PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Hashtag Genericization Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Hashtag Genericization Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Hashtag Genericization Tutorial

Thinking about yesterday’s PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial might beggar the question for many users …

Is there a way to not have to worry about “simple defence mechanisms” sharing user entered data onto a serverside recipient webpage codeset?

The short answer is “yes”. The long answer is “y-e-s”. Two alternatives occur to us, of many more, we daresay, other people might come up with …

  1. set up the arrangements so that the recipient webpage actually exists in an iframe overlaying (probably totally) the parent webpage (via form target=[nameOfThatIframeElement]) … and in that recipient (can still be method=POST) you can refer back to (for example) parent.document.getElementById(‘anyElementOfInterest’)‘s value/innerHTML/outerHTML/whatevvvvvvver … or, what we use today …
  2. use hashtagged information

… the thing that eases security angst here being that data passes across in the clientside realm rather than any serverside realm. Neither alternative approach is relying on HTML form element usage (for this style of data sharing, though we have a mix of styles now with our Numerical Sorting web application), either. So, as we do today, we have a …

  • new item of data, being the prefixing output wordage to the sorted array (output) …
  • now displayed in a span element attributed contenteditable=true …


    // and then, down a ways ...
    $suffix=explode($prefix . $midbit, $ccont)[1];

    if (strpos($suffix, 'printf("') !== false) {
    $inprintf='"' . explode('"', explode('printf("', $suffix)[1])[0] . '"';
    $outprintf='"' . "</span><span style=cursor:pointer;background-color:lightgreen; title=\"Tailorable output\" id=mycespan contenteditable=true onblur=\" document.getElementById('myform').action=document.getElementById('myform').action.split('#')[0] + '#' + encodeURIComponent(this.innerHTML); \">" . str_replace('"','',$inprintf) . "</span><span id=zsuffix>" . '"';

    … which comes into play, later with …
    <?php echo ”

    <span id=sprefix>" . str_replace($httpis," Thanks to <a onclick=\",'_blank','top=100,left=100,width=700,height=700');\" style=cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;>" . trim($httpis), str_replace($endaf, $endat, str_replace("\n", "<br>", str_replace('>','&gt;',str_replace('<','&lt;',$prefix))))) . "</span><textarea onkeydown='retval=true;' onblur=\"document.getElementById('mysub').click();\" name=myarr id=myarr style=display:inline-block;background-color:pink; rows=1 cols=" . (2 + strlen($midbit)) . " value=\"" . $midbit . "\">" . $midbit . "</textarea><span id=ssuffix>" . str_replace($inprintf,$outprintf,str_replace("\n", "<br>", str_replace('>','&gt;',str_replace('<','&lt;',$suffix)))) . "</span>

    “; ?>
  • using an onblur event …
    <?php echo ”

    document.getElementById('myform').action=document.getElementById('myform').action.split('#')[0] + '#' + encodeURIComponent(this.innerHTML);

    “; ?>
    … means by which to detect a change, and …
  • affecting the HTML form action=[hereIsLookingBackAtYouKid] to become action=[hereIsLookingBackAtYouKid]#[encodedSpanContents]
  • allowing the flow through the workflow via this hashtagged data …
  • which can be checked on at the document.body onload event logic … as per …
    <?php echo ”

    <body onload=\"if (document.getElementById('myresult')) { document.getElementById('myresult').innerHTML=( ( ('' + location.hash).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') == '') ? document.getElementById('myresult').innerHTML : decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).replace(/^\#/g,''))); } if (document.getElementById('mycespan')) { document.getElementById('mycespan').innerHTML=( ( ('' + location.hash).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'') == '') ? document.getElementById('mycespan').innerHTML : decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).replace(/^\#/g,''))); document.getElementById('myform').action=document.getElementById('myform').action.split('#')[0] + '#' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('mycespan').innerHTML); } setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myarr').focus(); }, 3000);\">

    “; ?>

… in a changed bubble_sort_c.php Numerical Sort web application.

You can glean from the use of the Numerical Sorting web application below …

… the brilliance behind those W3schools C sorting algorithm bases … ta muchly!

Previous relevant PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial

We come at improving yesterday’s PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial two ways, today, they being …

  1. genericization … taking the form of changing a hardcoding in a dropdown and associated variable “remix” regarding the functionality of the “what we should now call just” Numerical Sort web application … and …
  2. simple defensive programming … where code can get to the operating system, as with serverside languages such as PHP and compiled programs like we’re doing here with C then care is needed

By “genericization” we’re taking the “bubble” out of “squeak” “bubble sort” to just leave “sort” with our thinking, though we’d like to restrict the sorting to “numerical sorting” ideas. In other words, we’ve channelled the excellent C code bases at W3schools, thanks, for more than just a “bubble sort” and left it up to the PHP to see what has been “plonked” C wise by us to develop a dropdown $selsorttype PHP variable containing a genericized outerHTML, rather than the previous “bubble_sort” hardcoding used …




if (isset($_POST['mysort'])) {
$sorttype=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['mysort']));
$ccont=file_get_contents('./' . $sorttype . '.c');
} else if (isset($_GET['mysort'])) {
$sorttype=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['mysort']));
$ccont=file_get_contents('./' . $sorttype . '.c');
} else {

foreach (glob('*_sort.c') as $filename) {
if (strpos(basename($filename), 'new_') === false) {
if ($selsorttype == "bubble_sort") {
$selsorttype="<select onchange=\"location.href='./bubble_sort_c.php?mysort=' + this.value;\" style=display:inline-block; name=\"mysort\" id=\"mysort\"><option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option></select>";
} else if (basename($filename) == ($sorttype . ".c")) {
$selsorttype=str_replace(" id=\"mysort\">", " id=\"mysort\">" . "<option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option>", $selsorttype);
} else {
$selsorttype=str_replace("</select>", "<option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option></select>", $selsorttype);


Why worry about “simple defensive programming”? Some users might be looking for loopholes in your code to exploit what the underlying programming language used is capable of, and that can be altering file systems. What if it was possible in that “what we hope” is a user supplied numerical comma separated list, somebody was able to embed some operating system call? Well, we figure that malicious idea would have to contain a quote or double quote, so now we have


$prefix=explode(' = {', $ccont)[0] . ' = {';
$midbit=explode('"',explode("'",explode('}', explode($prefix, $ccont)[1])[0])[0])[0];
$suffix=explode($prefix . $midbit, $ccont)[1];


$httpis=" http";
$hbits=explode(' http', $prefix);
if (sizeof($hbits) > 1) {
$endaf=' http' . explode(' ', $hbits[1])[0];
$endat=' http' . explode(' ', $hbits[1])[0] . '</a>';

if (isset($_POST['myarr'])) {
$altmidbit=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['myarr'])));
file_put_contents('new_' . $sorttype . '.c', $prefix . explode('"',explode("'",$altmidbit)[0])[0] . $suffix);
exec('gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype);
$lastresult='$ gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype . ' <br>$ ./' . $sorttype . '<br>';
$lastresult.=shell_exec('./' . $sorttype);
} else if (isset($_GET['myarr'])) {
$altmidbit=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myarr'])));
file_put_contents('new_' . $sorttype . '.c', $prefix . explode('"',explode("'",$altmidbit)[0])[0] . $suffix);
exec('gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype);
$lastresult='$ gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype . ' <br>$ ./' . $sorttype . '<br>';
$lastresult.=shell_exec('./' . $sorttype);


… used in fortified and genericized bubble_sort_c.php Numerical Sort web application.

Did you know?

(“Simple defensive programming” x 786) – ((Paranoid tendency factor) x 56) might get you to want to research Captive portals … and beyond!

Previous relevant PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

For years and years, before the Internet, there were (and still are) the publicly accessible desktop application worlds of …

  • Windows with command line DOS
  • Mac with command line (a lot like, but not exactly) Linux

… and in either of these woooorrrllldddsss, or within any Unix or Linux environment, for years and years the C programming language was a big programming language presence.

We’re hooking into this C programming today because up at our AlmaLinux web server we have the gcc (ie. GNU Compiler Collection) compiler available to compile C code into an executable program.

And we didn’t argue with the great Numerical Bubble Sort C code basis we visited at W3schools, thanks, and so we’re allowing users to …

  • tweak that code … ie. we’d be mad not to control the bulk of what a user can do … so that …
  • a user can add their own integer comma separated array list … our PHP …
  • creates a new_bubble_sort.c … and as the PHP explains …
  • use PHP exec and shell_exec to …

    $ gcc new_bubble_sort.c -o bubble_sort
    $ ./bubble_sort
  • outputting a sorted array result

… further to that discussion back with CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial, some time ago now, going along the same lines.

See …

Previous relevant CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that follows up on yesterday’s C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial as shown below, in an “oh, I forgot” moment to make the link between the programming language C (and then C++) and its relationship to the Linux or unix shell scripting environment C Shell (we’ll be saying CSH) (ie. today we go from a compiling language to an interpretive scripting set of languages), and CSH’s relationship with (the remarkable, the wonderful, the stupendous) awk, making functionality like numerical sorts quite easy just using shell scripting functionality. Well, that’s how it started with work on the Linux command line here on this Mac laptop using the Terminal application. But, and am so very very very sorry to start a sentence with but … but, well you see there’s this … but I digress … I thought this could become a webpage or web application pretty easily by involving our old favourite PHP/exec combination (with code rewritten for Korn Shell (we’ll be saying KSH)), because the domain prefers KSH Korn shell … so we proceeded along those lines … and then lo and behold, it was apparent this could also be written for all the three PHP “modes of use” (latest “foot in the door” tutorial for this would be PHP Modes of Use File Traverse Tutorial) we’ve been talking about here lately at this blog … namely PHP used with curl and the command line usage and the web browser usage.

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

So in the CSH scripting code you’ll (need, maybe, to open up execute privileges via a command like chmod 755 ./bubble_sort.*sh and) see:

  • The use of set via set variable=value syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages (who like to add $ … (who doesn’t?))
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./bubble_sort.csh 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the script
  • The CSH (and very C like) way of incrementing numerical variables via @ variable++ syntax
  • The use of the underlying Linux operating system command to (numerically) sort (ie. sort -n[r]) … whether it uses a “bubble sort” am not totally sure … but if not try the “buble sort” … chortle, chortle
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a numerical data sort

Found this link very useful for C shell (ie. CSH) research … thanks.

Link to some downloadable CSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.csh … okay at Linux command line at this Mac, at least … but for web server usage needed …

Link to some downloadable KSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.ksh … the differences described by bubble_sort.csh

Link to some downloadable PHP programming code … rename to bubble_sort.php … which can supervise bubble_sort.ksh above using PHP exec command in the, aforementioned, “modes of use”:

  1. Via http transport layer (ie. web browsing, or “surfing the net”) in an Internet mode of use (eg: in address bar of a web browser
  2. Via curl in an Internet mode of use (eg. curl at Linux or unix or Windows command line
  3. Via command line PHP in Linux or unix or Windows command line in a command or Intranet mode of use (eg. php ./bubble_sort.php 12 37 82 0) at a Linux or unix or Windows command line

Previous relevant C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that uses the Xcode IDE on a Mac laptop to create a C++ desktop compiled application using a Bubble Sort method to numerically sort some numbers (ie. double).

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

Some ideas used in today’s code include:

  • The use of Preprocessor directives via #define identifier replacement syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./Test 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the executable
  • The use of a pointer to an array within a function, meaning that the data can be changed (ie. sorted) in situ rather than returning a value (or resorting to a global variable array) … hence we use void numerically_sort_array(double* asort, int isize = ASIZE, bool ascending = (SMODE != 0)) … you could change the void return, to return an error code, for example
  • The C++ use of default values in parameters of the function call, making use of the Preprocessor directives, so that the call could make sense as numerically_sort_array(psarray); as numerically_sort_array(psarray, 1000, true); … such thoughts come into play, in C++, also when considering Overloading
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a double data type array … and have not implemented any Template functionality, on this occasion

Link to some downloadable C++ programming code … rename to main.cpp for use.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Sort Genericization Tutorial

We come at improving yesterday’s PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial two ways, today, they being …

  1. genericization … taking the form of changing a hardcoding in a dropdown and associated variable “remix” regarding the functionality of the “what we should now call just” Numerical Sort web application … and …
  2. simple defensive programming … where code can get to the operating system, as with serverside languages such as PHP and compiled programs like we’re doing here with C then care is needed

By “genericization” we’re taking the “bubble” out of “squeak” “bubble sort” to just leave “sort” with our thinking, though we’d like to restrict the sorting to “numerical sorting” ideas. In other words, we’ve channelled the excellent C code bases at W3schools, thanks, for more than just a “bubble sort” and left it up to the PHP to see what has been “plonked” C wise by us to develop a dropdown $selsorttype PHP variable containing a genericized outerHTML, rather than the previous “bubble_sort” hardcoding used …




if (isset($_POST['mysort'])) {
$sorttype=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['mysort']));
$ccont=file_get_contents('./' . $sorttype . '.c');
} else if (isset($_GET['mysort'])) {
$sorttype=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['mysort']));
$ccont=file_get_contents('./' . $sorttype . '.c');
} else {

foreach (glob('*_sort.c') as $filename) {
if (strpos(basename($filename), 'new_') === false) {
if ($selsorttype == "bubble_sort") {
$selsorttype="<select onchange=\"location.href='./bubble_sort_c.php?mysort=' + this.value;\" style=display:inline-block; name=\"mysort\" id=\"mysort\"><option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option></select>";
} else if (basename($filename) == ($sorttype . ".c")) {
$selsorttype=str_replace(" id=\"mysort\">", " id=\"mysort\">" . "<option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option>", $selsorttype);
} else {
$selsorttype=str_replace("</select>", "<option value='" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "'>" . explode('.',basename($filename))[0] . "</option></select>", $selsorttype);


Why worry about “simple defensive programming”? Some users might be looking for loopholes in your code to exploit what the underlying programming language used is capable of, and that can be altering file systems. What if it was possible in that “what we hope” is a user supplied numerical comma separated list, somebody was able to embed some operating system call? Well, we figure that malicious idea would have to contain a quote or double quote, so now we have


$prefix=explode(' = {', $ccont)[0] . ' = {';
$midbit=explode('"',explode("'",explode('}', explode($prefix, $ccont)[1])[0])[0])[0];
$suffix=explode($prefix . $midbit, $ccont)[1];


$httpis=" http";
$hbits=explode(' http', $prefix);
if (sizeof($hbits) > 1) {
$endaf=' http' . explode(' ', $hbits[1])[0];
$endat=' http' . explode(' ', $hbits[1])[0] . '</a>';

if (isset($_POST['myarr'])) {
$altmidbit=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['myarr'])));
file_put_contents('new_' . $sorttype . '.c', $prefix . explode('"',explode("'",$altmidbit)[0])[0] . $suffix);
exec('gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype);
$lastresult='$ gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype . ' <br>$ ./' . $sorttype . '<br>';
$lastresult.=shell_exec('./' . $sorttype);
} else if (isset($_GET['myarr'])) {
$altmidbit=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myarr'])));
file_put_contents('new_' . $sorttype . '.c', $prefix . explode('"',explode("'",$altmidbit)[0])[0] . $suffix);
exec('gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype);
$lastresult='$ gcc new_' . $sorttype . '.c -o ' . $sorttype . ' <br>$ ./' . $sorttype . '<br>';
$lastresult.=shell_exec('./' . $sorttype);


… used in fortified and genericized bubble_sort_c.php Numerical Sort web application.

Did you know?

(“Simple defensive programming” x 786) – ((Paranoid tendency factor) x 56) might get you to want to research Captive portals … and beyond!

