kjhgkjh%20kjhgkjhg%20jkhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20jhkgkjhg%20kjgkjhg&i03.00=&ta03.00=kjhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20kjhgkjhg%20jhkgkjhg&i04.00=&ta04.00=&i05.00=&ta05.00=&i06.00=&ta06.00=&i07.00=&ta07.00=&i08.00=&ta08.00=&i09.00=&ta09.00=&i10.00=&ta10.00=&i11.00=&ta11.00=&i12.00=&ta12.00=&i13.00=&ta13.00=&i14.00=&ta14.00=&i15.00=&ta15.00=&i16.00=&ta16.00=&i17.00=&ta17.00=&i18.00=&ta18.00=&i19.00=&ta19.00=&i20.00=&ta20.00=&i21.00=&ta21.00=&i22.00=&ta22.00=&i23.00=&ta23.00=&i24.00=&ta24.00=&i25.00=&ta25.00=&i26.00=&ta26.00=&i27.00=&ta27.00=&i28.00=&ta28.00=&i29.00=&ta29.00=&i30.00=&ta30.00=&i31.00=&ta31.00=

Yes, the parent needed to change for our events_in_month.htm parent of Events in Month web application role.

Previous relevant Event Calendar New Window Tutorial is shown below.

Event Calendar New Window Tutorial

Event Calendar New Window Tutorial

Onto yesterday’s Event Calendar Remembered Tutorial‘s “Mystery Dilemma”

But, there’s an inherent weakness with the design, we’ll go into more into the future.

… well … it’s a perennial for us, regarding how if you stick with clientside thinking, only, web applications, when the amount of data to remember starts adding up, the “get arguments approach” ( ie. use ? and & arguments at the address bar ) is restricted by length restrictions regarding URL lengths.

Rather than jump to PHP serverside ideas just yet, we wanted to show some more ideas, staying with “clientside only thinking”, today, as well as improving the UX (user experience) and small steps forward regarding styling.

Okay then, regarding the idea to remember an Event in Month form, when there is a lot of data, and staying “just clientside”, we’ve coded for a “New Window” idea, albeit not as memorable as the default “Remember in Bookmark” possible for your smaller datasets. However, in saying that, we found that within this new window, with our Google Chrome web browser, we could …

  1. bring up Context Menu with a right click or two finger gesture within the popup window webpage content …
  2. pick Inspect option …
  3. be in Elements tab of your Web Inspector … and …
  4. highlight top <html> tag …
  5. Context Menu with a right click or two finger gesture …
  6. pick Copy -> Copy outerHTML … so that …
  7. your Event Calendar for your Events in Month choice is in a text buffer … ready for you to …
  8. Paste into a Text Editor that Events in Month webpage to store (perhaps in a MAMP local Apache/PHP/mySql web server environment, where you can further look at and develop your own ideas)

The user is told when the switch to “New Window” compromise becomes active, decided upon by reconstructing the proposed address bar URL regularly and when too long …

function formanalyze() {
var fio=document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
var delm='?';
var fioih=fio.innerHTML;
var fions=fioih.split(' name="');
var testurl=documentURL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0];
for (var ijk=1; ijk<fions.length; ijk++) {
testurl+=delm + fions[ijk].split('"')[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById(fions[ijk].split('"')[0]).value);
setTimeout(formanalyze, 3000);
if (eval('' + testurl.length) >= 750) {
if (document.getElementById('remember')) { document.getElementById('remember').value='New window'; }
if (document.getElementById('rememberme')) { document.getElementById('rememberme').value='New window'; }
if (document.getElementById('remembermoi')) { document.getElementById('remembermoi').value='New window'; }
} else {
if (document.getElementById('remember')) { document.getElementById('remember').value=document.getElementById('remember').value.replace(/^Remember$/g, 'Remember via Bookmark'); }
if (document.getElementById('rememberme')) { document.getElementById('rememberme').value=document.getElementById('rememberme').value.replace(/^Remember$/g, 'Remember via Bookmark'); }
if (document.getElementById('remembermoi')) { document.getElementById('remembermoi').value=document.getElementById('remembermoi').value.replace(/^Remember$/g, 'Remember via Bookmark'); }
return eval('' + testurl.length);

… the form submit buttons are reworded accordingly.

