Just Javascript Card Order Game One Window Tutorial

Just Javascript Card Order Game One Window Tutorial

Just Javascript Card Order Game One Window Tutorial

The โ€œone windowโ€ rather than (52 + 1) = 53 windows scenario set up as a possibility with yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Card Order Game Mobile Tutorial had us wondering โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ a one window solution that saves the day for mobile and we see as a good candidate for โ€œdefault-nessโ€ for non-mobile โ€ฆ weโ€™ll let that one sink in for a day or so?!

โ€ฆ and tomorrow is today. Weโ€™ve decided not to make the one window scenario the default for non-mobile platforms, but serve as a fallback for some of the scenarios mentioned below โ€ฆ

  • the user gets blocked from using the popup windows on their non-mobile platform web browser โ€ฆ big possibility!
  • the user clicks half way through the popup window incarnation the parent window โ€ฆ all the child popups disappear behind โ€ฆ annoying โ€ฆ so โ€ฆ

    var flexible=false;

    function secsu() {

    var ewd;

    if (secs == 0) {

    if (document.URL.indexOf('onewindow=') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {


    } else {




    setTimeout(blater, 2500);


    if (eval('' + overallgoes) < 52) {


    } else if (document.title.indexOf('Congratulations') == -1) {

    document.title+=' ... Congratulations! End of Game! Refresh webpage to try again.';


    var decs=document.title.split('.');

    if (eval('' + decs.length) >= 3) {

    document.title=document.title.replace('.' + decs[2].split(' ')[0] + ' ', '.' + secs + ' ');

    } else {


    pg=document.title.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0];

    if (ps.indexOf('.') == -1 || pg.indexOf('.') == -1) {

    ps=eval('' + overallscore + '.' + psecs); //eval(document.title.split('/')[0].trim());

    pg=eval('' + overallgoes + '.' + secs);

    document.title=document.title.replace(document.title.split(' ')[0], '' + overallscore + '.' + psecs + '/' + '' + overallgoes + '.' + secs);

    //console.log('document.title becomes ' + document.title);

    } else {





    if (flexible) {

    if (document.hasFocus()) {







    for (var igh=0; igh<oplist.length; igh++) {



    if (oplist[igh]) {

    console.log('Flexible=F' + igh);

    if (!oplist[igh].closed) {

    try {



    } catch(ewd) {


    } else {








โ€ฆ document.hasFocus() to the rescue again โ€ฆ the multiple background images of yesterdayโ€™s work being a default part of any incarnation, and whether the click event logic of yesterday becomes relevant depends on โ€ฆ

  • if user is a mobile platform user, always relevant
  • user enters URL with argument like ?onewindow=y then is always relevant โ€ฆ else โ€ฆ
  • a scenario as above means that from that point on, the multiple background image one window click on cards modus operandi becomes relevant

We improve the web browser conditions too, if a non-mobile user โ€œclicks half way through the popup window incarnation the parent windowโ€ in that we programmatically close any open child popup windows! Phew!

Feel free to try this in thechanged cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run with single window (good for mobile) or defaultโœ‚live run (for your platform, and if non-mobile it will try child popup windows).

Previous relevant Just Javascript Card Order Game Mobile Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Card Order Game Mobile Tutorial

Just Javascript Card Order Game Mobile Tutorial

Yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Card Order Game Tutorial mobile usage scenario was impractical, in that mobile platforms can not work popup windows in front of a parent window. Can we convert those non-mobile popup windows into โ€ฆ well โ€ฆ what exactly?

Well, in order to keep to our โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ (ie. โ€œNo Body Definitionโ€) pledge with this project, we needed to simulate those popups as background image parts, in the sense that you can have multiple background images these days with your HTML. Even with html as your CSS styling selector โ€ฆ it pans out โ€ฆ we needed to prove that today.