Previous relevant PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

For years and years, before the Internet, there were (and still are) the publicly accessible desktop application worlds of …

  • Windows with command line DOS
  • Mac with command line (a lot like, but not exactly) Linux

… and in either of these woooorrrllldddsss, or within any Unix or Linux environment, for years and years the C programming language was a big programming language presence.

We’re hooking into this C programming today because up at our AlmaLinux web server we have the gcc (ie. GNU Compiler Collection) compiler available to compile C code into an executable program.

And we didn’t argue with the great Numerical Bubble Sort C code basis we visited at W3schools, thanks, and so we’re allowing users to …

  • tweak that code … ie. we’d be mad not to control the bulk of what a user can do … so that …
  • a user can add their own integer comma separated array list … our PHP …
  • creates a new_bubble_sort.c … and as the PHP explains …
  • use PHP exec and shell_exec to …

    $ gcc new_bubble_sort.c -o bubble_sort
    $ ./bubble_sort
  • outputting a sorted array result

… further to that discussion back with CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial, some time ago now, going along the same lines.

See …

Previous relevant CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that follows up on yesterday’s C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial as shown below, in an “oh, I forgot” moment to make the link between the programming language C (and then C++) and its relationship to the Linux or unix shell scripting environment C Shell (we’ll be saying CSH) (ie. today we go from a compiling language to an interpretive scripting set of languages), and CSH’s relationship with (the remarkable, the wonderful, the stupendous) awk, making functionality like numerical sorts quite easy just using shell scripting functionality. Well, that’s how it started with work on the Linux command line here on this Mac laptop using the Terminal application. But, and am so very very very sorry to start a sentence with but … but, well you see there’s this … but I digress … I thought this could become a webpage or web application pretty easily by involving our old favourite PHP/exec combination (with code rewritten for Korn Shell (we’ll be saying KSH)), because the domain prefers KSH Korn shell … so we proceeded along those lines … and then lo and behold, it was apparent this could also be written for all the three PHP “modes of use” (latest “foot in the door” tutorial for this would be PHP Modes of Use File Traverse Tutorial) we’ve been talking about here lately at this blog … namely PHP used with curl and the command line usage and the web browser usage.

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

So in the CSH scripting code you’ll (need, maybe, to open up execute privileges via a command like chmod 755 ./bubble_sort.*sh and) see:

  • The use of set via set variable=value syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages (who like to add $ … (who doesn’t?))
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./bubble_sort.csh 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the script
  • The CSH (and very C like) way of incrementing numerical variables via @ variable++ syntax
  • The use of the underlying Linux operating system command to (numerically) sort (ie. sort -n[r]) … whether it uses a “bubble sort” am not totally sure … but if not try the “buble sort” … chortle, chortle
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a numerical data sort

Found this link very useful for C shell (ie. CSH) research … thanks.

Link to some downloadable CSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.csh … okay at Linux command line at this Mac, at least … but for web server usage needed …

Link to some downloadable KSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.ksh … the differences described by bubble_sort.csh

Link to some downloadable PHP programming code … rename to bubble_sort.php … which can supervise bubble_sort.ksh above using PHP exec command in the, aforementioned, “modes of use”:

  1. Via http transport layer (ie. web browsing, or “surfing the net”) in an Internet mode of use (eg: in address bar of a web browser
  2. Via curl in an Internet mode of use (eg. curl at Linux or unix or Windows command line
  3. Via command line PHP in Linux or unix or Windows command line in a command or Intranet mode of use (eg. php ./bubble_sort.php 12 37 82 0) at a Linux or unix or Windows command line

Previous relevant C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that uses the Xcode IDE on a Mac laptop to create a C++ desktop compiled application using a Bubble Sort method to numerically sort some numbers (ie. double).

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

Some ideas used in today’s code include:

  • The use of Preprocessor directives via #define identifier replacement syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./Test 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the executable
  • The use of a pointer to an array within a function, meaning that the data can be changed (ie. sorted) in situ rather than returning a value (or resorting to a global variable array) … hence we use void numerically_sort_array(double* asort, int isize = ASIZE, bool ascending = (SMODE != 0)) … you could change the void return, to return an error code, for example
  • The C++ use of default values in parameters of the function call, making use of the Preprocessor directives, so that the call could make sense as numerically_sort_array(psarray); as numerically_sort_array(psarray, 1000, true); … such thoughts come into play, in C++, also when considering Overloading
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a double data type array … and have not implemented any Template functionality, on this occasion

Link to some downloadable C++ programming code … rename to main.cpp for use.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

For years and years, before the Internet, there were (and still are) the publicly accessible desktop application worlds of …

  • Windows with command line DOS
  • Mac with command line (a lot like, but not exactly) Linux

… and in either of these woooorrrllldddsss, or within any Unix or Linux environment, for years and years the C programming language was a big programming language presence.

We’re hooking into this C programming today because up at our AlmaLinux web server we have the gcc (ie. GNU Compiler Collection) compiler available to compile C code into an executable program.

And we didn’t argue with the great Numerical Bubble Sort C code basis we visited at W3schools, thanks, and so we’re allowing users to …

  • tweak that code … ie. we’d be mad not to control the bulk of what a user can do … so that …
  • a user can add their own integer comma separated array list … our PHP …
  • creates a new_bubble_sort.c … and as the PHP explains …
  • use PHP exec and shell_exec to …

    $ gcc new_bubble_sort.c -o bubble_sort
    $ ./bubble_sort
  • outputting a sorted array result

… further to that discussion back with CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial, some time ago now, going along the same lines.

See …

Previous relevant CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that follows up on yesterday’s C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial as shown below, in an “oh, I forgot” moment to make the link between the programming language C (and then C++) and its relationship to the Linux or unix shell scripting environment C Shell (we’ll be saying CSH) (ie. today we go from a compiling language to an interpretive scripting set of languages), and CSH’s relationship with (the remarkable, the wonderful, the stupendous) awk, making functionality like numerical sorts quite easy just using shell scripting functionality. Well, that’s how it started with work on the Linux command line here on this Mac laptop using the Terminal application. But, and am so very very very sorry to start a sentence with but … but, well you see there’s this … but I digress … I thought this could become a webpage or web application pretty easily by involving our old favourite PHP/exec combination (with code rewritten for Korn Shell (we’ll be saying KSH)), because the domain prefers KSH Korn shell … so we proceeded along those lines … and then lo and behold, it was apparent this could also be written for all the three PHP “modes of use” (latest “foot in the door” tutorial for this would be PHP Modes of Use File Traverse Tutorial) we’ve been talking about here lately at this blog … namely PHP used with curl and the command line usage and the web browser usage.

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

So in the CSH scripting code you’ll (need, maybe, to open up execute privileges via a command like chmod 755 ./bubble_sort.*sh and) see:

  • The use of set via set variable=value syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages (who like to add $ … (who doesn’t?))
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./bubble_sort.csh 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the script
  • The CSH (and very C like) way of incrementing numerical variables via @ variable++ syntax
  • The use of the underlying Linux operating system command to (numerically) sort (ie. sort -n[r]) … whether it uses a “bubble sort” am not totally sure … but if not try the “buble sort” … chortle, chortle
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a numerical data sort

Found this link very useful for C shell (ie. CSH) research … thanks.

Link to some downloadable CSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.csh … okay at Linux command line at this Mac, at least … but for web server usage needed …

Link to some downloadable KSH programming code … rename to bubble_sort.ksh … the differences described by bubble_sort.csh

Link to some downloadable PHP programming code … rename to bubble_sort.php … which can supervise bubble_sort.ksh above using PHP exec command in the, aforementioned, “modes of use”:

  1. Via http transport layer (ie. web browsing, or “surfing the net”) in an Internet mode of use (eg: in address bar of a web browser
  2. Via curl in an Internet mode of use (eg. curl at Linux or unix or Windows command line
  3. Via command line PHP in Linux or unix or Windows command line in a command or Intranet mode of use (eg. php ./bubble_sort.php 12 37 82 0) at a Linux or unix or Windows command line

Previous relevant C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that uses the Xcode IDE on a Mac laptop to create a C++ desktop compiled application using a Bubble Sort method to numerically sort some numbers (ie. double).

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

Some ideas used in today’s code include:

  • The use of Preprocessor directives via #define identifier replacement syntax … will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./Test 22 2 15 0 … adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the executable
  • The use of a pointer to an array within a function, meaning that the data can be changed (ie. sorted) in situ rather than returning a value (or resorting to a global variable array) … hence we use void numerically_sort_array(double* asort, int isize = ASIZE, bool ascending = (SMODE != 0)) … you could change the void return, to return an error code, for example
  • The C++ use of default values in parameters of the function call, making use of the Preprocessor directives, so that the call could make sense as numerically_sort_array(psarray); as numerically_sort_array(psarray, 1000, true); … such thoughts come into play, in C++, also when considering Overloading
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one … doh! … in that we have a stipulation for a double data type array … and have not implemented any Template functionality, on this occasion

Link to some downloadable C++ programming code … rename to main.cpp for use.

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If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator AlmaLinux Tutorial

Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator AlmaLinux Tutorial

Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator AlmaLinux Tutorial

We want to research the wonderful …

  • tcl … programming language often accessed via the “tclsh” shell … and accompanying …
  • tk … via “wish” and/or tkinter GUI side

… on the AlmaLinux environment of the Apache/PHP/MySql web server we’re using here to host the RJM Programming domain.

We’re just touching on tcl ideas today, revisiting Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator Tutorial‘s calculator web application. We had in there some code scouring any local web server systems you may have, and getting the localhost:8888 port arrangements wrong for our local MAMP Apache/PHP/MySql web server, and this was causing unnecessary issues, especially because “tclsh” works, for us, up at AlmaLinux. How can we tell? We took on the excellent advice of Installing Tcl/Tk, and tried …


… on the command line (and “exit” gets you out of it) with success. Yayyyyy!!! That’s tcl installed already, else we’d have gone dnf install tcl

That’s enough installing for today’s purposes, as we do not call on the tk GUI side of things for our calculator. But, to check on the install part to this, try …


… on the command line, and check that there is a wishful response whether that be erroneous (as we were, so far, with AlmaLinux command line) or not, else we’d have gone dnf install tk

All that sorted, and we’re “good to go” with the changed calculator.php Calculator web application calling on our unchanged calculator.tcl TCL source code, as below …

Another woooorrrrlllldddd, perhaps?!

Previous relevant Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator Tutorial is shown below.

Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator Tutorial

Tcl and Javascript and PHP Calculator Tutorial

It’s a “blown mind” that has led me to involve Javascript to make the incarnation of our calculator of Tcl and PHP Calculator Tutorial allow for some round bracket functionality around the TCL (expr) “kernel” (sorry, Unix … my apologies LinusLinux). The nexus between what a user may enter, versus the hierarchy needs of TCL’s expr command just blew my mind, manperson!

So what did we turn to? Modernizing one’s thinking? We’re onto it? But we digress. Well, well.

We turned to Javascript’s eval function, not PHP’s eval, nor TCL’s eval version, thanks, but no thanks. Nevertheless … and didn’t you just know that “but” would be insulted by the paragraph above?! … use of Javascript eval (for round bracketing scenarios or operator hierarchy scenarios) is not the “cakewalk” that you may imagine. That is because …

6 ** 2 // in TCL "to the power of" operator syntax (which remains our web application display choice for the user) has ...
Math.pow(6, 2) // Javascript equivalent (behind the scenes)

… so we need to cater for that possibility. The Javascript logic is called at the document.body onload event.

As we often do here, the “progression” of logic was to convert some “hardcoded” HTML text (specifically “First Number:” and “:Second Number”) into HTML select (dropdown) elements to the left and to the right (respectively) of the “TCL kernel”, with additional options for the round bracketing the user may want. These dropdowns move out to the edges of the webpage as they make room for user entered additions to the calculation complexity of what they want to calculate. The “Math.pow()” logic needed benefits from the event timing thoughts on the dropdown’s onchange event logic, otherwise you’d be doing that dreaded of all dreadeds, in many programmers’ worlds methinks, tracking back through entered “calculator equation” texts to discover when a numerical value becomes an operator, a horrible job when a minus sign can be either, for example. These same “horrible” programming tasks would have been at the fore to making a “TCL only backend solution” come to pass, we are sure, too.

Can you see from all this how well (clientside) Javascript works with (serverside) PHP? They are a very potent duo, because it is like two bites at the cherry, every time, with their different timings of the application of their logics.

The downloadable PHP source code calculator.php changed this way to achieve this extension of functionality still supervising an unchanged calculator.tcl TCL source code script, and here is a live run link for you to try this calculator for yourself.

Previous relevant Tcl and PHP Calculator Tutorial is shown below.

Tcl and PHP Calculator Tutorial

Tcl and PHP Calculator Tutorial

The Tcl and PHP Primer Tutorial was a foretaste to today’s calculator web application that …

  • uses PHP as a frontend and (HTML) form navigation destination …
  • connects to backend via PHP exec
  • uses TCL as backend … via …

    exec("tclsh calculator.tcl < calculator.txt | tail -1 > calculator.out");

Crucial to the TCL’s backend role is TCL’s expr command, as a determinant regarding what today’s calculator is capable of.

Here is a link to some downloadable PHP source code calculator.php supervising calculator.tcl TCL source code, and here is a live run link.

Previous relevant Tcl and PHP Primer Tutorial … is shown below.

Tcl and PHP Primer Tutorial ...

Tcl and PHP Primer Tutorial ...

Have you heard of Tcl/Tk? Think maybe you could introduce yourself to it with Tcl/Tk So Brilliant (but where do you start?) Primer Tutorial as shown below.

The Tcl in Tcl/Tk refers to the scripting side of things, while the Tk is a GUI framework. On some (maybe lots) of Linux or unix web servers, such as the one for this domain here at Tcl scripting is available and that means Tcl could be used by PHP, as a server side language to use the exec method to ask something of Tcl and get something back, half of which is the arrangement we’d like to have when feeding our babies.

Today we write a webpage for finding the Country of Origin of a designated URL where PHP supervises Tcl:

  1. ask for a URL in PHP,
  2. send that to the same PHP with a different call …
  3. and use PHP exec method to send a Tcl commend line command to Tclsh and output this to a file known by the PHP,
  4. get the PHP to read the file of step 3. and send that information in a modified call of this same PHP,
  5. write out the Tcl based findings to the webpage in PHP,
  6. ask for a URL in PHP

Here is a link to some downloadable PHP source code domain.php supervising domain.tcl TCL source code, and here is a live run link.

Thanks to:

Previous relevant Tcl/Tk So Brilliant (but where do you start?) Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Tcl/Tk So Brilliant (but where do you start?) Primer Tutorial ... So Brilliant (but where do you start?) Primer Tutorial ...

Tcl/Tk So Brilliant (but where do you start?) Primer Tutorial ...

Have you heard of Tcl/Tk?

Tcl/Tk is open source (based on a BSD-style license), so you can use it and modify it virtually any way you want, including for commercial uses.

With Tcl/Tk have used in conjunction with C++ and Python (look out for Tkinter).

Use it for Games Programming (it makes pretty cute GUIs … you may disagree?!) and it used to work back at Mac OS X 10.5.8/XCode 3.0 (am going to try Mac OS X 10.7.5 … any advice anywhere?) and had it going on Windows XP with Visual Studio Express as well. It has a lot of cross-platform strengths.

Think Tcl/Tk is really really good.

In this primer tutorial you can see a Draw Poker game as an XCode project, see it Build and in action, then see how to arrange for *.dmg Package Distribution via Package Manager.