Another idea from this blog thread’s inspiration …

… we’ve now addressed in today’s “second draft” is allowing for an optional bold Event Day Blurb Title, available to the user via a new dropdown “Bold Title” option.

And, how can we do more with colour, to help the right bits stand out, and be consistent? We thought …

  • text shadow means by which the text of Event Calendar can be more impactive

    <div style="text-shadow:-1px 1px 1px #ff2d95;" id=eventcalendar></div>
  • dropdown element conditional styling

    .dayb {
    color: white;
    background-color: red;
    padding: 5 5 5 5;

    .dow {
    color: purple;
    font-style: bold;

    .selday {
    margin-left: 8px;
    background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.7);
    display: inline-block;
    width: 50px;

    if (thislabel.substring(0,1) == 'i') {
    if (thisval.trim() != '') {
    document.getElementById(thislabel.replace('i', 'sel')).style.color='white';
    document.getElementById(thislabel.replace('i', 'sel')).style.backgroundColor='red';

    document.getElementById(thislabel.replace('i', 'opt')).innerText=thisval.replace(/\+/g, ' ').replace(/\ \ \ /g, ' + '); //.replace(/\+$/g, ' ');
    document.getElementById(thislabel).value=thisval.replace(/\+$/g, ' ');
    } else {
    document.getElementById(thislabel).value=thisval.replace(/\+/g, ' ').replace(/\ \ \ /g, ' + ');
  • placeholder on Blurb conditional existence

    var ourdata='';
    // ...
    if (documentURL.indexOf('?') != -1) {
    if (documentURL.indexOf('?caltitle=') != -1) { ourdata='data-'; }
    // ...
    trtemplate='<tr id=tr01.00><td style=width:22%;><span id=sone01.00 class=dow>' + dotw[adate.getDay()].toUpperCase().substring(0,3) + '</span><br><br><span id=stwo01.00 class=dayb>1<span onblur=sepit(this); contenteditable=true id=sp01.00></span><input type=hidden id=i01.00 name=i01.00 value=""></input><select data-dow=' + dotw[adate.getDay()].toUpperCase().substring(0,3) + ' class=selday onchange="selit(this);" id=sel01.00><option id=opt01.00 value=""></option><option title="All such in month (ie. weekly)" value="...">...</option><option title="And ..." value="&...">&</option><option value=Bold>Bold Title</option><option value=Clone>Clone</option></select></span></td><td class=blurb title="What is on?" id=tb01.00><span title="Event title" style="font-style:bold;color:blue;" id=bd01.00></span><textarea name=ta01.00 id=ta01.00 style="width:100%;height=100%;" ' + ourdata + 'placeholder="Blurb ..." class=tablurb></textarea></td></tr>';
    // ...
    // ...

… for our “second draft” events_in_month.htm Events in Month web application.

Previous relevant Event Calendar Remembered Tutorial is shown below.

Event Calendar Remembered Tutorial

Event Calendar Remembered Tutorial

We were inspired by an Event Calendar pamplette we saw the other day …

… to write a new “proof of concept” Events in Month web application, whose content can be recalled via the web browser’s Bookmark methodologies.

We liked the ideas for day of week and/or date of month grouping arrangements we included, being, the way we interpreted it …

  • just on this day in this month … default
  • on this day of the week throughout the month in question … “
  • on this day and some others in that month in question … “&” … to start with and further amendments available via contenteditable=true span element
  • “Clone” value allows for multiple separated “blurbs” for the one signature day

But, there’s an inherent weakness with the design, we’ll go into more into the future. For now, you can try it yourself below …

Stop Press

This is where we get to for a “second draft” we’ll get into, further, tomorrow …

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