Also, today, for the first time, we achieved via โ€ฆ

  1. comma separated background-repeat: no-repeat; list
  2. comma separated background-size list (set popup width height list until last one bigger (based on screen.width screen.height) for the parent background image (no-repeat))
  3. comma separated background-position list (as per what window.open in non-mobile was using for left top until last oneโ€™s 0px 0px)
  4. comma separated background-image list (as per what window.open in non-mobile was using for URL([imageURL]) until last oneโ€™s linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.4),rgba(255,255,255,0.4)), url(//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/rjmquiz_plus.jpg))

โ€ฆ as per (the previous โ€œwindow.openโ€ becomes โ€œwindowopenโ€) โ€ฆ

function windowopen(one, two, three) {

if (document.URL.indexOf('onewindow=') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {

console.log('Here ' + kq);

opltlistl.push((three.split('left=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0].split('.')[0] + '.' + one.split('spcp=')[1].split('&')[0]));

opltlistt.push((three.split('top=')[1].split(',')[0].split(')')[0].split('.')[0] + '.' + kq));



if (defstyle.indexOf('background: URL(') != -1) {

defstyle=defstyle.split('background: URL(')[0] + 'background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px;background-position:' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image: url(' + cards[eval('' + donelist[eval(-1 + donelist.length)])] + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'; // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight

} else {

defstyle=defstyle.replace(';background-image:', (',' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px' + ';background-image:');


defstyle=defstyle.replace('background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px','background-size:' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px,' + owidth + 'px ' + oheight + 'px');

defstyle=defstyle.replace('; } </style>', ',url(' + cards[eval('' + donelist[eval(0 + ijk)])] + ') ' + (' ' + ('' + opltlistl[eval(-1 + opltlistl.length)]).split('.')[0] + 'px ' + ('' + opltlistt[eval(-1 + opltlistt.length)]).split('.')[0] + '' + 'px').substring(0,1) + '; } </style>'); // + ' ' + owidth + ' ' + oheight


return null;


return window.open(one, two, three);


โ€ฆ a one window solution that saves the day for mobile and we see as a good candidate for โ€œdefault-nessโ€ for non-mobile โ€ฆ weโ€™ll let that one sink in for a day or so?!

We needed to add event logic we were not sure would work at the start of the day, and saw it working by the end, with โ€ฆ

var iourx=-1, ioury=-1;

function blater() {

if (1 == 2 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {

window.addEventListener('touchstart', function(evt) {


var touches = evt.changedTouches;

//if (evt.touches) {

if (touches[0].pageX) {

iourx = touches[0].pageX;

ioury = touches[0].pageY;

} else if (touches[0].clientX) {

iourx = touches[0].clientX;

ioury = touches[0].clientY;


//alert('x:' + iourx);



}, false);

} else {

eles = document.querySelectorAll("*")

for (var ele of eles) {

console.log('yes well');

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {

ele.addEventListener('touchstart', function(evt) {


var touches = evt.changedTouches;

//if (evt.touches) {

if (touches[0].pageX) {

iourx = touches[0].pageX;

ioury = touches[0].pageY;

} else if (touches[0].clientX) {

iourx = touches[0].clientX;

ioury = touches[0].clientY;


//alert('x:' + iourx);



}, false);

ele.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) {


var touches = evt.changedTouches;

//if (evt.touches) {

if (touches[0].pageX) {

iourx = touches[0].pageX;

ioury = touches[0].pageY;

} else if (touches[0].clientX) {

iourx = touches[0].clientX;

ioury = touches[0].clientY;


//alert('x:' + iourx);



}, false);

ele.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {


var touches = evt.changedTouches;

//if (evt.touches) {

if (touches[0].pageX) {

iourx = touches[0].pageX;

ioury = touches[0].pageY;

} else if (touches[0].clientX) {

iourx = touches[0].clientX;

ioury = touches[0].clientY;


//alert('x:' + iourx);



}, false);

} else {

ele.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {

if (evt.touches) {

if (evt.touches[0].pageX) {

iourx = evt.touches[0].pageX;

ioury = evt.touches[0].pageY;

} else {

iourx = evt.touches[0].clientX;

ioury = evt.touches[0].clientY;


//alert('' + iourx);

} else if (evt.clientX) {

iourx = evt.clientX; // - elemLeft;

ioury = evt.clientY; // - elemLeft;

} else if (!evt.touches) {

iourx = evt.pageX; // - elemLeft;

ioury = evt.pageX; // - elemLeft;









See this in thechanged cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run with single window (good for mobile) or defaultโœ‚live run (for your platform) we, again, welcome you to try for yourself.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Card Order Game Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Card Order Game Tutorial

Just Javascript Card Order Game Tutorial

Today weโ€™ve made the web application of yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Quiz Drag Tutorial โ€œdual purposeโ€ โ€ฆ