Link to Tcl/Tk website … Home of Tcl/Tk … where quote up the top resides
Link to Tcl/Tk jobs done … Tcl/Tk jobs done … personal experience

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Animated GIF Slide AlmaLinux Ffmpeg Video Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide AlmaLinux Ffmpeg Video Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide AlmaLinux Ffmpeg Video Tutorial

Further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial‘s inhouse Animated GIF Creator web application improvements, today we channel how with going from …

  • CentOS Apache PHP version starting with a 5 … to …
  • AlmaLinux Apache PHP version starting with an 8

… recently, we got the opportunity to install the great ffmpeg on our AlmaLinux web server, you might recall when we presented Ffmpeg Install and Public Face Tutorial, which means we can now offer Video creation … via …


if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '') !== false) {
if (!isset($_POST['video']) && isset($_POST['slideshow'])) {
} else if (!isset($_GET['video']) && isset($_GET['slideshow'])) {


… alongside Animated GIF creation with this web application, when it is performed on our AlmaLinux web server in the video enabled PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF (and now video) creator web application.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial

Around here, we’re so used to using PHP local web server Apache/PHP/MySql MAMP (for PHP version starting with a 7) for our Animated GIF creations, and we recommend the (downloading PHP code to a) local web server approach here (but read on), that we forgot to suss out whether there were any issues with the brilliant László Zsidi GIFEncoder.class.php PHP class making it all happen.

Discombobulated we were to find there were issues going from …

  • CentOS Apache PHP version starting with a 5 … to …
  • AlmaLinux Apache PHP version starting with an 8

The major issue was that …

  • curly brace PHP syntax, in a lot of data array index and string offset related guises, is deprecated in PHP8 … but still okay in PHP7 … (thanks to this great link for advice)
  • class constructors cannot use the Class name any more, but rather use __constructor as the function name in the PHP code (thanks to this great link for advice)

And so we feel obligated to share with you better for PHP8 GIFEncoder.class.php to go along with a curly brace tweaked PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application you should have more success with, unless there is too much data, hosted on the RJM Programming domain.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

We dedicate today’s blog posting to the English phrase (that maybe works in other languages) …

Same, same but different

… as it is about the pros and cons of HTML iframe integration, especially as it applies to CSS styling. Off the top of our heads we see a Pros and Cons table looking like …

Pros and Cons of HTML Iframe Based Web Application Software Integration
Pros Cons
Become tools Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences
Become modularised Focus within iframe can cause problems
Ability to begin again at (0,0) regarding positioning Hashtag navigation within iframe can cause problems
Sharing the coding and execution load
Software organizational advantages
Can glean information off parent and vice versa
New chance for synchronizations
Coding language mixing
Parent child interactions

… and, as you can see, we are mainly fans of what it can bring to the table (mild chuckle, followed by a chortle).

But that first Con can grate, that “Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences”, and today, we thought we’d “apply” to relevant (there was one we found we should not “apply” the thinking to) HTML iframe “child” styling using yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial‘s CSS styling idea in the “parent” (“applied” to these children).

We used a “suck it and see” approach whereby we just, where applicable, appended the CSS <style></style> styling logic of yesterday (plus a bit) to the document.body “body” innerHTML attribute of the iframe called, to see whether it felt more integrated. And we thought it did, perhaps because that styling was one of the more generic feeling ones we can remember (by that we’re meaning that the selectors were often just HTML tag names rather than too much “class” or “id” aspects to those selectors). Also, sometimes it won’t work because adding to the document.body innerHTML can sometimes “muck up” logic (but not today).

And what allows for “deploying” such an idea? Inhouse, we call what we do here “Client Pre-emptive Iframe” ideas, where the relevant iframe element’s “onload” (or on rare occasions, “onerror”) events are used to add logic at a slightly later time to any HTML iframe document.body element’s “onload” logic would be applied. This is a powerful mechanism open to you if you are dealing with same domain parent/child URLs, that is the case for us with this work today.

It’s as easy to do as (showing you one iframe “onload” function example below, and with inline CSS usage, rather than an external CSS file usage (where it would be even easier)) …

var paconto=null;

function pcheckit(iois) {
paconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument);
if (paconto != null) {
if (paconto.document) { paconto = paconto.document; }
if (paconto.body != null) {
if (document.getElementById('pmyifthree')) {
paconto.body.innerHTML+='<st' + 'yle> ' + document.head.innerHTML.split('<st' + 'yle>')[1].split('</st' + 'yle>')[0] + ' </st' + 'yle>';
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h4')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
}, 12000);

… to make this idea come, above. We don’t go overboard with precise integration, that is not our point. Just a …

Same, same but different

… feel in the changed tenth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Another aesthetic plus on top of …

… which we flesh out more of today, further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial.

What was new to us with today’s work? The linear gradient effect (called text gradient) applied to text was new, thanks, in amongst …


#agmode { background-color: #98FB98; }
#agmodetwo { background-color: #AFEEEE; }

hr {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;
} {
border: 5px solid red;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.two {
border: 5px solid orange;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.three {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;

body {
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(173,216,230,0.5) 0%, rgba(255,255,127,0.5) 100%);

img {
background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, transparent 100%);
border-radius: 9px;

h3 {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;

input {
text-shadow: -0.4px 0.4px 0.4px #2d952d;
border-radius: 200px;

input::placeholder {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #2d95ff;

summary {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #ff952d;

h1 {
/* font-size: 72px; */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(188, 12, 241), rgb(212, 64, 104), rgb(104, 212, 64));
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

iframe {
border-radius: 9px;

a {
border-radius: 9px;


… in the changed ninth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial sparked our interest in that …

  • we wondered whether hashtag components appended to ($_GET) address bar URLs perhaps consisting of ? and & argument parts slowed things down … and after first considering some standalone arrangement …
  • we realized we have quite good conditions with our current Animated GIF Extraction web application project predilections to adapt it

Getting into the coding of this we realized we were touching on another unknown to us. Is a hashtag call such as …


… to PHP going to register the hashtagging? Well, certainly not with PHP functionality but a client facing document.body onload event logic can see it …


// agtoslides.php
// RJM Programming
// May, 2024
// Animated GIF to a slide via ... ksh agtoslides.ksh [animatedGIFfilename] [slideNumber]
ini_set('max_execution_time', 60000);


if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides')) {
if (file_exists(rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh')) {
if (isset($argc) && !isset($_GET['agname']) && !isset($_POST['agname'])) {
$infl=str_replace('+',' ',$argv[1]);
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($argv[1]));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if ($argc > 2) {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($argv[2]))) . ' ' . $infill;
} else {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
if (isset($_GET['random']) && !isset($_GET['agname'])) {
echo "<html>
<scrip" . "t type=text/javascript>
var jjjxhr=null, jjjform=null, astr='', stats=0;

function joneslidedu() {
if (jjjxhr.readyState == 4) {
if (jjjxhr.status == 200) {
parent.window.opener.timingshashpush((new Date()).getTime()); // document.body.innerHTML=jjjxhr.responseText.split(jjjxhr.responseText.substring(1).split('>')[0])[1].split('</body>')[0];

function ajaxit() {
if (1 == 1) {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
if (parent.window.opener.setstats) {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('spareagname').value=decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]);
if (eval('' + parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').outerHTML.length) < 1000) {
} else {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action=('' + parent.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action).split('#')[0];
if (1 == 11) {
while (('' + parent.getto().getstats()) != '200') {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
} else {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
while (stats != 200) {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
return true;

</scr" . "ipt>
<body onload='return ajaxit();' id=xbody></body></html>
if (isset($_GET['agname'])) {
if (isset($_GET['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if (isset($_GET['slidenumber'])) {
//echo 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber']));
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
//echo ' --- ' . $outp;
} else {
//file_put_contents('xget.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else if (isset($_POST['agname'])) {
if (isset($_POST['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
// } else {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if (isset($_POST['slidenumber'])) {
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
//file_put_contents('xpost.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
if (strpos($post, "agname=") !== false && strpos($post, "random=") !== false && strpos($post, "slidenumber=") !== false) {
$infill=explode('&', explode('random=', $post)[1])[0] . ' tidyhere';
$sn=explode('&', explode('slidenumber=', $post)[1])[0];
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode(explode('&', explode('agname=', $post)[1])[0]));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . $sn . ' ' . $infill);
if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… we found, to our relief! And though the synchronization is not exact, we simulate “apples for apples” via that Ajax asynchronicity timing for a hashtag call for the “” window, versus the “window.opener” window non-hashtag call of that default animated GIF (like a splash page example) as you enter the web application.

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

We often equate the term “user experience” with “niceties”, in that we often find we deal with “user experience” issues well into a project, but you can put more effort into forward design planning so that you deal with it better throughout the project. We found with the Animated GIF Slide Extraction project of yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial that issues that had annoyed us for several days past, but which did not stop the web application working, turned into a day where we felt that we were improving the “user experience” by “fixing annoyances” and “adding niceties”, today. As you might imagine, this can be subjective, because just because we think an idea is an improvement does not mean every user out there will think so, and this is where time set aside for real users to try a product (ie. user acceptance testing) ahead of “going live” can be a great idea.

Anyway, there was …

  • an annoyance, on non-mobile, we first introduced when we integrated Animated GIF Creation in with Animated GIF Slide Extraction a couple of days ago … too much cursor:progress; usage … and in fixing we were astonished that cursor:wait; displays the same graphics … anyway, we think it helps when a cursor can help a user get used to identifying wherein the workflow they are situated at any given time …
    <?php echo ”

    function cursorcheck(defisidea) {
    if (window.parent) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice')) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value != '') { return parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value; } } }
    return defisidea;

    “; ?>
    … looking to parent …

    <input data-choice='' type=hidden value='help' id='cursorchoice'></input>
  • we felt better adding <hr> horizontal rule elements above and below the middle HTML iframe we set aside for client browsing functionality … and also …
  • made that iframe less wide enabling us to place to the right of it a hashtag navigational “a” link back up to the top …

    <iframe onload=pcheckit(this); style='display:inline-block;width:80%;height:160px;' id=myifthree src='/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php#itwo'></iframe> <a id=atotop style='display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:15%;text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;' onclick="window.scrollTo(0,0);" href='#mydet'>&#11014; Top</a>

    … and …
  • given a background indicative of the goings on with the extracted animated GIF slide …

    function ob(tv) {
    if (tv == '' && intc != '') {
    document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    if (window.parent) {
    if (window.parent != window.self) {
    parent.document.getElementById('myta').setAttribute('data-img', document.getElementById('myta').getAttribute('data-img'));
    parent.document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    parent.document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
    parent.document.getElementById('mysum').innerHTML=appbut('Animated GIF Slide Extraction Display ... RJM Programming - May, 2024 ... Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...');
    parent.document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
    setTimeout(function(){ intc=''; }, 27000);
    if (tv.trim() != '') {
    if (tv.indexOf('data') != 0 && tv.indexOf('//') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('//') != -1) {
    if (tv.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'') != document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'')) {
    document.getElementById('myiffour').src='/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv); //'/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv), '_blank');
    } else {
    } else {

    … and …
  • should the user click one (of the now two, and colour coded, as below) Animated GIF Creation action buttons now presented in our “reveal” details/summary the scrolling now lands

    function appittwo(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    function appit(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    … at the top of that middle iframe which is short enough so it and the Animated GIF Creation iframe are viewable on many platforms, those button presses created personalized animated GIFs there and then (at least on non-mobile), the user there to see that happening … where …
  • the user clicking the buttons up the top or down the bottom regarding Animate GIF Creation work for the two “submit” button modes can see which one was pressed via new border:5px dotted yellow; styling …


    if (isset($_POST['followthrough']) || isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_POST['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_POST['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";
    } else if (isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_GET['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_GET['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";


    <?php echo ”

    input[type=submit]:active {
    border: 5px dotted yellow;
    a { padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid red; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
    ::placeholder {
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE 10+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
    font-size: 9px;
    }" . str_replace($indone, $outdone, "
    #mysubmit { background-color: #98FB98; }
    #rcmysubmit { background-color: #AFEEEE; }
    #overlayit { background-color: #FADADD; }
    #imsel { background-color: cyan; }
    #jmsel { background-color: magenta; }
    #watermarkmode { background-color: olive; }
    #selwhs { background-color: teal; }
    #sfilteris { background-color: lightgreen; } ") . "

    “; ?>
    to the relevant bottom button

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Thinking about yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial‘s progress …

What about if the user is happy to use those filled in animated GIF slide textboxes (with delay and title) to create a user created (and downloadable) animated GIF there and then?

Well, we know that user could click their own presented button, but we wanted to flag it up at the parent ahead of time too, in terms of clarity in the changed seventh draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

So, what’s all this got to do with an HTML canvas element (in case we have readers who take notice of the nuances of blog posting titles, that is)? Well, once you reach the stage with our inhouse Animated GIF Creator web application, where it has created your own animated GIF image, there is an “onclick” subsection of functionality that, in our new scenario, suffered from an error 404 (Bad Request) because the codeline ran as …

<?php echo ”

canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… but got that error because variable useyourwords contains an animated GIF “first slide” data-URI (useful in that a [canvasContext].drawImage() call of it would do what “drawImage” does with animated GIFs anyway (going back to the original point regarding this whole thread of blog postings)) which caused an overshoot of data size limits on conventional ($_GET style) address bar URLs (perhaps involving ? and & arguments (whether they be five minute or ten minute ones)). But regular readers will know, for a happy couple of months now, we recognize we do not always have to call into play serverside PHP and its $_POST mechanisms here, because we can also call on our life changing hashtagging (ie. #) (clientside approach for HTML/Javascript/CSS webpage) ideas now! Yay!!!!! And so, it came to pass, that … yes … there was light on yonder hilland vale … whatever that is … as “we broke bread” … shall we say … let’s … with some new hashtagging code in the changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application

<?php echo ”

if (eval('' + ('' + '/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords).length) <= 800) {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));
} else {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords.replace('&','#'), '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… as above and with the changed user_of_signature_signature.htm User of Signature Signature inhouse canvas graphic data web application “canvas hoster” …

var thewords=( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1].split('&')[0]) : "";
if (thewords.indexOf('data') == 0) { thewords=thewords.replace(/\ /g,'+'); }

… to bring “canvas integration” into the mix.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Even PHP’s $_POST[] approach to HTML form navigation data sharing has it’s limits, and that can be challenged when considering a whole set of data-URI defined animated GIF slide images.

But, behind the scenes, when $_POST[] does not get filled out with regard to the data limits of the Apache/PHP/MySql (in our case) web server involved, there is still php://input

PHP provides a number of miscellaneous I/O streams that allow access to PHP’s own input and output streams, the standard input, output and error file descriptors, in-memory and disk-backed temporary file streams, and filters that can manipulate other file resources as they are read from and written to.

php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr ¶
php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr allow direct access to the corresponding input or output stream of the PHP process. The stream references a duplicate file descriptor, so if you open php://stdin and later close it, you close only your copy of the descriptor-the actual stream referenced by STDIN is unaffected. It is recommended that you simply use the constants STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR instead of manually opening streams using these wrappers.

php://stdin is read-only, whereas php://stdout and php://stderr are write-only.

… we can turn to (thanks, PHP), that can save the day in a lot of these scenarios.

