In the recent Mathematics Equation Backtracking Game Primer Tutorial we found that there was not much to do to consider the drawing and display of a straight line by saying the a in …
Y = aX2 + bX + c
… is zero … and this turned the parabola data our Google Chart Parabola Line Graph code was initially designed for, into code that could display a straight line. But what about other equations? Well, we think the same code should suffice for that too, though we have to rearrange a fair bit more for that idea in the code, and ask a lot of the user. They use the ^ for “power of” for instance, and we’re sure we’ll think of more issues with requirements on this as time goes on, but the initial extension to functionality thoughts here swirled around equations where the most complex it gets for a parabola is “to the power of” 2. What about equations of curves of other powers bigger than 2 and less than 1, including negative powers. Given some suitable entries by the user, this is now possible using this same one codebase utilising the Google Chart Line Chart web application interface with this live run that you could call parabola_lgraph.php and which changed in this way. So you can look at today’s tutorial picture, and below we’d like to show you a Cubic Polynomial, as we found discussed at this useful link, thanks.
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