  • quiz โ€ฆ as for yesterday, and before โ€ฆ and as of today, making more use of the card organizational side to the popup windows we introduce โ€ฆ
  • card order game

This card order game asks you to force the focus of the correct popup window (to score in the Card Order Game) in the order as designated by the background image part we have added today, and supported by the following Javascript โ€œmappingโ€ code โ€ฆ

var dragorder=[], curdrag=0;

var cards=["//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/images/01s.gif?n=7",




















































for (var ic=1; ic<=cards.length; ic++) {


for (var jc=1; jc<=cards.length; jc++) {

if ((cards[eval(-1 + jc)] + '~').indexOf('?n=' + ic + '~') != -1) {

dragorder.push(eval(-1 + jc));

cards[eval(-1 + jc)]=cards[eval(-1 + jc)].replace('?n=' + ic, '');

firstbit+=String.fromCodePoint(eval('' + spcps[eval(-1 + jc)].split('/')[0])) + ' ';





โ€ฆ and โ€œmaking use ofโ€ this and the new codeline as popups are created โ€ฆ oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.name=โ€ + kl; we have โ€ฆ

function ourprompt(tw, blb, bdef) {

var kijk;

if (oplist[eval('' + tw)].document.name == ('' + dragorder[eval('' + curdrag)]) && eval('' + curdrag) == eval('' + overallgoes)) {

console.log('Dragorder[' + curdrag + ']=' + dragorder[eval('' + curdrag)] + ' vs tw=' + tw + ' and overall;goes=' + overallgoes);

var decs=document.title.split('.');



if (eval('' + decs.length) >= 3) {

document.title=document.title.replace('.' + decs[1] + '.', '.' + curdrag + '/' + overallgoes + '.');


oplist[eval('' + tw)].close();

return null;


// Quiz only code follows


โ€ฆ code.

It must be in the correct order (and not interrupted by quiz answer completions) to score, and you are timed, so you can try improving over time, using a document.title score presentation as per โ€ฆ

[QuizScore].[CardOrderGameScore]/[QuizAnswerAttemptCount].[SecondsElapsed] [MultiPlayerQuizScoreGoesBreakdown] is User: Score/Goes - RJM Programming - April, 2021

โ€ฆ so that both usages for the web application can be accommodated for in thechanged cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run we welcome you to try for yourself.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Quiz Drag Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Quiz Drag Tutorial

Just Javascript Quiz Drag Tutorial

Adding to yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Quiz CSS Styling Tutorial we have added some โ€ฆ

  • non-mobile platform, only โ€ฆ
  • drag and drop functionality โ€ฆ for โ€ฆ
  • the child popup windows

โ€ฆ achieved through the comparison of โ€ฆ

  • original [popupWindow].screenLeft and [popupWindow].screenTop โ€ฆ initially, to โ€ฆ
  • [popupWindow].screenLeft and [popupWindow].screenTop over time

โ€ฆ and if one popup is dragged to overlay another it is closed, or you, as the user, can just drag and drop for clarity, leaving the popup window of the next quiz question out in the open, perhaps.

In order to achieve this, and keep backward compatibility we needed to delay the quiz question prompt window via โ€ฆ

  1. document.hasFocus() is true โ€ฆ then if โ€ฆ
  2. inhouse dragging checks clear it of overlaying another popup (in which case that popup is programmatically closed, allowing another popup to become the โ€œfocus windowโ€) โ€ฆ then โ€ฆ
  3. delay (by 8 seconds) the prompt window (and in that time the user can be dragging popups (but no popups were harmed in the making of this tutorial)) โ€ฆ via โ€ฆ

    setTimeout(function() { hj=prompt(dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj == null) { hj=''; } else { hj=window.opener.assess(hj); } if (hj.replace(def,'') != '') { checka(hj); } else { setTimeout(pa,10000); } aminmiddle=false; }, 8000);

โ€ฆ you can see in amongst thechanged cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run you are welcome to try for yourself โ€ฆ best on non-mobile.

Still โ€œNo Body Definitionโ€, โ€œJust Javascriptโ€!

