user linked script call …
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
… helping out …
HTML “a” link with class=audioytplay and a mention of[YouTubeID] … eg.
<p>Oops, <a class="audioytplay" target="_blank" title="?" href='' rel="noopener"><strike>that's all</strike>sorry, folks</a></p>
to be, via onclick event, playing “in place” the audio part of that YouTube referenced [YouTubeID] video
Developing this is definitely more than a one day job (especially getting mobile platforms working), but today’s “first draft” ytaudioonly.js external Javascript, along with the help of …
Making of Clickaround Maps Google Chart Geo Chart Mobile Integration Tutorial
As far as CSS styling goes with our web application work, personally speaking, it is one of …
Give it a bit of oompha!
… moments in coding we think we learn more from, than reading about CSS. That, and, usually StackOverflow, thanks, where examples of achieving some styling ambition teach us a lot too.
Yesterday, with Clickaround Maps Google Chart Geo Chart Mobile Integration Tutorial, we decided to “put a bit of oompha” into that “two bell emoji” ( ie. 🔔🔔 ) link “double buzzer” sound “production number”, and wanted to break down what we ended up with, for readers …
Our first try … okay for non-mobile … not as good for mobile …
Why can’t we just link to a YouTubevideo URL webpage off any old platform or web browser incarnation?
Well, you could! But we wanted a less obvious approach (and we were not sure about mobile platforms, trying this), only relevant for scenarios where you are only interested in the audio stream of a YouTube video (it should be noted), that is hiding from the reader “the mechanics” of what we are doing (to get a cheap giggle … there, are you happy now?!).
What does Javascript if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { } if test achieve?
If this test returns true we have detected a non-mobile platform/web browser scenario.
What does the HTML target attribute of an a HTML element do?
That target attribute determines the “navigational place” of the href attribute URL of that a link where …
_blank opens in a new window
_self clobbers current window
_top adds a new (tabbed) window (perhaps from the viewpoint of a child HTML iframe window)
other named target point to the name attribute of an HTML iframe element, presumably, in the current window
What does HTML code snippet onload=”if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { if (this.src.indexOf(‘About_Us.’) != -1) { document.getElementById(‘aja’).target=’myja’;
this.src=document.getElementById(‘aja’).href + ‘&rand=’ + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1989786); } } “ do as the onload event logic of the “second version” iframe incarnation?
it is arranged from the child iframe inhouse YouTube video interfacing player web application using “overlay” concepts …
position: absolute
top and left positioning
width and height dimensioning
🔔🔔 into some button content
… that what they are tapping is a YouTube video element
looking like 🔔🔔 at levels of a smaller z-index seen through opacity:0.0 higher z-index levels, the topmost transparent but high z-index one being the YouTube video element which is that webpage area’s “action item” … if you will
On mobile platforms, media cannot play, these days, unless it is as a direct result of a user tap (excluding programmatically produced taps). See all this in action, with thanks to FreeConvert, below …
And so, yes … was it worth it? Perhaps not to do with the job at hand, but for future reference, we’re happy to give this added oompha to this effort.
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