Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial

Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial

Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial

We normally start the web application games we write by making sure the information, or data, aspects to the game are attended to. So for us, the priorities, end up being โ€ฆ

  1. making sure the information, or data, aspects to the game are attended to โ€ฆ and then, other ideas as below, but not necessarily in shown order, and not necessarily attended to at all โ€ฆ
  2. think about the easier feature based functionalities that add to outside sources of new information (to amalgamate with existing sources)
  3. improve aesthetics
  4. think about your more difficult feature based functionalities that add to outside sources of new information (to amalgamate with existing sources)
  5. think about collaboration and sharing ideas
  6. think about rare data scenarios, such as large data sets, usually coming into play via a few days of testing

One of the easier feature based functionalities that we think would be easy to add to our โ€œHealth Root or Prefix or Suffix Meaning Gameโ€ we started with Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Game Tutorial is to add an HTML iframe (element) hosted YouTube (and its API for Iframe embedded videos โ€ฆ thanks) video searching piece of functionality, that is optional, but can be accessed via a user click of a โ€œHintโ€ link (with its accompanying ๐Ÿ“น Video emoji). So, not to give the game away entirely, but to give a โ€œHintโ€, we supply a YouTube search access to another HTML select (dropdown) element, selections at which can allow the user to play YouTube videos to find out more. Putting this into practice brought up an interesting issue today, that being the use you can make of the double quote (ie. โ€ โ€œ) delimiter methods of searching on Search Engines, and at YouTube when โ€œsurfing the netโ€. As you probably know, the results from a Search Engine search (or YouTube search) are usually a different result set for search strings of more than one word when โ€ฆ

  • not encased in double quotes (ie. โ€ โ€œ) โ€ฆ versus โ€ฆ
  • search string encased in double quotes

โ€ฆ the difference being that the latter will result in a result set giving more credence to the phrase that your search string may equate to, and in our interface to YouTube, also, a chance to introduce extra first words to reach the correct general videos of interest (even before further refinement). Now this phrase idea is important. If you just search for arthro on YouTube you get up the top of the list a whole lot of infomercial type listings (perhaps a bit of help), whereas if you search YouTube for medical terms prefix arthro you get more to the point regarding searching YouTube videos for information about the medical prefix arthro. We help the YouTube searching along by our additional medical terms prefix โ€œhelpingโ€ words. Even though we donโ€™t exactly expect an exact phrase match of this to happen much, then those additional prefixing words still help out directing YouTube to more apt videos of interest to our web application users โ€ฆ we hope?!

Talking of aesthetics, we liked the free background image supplied by Pixabay, and set about โ€ฆ

Try out the โ€œnew lookโ€ at this liveโœ‚run link.

Previous relevant Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Game Tutorial is shown below.

Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Game Tutorial

Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Game Tutorial

For us, there is a lot to discuss regarding HTML select (dropdown) elements. Alas, the mobile platforms have limited the power of these types of elements with their lack of size attribute values greater than one, and the ability to โ€œdrill intoโ€ the (HTML select element) multiple attribute implications to HTML option (sub)element events, like their onclick events. This, as also discussed recently, at HTML Nested Centering via Multiple Select Tutorial makes our โ€œdreamโ€ of timed HTML select (dropdown) element in multiple attribute mode controlled functionality (rather than relying on any accompanying HTML buttons), impractical for the mobile platforms.

Nevertheless, today, with our โ€œHealth Root or Prefix or Suffix Meaning Gameโ€, testing the userโ€™s understanding of the meaning of various medical roots, prefixes and suffixes, we allow for two dropdowns related to single selection mode meanings and for the selection of medical roots and prefixes and suffixes in single selection mode for the mobile platforms, but in (our โ€œdreamโ€) โ€œunaccompaniedโ€ HTML select element timed multiple selection mode for non-mobile platforms. Now, with these non-mobile platform timed multiple selection modes we need โ€ฆ

  • effectively ignore that multiple selection mode dropdownโ€™s onchange event โ€ฆ in favour of โ€ฆ
  • use a setTimeout function to continually check multiple selection mode dropdown selections โ€ฆ given a โ€ฆ
  • delay is introduced into the logic to allow for user โ€œthinking timeโ€ but not too long to be annoying, the triggering of which is interrupted (and started again) by any dropdown onclick event occurrences

โ€ฆ the affect of which, for non-mobile platforms, the ability to โ€œdrill intoโ€ the dropdownโ€™s events, whereas with mobile platforms that โ€œlistenerโ€ for dropdown value changes is hampered by that dropdown only โ€œreleasingโ€ its values after the mobile platform web browser logic supervision is over. Hence the mobile platform need to accompany multiple selection mode dropdowns with a button.