Previous relevant Just Javascript Quiz CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Quiz CSS Styling Tutorial

Just Javascript Quiz CSS Styling Tutorial

Our โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ adage used throughout this blog posting thread, up until today, headed by yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Quiz Content Management Tutorial needs more explanation. Really what we are trying to do might better be described as โ€œNo Body Definitionโ€ (ie. no defined document.body) but have โ€ฆ

  1. an HTML webpage (ie. within <html> and </html>) โ€ฆ has โ€ฆ
  2. <head> and </head> (ie. document.head) content which can be made up of (at least) title, style, script, link, meta tags

To assert โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ is just to allow script content above, but what we should really say is โ€œJust Head Contentโ€ but that is not nearly so marketable, is it now?!

The thing is, though, we can dynamically add title, style, link, meta tag content within the script content, and we do this more than statically define it, to feel better about our ethics saying โ€œJust Javascriptโ€.

Dynamically adding style CSS styling either โ€ฆ

  • using Javascript DOM (not available to us for document.getElementById([elementID] and nor can we use inline CSS via style=โ€[CSSstyling]โ€ statically within HTML element code for that same reason) ideas today though โ€ฆ remember โ€œNo Body Definitionโ€ โ€ฆ but โ€ฆ
  • we can append to <head> and </head> (for todayโ€™s scenario) as per โ€ฆ

    document.head.innerHTML+="<style> html { background-color: yellow; font-size: 36px; background: URL('//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/rjmquiz.jpg'); background-size: cover; } </style>";

โ€ฆ allowing (into the scope of our work CSS styling of) background (image(s)) and other background styling ideas that can get us past the anonymous feel the web application had before today. We tailored the background image above to suit our Quiz and help it be a bit more self explanatory โ€ฆ thanks CSS styling! We add onto the child โ€œcardโ€ popup windows, their own background image colour and pizazz, to cheer things up in CSSstyling enhanced cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run.

You may well ask โ€ฆ

What can we hang our hat on with CSS style selectors without a body element?

Well, we had to step out of our usual comfort zone of CSS styling thinking, and realize, even without that body element we can still use the html selector to โ€œpoint atโ€ the entirety of your webpage of interest.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Quiz Content Management Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Quiz Content Management Tutorial

Just Javascript Quiz Content Management Tutorial

It feels like an โ€œonions of the 4th dimensionโ€ idea to allow the user to control the questions and answers behind the workings of yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Quiz Multiple Users Tutorialโ€˜s web application, featuring โ€œJust Javascriptโ€.

Itโ€™s not โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ weโ€™re keeping, itโ€™s โ€œJust HTMLโ€ client work rather than involving any serverside anything (eg.PHP) and yet this question and answer data could be quite sizeable. What can we use, given no PHP serverside, and given weโ€™ve decided not to navigate via Ajax/FormData techniques? How about โ€œthe better than HTTP Cookiesโ€ twins โ€ฆ

Yep, set up a means by which these two can store and restore questions and answers entered by the user, using these storage methods above.

function reassess() {

var retv='', ewq;

var retcols=[];

var ir=0;

if (window.localStorage) {

try {

retv=('' + window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local')).replace(/^null$/g,'');

if (retv != '') {

//alert('0:' + retv);




for (ir=0; ir<retcols.length; ir++) {

sq.push(retcols[ir].split('?!')[0] + '?');







} catch(ewq) {



if (window.sessionStorage) {

try {

retv=('' + window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session')).replace(/^null$/g,'');

if (retv != '') {

//alert('1:' + retv);




for (ir=0; ir<retcols.length; ir++) {

sq.push(retcols[ir].split('?')[0] + '?');







} catch(ewq) {




function assess(what) {

var ewq, retv='';

if (what.toLowerCase() == '?x') {



if (window.sessionStorage) {

try {


} catch(ewq) {


location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);

return '';


return '';

} else if (what.toLowerCase() == '?!x') {



if (window.localStorage) {

try {


} catch(ewq) {


location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);

return '';


return '';

} else if (what.toLowerCase().indexOf('?!') != -1) {

if (what.toLowerCase() == '?!') {

location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);

return '';


if (window.localStorage) {

if (lslistq.length == 0) {



window.localStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_local', encodeURIComponent(what));

} else {



window.localStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_local', window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local') + encodeURIComponent('~' + what));



return '';