The thing is, which our parent HTML and Javascript can help with, we want to be flagging the scenario where we should be checking that php://input usage might be coming into play. Well, even for an HTML form method=POST action=[ourRelevantPHP] scenario, the PHP global $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] is honoured, shall we say (separate to any $_GET[] ideas, is what we are getting at here). So we can, at the client HTML and Javascript parent (and client) end, set a unique $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] condition to test for in a changed sixth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below, nuancing yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?theword=numfillin'>

… and then, up at that “[ourRelevantPHP]” changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application we can test as per


if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), '=numfillin') !== false && !isset($_POST['numfillin']) && !isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
//file_put_contents('yes.yes', substr($post,0,300));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false && strpos($post, '?') === false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('?' . $post));
} else if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('' . $post));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) { // && strpos($post, '?') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yesagain.yes', '' . sizeof($pairings));
for ($ipairings=1; $ipairings<sizeof($pairings); $ipairings++) {
$thisval=explode('&', $pairings[$ipairings])[0];
$thisname=explode($prefdelim, $pairings[-1 + $ipairings])[1];
if (strpos(('~' . $thisval), '~data') !== false) {
} else {
if (strpos($thisname, 'slideshow') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yes_yet_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));
//file_put_contents('yes_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));

if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_GET['numfillin']; }
if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_POST['numfillin']; }

$nonplus=' ';
if ($numfillin >= 2) {
if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$nonplus=' ';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow2'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
} else if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
if (isset($_POST['slideshow2'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow2_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
$nonplus=' ';
for ($ijh=3; $ijh<=$numfillin; $ijh++) {
$pretwopattern='<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '">';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else if (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow' . $ijh . '_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
$nonplus=' ';
if ($ijh == $numfillin) {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);


… to cater for more scenarios, we’re hoping!

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

The work of today combines …

… to add the chance for a user to use what ImageMagick produces as an Animated GIF slide and fill this out into the textboxes of the Animated GIF Creator “child” iframe hosted incarnation “quietly” filled out probably “below the fold”, but scrollable toable.

There are data limits to what the Animated GIF Creator can handle, but perhaps it can help a user create their own Animated GIFs, for their own purposes, via other sources.

Sources for courses

… we’d say. But we would say that, wouldn’t we?!

To make this happen, amongst the …

  1. PHP … and …
  2. Korn Shell

… helper components (to get to ImageMagick) we swap the “tidying up of interim files” role Korn Shell used to do, quite successfully (and still does for any interim “whole Animated GIF” files created), passing the responsibilities to the PHP to do (via passing over to the Korn Shell a new extra argument, to tell it this is the new arrangement). And at the changed third draft agtoslides.php PHP (working with the changed third draft agtoslides.ksh), before the “outputting command line” is executed, a whole lot of “child asks stuff of the parent” “programming talk and action” happens (and works, because our Client Pre-emptive Iframe Onload Event logic looks for that iframe document’s document.body.innerHTML as the representation of the extracted slide (of the animated GIF) of interest) …



if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… to have the new parent Javascript functions …

function preagslideshow(theurl) {
if (theurl.indexOf('delay=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=delay value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('delay', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('title=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=title value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('title', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('numfillin=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=numfillin value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('numfillin', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=submit style=display:none; id=mysubag value=Submit></input>';
} else {
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = twoslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', theurl.split('?')[0], true);

function agslideshow(thename, thevalue) {
if (1 == 1) {
if (thename == 'slideshow') {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML='<input type=hidden name=slideshow value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjform.append('slideshow', thevalue);
} else {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=' + thename + ' value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append(thename, thevalue);
} else {

… working with the new static HTML …

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php'>

… be able to assist with this new Animated GIF Creator interfacing to happen for the user, should they be interested, in a changed fifth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories …

  1. an “overlay” issue … or …
  2. a “reveal” issue

… and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial, pitted these two “colossuses” (at least in our mind) against each other as concept ideas towards today’s work’s solution. Which wins? We opted for a “reveal” solution, where the initial position is “reveal”.

We could have “overlayed” but we went for the KISS (“keep it simple simpleton”) principle, where, what you see at the top of a webpage takes prominence for the user. The thing is, though, in this alternate input section, we are not fussed that it stays around, hence the details/summary “reveal” way a user can make it disappear at any given point in time.

Here’s the thing, though, a details/summary “reveal” pairing has that “summary” innerHTML content part that can remain, no matter what, as a status informer mechanism we’re hoping helps out the “formerly obtuse” web application ways of our Animated GIF Extraction web application, in a changed fourth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto …

  • relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute URL serving similar purposes) … and yesterday’s …
  • browsed for local animated GIF file of interest … is today’s …
  • absolute URL pointing to a domain not the same as the address bar domain of use

As you might guess this last option for the user may not work for a domain with very high security, but being as hotlinking images makes the Internet woooorrrrllllddd go around perhaps the user can try this underlying curl based logic out, to see with a changed third draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), try below.

You may have noticed in our first draft we were not concerned with two incarnations of the web application being executed at once. Back then, one might interfere with the next if interrupted during the serverside ImageMagick phase of creating the png slides off the input animated GIF. Recently, we have started using …


… based logic (but in non-SQL realms) for that ImageMagick work. By and large the internal use only interim file naming in this ImageMagick phase is 99.9999999% sure to be unique to your session, and so not interfering, or accidentally picking up, other sessional data. You might want to look out for a textbox named “random”, in the code, regarding how we make that happen …

user@Users-Air htdocs % fgrep -n "'random'" extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html
157: jjform.append('random', document.getElementById('random').value);
165: document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value);
167: //'//' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value) + '#url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value), '_blank', 'top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600');
173: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
293: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
376:<body onload="document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19878675); setTimeout(askaway,8000); ob(gifurl);">
user@Users-Air htdocs %

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

As of the recent Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s progress with an Extraction of a User Nominated Animated GIF Slide web application’s …

  • input animated GIF URL modus operandi … today we add …
  • local operating system file browsing method of user animated GIF entry

… approach to our web application’s functionality abilities in a changed second draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version) helped out, especially via PHP’s acceptance of HTML form method=POST data, by …

… or via arrangements below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Would you believe …

  • the extraction of an HTML video element still is not too hard using that HTML video element object as the first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call (as you might recall reading the recent Canvas DrawImage First Parameter Primer Tutorial) … whereas …
  • the extraction of an HTML animated GIF image (ie. img) element still is a lot harder, regarding only the clientside Javascript side of web applications because using that animated GIF img object as that first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call results only in the first still (or slide) of that animated GIF

? And so, to proceed with our “Animated GIF Slide Extraction” web application where a user can ask for the still (or slide) to be honed in on, needed us to design it so that a …

… looking arrangement could fulfil our requirements, so far, where the user can supply …

  1. [animatedGIFimageFileName] … and …
  2. slide number to extract (which can be entered as a percentage, being as our “HTML and Javascript parent (clientside) web application” logics are capable of determining an animated GIF’s …

    • number of slides (PHP extracts) … and, albeit not needed so far, with this project …
    • duration of an animated GIF “run through”


… in …

var ij=0;

/** @param {Uint8Array} uint8 */
function isGifAnimated(uint8) { // thanks to,duration%20of%20a%20GIF%20image.
if (origgifloc == '') { origgifloc=gifloc; }
let duration = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = uint8.length; i < len; i++) {
if (uint8[i] == 0x21
&& uint8[i + 1] == 0xF9
&& uint8[i + 2] == 0x04
&& uint8[i + 7] == 0x00)
const delay = (uint8[i + 5] << 8) | (uint8[i + 4] & 0xFF);
duration += delay < 2 ? 10 : delay;

if (doit || gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1 || 1 == 1) {
pbefore='' + ('gifloc=' + gifloc + ' and duration=' + eval(duration / 100) + ' and ij=' + ij + ' ');
if (origgifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) { gifloc='' + Math.round(eval(eval(gifloc.replace('%','')) * eval('' + ij) / 100.0)); }
//document.title='' + pbefore + ' ... ' + gifloc;
if (eval(duration / 100) <= 0.11) {
return 0;
//if (gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) {
// alert('' + eval(duration / 100) + ' vs ' + delay);
// gifloc=gifloc.replace('%','');
if (1 == 5 && canextract > 0) {
alert('' + eval(duration / 100));
} else {

var newimg=new Image();
newimg.onload = function(){
document.getElementById('dimg').style.width='' + eval(1 * newimg.width) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.height='' + eval(1 * newimg.height) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.background='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.9),rgba(255,255,255,0.9)),url(' + gifurl + ')';
//document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='' + iw + 'px ' + ih + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='0px 0px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundSize='' + newimg.width + 'px ' + newimg.height + 'px';

jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
jjform.append('agname', gifurl);
jjform.append('slidenumber', '' + eval(1 + eval( eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)));
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = oneslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
if (1 == 1) {
if (eval('' + document.getElementById('agname').value.length) < 400) {
document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value);
} else {
} else {
}, 5000);
return duration / 100; // if 0.1 is not an animated GIF

… and to try this out you can turn the iframe below into a user interaction one via a click below

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If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide GIFEncoder AlmaLinux Tweaks Tutorial

Around here, we’re so used to using PHP local web server Apache/PHP/MySql MAMP (for PHP version starting with a 7) for our Animated GIF creations, and we recommend the (downloading PHP code to a) local web server approach here (but read on), that we forgot to suss out whether there were any issues with the brilliant László Zsidi GIFEncoder.class.php PHP class making it all happen.

Discombobulated we were to find there were issues going from …

  • CentOS Apache PHP version starting with a 5 … to …
  • AlmaLinux Apache PHP version starting with an 8

The major issue was that …

  • curly brace PHP syntax, in a lot of data array index and string offset related guises, is deprecated in PHP8 … but still okay in PHP7 … (thanks to this great link for advice)
  • class constructors cannot use the Class name any more, but rather use __constructor as the function name in the PHP code (thanks to this great link for advice)

And so we feel obligated to share with you better for PHP8 GIFEncoder.class.php to go along with a curly brace tweaked PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application you should have more success with, unless there is too much data, hosted on the RJM Programming domain.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

We dedicate today’s blog posting to the English phrase (that maybe works in other languages) …

Same, same but different

… as it is about the pros and cons of HTML iframe integration, especially as it applies to CSS styling. Off the top of our heads we see a Pros and Cons table looking like …

Pros and Cons of HTML Iframe Based Web Application Software Integration
Pros Cons
Become tools Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences
Become modularised Focus within iframe can cause problems
Ability to begin again at (0,0) regarding positioning Hashtag navigation within iframe can cause problems
Sharing the coding and execution load
Software organizational advantages
Can glean information off parent and vice versa
New chance for synchronizations
Coding language mixing
Parent child interactions

… and, as you can see, we are mainly fans of what it can bring to the table (mild chuckle, followed by a chortle).

But that first Con can grate, that “Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences”, and today, we thought we’d “apply” to relevant (there was one we found we should not “apply” the thinking to) HTML iframe “child” styling using yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial‘s CSS styling idea in the “parent” (“applied” to these children).

We used a “suck it and see” approach whereby we just, where applicable, appended the CSS <style></style> styling logic of yesterday (plus a bit) to the document.body “body” innerHTML attribute of the iframe called, to see whether it felt more integrated. And we thought it did, perhaps because that styling was one of the more generic feeling ones we can remember (by that we’re meaning that the selectors were often just HTML tag names rather than too much “class” or “id” aspects to those selectors). Also, sometimes it won’t work because adding to the document.body innerHTML can sometimes “muck up” logic (but not today).

And what allows for “deploying” such an idea? Inhouse, we call what we do here “Client Pre-emptive Iframe” ideas, where the relevant iframe element’s “onload” (or on rare occasions, “onerror”) events are used to add logic at a slightly later time to any HTML iframe document.body element’s “onload” logic would be applied. This is a powerful mechanism open to you if you are dealing with same domain parent/child URLs, that is the case for us with this work today.

It’s as easy to do as (showing you one iframe “onload” function example below, and with inline CSS usage, rather than an external CSS file usage (where it would be even easier)) …

var paconto=null;

function pcheckit(iois) {
paconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument);
if (paconto != null) {
if (paconto.document) { paconto = paconto.document; }
if (paconto.body != null) {
if (document.getElementById('pmyifthree')) {
paconto.body.innerHTML+='<st' + 'yle> ' + document.head.innerHTML.split('<st' + 'yle>')[1].split('</st' + 'yle>')[0] + ' </st' + 'yle>';
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h4')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
}, 12000);

… to make this idea come, above. We don’t go overboard with precise integration, that is not our point. Just a …

Same, same but different

… feel in the changed tenth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Another aesthetic plus on top of …

… which we flesh out more of today, further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial.

What was new to us with today’s work? The linear gradient effect (called text gradient) applied to text was new, thanks, in amongst …


#agmode { background-color: #98FB98; }
#agmodetwo { background-color: #AFEEEE; }

hr {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;
} {
border: 5px solid red;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.two {
border: 5px solid orange;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.three {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;

body {
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(173,216,230,0.5) 0%, rgba(255,255,127,0.5) 100%);

img {
background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, transparent 100%);
border-radius: 9px;

h3 {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;

input {
text-shadow: -0.4px 0.4px 0.4px #2d952d;
border-radius: 200px;

input::placeholder {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #2d95ff;

summary {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #ff952d;

h1 {
/* font-size: 72px; */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(188, 12, 241), rgb(212, 64, 104), rgb(104, 212, 64));
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

iframe {
border-radius: 9px;

a {
border-radius: 9px;


… in the changed ninth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial sparked our interest in that …

  • we wondered whether hashtag components appended to ($_GET) address bar URLs perhaps consisting of ? and & argument parts slowed things down … and after first considering some standalone arrangement …
  • we realized we have quite good conditions with our current Animated GIF Extraction web application project predilections to adapt it

Getting into the coding of this we realized we were touching on another unknown to us. Is a hashtag call such as …


… to PHP going to register the hashtagging? Well, certainly not with PHP functionality but a client facing document.body onload event logic can see it …


// agtoslides.php
// RJM Programming
// May, 2024
// Animated GIF to a slide via ... ksh agtoslides.ksh [animatedGIFfilename] [slideNumber]
ini_set('max_execution_time', 60000);


if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides')) {
if (file_exists(rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh')) {
if (isset($argc) && !isset($_GET['agname']) && !isset($_POST['agname'])) {
$infl=str_replace('+',' ',$argv[1]);
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($argv[1]));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if ($argc > 2) {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($argv[2]))) . ' ' . $infill;
} else {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
if (isset($_GET['random']) && !isset($_GET['agname'])) {
echo "<html>
<scrip" . "t type=text/javascript>
var jjjxhr=null, jjjform=null, astr='', stats=0;

function joneslidedu() {
if (jjjxhr.readyState == 4) {
if (jjjxhr.status == 200) {
parent.window.opener.timingshashpush((new Date()).getTime()); // document.body.innerHTML=jjjxhr.responseText.split(jjjxhr.responseText.substring(1).split('>')[0])[1].split('</body>')[0];

function ajaxit() {
if (1 == 1) {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
if (parent.window.opener.setstats) {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('spareagname').value=decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]);
if (eval('' + parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').outerHTML.length) < 1000) {
} else {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action=('' + parent.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action).split('#')[0];
if (1 == 11) {
while (('' + parent.getto().getstats()) != '200') {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
} else {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
while (stats != 200) {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
return true;

</scr" . "ipt>
<body onload='return ajaxit();' id=xbody></body></html>
if (isset($_GET['agname'])) {
if (isset($_GET['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if (isset($_GET['slidenumber'])) {
//echo 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber']));
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
//echo ' --- ' . $outp;
} else {
//file_put_contents('xget.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else if (isset($_POST['agname'])) {
if (isset($_POST['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
// } else {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if (isset($_POST['slidenumber'])) {
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
//file_put_contents('xpost.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
if (strpos($post, "agname=") !== false && strpos($post, "random=") !== false && strpos($post, "slidenumber=") !== false) {
$infill=explode('&', explode('random=', $post)[1])[0] . ' tidyhere';
$sn=explode('&', explode('slidenumber=', $post)[1])[0];
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode(explode('&', explode('agname=', $post)[1])[0]));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . $sn . ' ' . $infill);
if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… we found, to our relief! And though the synchronization is not exact, we simulate “apples for apples” via that Ajax asynchronicity timing for a hashtag call for the “” window, versus the “window.opener” window non-hashtag call of that default animated GIF (like a splash page example) as you enter the web application.

