Imagick PHP Class Primer Tutorial

Form Target Self Primer Tutorial

Imagick PHP Class Primer Tutorial

We’re talking “class” today. Up until now, regarding the great ImageMagick suite of software, and it’s interactions with PHP, we’ve …

… in a first draft not installed here on CentOS but okay here with AlmaLinux. Am sure most people would concur that this is much more integrated approach for PHP …

// oil_painting_thumbnail.php
// RJM Programming - August, 2024
// Start using PHP Imagick class
if (!isset($_GET['image']) && !isset($_POST['image'])) {
echo "<html><head><scr" . "ipt type=text/javascript> function ask() { var bsh=prompt('See the default brightness, saturation, hue settings, black point %, white point % and change as desired ... 100,0,100,90,95 is grayscale ... darkest 90% of pixels are turned black, the brightest 5% are made white, and those between 90% and 95% are grey-scaled', document.getElementById('brightness').value + ',' + document.getElementById('saturation').value + ',' + document.getElementById('hue').value + ',' + document.getElementById('blackpoint').value + ',' + document.getElementById('whitepoint').value); if (bsh != null) { if (eval('' + bsh.split(',').length) == 5) { document.getElementById('brightness').value=bsh.split(',')[0]; document.getElementById('saturation').value=bsh.split(',')[1]; document.getElementById('hue').value=bsh.split(',')[2]; document.getElementById('blackpoint').value=bsh.split(',')[3]; document.getElementById('whitepoint').value=bsh.split(',')[4]; } } return true; } </scr" . "ipt></head><body><h1>Imagick Ideas</h1><h3>RJM Programming - August, 2024 ... thanks to and</h3><br><br><form action='./oil_painting_thumbnail.php' id=myform method=GET><input type=hidden name=brightness value=100 id=brightness></input><input type=hidden name=saturation value=0 id=saturation></input><input type=hidden name=hue value=100 id=hue></input><input type=hidden name=blackpoint value=90 id=blackpoint></input><input type=hidden name=whitepoint value=95 id=whitepoint></input><input style='width:70%;' type=text placeholder='Image to process ...' name=image id=image value=''></input><br><br><input onclick=\" document.getElementById('myform').method='GET'; \" type=submit style=background-color:orange; value=Negate></input> <input style=background-color:yellow; onclick=\" if (ask()) { document.getElementById('myform').method='POST'; } \" type=submit value='Contrast Stretch'></input></form></body></html>";
} else {
if (isset($_GET['image'])) {

header('Content-type: image/jpeg');

//Instantiate a new Imagick object
$image = new Imagick(realpath(urldecode($_GET['image'])));

// If 0 is provided as a width or height parameter,
// aspect ratio is maintained
$image->thumbnailImage(100, 0);

echo $image;

} else {
//Instantiate a new Imagick object
$image = new Imagick(realpath(urldecode($_POST['image'])));
list($width, $height) = array_values ($image->getImageGeometry());
$b=(isset($_POST['brightness']) ? $_POST['brightness'] : '100');
$s=(isset($_POST['saturation']) ? $_POST['saturation'] : '0');
$h=(isset($_POST['hue']) ? $_POST['hue'] : '100');
$bp=(isset($_POST['blackpoint']) ? $_POST['blackpoint'] : '90');
$wp=(isset($_POST['whitepoint']) ? $_POST['whitepoint'] : '95');
$image->modulateImage($b, $s, $h);
$image->contrastStretchImage($width * $height * ($bp / 100.0), $width * $height * ($wp / 100.0));
echo "<html><body><p>My Changed Image " . urldecode($_POST['image']) . " ... brightness " . $b . ", saturation " . $s . ", hue " . $h . ", black point % " . $bp . "%, white point % " . $wp . "%</p><br><img src='./example_thumbnail.jpg'></img></body></html>";


… to interface to the great ImageMagick image manipulation software.

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