} else if (what.toLowerCase().indexOf('?') != -1) {

if (what.toLowerCase() == '?') {

location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897);

return '';


if (window.sessionStorage) {

if (sslistq.length == 0) {



window.sessionStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_session', encodeURIComponent(what));

} else {



window.sessionStorage.setItem('cards_usefocus_session', window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session') + encodeURIComponent('~' + what));



return '';

} else {


if (window.localStorage) {

try {

retv=('' + window.localStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_local')).replace(/^null$/g,'');

if (retv != '' && nomap) { location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897); }

} catch(ewq) {



if (window.sessionStorage) {

try {

retv=('' + window.sessionStorage.getItem('cards_usefocus_session')).replace(/^null$/g,'');

if (retv != '' && nomap) { location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765897); }

} catch(ewq) {




return what;


Thefairly significantly changed cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run is worth a look, we figure, for up to 52 players who play in turn.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Quiz Multiple Users Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Quiz Multiple Users Tutorial

Just Javascript Quiz Multiple Users Tutorial

Adding to yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Quiz via Cards Tutorial we were surprised how difficult it was to stay with โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ and allow for multiple player play.

We didnโ€™t opt for the parent to ask about the number of players, curiously, but on the second quiz answer and on, offered any non first player the chance to identify themselves as a new player into the game by appending their answer with a space character.

The implication of that is that weโ€™ll want to run Javascript functions of the parent from the children as per โ€ฆ

oplist[eval(-1 + oplist.length)].document.write("<link rel=icon href=" + cards[kl] + "><scr" + "ipt type='text/javascript'> var da='" + eval(0 + kq) + "'; var dp='Given answer is integer from 0 to 25 ... " + sq[kq] + "'; var def=String.fromCodePoint(" + spcps[eval('' + kl)].split('/')[0] + "); function checka(tpa) { var os=''; var ps=eval(window.opener.document.title.split('/')[0].trim()); var pg=eval(window.opener.document.title.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0]); if (tpa.trim() == da) { ps++; os=tpa.split(da)[1]; } else { pg++; os=tpa.split(tpa.trim())[1]; } window.opener.document.title=ps + os + '/' + pg + ' is User Score/Goes'; window.close(); } function pa() { if (document.hasFocus()) { var hj=prompt(dp + window.opener.blurb(), def); if (hj == null) { hj=''; } if (hj.replace(def,'') == '') { setTimeout(pa,1000); } else { checka(hj); } } else { setTimeout(pa,1000); } } pa(); </scr" + "ipt>");

โ€ฆ accessing โ€ฆ

function blurb() { // theblurb and wblurb are global variables changed elsewhere

if (wblurb == ' Hello Player 1' && theblurb == ' If you are player 2 rather than player 1 append space to your answer.') {




return theblurb + wblurb;


โ€ฆ giving the rather curious behaviour whereby a Javascript prompt window can be dynamically different from one document.hasFocus() incarnation (ie. the user might go away and answer another โ€œcardโ€ Number Quiz question) to another (even not attending to answering the Javascript prompt window) โ€ฆ huh?!

Thesignificantly changed cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run is worth a look, we figure, for up to 52 players who play in turn.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Quiz via Cards Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Quiz via Cards Tutorial

Just Javascript Quiz via Cards Tutorial

Yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Navigation Tutorial continues our interest in โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ (or โ€œNo Bodyโ€) web applications.

We think todayโ€™s โ€œNumbers Quizโ€ via a โ€œCard Deckโ€ organizational design ups the ante on all this. We realize now what we have been missing not having involved document.hasFocus() in any of our popup window scenarios. Today, at least on non-mobile, we involve 52 such popup windows each containing a โ€œNumber Quizโ€ question presented as a Javascript prompt (sub-)window. This would not be feasible without document.hasFocus() as you can tell if you examine the cards_usefocusโšซhtml code behind the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ liveโœ‚run best used on your non-mobile platforms where popup windows can sit in front of parent (and beside sibling) windows, whereas mobile platforms open new web browser tabs for all the 52 windows of (a card deck) design.

Look out, too, in the code above, for use of window.opener back reference from a popup window back to the parent window where the scoring data is held, and updated by each popup window because of that window.opener avaalability.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Navigation Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Navigation Tutorial

Just Javascript Navigation Tutorial

The recent use we made of โ€ฆ


โ€ฆ got us thinking of the โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ (or No Body) blog posting thread headed by Just Javascript Webmail No Body Attachment Tutorial.