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

We often equate the term “user experience” with “niceties”, in that we often find we deal with “user experience” issues well into a project, but you can put more effort into forward design planning so that you deal with it better throughout the project. We found with the Animated GIF Slide Extraction project of yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial that issues that had annoyed us for several days past, but which did not stop the web application working, turned into a day where we felt that we were improving the “user experience” by “fixing annoyances” and “adding niceties”, today. As you might imagine, this can be subjective, because just because we think an idea is an improvement does not mean every user out there will think so, and this is where time set aside for real users to try a product (ie. user acceptance testing) ahead of “going live” can be a great idea.

Anyway, there was …

  • an annoyance, on non-mobile, we first introduced when we integrated Animated GIF Creation in with Animated GIF Slide Extraction a couple of days ago … too much cursor:progress; usage … and in fixing we were astonished that cursor:wait; displays the same graphics … anyway, we think it helps when a cursor can help a user get used to identifying wherein the workflow they are situated at any given time …
    <?php echo ”

    function cursorcheck(defisidea) {
    if (window.parent) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice')) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value != '') { return parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value; } } }
    return defisidea;

    “; ?>
    … looking to parent …

    <input data-choice='' type=hidden value='help' id='cursorchoice'></input>
  • we felt better adding <hr> horizontal rule elements above and below the middle HTML iframe we set aside for client browsing functionality … and also …
  • made that iframe less wide enabling us to place to the right of it a hashtag navigational “a” link back up to the top …

    <iframe onload=pcheckit(this); style='display:inline-block;width:80%;height:160px;' id=myifthree src='/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php#itwo'></iframe> <a id=atotop style='display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:15%;text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;' onclick="window.scrollTo(0,0);" href='#mydet'>&#11014; Top</a>

    … and …
  • given a background indicative of the goings on with the extracted animated GIF slide …

    function ob(tv) {
    if (tv == '' && intc != '') {
    document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    if (window.parent) {
    if (window.parent != window.self) {
    parent.document.getElementById('myta').setAttribute('data-img', document.getElementById('myta').getAttribute('data-img'));
    parent.document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    parent.document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
    parent.document.getElementById('mysum').innerHTML=appbut('Animated GIF Slide Extraction Display ... RJM Programming - May, 2024 ... Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...');
    parent.document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
    setTimeout(function(){ intc=''; }, 27000);
    if (tv.trim() != '') {
    if (tv.indexOf('data') != 0 && tv.indexOf('//') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('//') != -1) {
    if (tv.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'') != document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'')) {
    document.getElementById('myiffour').src='/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv); //'/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv), '_blank');
    } else {
    } else {

    … and …
  • should the user click one (of the now two, and colour coded, as below) Animated GIF Creation action buttons now presented in our “reveal” details/summary the scrolling now lands

    function appittwo(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    function appit(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    … at the top of that middle iframe which is short enough so it and the Animated GIF Creation iframe are viewable on many platforms, those button presses created personalized animated GIFs there and then (at least on non-mobile), the user there to see that happening … where …
  • the user clicking the buttons up the top or down the bottom regarding Animate GIF Creation work for the two “submit” button modes can see which one was pressed via new border:5px dotted yellow; styling …


    if (isset($_POST['followthrough']) || isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_POST['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_POST['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";
    } else if (isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_GET['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_GET['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";


    <?php echo ”

    input[type=submit]:active {
    border: 5px dotted yellow;
    a { padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid red; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
    ::placeholder {
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE 10+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
    font-size: 9px;
    }" . str_replace($indone, $outdone, "
    #mysubmit { background-color: #98FB98; }
    #rcmysubmit { background-color: #AFEEEE; }
    #overlayit { background-color: #FADADD; }
    #imsel { background-color: cyan; }
    #jmsel { background-color: magenta; }
    #watermarkmode { background-color: olive; }
    #selwhs { background-color: teal; }
    #sfilteris { background-color: lightgreen; } ") . "

    “; ?>
    to the relevant bottom button

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Thinking about yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial‘s progress …

What about if the user is happy to use those filled in animated GIF slide textboxes (with delay and title) to create a user created (and downloadable) animated GIF there and then?

Well, we know that user could click their own presented button, but we wanted to flag it up at the parent ahead of time too, in terms of clarity in the changed seventh draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

So, what’s all this got to do with an HTML canvas element (in case we have readers who take notice of the nuances of blog posting titles, that is)? Well, once you reach the stage with our inhouse Animated GIF Creator web application, where it has created your own animated GIF image, there is an “onclick” subsection of functionality that, in our new scenario, suffered from an error 404 (Bad Request) because the codeline ran as …

<?php echo ”

canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… but got that error because variable useyourwords contains an animated GIF “first slide” data-URI (useful in that a [canvasContext].drawImage() call of it would do what “drawImage” does with animated GIFs anyway (going back to the original point regarding this whole thread of blog postings)) which caused an overshoot of data size limits on conventional ($_GET style) address bar URLs (perhaps involving ? and & arguments (whether they be five minute or ten minute ones)). But regular readers will know, for a happy couple of months now, we recognize we do not always have to call into play serverside PHP and its $_POST mechanisms here, because we can also call on our life changing hashtagging (ie. #) (clientside approach for HTML/Javascript/CSS webpage) ideas now! Yay!!!!! And so, it came to pass, that … yes … there was light on yonder hilland vale … whatever that is … as “we broke bread” … shall we say … let’s … with some new hashtagging code in the changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application

<?php echo ”

if (eval('' + ('' + '/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords).length) <= 800) {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));
} else {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords.replace('&','#'), '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… as above and with the changed user_of_signature_signature.htm User of Signature Signature inhouse canvas graphic data web application “canvas hoster” …

var thewords=( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1].split('&')[0]) : "";
if (thewords.indexOf('data') == 0) { thewords=thewords.replace(/\ /g,'+'); }

… to bring “canvas integration” into the mix.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Even PHP’s $_POST[] approach to HTML form navigation data sharing has it’s limits, and that can be challenged when considering a whole set of data-URI defined animated GIF slide images.

But, behind the scenes, when $_POST[] does not get filled out with regard to the data limits of the Apache/PHP/MySql (in our case) web server involved, there is still php://input

PHP provides a number of miscellaneous I/O streams that allow access to PHP’s own input and output streams, the standard input, output and error file descriptors, in-memory and disk-backed temporary file streams, and filters that can manipulate other file resources as they are read from and written to.

php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr ¶
php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr allow direct access to the corresponding input or output stream of the PHP process. The stream references a duplicate file descriptor, so if you open php://stdin and later close it, you close only your copy of the descriptor-the actual stream referenced by STDIN is unaffected. It is recommended that you simply use the constants STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR instead of manually opening streams using these wrappers.

php://stdin is read-only, whereas php://stdout and php://stderr are write-only.

… we can turn to (thanks, PHP), that can save the day in a lot of these scenarios.

The thing is, which our parent HTML and Javascript can help with, we want to be flagging the scenario where we should be checking that php://input usage might be coming into play. Well, even for an HTML form method=POST action=[ourRelevantPHP] scenario, the PHP global $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] is honoured, shall we say (separate to any $_GET[] ideas, is what we are getting at here). So we can, at the client HTML and Javascript parent (and client) end, set a unique $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] condition to test for in a changed sixth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below, nuancing yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?theword=numfillin'>

… and then, up at that “[ourRelevantPHP]” changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application we can test as per


if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), '=numfillin') !== false && !isset($_POST['numfillin']) && !isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
//file_put_contents('yes.yes', substr($post,0,300));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false && strpos($post, '?') === false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('?' . $post));
} else if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('' . $post));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) { // && strpos($post, '?') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yesagain.yes', '' . sizeof($pairings));
for ($ipairings=1; $ipairings<sizeof($pairings); $ipairings++) {
$thisval=explode('&', $pairings[$ipairings])[0];
$thisname=explode($prefdelim, $pairings[-1 + $ipairings])[1];
if (strpos(('~' . $thisval), '~data') !== false) {
} else {
if (strpos($thisname, 'slideshow') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yes_yet_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));
//file_put_contents('yes_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));

if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_GET['numfillin']; }
if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_POST['numfillin']; }

$nonplus=' ';
if ($numfillin >= 2) {
if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$nonplus=' ';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow2'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
} else if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
if (isset($_POST['slideshow2'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow2_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
$nonplus=' ';
for ($ijh=3; $ijh<=$numfillin; $ijh++) {
$pretwopattern='<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '">';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else if (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow' . $ijh . '_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
$nonplus=' ';
if ($ijh == $numfillin) {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);


… to cater for more scenarios, we’re hoping!

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

The work of today combines …

… to add the chance for a user to use what ImageMagick produces as an Animated GIF slide and fill this out into the textboxes of the Animated GIF Creator “child” iframe hosted incarnation “quietly” filled out probably “below the fold”, but scrollable toable.

There are data limits to what the Animated GIF Creator can handle, but perhaps it can help a user create their own Animated GIFs, for their own purposes, via other sources.

Sources for courses

… we’d say. But we would say that, wouldn’t we?!

To make this happen, amongst the …

  1. PHP … and …
  2. Korn Shell

… helper components (to get to ImageMagick) we swap the “tidying up of interim files” role Korn Shell used to do, quite successfully (and still does for any interim “whole Animated GIF” files created), passing the responsibilities to the PHP to do (via passing over to the Korn Shell a new extra argument, to tell it this is the new arrangement). And at the changed third draft agtoslides.php PHP (working with the changed third draft agtoslides.ksh), before the “outputting command line” is executed, a whole lot of “child asks stuff of the parent” “programming talk and action” happens (and works, because our Client Pre-emptive Iframe Onload Event logic looks for that iframe document’s document.body.innerHTML as the representation of the extracted slide (of the animated GIF) of interest) …



if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… to have the new parent Javascript functions …

function preagslideshow(theurl) {
if (theurl.indexOf('delay=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=delay value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('delay', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('title=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=title value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('title', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('numfillin=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=numfillin value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('numfillin', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=submit style=display:none; id=mysubag value=Submit></input>';
} else {
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = twoslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', theurl.split('?')[0], true);

function agslideshow(thename, thevalue) {
if (1 == 1) {
if (thename == 'slideshow') {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML='<input type=hidden name=slideshow value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjform.append('slideshow', thevalue);
} else {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=' + thename + ' value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append(thename, thevalue);
} else {

… working with the new static HTML …

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php'>

… be able to assist with this new Animated GIF Creator interfacing to happen for the user, should they be interested, in a changed fifth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories …

  1. an “overlay” issue … or …
  2. a “reveal” issue

… and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial, pitted these two “colossuses” (at least in our mind) against each other as concept ideas towards today’s work’s solution. Which wins? We opted for a “reveal” solution, where the initial position is “reveal”.

We could have “overlayed” but we went for the KISS (“keep it simple simpleton”) principle, where, what you see at the top of a webpage takes prominence for the user. The thing is, though, in this alternate input section, we are not fussed that it stays around, hence the details/summary “reveal” way a user can make it disappear at any given point in time.

Here’s the thing, though, a details/summary “reveal” pairing has that “summary” innerHTML content part that can remain, no matter what, as a status informer mechanism we’re hoping helps out the “formerly obtuse” web application ways of our Animated GIF Extraction web application, in a changed fourth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto …

  • relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute URL serving similar purposes) … and yesterday’s …
  • browsed for local animated GIF file of interest … is today’s …
  • absolute URL pointing to a domain not the same as the address bar domain of use

As you might guess this last option for the user may not work for a domain with very high security, but being as hotlinking images makes the Internet woooorrrrllllddd go around perhaps the user can try this underlying curl based logic out, to see with a changed third draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), try below.

You may have noticed in our first draft we were not concerned with two incarnations of the web application being executed at once. Back then, one might interfere with the next if interrupted during the serverside ImageMagick phase of creating the png slides off the input animated GIF. Recently, we have started using …


… based logic (but in non-SQL realms) for that ImageMagick work. By and large the internal use only interim file naming in this ImageMagick phase is 99.9999999% sure to be unique to your session, and so not interfering, or accidentally picking up, other sessional data. You might want to look out for a textbox named “random”, in the code, regarding how we make that happen …

user@Users-Air htdocs % fgrep -n "'random'" extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html
157: jjform.append('random', document.getElementById('random').value);
165: document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value);
167: //'//' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value) + '#url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value), '_blank', 'top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600');
173: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
293: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
376:<body onload="document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19878675); setTimeout(askaway,8000); ob(gifurl);">
user@Users-Air htdocs %

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

As of the recent Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s progress with an Extraction of a User Nominated Animated GIF Slide web application’s …

  • input animated GIF URL modus operandi … today we add …
  • local operating system file browsing method of user animated GIF entry

… approach to our web application’s functionality abilities in a changed second draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version) helped out, especially via PHP’s acceptance of HTML form method=POST data, by …

… or via arrangements below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Would you believe …

  • the extraction of an HTML video element still is not too hard using that HTML video element object as the first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call (as you might recall reading the recent Canvas DrawImage First Parameter Primer Tutorial) … whereas …
  • the extraction of an HTML animated GIF image (ie. img) element still is a lot harder, regarding only the clientside Javascript side of web applications because using that animated GIF img object as that first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call results only in the first still (or slide) of that animated GIF

? And so, to proceed with our “Animated GIF Slide Extraction” web application where a user can ask for the still (or slide) to be honed in on, needed us to design it so that a …

… looking arrangement could fulfil our requirements, so far, where the user can supply …

  1. [animatedGIFimageFileName] … and …
  2. slide number to extract (which can be entered as a percentage, being as our “HTML and Javascript parent (clientside) web application” logics are capable of determining an animated GIF’s …

    • number of slides (PHP extracts) … and, albeit not needed so far, with this project …
    • duration of an animated GIF “run through”


… in …

var ij=0;

/** @param {Uint8Array} uint8 */
function isGifAnimated(uint8) { // thanks to,duration%20of%20a%20GIF%20image.
if (origgifloc == '') { origgifloc=gifloc; }
let duration = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = uint8.length; i < len; i++) {
if (uint8[i] == 0x21
&& uint8[i + 1] == 0xF9
&& uint8[i + 2] == 0x04
&& uint8[i + 7] == 0x00)
const delay = (uint8[i + 5] << 8) | (uint8[i + 4] & 0xFF);
duration += delay < 2 ? 10 : delay;

if (doit || gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1 || 1 == 1) {
pbefore='' + ('gifloc=' + gifloc + ' and duration=' + eval(duration / 100) + ' and ij=' + ij + ' ');
if (origgifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) { gifloc='' + Math.round(eval(eval(gifloc.replace('%','')) * eval('' + ij) / 100.0)); }
//document.title='' + pbefore + ' ... ' + gifloc;
if (eval(duration / 100) <= 0.11) {
return 0;
//if (gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) {
// alert('' + eval(duration / 100) + ' vs ' + delay);
// gifloc=gifloc.replace('%','');
if (1 == 5 && canextract > 0) {
alert('' + eval(duration / 100));
} else {

var newimg=new Image();
newimg.onload = function(){
document.getElementById('dimg').style.width='' + eval(1 * newimg.width) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.height='' + eval(1 * newimg.height) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.background='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.9),rgba(255,255,255,0.9)),url(' + gifurl + ')';
//document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='' + iw + 'px ' + ih + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='0px 0px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundSize='' + newimg.width + 'px ' + newimg.height + 'px';

jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
jjform.append('agname', gifurl);
jjform.append('slidenumber', '' + eval(1 + eval( eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)));
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = oneslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
if (1 == 1) {
if (eval('' + document.getElementById('agname').value.length) < 400) {
document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value);
} else {
} else {
}, 5000);
return duration / 100; // if 0.1 is not an animated GIF