Let me explain a bit about what prompted this web application architecture thinking. This is the first web application, to our memory that has a table with a left hand cell and a right hand cell where โ€ฆ

  • we allow for either left hand cell or right hand cell to contain the โ€œunknownโ€ for the userโ€™s interaction, or the known for the userโ€™s interaction โ€ฆ the difference between the two being โ€ฆ
  • a single selection in the left hand cellโ€™s dropdown can result in only one correct right hand cell dropdown correct answer โ€ฆ but โ€ฆ
  • a single selection in the right hand cellโ€™s dropdown can sometimes result in several correct left hand cell dropdown answers

โ€ฆ and for that last aspect to the โ€œdata architectureโ€ features of this web application, weโ€™d like to reward the non-mobile user with extensive knowledge, the chance to use a (timed) multiple selection mode dropdown to score points for all of their selections, and in that way to be able to have a โ€œscoreโ€ greater than the number of โ€œgoesโ€.

An interesting limitation to timed multiple selection mode dropdowns like this is that, short of a button to press, it is best to present all the option subelements of the dropdown before the userโ€™s eyes. This can present the problem that it is not great here if the resultant dropdown, defined with a size attribute equal to the number of option (sub)elements, becomes so big it extends beyond the (screen) fold. This is not the end of the world, but it is a bit annoying, as might be our remedy today (though in our defence there is nothing stopping the user zooming the window with non-mobile web browsers), using the document.body onload event timed code line โ€ฆ

var smallfs="6px";

var origfs=window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('root_prefix_suffix'), null).getPropertyValue("font-size");

โ€ฆ to allow for โ€œscrunched up โ€˜smallfs'โ€ size > 1 timed multiple selection mode left hand cell scenarios to toggle to โ€œnot scrunched up โ€˜origfs'โ€ size = 1 single selection mode left hand cell scenarios, and back, as necessary, depending on the random โ€œmode of question typeโ€ talked about in first point of list above.

Another aspect to any such web application is โ€œhow not to give the game away (too easily)โ€ by either of โ€ฆ

  • leaving onmouseover event information to be shown (giving the game away) โ€ฆ revolves around the use of data attributes here as well, as you can see being played out in HTML/Javascript Subject Areas Game Data Attributes Tutorial โ€ฆ and/or
  • a one to one order of matching left hand cell dropdown element option subelements to those of the right hand cell

โ€ฆ and the (rather doh!ish) solution to this is to work on the right hand cell data and filter (out repeated) meaning data items, and to alphabetically sort them.

Todayโ€™s HTML and Javascript health_fix_meaningโšซhtmlโ€˜s liveโœ‚run is here for you to peruse, or try out. Thanks to HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems โ€“ Reading 1: Apply knowledge of the basic structure of the healthy human body NSW DET 2007 for the web content ideas.

Todayโ€™s web application has big synergies with PHP/Javascript Derivations Game Tutorial regarding Greek and Latin roots in the English language.

Previous relevant PHP/Javascript Derivations Game Tutorial is shown below.

PHP The Derivations Game Tutorial

PHP/Javascript Derivations Game Tutorial

Do you like word games? Todayโ€™s game takes Latin and Greek root words, shows you their meaning, and asks you for a derived English Word based on this Latin or Greek root word โ€ฆ weโ€™re going to call the game โ€œThe Derivations Gameโ€ โ€ฆ and you score a point for each word you supply that satisfies some criteria for whether they are derived from your Latin or Greek root (word). It uses English words, based on the dictionary arrangements at its (web) server. Maybe it would be a good game to learn English vocabulary.

Programmers often use Linux dictionary files as a means to get a word list, and that list could be in any language, and for ours it is English, so to make it for another language, youโ€™d need a Linux dictionary arrangement (on your web server) with a different language base.

This game has two parts to it for PHP and Javascript to respectively assess a word to use and arrange the user interaction.

Hopefully you can figure the rules when you click the picture above for a liveโœ‚run.

Thanks to โ€œText Types in Englishโ€ by Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson pp. 57-58 for the idea for this tutorial.

Another thank you to The Free Dictionary for its great online presence as a dictionary resource, for the functionality to explain an unknown word, for its dictionary meaning. The image map โ€œclick parts of the pictureโ€ vocabulary ESL tutorials at this blog use the same resource to explain dictionary information about clicked on โ€œthingsโ€.

Anyway, see how you go with this game of interest and history!

Here is a link to some downloadable PHP (with Javascript) programming code you could rename to latin_greekโšซphp

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