As such, today we present the very simple (but first time use of the interesting hasFocus) โ€œproof of conceptโ€ โ€ฆ



<script type='text/javascript'>

function dothis() {

var ais=null;

var urlis=' ';

while (urlis != '') {

if (document.hasFocus()) {

urlis=prompt('Enter URL that we will send you to (exit to stop)', '');

} else {

setTimeout(dothis, 2000); // urlis=' ';



if (urlis == null) { urlis=''; }

if (urlis.toLowerCase() == 'exit') { return; }

if (urlis.trim() != '') {

if (urlis.substring(0,1) == '.') { // relative URL

urlis=document.URL.split('nobody.htm')[0] + urlis;

} else if (urlis.substring(0,1) == '/' && urlis.indexOf('//') == -1) { // relative URL

urlis=document.URL.split('//')[0] + '//' + document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0] + '/' + urlis;

} else if (urlis.split('/')[0].indexOf('.') != -1) { // absolute URL

if (urlis.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') != 0) {

if (urlis.indexOf('//') == 0) {

urlis=document.URL.split('//')[0] + urlis;

} else {

urlis=document.URL.split('//')[0] + '//' + urlis;



} else { // relative URL

urlis=document.URL.split('nobody.htm')[0] + urlis;



ais.onclick=function() { window.open(urlis, '_blank', 'top=100,left=100,width=600,height=600'); };

if (1 == 2) { ais.href=urlis; }





setTimeout(dothis, 2000); // urlis=' ';






โ€ฆ nobodyโšซhtmlโ€˜s liveโœ‚run link for you to use a Javascript prompt popup windowโ€™s user interaction results to navigate to a new webpage, as applicable. Bookmarklets may be scarce on the ground, but these โ€œJust Javascriptโ€ ideas continue the Bookmarklet Spirit of the past!

Previous relevant Just Javascript Webmail No Body Attachment Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Webmail No Body Attachment Tutorial

Just Javascript Webmail No Body Attachment Tutorial

A โ€œhard linerโ€ for the proper use of โ€œbusiness emailsโ€ could argue that an email without an attachment is not productive. Couldnโ€™t you just have a face to face meeting instead, if there is just wording in the email (as we somewhat concur with, as an argument)? So yesterdayโ€™s Just Javascript Webmail No Body Tutorial had that limitation of no email attachment logic, which we remedy today.

And this is where PHPโ€™s wonderful file_get_contents (function) means by which we garner (URL) content โ€ฆ

  • definitely works with โ€œrelative URLsโ€ relative to HTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/ where todayโ€™s unchanged webmail_nobodyโšซhtml resides โ€ฆ in โ€œparsing parlanceโ€ โ€ฆ

    "relative (URL)" to the left of any # or ? of what lies to the left of the most right hand "/" (of what the address bar URL is of the webpage you are on)

    โ€ฆ so that โ€ฆ

    1. โ€œrelative URLsโ€ starting with โ€œ./โ€ (followed by the filename, or just the filename (as you can see us using in todayโ€™s tutorial picture)) refer to the web server directory corresponding to โ€œHTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/โ€ โ€ฆ whereas, for example โ€ฆ
    2. โ€œrelative URLsโ€ starting with โ€œ../โ€ (followed by the filename) refer to the web server directory corresponding to โ€œHTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/โ€ โ€ฆ for example

    โ€ฆ and โ€ฆ

  • might work for โ€œabsolute URLsโ€ (those that start with https: or HTTP: or even // (that we beg you not to confuse with Windows UNC pathnames) that infer a transport protocol of the transport protocol (out of https: or HTTP: or even file:) that got you to the webpage you are currently on), the โ€œmightโ€ being far more likely on โ€œabsolute URLsโ€ pointing to the same domain as indicated on the URL of the address bar of the webpage you are currently on

Upshot is, the user in their email Body section definitions (still no HTML body though!), can throw into any word they use, an โ€œabsolute URLโ€ of interest, or a โ€œrelative URLโ€ of interest, of files they want to attach (as attachments, doh!) in their email.