… and to try this out you can turn the iframe below into a user interaction one via a click below

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

Posted in eLearning, Software, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Animated GIF Slide Set and Forget Dimensioning Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Set and Forget Dimensioning Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Set and Forget Dimensioning Tutorial

When you have a fairly large web application project you are coding, it’s pretty inevitable that you “know where the bodies are buried” (if you’ll pardon our amateur dramatics). We’ve known about one for years with our inhouse Animated GIF Creator project (we last talked about at Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial), chipping away at it, but not cracking it to our satisfaction, concerning …

  • when a user creates an animated GIF …
  • derived of image slide sources of differing dimensions …
  • up to today, we were allowing for this in a user selectable dropdown but not doing a good job of flagging that to the user … it occurred to us …
  • today, on non-mobile, we’ll make the size attribute of that dropdown be the number of subelement option elements it has so that a non-mobile user can see all this happening … sorry, mobile users … and …
  • append four more options, as required, namely …
    1. Always Pick Maximal Dimensions
    2. Always Pick Minimal Dimensions
    3. Always Pick Maximal Width+Height
    4. Always Pick Minimal Width+Height

    … as a “set and forget” way a user can strategize their animated GIF output dimensioning no matter what else goes into the “slide mix”

At least for non-mobile we feel that this changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application is worth retrying regarding these Javascript modifications

<?php echo ”

function owoh(thisselis) {
var askwh='', askend=',[numSlides]', atwo=2;
if (('' + thisselis.value).trim() == '' && ('' + thisselis.value) != '') {
document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML=document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.replace(' (' + document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')', ' (' + thisselis.innerHTML.split(' value=\"' + thisselis.value + '\">')[1].split('<')[0].replace('Always ','') + thisselis.value + ')');
return '';
} else if (('' + thisselis.value) == '' && document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' (Always Pick') != -1) {
document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML=document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.replace(' (' + document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')', ' (or as below)');
return '';
} else if (('' + thisselis.value) == '' && document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' (Pick') != -1) {
document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML=document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.replace(' (' + document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')', ' (or as below)');
return '';
} else if (('' + thisselis.value) == '?' && document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' (Always Pick') != -1) {
document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML=document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.replace(' (' + document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')', ' (or as below)');
} else if (('' + thisselis.value) == '?' && document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' (Pick') != -1) {
document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML=document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.replace(' (' + document.getElementById('defselwhs').innerHTML.split(' (')[1].split(')')[0] + ')', ' (or as below)');

if (thisselis.value.indexOf(',') != -1) {
document.getElementById('ow').value='' + thisselis.value.split(',')[0];
document.getElementById('oh').value='' + thisselis.value.split(',')[1];
} else if (thisselis.value='?') {
if (document.getElementById('slideshow2')) {
if (document.getElementById('slideshow2').value != '') {
while (document.getElementById('slideshow' + eval(1 + atwo)) && ('' + document.getElementById('slideshow' + eval(1 + atwo)).value) != '') {
askend=',[numSlides=' + atwo + ']';
askwh=prompt('Please comma separate width,height[,widthEnd,heightEnd' + askend + '] (eg. 750,1334) where a -1 for one lets it be proportional', '');
if (askwh == null) { askwh=''; } else { askwh=askwh.replace(/\ /g,''); }
if (askwh.indexOf(',') != -1 && eval('' + askwh.split('-').length) <= 2) {
if (eval('' + askwh.split(',').length) >= 4) {
document.getElementById('owend').value='' + askwh.split(',')[2];
document.getElementById('ohend').value='' + askwh.split(',')[3];
} else {
if (eval('' + askwh.split(',').length) >= 5) {
document.getElementById('endnumber').value='' + askwh.split(',')[4];
} else {
if (askwh.indexOf('-1,') == 0) {
document.getElementById('ow').value='' + Math.round(eval('' + thisselis.outerHTML.split(' x ')[0].split('>')[eval(-1 + thisselis.outerHTML.split(' x ')[0].split('>').length)]) * eval('' + askwh.split(',')[1]) / eval('' + thisselis.outerHTML.split(',')[1].split('\"')[0].split(\"'\")[0]));
askwh=askwh.replace('-1,', document.getElementById('ow').value + ',');
document.getElementById('oh').value='' + askwh.split(',')[1];
if (eval('' + askwh.split(',').length) >= 4) {
if (askwh.split(',')[2] == '-1') {
document.getElementById('owend').value='' + Math.round(eval(document.getElementById('ow').value) * eval('' + askwh.split(',')[3]) / eval('' + askwh.split(',')[1]));
askwh=askwh.replace(',-1', ',' + document.getElementById('owend').value);
} else if ((askwh + '~').indexOf(',-1~') != -1 || (askwh + '~').indexOf(askwh.split(',')[0] + ',-1,') != -1) {
document.getElementById('ow').value='' + askwh.split(',')[0];
document.getElementById('oh').value='' + Math.round(eval('' + thisselis.outerHTML.split(' x ')[1].split('<')[0]) * eval('' + askwh.split(',')[0]) / eval('' + thisselis.outerHTML.split(',')[0].split('>')[eval(-1 + thisselis.outerHTML.split(',')[0].split('>').length)]));
askwh=askwh.replace(askwh.split(',')[0] + ',-1', askwh.split(',')[0] + ',' + document.getElementById('oh').value);
if (eval('' + askwh.split(',').length) >= 4) {
if (askwh.split(',')[3] == '-1') {
document.getElementById('ohend').value='' + Math.round(eval(document.getElementById('oh').value) * eval('' + askwh.split(',')[2]) / eval('' + askwh.split(',')[0]));
askwh=askwh.replace(',-1', ',' + document.getElementById('ohend').value);
} else {
document.getElementById('ow').value='' + askwh.split(',')[0];
document.getElementById('oh').value='' + askwh.split(',')[1];
if (thisselis.outerHTML.indexOf(askwh) == -1) {'inline-block';
thisselis.innerHTML+='<option value=\"' + askwh + '\">' + askwh.replace(',',' x ') + '</option>';
} else {
} else {

function selw() {
var rework=false, ws=[], hs=[], ida=0, dimarr=[], maxis=0, minis=0, jda=0, maxwis=0, maxhis=0, minwis=0, minhis=0, cmaxis='', cminis='';
if (document.getElementById('selwhs')) {
if (eval('' + document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.length) != selwhsl) {
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').value.trim() == '' && document.getElementById('selwhs').value != '') {
var ijk=eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.split(' x ').length));
document.title='' + ijk;
if (ijk >= 2 && document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.indexOf('Always Pick ') == -1) {
document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML+='<option value=\" \">Always Pick Maximal Dimensions</option><option value=\" \">Always Pick Minimal Dimensions</option><option value=\" \">Always Pick Maximum Width+Height</option><option value=\" \">Always Pick Minimal Width+Height</option>';
} //else if (ijk > 2) {
//alert('huh ' + document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML);
if (rework) {
dimarr=document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.split(' x ');
for (ida=1; ida<dimarr.length; ida++) {
ws.push(eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]));
hs.push(eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]));
jda=eval(eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]) + eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]));
if (ida <= 1) {
cmaxis='' + eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]) + ',' + eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]);
cminis='' + eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]) + ',' + eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]);
} else {
if (ws[eval(-1 + ws.length)] > maxwis) {
maxwis=ws[eval(-1 + ws.length)];
if (ws[eval(-1 + ws.length)] < minwis) {
minwis=ws[eval(-1 + ws.length)];
if (hs[eval(-1 + hs.length)] > maxhis) {
maxhis=hs[eval(-1 + hs.length)];
if (hs[eval(-1 + hs.length)] < minhis) {
minhis=hs[eval(-1 + hs.length)];
if (jda > maxis) {
cmaxis='' + eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]) + ',' + eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]);
if (jda < minis) {
cminis='' + eval(dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>')[eval(-1 + dimarr[eval(-1 + ida)].split('>').length)]) + ',' + eval(dimarr[eval(0 + ida)].split('<')[0]);
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').value == ' ') {
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' value=\"' + maxwis + ',' + maxhis + '\"') != -1) {
document.getElementById('selwhs').value=maxwis + ',' + maxhis;
} else {
document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML+='<option value=\"' + maxwis + ',' + maxhis + '\">' + maxwis + ' x ' + maxhis + '</option>'
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').value == ' ') {
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.indexOf(' value=\"' + minwis + ',' + minhis + '\"') != -1) {
document.getElementById('selwhs').value=minwis + ',' + minhis;
} else {
document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML+='<option value=\"' + minwis + ',' + minhis + '\">' + minwis + ' x ' + minhis + '</option>'
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').value == ' ') {
if (document.getElementById('selwhs').value == ' ') {
var ijh=eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById('selwhs').innerHTML.split('</optio').length));
if (ijh > 1) {

setInterval(selw, 1000);


Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial

We dedicate today’s blog posting to the English phrase (that maybe works in other languages) …

Same, same but different

… as it is about the pros and cons of HTML iframe integration, especially as it applies to CSS styling. Off the top of our heads we see a Pros and Cons table looking like …

Pros and Cons of HTML Iframe Based Web Application Software Integration
Pros Cons
Become tools Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences
Become modularised Focus within iframe can cause problems
Ability to begin again at (0,0) regarding positioning Hashtag navigation within iframe can cause problems
Sharing the coding and execution load
Software organizational advantages
Can glean information off parent and vice versa
New chance for synchronizations
Coding language mixing
Parent child interactions

… and, as you can see, we are mainly fans of what it can bring to the table (mild chuckle, followed by a chortle).

But that first Con can grate, that “Difficulty with styling integration especially regarding time of coding differences”, and today, we thought we’d “apply” to relevant (there was one we found we should not “apply” the thinking to) HTML iframe “child” styling using yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial‘s CSS styling idea in the “parent” (“applied” to these children).

We used a “suck it and see” approach whereby we just, where applicable, appended the CSS <style></style> styling logic of yesterday (plus a bit) to the document.body “body” innerHTML attribute of the iframe called, to see whether it felt more integrated. And we thought it did, perhaps because that styling was one of the more generic feeling ones we can remember (by that we’re meaning that the selectors were often just HTML tag names rather than too much “class” or “id” aspects to those selectors). Also, sometimes it won’t work because adding to the document.body innerHTML can sometimes “muck up” logic (but not today).

And what allows for “deploying” such an idea? Inhouse, we call what we do here “Client Pre-emptive Iframe” ideas, where the relevant iframe element’s “onload” (or on rare occasions, “onerror”) events are used to add logic at a slightly later time to any HTML iframe document.body element’s “onload” logic would be applied. This is a powerful mechanism open to you if you are dealing with same domain parent/child URLs, that is the case for us with this work today.

It’s as easy to do as (showing you one iframe “onload” function example below, and with inline CSS usage, rather than an external CSS file usage (where it would be even easier)) …

var paconto=null;

function pcheckit(iois) {
paconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument);
if (paconto != null) {
if (paconto.document) { paconto = paconto.document; }
if (paconto.body != null) {
if (document.getElementById('pmyifthree')) {
paconto.body.innerHTML+='<st' + 'yle> ' + document.head.innerHTML.split('<st' + 'yle>')[1].split('</st' + 'yle>')[0] + ' </st' + 'yle>';
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h4')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
if (1 == 1) { paconto.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0].style.opacity='0.0'; }
}, 12000);

… to make this idea come, above. We don’t go overboard with precise integration, that is not our point. Just a …

Same, same but different

… feel in the changed tenth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction CSS Styling Tutorial

Another aesthetic plus on top of …

… which we flesh out more of today, further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial.

What was new to us with today’s work? The linear gradient effect (called text gradient) applied to text was new, thanks, in amongst …


#agmode { background-color: #98FB98; }
#agmodetwo { background-color: #AFEEEE; }

hr {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;
} {
border: 5px solid red;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.two {
border: 5px solid orange;
border-radius: 5px;

hr.three {
border: 5px solid green;
border-radius: 5px;

body {
background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(173,216,230,0.5) 0%, rgba(255,255,127,0.5) 100%);

img {
background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, transparent 100%);
border-radius: 9px;

h3 {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;

input {
text-shadow: -0.4px 0.4px 0.4px #2d952d;
border-radius: 200px;

input::placeholder {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #2d95ff;

summary {
text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #ff952d;

h1 {
/* font-size: 72px; */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgb(188, 12, 241), rgb(212, 64, 104), rgb(104, 212, 64));
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

iframe {
border-radius: 9px;

a {
border-radius: 9px;


… in the changed ninth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version, or now, the Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application hashtag speed test version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Speed Test Tutorial

Yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial sparked our interest in that …

  • we wondered whether hashtag components appended to ($_GET) address bar URLs perhaps consisting of ? and & argument parts slowed things down … and after first considering some standalone arrangement …
  • we realized we have quite good conditions with our current Animated GIF Extraction web application project predilections to adapt it

Getting into the coding of this we realized we were touching on another unknown to us. Is a hashtag call such as …


… to PHP going to register the hashtagging? Well, certainly not with PHP functionality but a client facing document.body onload event logic can see it …


// agtoslides.php
// RJM Programming
// May, 2024
// Animated GIF to a slide via ... ksh agtoslides.ksh [animatedGIFfilename] [slideNumber]
ini_set('max_execution_time', 60000);


if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides')) {
if (file_exists(rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh')) {
if (isset($argc) && !isset($_GET['agname']) && !isset($_POST['agname'])) {
$infl=str_replace('+',' ',$argv[1]);
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($argv[1]));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if ($argc > 2) {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($argv[2]))) . ' ' . $infill;
} else {
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
if (isset($_GET['random']) && !isset($_GET['agname'])) {
echo "<html>
<scrip" . "t type=text/javascript>
var jjjxhr=null, jjjform=null, astr='', stats=0;

function joneslidedu() {
if (jjjxhr.readyState == 4) {
if (jjjxhr.status == 200) {
parent.window.opener.timingshashpush((new Date()).getTime()); // document.body.innerHTML=jjjxhr.responseText.split(jjjxhr.responseText.substring(1).split('>')[0])[1].split('</body>')[0];

function ajaxit() {
if (1 == 1) {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
if (parent.window.opener.setstats) {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('spareagname').value=decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]);
if (eval('' + parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').outerHTML.length) < 1000) {
} else {
parent.window.opener.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action=('' + parent.document.getElementById('sparemyform').action).split('#')[0];
if (1 == 11) {
while (('' + parent.getto().getstats()) != '200') {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
} else {
jjjform = new FormData();
jjjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjjform.append('agname', decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('agname=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0]));
jjjform.append('random', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['random'] . "'));
jjjform.append('slidenumber', decodeURIComponent('" . $_GET['slidenumber'] . "'));'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
jjjxhr.onreadystatechange = joneslidedu;
while (stats != 200) {
if (astr == '' || eval('' + astr.length) > 800) {
astr=' ';
} else {
astr+=' ';
return true;

</scr" . "ipt>
<body onload='return ajaxit();' id=xbody></body></html>
if (isset($_GET['agname'])) {
if (isset($_GET['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_GET['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
if (isset($_GET['slidenumber'])) {
//echo 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber']));
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
//echo ' --- ' . $outp;
} else {
//file_put_contents('xget.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else if (isset($_POST['agname'])) {
if (isset($_POST['random'])) {
$infill=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['random']))) . ' tidyhere';
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
} else if (strpos($infl, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false && strpos($infl, 'http') !== false) {
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode($_POST['agname']));
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',$infl)) );
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
// } else {
//file_put_contents('x.xxxxx', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if ((!file_exists($infl) || strpos($infl, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) && strpos($infl, 'data:image/') === false) {
$infl=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $infl;
//if (strlen($infl) != 0) {
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
if (isset($_POST['slidenumber'])) {
//file_put_contents('', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill . ' 2> ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.err');
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['slidenumber'])) . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
//file_put_contents('xpost.zzz', 'ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' 1' . ' ' . $infill);
} else {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
if (strpos($post, "agname=") !== false && strpos($post, "random=") !== false && strpos($post, "slidenumber=") !== false) {
$infill=explode('&', explode('random=', $post)[1])[0] . ' tidyhere';
$sn=explode('&', explode('slidenumber=', $post)[1])[0];
$infl=str_replace(' ','+',urldecode(explode('&', explode('agname=', $post)[1])[0]));
if (strpos($infl, 'data:image/') !== false) {
file_put_contents('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]), base64_decode(explode(';base64,', $infl )[1] ));
$infl='/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_xx.' . str_replace('jpeg','jpg',explode(';',explode('/', $infl )[1])[0]);
//file_put_contents('', $infl . ' ' . shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/agtoslides/*.*'));
$outp=shell_exec('ksh ' . rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'agtoslides.ksh ' . $infl . ' ' . $sn . ' ' . $infill);
if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… we found, to our relief! And though the synchronization is not exact, we simulate “apples for apples” via that Ajax asynchronicity timing for a hashtag call for the “” window, versus the “window.opener” window non-hashtag call of that default animated GIF (like a splash page example) as you enter the web application.

