PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Animated GIF Tutorial

PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Animated GIF Tutorial

PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Animated GIF Tutorial

We’ve progressed yesterday’s PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Primer Tutorial via …

  • for browsed for PDFs got the “Image PDF” (image extraction) working … and …
  • for browsed for PDFs got the “Animated GIF” working

… the first stop getting anywhere being a tweaked client_browsing.htm client side HTML and Javascript inhouse helper change facilitating PDF content showing as a data URL, we found easier to deal with.

This aided and abetted a better and changed php_calls_pdfimages.php Pdfimages supervisory PHP web application. Stay tuned for more!

Previous relevant PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Primer Tutorial is shown below.

PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Primer Tutorial

PDF to Images on AlmaLinux Primer Tutorial

We’re starting down the road migrating our Pdfimages functionality from CentOS (where it hived the work onto a local web server) to AlmaLinux where we started with …

dnf install poppler-utils.x86_64

… and then started trying to get “browsed for” PDF data into an HTML element, as a start, before it ends up at the web server in a /tmp/ file.

Codewise, so far, that’s involved a changed php_calls_pdfimages.php Pdfimages supervisory PHP web application, helped out by a tweaked client_browsing.htm client side HTML and Javascript inhouse helper.

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