Depending on the email rules though, there are limits as to the amount of attachment data allowed. Weโ€™ll leave that to you intrepid โ€œexplorers of the Netโ€ to discover for yourselves. On this subject though, have you noticed that with the Photos (or Gallery) app Share options, the Email option drops off when you have highlighted a large number of photos or videos or audios to share? Thatโ€™s that email limit coming into play.

So feel free to try this HTML-body-less web application liveโœ‚run to see what we mean here. Though the parent HTML is unchanged today, the new (email) attachment functionality needed achanged PHP emailhtmlโšซphp to make this happen.

Did you know?

This (relative URL) โ€œ../โ€ navigation backwards up the hierarchy of the web server directories will, if repeated (ie. nested to โ€œ../../โ€ etcetera) too many times, get you into uncharted unnavigable (web server directory) places relative to that web server web siteโ€™s Document Root (below which you can not access in public webpages, normally). But when you perform similar thinking with โ€œabsolute URLsโ€ and go โ€œHTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/../../../blahdeblah.jpgโ€ (in a web browser address bar) for instance, you cannot get into trouble, as you just donโ€™t get beyond this sending you to (attempt the reference to) โ€œHTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/blahdeblah.jpgโ€ because on this rjmprogramming.com.au Apache domain the correspondence of the Document Root (web server directory) is to โ€œHTTP://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/โ€ as the place you are not allowed (and cannot) go below in the hierarchy tree.

Previous relevant Just Javascript Webmail No Body Tutorial is shown below.

Just Javascript Webmail No Body Tutorial

Just Javascript Webmail No Body Tutorial

Were you around and interested in our series of about three blog postings in the series on the theme of creating webpage functionality of some interest, involving no Javascript, when we presented Missing Javascript Audio on Unmute Tutorial? Well, today, itโ€™s the turn of โ€œjust Javascriptโ€, which is sort of like what Bookmarklets were about.

With todayโ€™s โ€œjust Javascriptโ€ we have to qualify that a little for our webmail emailing sender application with the architecture โ€ฆ

Guess we find it interesting that you can do all this (sending of email to emailee recipients) with no document.body in sight.

So take a look at that parent webmail_nobodyโšซhtmlโ€˜s liveโœ‚run link to see what we mean here, and/or watch the video below โ€ฆ

Previous relevant Missing Javascript Audio on Unmute Tutorial is shown below.

Missing Javascript Audio on Unmute Tutorial

Missing Javascript Audio on Unmute Tutorial

Our โ€œthird cab off the rankโ€ following on from yesterdayโ€™s Missing Javascript Stop Watch Tutorial โ€œmissing Javascriptโ€ ideas is an HTML div nesting scenario using just โ€ฆ

  1. HTML
  2. CSS

โ€ฆ again, with some or all of the โ€œusualsโ€ below โ€ฆ

  • calc method to assist with defining width and height and size dimensions along with operator โ€œ+โ€ and/or โ€œ-โ€ offset calculation opportunities, and which weโ€™d have used the Javascript window.getComputedStyle and/or [element].getBoundingClientRect methods to cover this (in a much more unwieldy way, as you would probably surmise)
  • CSS variables we started talking about here at CSS Variables Primer Tutorial
  • CSS3 @keyframes rules we first talked about at CSS3 @keyframes Rule Primer Tutorial that assist with animations that we can make work via โ€ฆ
  • CSS3 transitions for scheduled functionality (weโ€™d have used Javascript setTimeout (and setInterval) methods to cover the same โ€œterritoryโ€) we first talked about at CSS3 Transition Primer Tutorial โ€ฆ specified with CSS Criteria involving โ€ฆ
  • CSS Selectors :after and :before (and often, as for todayโ€™s work, with the content: CSS property) first talked about here with WordPress Bullet Point CSS Styling Primer Tutorial โ€ฆ and, today โ€ฆ
  • CSS3 transform propertyโ€™s rotate (and translate and scale) settings (for the puppy dog body movements) โ€ฆ as well as the idea that โ€ฆ
  • On non mobile platforms you can set up the playing of โ€œaudioโ€ data via the use of an HTML audio tag with the properties โ€ฆ
    1. controls
    2. autostart
    3. loop
    4. muted

    Stop Press

    Above is all fine and good for non-mobile but not so good for mobile, so to keep all happy with the one click, still, is to transfer HTML coding from โ€ฆ