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction User Experience Tutorial

We often equate the term “user experience” with “niceties”, in that we often find we deal with “user experience” issues well into a project, but you can put more effort into forward design planning so that you deal with it better throughout the project. We found with the Animated GIF Slide Extraction project of yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial that issues that had annoyed us for several days past, but which did not stop the web application working, turned into a day where we felt that we were improving the “user experience” by “fixing annoyances” and “adding niceties”, today. As you might imagine, this can be subjective, because just because we think an idea is an improvement does not mean every user out there will think so, and this is where time set aside for real users to try a product (ie. user acceptance testing) ahead of “going live” can be a great idea.

Anyway, there was …

  • an annoyance, on non-mobile, we first introduced when we integrated Animated GIF Creation in with Animated GIF Slide Extraction a couple of days ago … too much cursor:progress; usage … and in fixing we were astonished that cursor:wait; displays the same graphics … anyway, we think it helps when a cursor can help a user get used to identifying wherein the workflow they are situated at any given time …
    <?php echo ”

    function cursorcheck(defisidea) {
    if (window.parent) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice')) { if (parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value != '') { return parent.document.getElementById('cursorchoice').value; } } }
    return defisidea;

    “; ?>
    … looking to parent …

    <input data-choice='' type=hidden value='help' id='cursorchoice'></input>
  • we felt better adding <hr> horizontal rule elements above and below the middle HTML iframe we set aside for client browsing functionality … and also …
  • made that iframe less wide enabling us to place to the right of it a hashtag navigational “a” link back up to the top …

    <iframe onload=pcheckit(this); style='display:inline-block;width:80%;height:160px;' id=myifthree src='/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php#itwo'></iframe> <a id=atotop style='display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:15%;text-shadow: -1px 1px 1px #952dff;' onclick="window.scrollTo(0,0);" href='#mydet'>&#11014; Top</a>

    … and …
  • given a background indicative of the goings on with the extracted animated GIF slide …

    function ob(tv) {
    if (tv == '' && intc != '') {
    document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    if (window.parent) {
    if (window.parent != window.self) {
    parent.document.getElementById('myta').setAttribute('data-img', document.getElementById('myta').getAttribute('data-img'));
    parent.document.getElementById('atotop').style.backgroundImage='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.2),rgba(255,255,255,0.2)),URL(' + intc + ')';

    parent.document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
    parent.document.getElementById('mysum').innerHTML=appbut('Animated GIF Slide Extraction Display ... RJM Programming - May, 2024 ... Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...');
    parent.document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
    setTimeout(function(){ intc=''; }, 27000);
    if (tv.trim() != '') {
    if (tv.indexOf('data') != 0 && tv.indexOf('//') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('//') != -1) {
    if (tv.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'') != document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^www\./g,'')) {
    document.getElementById('myiffour').src='/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv); //'/getex.php?dodu=y&url=' + encodeURIComponent(tv), '_blank');
    } else {
    } else {

    … and …
  • should the user click one (of the now two, and colour coded, as below) Animated GIF Creation action buttons now presented in our “reveal” details/summary the scrolling now lands

    function appittwo(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'rcmysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    function appit(iob) {
    if (('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode')) != '') {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', '');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    } else {
    document.getElementById('agmode').setAttribute('data-mode', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('cursorchoice').setAttribute('data-choice', 'mysubmit');
    document.getElementById('followthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    if (document.getElementById('followxthrough')) {
    document.getElementById('followxthrough').value=('' + document.getElementById('agmode').getAttribute('data-mode'));
    setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('myifthree').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); //location.href='#myifthree';

    … at the top of that middle iframe which is short enough so it and the Animated GIF Creation iframe are viewable on many platforms, those button presses created personalized animated GIFs there and then (at least on non-mobile), the user there to see that happening … where …
  • the user clicking the buttons up the top or down the bottom regarding Animate GIF Creation work for the two “submit” button modes can see which one was pressed via new border:5px dotted yellow; styling …


    if (isset($_POST['followthrough']) || isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_POST['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_POST['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_POST['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_POST['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";
    } else if (isset($_GET['followthrough'])) {
    if (strlen($_GET['followthrough']) > 0) {
    $indone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { ba";
    $outdone='#' . $_GET['followthrough'] . " { border:5px dotted yellow; ba";

    if ($_GET['followthrough'] == 'overlayit') {
    $smallfillin="\n setTimeout(function(){ overlaythem(); }, 8000); \n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n";
    } else {
    $smallfillin="\n document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').style.border='4px dotted pink'; \n setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('" . $_GET['followthrough'] . "').click(); }, 5000); \n";


    <?php echo ”

    input[type=submit]:active {
    border: 5px dotted yellow;
    a { padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid red; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
    ::placeholder {
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
    font-size: 9px;
    ::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-ms-input-placeholder { /* IE 10+ */
    font-size: 9px;
    :-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
    font-size: 9px;
    }" . str_replace($indone, $outdone, "
    #mysubmit { background-color: #98FB98; }
    #rcmysubmit { background-color: #AFEEEE; }
    #overlayit { background-color: #FADADD; }
    #imsel { background-color: cyan; }
    #jmsel { background-color: magenta; }
    #watermarkmode { background-color: olive; }
    #selwhs { background-color: teal; }
    #sfilteris { background-color: lightgreen; } ") . "

    “; ?>
    to the relevant bottom button

Codewise we have …

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Canvas Integration via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Thinking about yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial‘s progress …

What about if the user is happy to use those filled in animated GIF slide textboxes (with delay and title) to create a user created (and downloadable) animated GIF there and then?

Well, we know that user could click their own presented button, but we wanted to flag it up at the parent ahead of time too, in terms of clarity in the changed seventh draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

So, what’s all this got to do with an HTML canvas element (in case we have readers who take notice of the nuances of blog posting titles, that is)? Well, once you reach the stage with our inhouse Animated GIF Creator web application, where it has created your own animated GIF image, there is an “onclick” subsection of functionality that, in our new scenario, suffered from an error 404 (Bad Request) because the codeline ran as …

<?php echo ”

canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… but got that error because variable useyourwords contains an animated GIF “first slide” data-URI (useful in that a [canvasContext].drawImage() call of it would do what “drawImage” does with animated GIFs anyway (going back to the original point regarding this whole thread of blog postings)) which caused an overshoot of data size limits on conventional ($_GET style) address bar URLs (perhaps involving ? and & arguments (whether they be five minute or ten minute ones)). But regular readers will know, for a happy couple of months now, we recognize we do not always have to call into play serverside PHP and its $_POST mechanisms here, because we can also call on our life changing hashtagging (ie. #) (clientside approach for HTML/Javascript/CSS webpage) ideas now! Yay!!!!! And so, it came to pass, that … yes … there was light on yonder hilland vale … whatever that is … as “we broke bread” … shall we say … let’s … with some new hashtagging code in the changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application

<?php echo ”

if (eval('' + ('' + '/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords).length) <= 800) {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords, '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));
} else {
canvwo.push('/HTMLCSS/user_of_signature_signature.htm?slide=' + tid.replace(/^slideshow1$/g,'slideshow') + useyourwords.replace('&','#'), '_blank', 'top=' + eval(screen.height - hw) + ',left=' + eval(screen.width - hw) + ',width=' + hw + ',height=' + hw));

“; ?>

… as above and with the changed user_of_signature_signature.htm User of Signature Signature inhouse canvas graphic data web application “canvas hoster” …

var thewords=( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(( + location.hash).split('thewords=')[1].split('&')[0]) : "";
if (thewords.indexOf('data') == 0) { thewords=thewords.replace(/\ /g,'+'); }

… to bring “canvas integration” into the mix.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Data Limits via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Even PHP’s $_POST[] approach to HTML form navigation data sharing has it’s limits, and that can be challenged when considering a whole set of data-URI defined animated GIF slide images.

But, behind the scenes, when $_POST[] does not get filled out with regard to the data limits of the Apache/PHP/MySql (in our case) web server involved, there is still php://input

PHP provides a number of miscellaneous I/O streams that allow access to PHP’s own input and output streams, the standard input, output and error file descriptors, in-memory and disk-backed temporary file streams, and filters that can manipulate other file resources as they are read from and written to.

php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr ¶
php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr allow direct access to the corresponding input or output stream of the PHP process. The stream references a duplicate file descriptor, so if you open php://stdin and later close it, you close only your copy of the descriptor-the actual stream referenced by STDIN is unaffected. It is recommended that you simply use the constants STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR instead of manually opening streams using these wrappers.

php://stdin is read-only, whereas php://stdout and php://stderr are write-only.

… we can turn to (thanks, PHP), that can save the day in a lot of these scenarios.

The thing is, which our parent HTML and Javascript can help with, we want to be flagging the scenario where we should be checking that php://input usage might be coming into play. Well, even for an HTML form method=POST action=[ourRelevantPHP] scenario, the PHP global $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] is honoured, shall we say (separate to any $_GET[] ideas, is what we are getting at here). So we can, at the client HTML and Javascript parent (and client) end, set a unique $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] condition to test for in a changed sixth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below, nuancing yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?theword=numfillin'>

… and then, up at that “[ourRelevantPHP]” changed PHP tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse animated GIF creator web application we can test as per


if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), '=numfillin') !== false && !isset($_POST['numfillin']) && !isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
$fp = fopen("php://input", "r");
$post = "" . file_get_contents("php://input");
//file_put_contents('yes.yes', substr($post,0,300));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false && strpos($post, '?') === false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('?' . $post));
} else if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) {
$pairings=explode('=', ('' . $post));
if (strpos($post, '=') !== false) { // && strpos($post, '?') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yesagain.yes', '' . sizeof($pairings));
for ($ipairings=1; $ipairings<sizeof($pairings); $ipairings++) {
$thisval=explode('&', $pairings[$ipairings])[0];
$thisname=explode($prefdelim, $pairings[-1 + $ipairings])[1];
if (strpos(('~' . $thisval), '~data') !== false) {
} else {
if (strpos($thisname, 'slideshow') !== false) {
//file_put_contents('yes_yet_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));
//file_put_contents('yes_again.yes', '' . $thisname . ' ' . strlen($thisval));

if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_GET['numfillin']; }
if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) { $numfillin=$_POST['numfillin']; }

$nonplus=' ';
if ($numfillin >= 2) {
if (isset($_GET['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$nonplus=' ';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow2'])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
} else if (isset($_POST['numfillin'])) {
if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
if (isset($_POST['slideshow2'])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow2_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow2']),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow2'])) . '"',$twopattern);
} else {
$nonplus=' ';
for ($ijh=3; $ijh<=$numfillin; $ijh++) {
$pretwopattern='<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '">';
if (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_GET['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else if (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) {
//file_put_contents('yes_slideshow' . $ijh . '_again.yes', '' . $numfillin);
if (str_replace('+',' ',substr(urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh]),0,1)) == ' ') { $theplus=' '; $nonplus='+'; }
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace(' value=""',' value="' . str_replace($nonplus,$theplus,urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ijh])) . '"',str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern))))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
} else {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);
$nonplus=' ';
if ($ijh == $numfillin) {
$bigfillin=str_replace('<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh) . '"></div>', '<div id="fdiv' . (-1 + $ijh). '">' . $pretwopattern . str_replace('slideshow2"', 'slideshow' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('<div id="fdiv2"', '<div id="fdiv' . $ijh . '"', str_replace('>2<', '>' . $ijh . '<', str_replace('ours2', 'ours' . $ijh, $twopattern)))) . $posttwopattern . '</div>', $bigfillin);


… to cater for more scenarios, we’re hoping!

Previous relevant Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

Animated GIF Creation Interfacing via Slide Extraction Tutorial

The work of today combines …

… to add the chance for a user to use what ImageMagick produces as an Animated GIF slide and fill this out into the textboxes of the Animated GIF Creator “child” iframe hosted incarnation “quietly” filled out probably “below the fold”, but scrollable toable.

There are data limits to what the Animated GIF Creator can handle, but perhaps it can help a user create their own Animated GIFs, for their own purposes, via other sources.

Sources for courses

… we’d say. But we would say that, wouldn’t we?!

