Today, we discuss alternative event ideas to document.body onload and onunload events tracing the navigating to and from a webpage, respectively.
The three event types weโve experimented with, today, in our proof of concept HTML and Javascript pageTransitionshtml, are, with mixed success โฆ
- onpageshow (at same time as document.body onload event) โฆ opening โฆ versus โฆ closing โฆ
- onpagehide (we had little success with this event) โฆ and we had more success with โฆ
- onvisibilitychange (in conjunction with document.visibilityState === โhiddenโ we succeeded)
<title>Page Transitions - RJM Programming - June, 2023 ... thanks to and</title>
<script type=text/javascript>
function myFunction(opening) {
if (opening) {
document.getElementById("mya").href = document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?rand=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19877654);
document.title='You got to ' + document.URL + ' at ' + ('' + new Date()) + '.';
document.getElementById("myh1").innerHTML+='<br>' + document.title;'lightgreen';
} else {
document.title='You left ' + document.URL + ' at ' + ('' + new Date()) + '.';
document.getElementById("solong").innerHTML+='<br>' + document.title;'yellow';
function myCloseFunction() {
if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
document.title='You Left ' + document.URL + ' At ' + ('' + new Date()) + '.';
document.getElementById("solong").innerHTML+='<br>' + document.title;'yellow';
} else {
document.onvisibilitychange = function() {
if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
document.title='You Left ' + document.URL + ' At ' + ('' + new Date()) + '.'
document.getElementById("solong").innerHTML+='<br>' + document.title;'yellow';
} else {
document.onpagehide = function() {
if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
document.title='You Left ' + document.URL + ' at ' + ('' + new Date()) + '.';
document.getElementById("solong").innerHTML+='<br>' + document.title;'yellow';
} else {
<body onvisibilitychange="myCloseFunction();" onpagehide="myFunction(false);" onpageshow="myFunction(true);">
<h1 id=myh1></h1><br><br>
<a target=_blank id=mya href=''>Open new webpage incarnation ...</a><br><br>
<h4 id=solong></h4><br><br>
So feel free to try these means by which you can welcome and plan for leaving respectively in web application.
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