    <audio id='myaudio' title='Got a sock in my mouth, so you might want to unmute me!' type='audio/mp3' style="display:none;margin-left:-350px;opacity:0.1;" autostart muted loop controls src="Puppy-sounds.mp3" />

    โ€ฆ to โ€ฆ

    <!--audio id='myaudio' title='Got a sock in my mouth, so you might want to unmute me!' type='audio/mp3' style="display:none;margin-left:-350px;opacity:0.1;" autostart muted loop controls src="Puppy-sounds.mp3" /-->

    <audio id='myaudiotwo' title='Got a sock in my mouth, so you might want to unmute me!' type='audio/mp3' style="margin-left:-350px;opacity:0.1;" autostart="0" loop controls src="Puppy-sounds.mp3" />

    โ€ฆ and a src= URL data source (as we thank this link for today), or data URI if preferred (which we do for todayโ€™s image data from this link, thanks (when we were researching animated GIF data URIs (which we may return to at a later date))

โ€ฆ that sets up the scenario that all the user has to do to hear the audio is to click the โ€œmutedโ€ control button, without needing the usual Javascript play() methods โ€ฆ but not on mobile!

Feel free to let the puppyโœ‚play, that uses the HTML and CSS (but no Javascript) of the_nestedโšซhtml and based largely on the previous HTML Nested Centering via Multiple Select Tutorial so that thesechanges reflect how we got to the first draft of todayโ€™s work. Maybe some of the ideas are of interest. We hope so!

Previous relevant Missing Javascript Stop Watch Tutorial is shown below.

Missing Javascript Stop Watch Tutorial

Missing Javascript Stop Watch Tutorial

Following on from yesterdayโ€™s Missing Javascript Primer Tutorial our second โ€œcab off the rankโ€ for โ€œmissing Javascriptโ€ ideas is a stop watch featuring just โ€ฆ

  1. HTML
  2. CSS

โ€ฆ again, setting up document.body load instigated โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ which we needed to do to make multiple animations happen, but we used animation-delay:5s; to delay its start. The hands (second and minute, hence the two animations) are โ€œoverlayโ€ โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ feeling HTML horizontal rule elements that also feature linear gradients, to emphasise (in red) the โ€œpointy endโ€ of the โ€œhand conversationโ€ (good on walls with shadows โ€ฆ but we digress).

Feel free to let loose the stopโœ‚watch that uses the HTML and CSS (but no Javascript) of stop_watchโšซhtml for todayโ€™s instructional information. Thanks to Clipart โ€“ stop watch for the great clip art used.

Previous relevant Missing Javascript Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Missing Javascript Primer Tutorial

Missing Javascript Primer Tutorial

If you were to ask me which programming component is most vital to web application development, Iโ€™d not be Robinson Crusoe in saying โ€ฆ

Without a doubt, Javascript

โ€ฆ and with that thought in mind we have a two pronged motive to see how far we go developing some web applications that โ€œdonโ€™t use Javascriptโ€, calling into play the โ€ฆ

  • meaning of โ€œmissingโ€, as in, our code is โ€œmissingโ€ Javascript โ€ฆ as well as how I feel with the masochism of the exercise, calling into play the โ€ฆ
  • meaning of โ€œmissingโ€, as in, itโ€™s hard work writing meaningful web applications without Javascript โ€ฆ but I guess weโ€™ll learn a bit from the exercise of โ€œsee where we goโ€, allowing for the fact, not today, but down the track, that we will allow the use of server-side languages such as PHP

Okay, so, given that restriction, letโ€™s see todayโ€™s challenge, to just use, in a web application โ€ฆ

  1. HTML
  2. CSS

โ€ฆ and here is where we have to point out that CSS3 introduced to us some functionality that improves the prospects for web application design โ€œinterestโ€ without using Javascript (though it is hard to convince me even so, that I am not โ€œmissingโ€ Javascript) here. CSS3 introduced to us โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ and we use all of these in our Festive Season themed web application today, you can try at this liveโœ‚runโ€˜s calc_useโšซhtml (free of any Javascript (but โ€œwhyโ€ springs to mind โ€ฆ because it is NOT there, perhaps?)).

Hereโ€™s the other thing about today. Our long sought after โ€œjust make the body background be semi-transparentโ€ but not its foreground parts, was solved, for us via the great advice of โ€ฆ

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