To make this happen, amongst the …

  1. PHP … and …
  2. Korn Shell

… helper components (to get to ImageMagick) we swap the “tidying up of interim files” role Korn Shell used to do, quite successfully (and still does for any interim “whole Animated GIF” files created), passing the responsibilities to the PHP to do (via passing over to the Korn Shell a new extra argument, to tell it this is the new arrangement). And at the changed third draft agtoslides.php PHP (working with the changed third draft agtoslides.ksh), before the “outputting command line” is executed, a whole lot of “child asks stuff of the parent” “programming talk and action” happens (and works, because our Client Pre-emptive Iframe Onload Event logic looks for that iframe document’s document.body.innerHTML as the representation of the extracted slide (of the animated GIF) of interest) …



if (isset($_GET['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['delay'])) {
$otherstuff.='delay=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['delay'])) . '&';
if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['title'])) . '&';
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
$otherstuff.='title=' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['title'])) . '&';
if (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
while (file_exists('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')) {
if ($postoutp == '') {
$preoutp="<html><body onload=\" parent.agslideshow('slideshow','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
if ($postoutp != '') {
if ($inn > 0) {
$preoutp.=" parent.agslideshow('slideshow" . ('' . (1 + $inn)) . "','data:image/" . explode('#',str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[-1 + sizeof(explode('.','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png'))])))[0] . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#','/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png')[0])) . "'); ";
unlink('/tmp/agtoslides/xx' . explode(' ',$infill)[0] . '_' . substr(('00000' . $inn),-5) . '.png');
if ($postoutp != '') { $preoutp.=" parent.preagslideshow('/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php?" . $otherstuff . "numfillin=" . ('' . $ij) . "'); \">"; }
//file_put_contents('x.x', $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp);
echo $preoutp . $outp . $postoutp;


… to have the new parent Javascript functions …

function preagslideshow(theurl) {
if (theurl.indexOf('delay=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=delay value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('delay', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('delay=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('title=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=title value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('title', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (theurl.indexOf('numfillin=') != -1) {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=numfillin value="' + decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]) + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append('numfillin', decodeURIComponent(theurl.split('numfillin=')[1].split('&')[0]));
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=submit style=display:none; id=mysubag value=Submit></input>';
} else {
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = twoslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', theurl.split('?')[0], true);

function agslideshow(thename, thevalue) {
if (1 == 1) {
if (thename == 'slideshow') {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML='<input type=hidden name=slideshow value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
jjform.append('slideshow', thevalue);
} else {
if (9 == 9) {
document.getElementById('agf').innerHTML+='<input type=hidden name=' + thename + ' value="' + thevalue + '"></input>';
} else {
jjform.append(thename, thevalue);
} else {

… working with the new static HTML …

<form id=agf style=display:none; method=POST data-target=ifconto action='/PHP/animegif/tutorial_to_animated_gif.php'>

… be able to assist with this new Animated GIF Creator interfacing to happen for the user, should they be interested, in a changed fifth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial

Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories …

  1. an “overlay” issue … or …
  2. a “reveal” issue

… and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial, pitted these two “colossuses” (at least in our mind) against each other as concept ideas towards today’s work’s solution. Which wins? We opted for a “reveal” solution, where the initial position is “reveal”.

We could have “overlayed” but we went for the KISS (“keep it simple simpleton”) principle, where, what you see at the top of a webpage takes prominence for the user. The thing is, though, in this alternate input section, we are not fussed that it stays around, hence the details/summary “reveal” way a user can make it disappear at any given point in time.

Here’s the thing, though, a details/summary “reveal” pairing has that “summary” innerHTML content part that can remain, no matter what, as a status informer mechanism we’re hoping helps out the “formerly obtuse” web application ways of our Animated GIF Extraction web application, in a changed fourth draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), which you can try below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial

The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto …

  • relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute URL serving similar purposes) … and yesterday’s …
  • browsed for local animated GIF file of interest … is today’s …
  • absolute URL pointing to a domain not the same as the address bar domain of use

As you might guess this last option for the user may not work for a domain with very high security, but being as hotlinking images makes the Internet woooorrrrllllddd go around perhaps the user can try this underlying curl based logic out, to see with a changed third draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version), try below.

You may have noticed in our first draft we were not concerned with two incarnations of the web application being executed at once. Back then, one might interfere with the next if interrupted during the serverside ImageMagick phase of creating the png slides off the input animated GIF. Recently, we have started using …


… based logic (but in non-SQL realms) for that ImageMagick work. By and large the internal use only interim file naming in this ImageMagick phase is 99.9999999% sure to be unique to your session, and so not interfering, or accidentally picking up, other sessional data. You might want to look out for a textbox named “random”, in the code, regarding how we make that happen …

user@Users-Air htdocs % fgrep -n "'random'" extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html
157: jjform.append('random', document.getElementById('random').value);
165: document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value);
167: //'//' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('random').value) + '#url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value), '_blank', 'top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600');
173: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
293: document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198786753);
376:<body onload="document.getElementById('random').value='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19878675); setTimeout(askaway,8000); ob(gifurl);">
user@Users-Air htdocs %

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial

As of the recent Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s progress with an Extraction of a User Nominated Animated GIF Slide web application’s …

  • input animated GIF URL modus operandi … today we add …
  • local operating system file browsing method of user animated GIF entry

… approach to our web application’s functionality abilities in a changed second draft extract_ag_slide_huh_of.html Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application (or Animated GIF Slide Extraction via User Interaction web application version) helped out, especially via PHP’s acceptance of HTML form method=POST data, by …

… or via arrangements below.

Previous relevant Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Animated GIF Slide Extraction Primer Tutorial

Would you believe …

  • the extraction of an HTML video element still is not too hard using that HTML video element object as the first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call (as you might recall reading the recent Canvas DrawImage First Parameter Primer Tutorial) … whereas …
  • the extraction of an HTML animated GIF image (ie. img) element still is a lot harder, regarding only the clientside Javascript side of web applications because using that animated GIF img object as that first parameter to a [canvasContext].drawImage method call results only in the first still (or slide) of that animated GIF

? And so, to proceed with our “Animated GIF Slide Extraction” web application where a user can ask for the still (or slide) to be honed in on, needed us to design it so that a …

… looking arrangement could fulfil our requirements, so far, where the user can supply …

  1. [animatedGIFimageFileName] … and …
  2. slide number to extract (which can be entered as a percentage, being as our “HTML and Javascript parent (clientside) web application” logics are capable of determining an animated GIF’s …

    • number of slides (PHP extracts) … and, albeit not needed so far, with this project …
    • duration of an animated GIF “run through”


… in …

var ij=0;

/** @param {Uint8Array} uint8 */
function isGifAnimated(uint8) { // thanks to,duration%20of%20a%20GIF%20image.
if (origgifloc == '') { origgifloc=gifloc; }
let duration = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = uint8.length; i < len; i++) {
if (uint8[i] == 0x21
&& uint8[i + 1] == 0xF9
&& uint8[i + 2] == 0x04
&& uint8[i + 7] == 0x00)
const delay = (uint8[i + 5] << 8) | (uint8[i + 4] & 0xFF);
duration += delay < 2 ? 10 : delay;

if (doit || gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1 || 1 == 1) {
pbefore='' + ('gifloc=' + gifloc + ' and duration=' + eval(duration / 100) + ' and ij=' + ij + ' ');
if (origgifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) { gifloc='' + Math.round(eval(eval(gifloc.replace('%','')) * eval('' + ij) / 100.0)); }
//document.title='' + pbefore + ' ... ' + gifloc;
if (eval(duration / 100) <= 0.11) {
return 0;
//if (gifloc.indexOf('%') != -1) {
// alert('' + eval(duration / 100) + ' vs ' + delay);
// gifloc=gifloc.replace('%','');
if (1 == 5 && canextract > 0) {
alert('' + eval(duration / 100));
} else {

var newimg=new Image();
newimg.onload = function(){
document.getElementById('dimg').style.width='' + eval(1 * newimg.width) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.height='' + eval(1 * newimg.height) + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.background='linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.9),rgba(255,255,255,0.9)),url(' + gifurl + ')';
//document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='' + iw + 'px ' + ih + 'px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundPosition='0px 0px';
document.getElementById('dimg').style.backgroundSize='' + newimg.width + 'px ' + newimg.height + 'px';

jjform = new FormData();
jjxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
document.getElementById('mygimage').title='Finding slide ' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)) + ' of ' + ij + ' ... please wait ...';
document.getElementById('slidenumber').value='' + eval(1 + eval(eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij));
jjform.append('agname', gifurl);
jjform.append('slidenumber', '' + eval(1 + eval( eval(-1 + eval('' + gifloc.replace('%',''))) % ij)));
jjxhr.onreadystatechange = oneslidedu;
//jjxhr.responseType = "Document";'post', './agtoslides.php', true);
if (1 == 1) {
if (eval('' + document.getElementById('agname').value.length) < 400) {
document.getElementById('myif').src='./agtoslides.php?agname=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('agname').value) + '&slidenumber=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('slidenumber').value);
} else {
} else {
}, 5000);
return duration / 100; // if 0.1 is not an animated GIF

… and to try this out you can turn the iframe below into a user interaction one via a click below

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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Mister Ed Mathematics Collaboration Tutorial

Mister Ed Mathematics Collaboration Tutorial

Mister Ed Mathematics Collaboration Tutorial

Onto the previous Mister Ed Mathematics Primer Tutorial, if we are talking collaboration today, you might expect an emoji button or two to send an email or SMS, but we’ve intertwined …

  • ideas of collaboration and sharing … with …
  • window.localStorage (ie. like HTTP Cookie) web browser intersessional and intrasessional approaches to recalling …
  • a user’s own defined YouTube … identifier,duration,start,end … inhouse argument definitions … which can …
  • be slotted (for yourself, as a user, or derivable by an email or SMS recipient) into the mix of (perhaps, now, not) Mister Ed video snippets that get played as a user answers correctly, in the Mister Ed Mathematics quiz

… and we access that just with “behind the scenes” links a savvy user can click to access (but explained in “blurb land”)

function ask() {
var advice='', kpstr='';
var xem=prompt('Enter arguments such as ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + "?mr_ed_ideas=REC2gi-Hu2M,REC2gi-Hu2M&mr_ed_ideasdur=299.0,299.0&mr_ed_ideasizero=60,168&mr_ed_ideasjzero=70,237&keep=y" + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + " ... where your entry must start with ? and the keep=y is there to remember for next session and email= or sms= can be used.", "keep=y&mr_ed_ideas=REC2gi-Hu2M,REC2gi-Hu2M&mr_ed_ideasdur=299.0,299.0&mr_ed_ideasizero=60,168&mr_ed_ideasjzero=70,237");
if (xem == null) { xem=''; } else if (('' + xem + '!').substring(0,1) != '?') { xem=''; }
var wasxem=xem;
if (xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideas=') != -1 && xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideasdur=') != -1 && xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideasizero=') != -1 && xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideasjzero=') != -1) {
if (xem.indexOf('?') == 0 && xem.indexOf('=') != -1) {
var recip='';
if (xem.indexOf('email=') != -1) {
if (inbideas != '' && inbideasdur != '' && inbideasizero != '' && inbideasjzero != '' && xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideas') == -1) {
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideas=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideas);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasdur=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasdur);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasizero=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasizero);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasjzero=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasjzero);
if (xem.indexOf('keep=') != -1) {
advice=encodeURIComponent(' ... if you like Mister Ed (YouTube video) ideas, to remember for the next time, reissue URL below with keNOep changed to keep ...');
recip=(xem + '&').split('email=')[1].split('&')[0];
if (recip.trim().indexOf('@') != -1) {
document.getElementById('ems').href='mailto:' + recip + '?subject=Mister%20Ed%20Mathematics' + advice + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + kpstr + '#' + wasxem.replace(/^\?/g,'').replace('email=','emJail=').replace('sms=','sJms='));
setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('ems').click(); }, 2000);
} else if (xem.indexOf('sms=') != -1) {
if (inbideas != '' && inbideasdur != '' && inbideasizero != '' && inbideasjzero != '' && xem.indexOf('mr_ed_ideas') == -1) {
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideas=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideas);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasdur=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasdur);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasizero=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasizero);
wasxem+='&mr_ed_ideasjzero=' + encodeURIComponent(inbideasjzero);
if (xem.indexOf('keep=') != -1) {
advice=encodeURIComponent(' ... if you like Mister Ed (YouTube video) ideas, to remember for the next time, reissue URL below with keNOep changed to keep ...');
recip=(xem + '&').split('sms=')[1].split('&')[0];
if (recip.trim() != '' && recip.trim().replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'') == '') {
document.getElementById('ems').href='sms:' + recip + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + kpstr + '#' + wasxem.replace(/^\?/g,'').replace('sms=','sJms=').replace('email=','emJail='));
setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('ems').click(); }, 2000);
location.hash='#' + xem.replace(/^\?/g,'');
var jnbideas=(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideas=')[1] ? ',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideas=')[1].split('&')[0]) + ',' : (',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('mr_ed_ideas')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).replace(/\'/g,'').replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/^\,/g,"'").replace(/\,/g,"','").replace(/\,\'$/g,",")).replace(/^\,$/g,'') );
var jnbideasdur=(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasdur=')[1] ? ',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasdur=')[1].split('&')[0]) + ',' : (',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('mr_ed_ideasdur')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).replace(/\'/g,'').replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/^\,/g,"'").replace(/\,/g,"','").replace(/\,\'$/g,",")).replace(/^\,$/g,'') );
var jnbideasizero=(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasizero=')[1] ? ',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasizero=')[1].split('&')[0]) + ',' : (',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('mr_ed_ideasizero')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).replace(/\'/g,'').replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/^\,/g,"'").replace(/\,/g,"','").replace(/\,\'$/g,",")).replace(/^\,$/g,'') );
var jnbideasjzero=(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasjzero=')[1] ? ',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash + '&' +'mr_ed_ideasjzero=')[1].split('&')[0]) + ',' : (',' + decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('mr_ed_ideasjzero')).replace(/^null/g,'').replace(/^undefined/g,'')).replace(/\'/g,'').replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/^\,/g,"'").replace(/\,/g,"','").replace(/\,\'$/g,",")).replace(/^\,$/g,'') );
if ((xem + '&').indexOf('mr_ed_ideas=&') != -1 && xem.indexOf('keep=') != -1) {
try {
} catch { }
} else if (jnbideas != '' && jnbideas != inbideas) {
//alert('0:' + jnbideas);
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You may have noticed another feature of this changed mr_ed_maths.html Mister Ed Maths web application (you can also try below) continuing on into “day two”. The mathematics test answers, at least ours inspired by Mister Ed, are all one character (albeit numerical) long. And, what does that mean? Anyone? Anyone? Yes, Larry you think it’s …

Hot in Largo

… is that code for “It’s Slowly Getting Hot” … or … yes, Douglas

Flor-ID-a … ErGO?

Yes, well, okay then. Ummm. Think you’re both onto something there. We were thinking, ourselves, like, just in the realms of the everyday, like, that, being as we live in a free society, like, it could be that, given things being the way they were, we could accept user input as if … yes … Amy

As if?!

… it is a Hotkey … phew!!!! Yes, because one key is needed to answer we can introduce a new textbox …

<input onkeydown="return okd(event);" id=ians onblur=checkans(this); style=display:inline-block;width:500px; type=text placeholder='Mobile users can gesture with correct number of fingers involved, for extra score.' value=''></input>

… directed “onkeydown” keyboard event calling …

function okd(evt) {
if (evt.altKey) {
return false;
} else if (evt.ctrlKey) {
return false;
} else if (evt.shiftKey) {
return false;
var ichar = evt.which || evt.keyCode;
if (ichar > 48 && ichar <= 57) { setTimeout(function(){ checkans(document.getElementById('ians')); }, 10); } else {''; return false; }
return true;

… Javascript event function, streamlining matters considerably.

And regarding “above the fold” meets “focus” meets “scrolling position” matters, we make more use of that textbox’s placeholder attribute, after it’s initial guise, filling it out with …

  • current score
  • wrong answer explanations … counterintuitively then being able to …
  • shorten it’s width

… for some more improvement, we think, because parts above become “just for show” should they be up the top out of view.

Previous relevant Mister Ed Mathematics Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Mister Ed Mathematics Primer Tutorial

Mister Ed Mathematics Primer Tutorial

Well, we all know …

A horse is a horse, of course, of course …

… and it’s become apparent to Nala that …

No one can talk to a horse, of course …

… but as Luna would tell you …

That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed!

And we wanted to harness these mathematical skills to write a new web application rewarding those eager beaver budding mathematicians (and, presumably, giving short shrift to people) with … well, see for yourself with the “how we got there” mr_ed_maths.html Mister Ed Maths web application …

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If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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