PHP Image Dimensions Linux and Windows Glob Curl Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Linux and Windows Glob Curl Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux and Windows Glob Curl Tutorial

Yes, we do believe that of the PHP modes of use, those being โ€ฆ

  • surfing the net
  • command line
  • curl

โ€ฆ there can be a role for curl as that hybrid โ€œbit of both worldsโ€ mode of use with todayโ€™schanged find_images_via_sizeโšซphp that can be downloaded or tried out at this liveโœ‚run link.

That circumstance is regarding when a user is online (ie. starts out โ€œsurfing the netโ€) and would prefer an option to just see the Image Dimensions report as a really simple โ€œno bells and whistlesโ€ offering. Though there are ways, at least with Linux (and macOS) tee command to do this quite neatly and stay in โ€œsurfing the netโ€ mode. But this did not appeal to us now that we support Windows as the underlying operating system. And this is where โ€œcurlโ€ being that hybrid is interesting, and there is โ€œdelimitationโ€ interest galore in our idea to, for this โ€œsimple report curl subprojectโ€ โ€ฆ

  • within โ€œsurfing the netโ€ mode offer a new HTML form input type=button as per โ€ฆ

    <input style='background-color:orange;font-size:20px;' type=button onclick='shortlist();' value=Short></input>

  • with Javascript event logic as per โ€ฆ

    function shortlist() {

    var ccmd=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?curl=' + encodeURIComponent('-p') + encodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode(9)) + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('path').title) + encodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode(9)) + encodeURIComponent('-f') + encodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode(9)) + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('filespec').title);

    var sels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');

    for (var isels=0; isels<sels.length; isels++) {

    if (('' + sels[isels].title) != '') {

    ccmd+=encodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode(9)) + encodeURIComponent(sels[isels].title);





  • feeding off the way we now utilize HTML form element (user) data collection element title attributes in conjunction with Javascript functions โ€ฆ

    function selsett(os) {

    for (var i=0; i<os.length; i++) {

    if (os.options[i].selected) {

    if ( == 'wo') {

    os.title=(os.options[i].title.replace(/\ /g,String.fromCharCode(9)) + String.fromCharCode(9) + document.getElementById('wv').value + String.fromCharCode(9)).replace(' ',' ').replace(' ',' ').replace(' ',' ');

    } else if ( == 'ho') {

    os.title=(os.options[i].title.replace(/\ /g,String.fromCharCode(9)) + String.fromCharCode(9) + document.getElementById('hv').value + String.fromCharCode(9)).replace(' ',' ').replace(' ',' ').replace(' ',' ');

    } else {

    os.title=os.options[i].title.replace(/\ /g,String.fromCharCode(9));





    function sett(os) {

    if ( == 'wv') {



    } else if ( == 'hv') {



    } else {




  • where the String.fromCharCode(9) (horizontal tab) delimitation used is a hint that โ€œcurlโ€ might be the โ€œend gameโ€ here โ€ฆ huh?! โ€ฆ well, โ€œcurlโ€ is called from the command line (or we do it in PHP โ€œsurfing the netโ€ mode via exec) and it takes as its argument an absolute URL, which as you probably know consists of โ€œ[absoluteURL]?arg1name=arg1value&arg2name=arg2valueโ€ type of arrangement โ€ฆ Linux/macOS alert!!! (and we all know the woooooorrrrrllllldd needs more lerts โ€ฆ but we digress) โ€ฆ in Linux/macOS โ€œ&โ€ has that other meaning of โ€œput command into backgroundโ€ โ€ฆ so rather than trying to work out โ€œcurlโ€ syntax in this scenario weโ€™ve always used alternative delimitation ideas (hence the tabs) in the one (now far more complex) โ€œ?arg1name=arg1valueโ€ data arrangement โ€ฆ leading to us โ€ฆ
  • recalling โ€œsurfing the netโ€ with that function shortlist ?curl=[complexArg1Value] and on that re-entry use the PHP to โ€ฆ

    if (isset($_GET['curl'])) { // in surfing the net mode wanting to call a curl mode of use execution

    exec("curl \"" . "HTTP://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "" . str_replace("find_images_via_size.php","",explode("#",explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0])[0]) . "find_images_via_size.php?commandline=" . urlencode(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['curl']))) . "\"");

    echo "<!doctype html><html><head><title>Find Images Via Size - RJM Programming - October, 2019</title><meta charset='utf-8'></head><body><div>Findโ€ƒImagesโ€ƒViaโ€ƒSize<br><br>RJMโ€ƒProgrammingโ€ƒ-โ€ƒOctober,โ€ƒ2019<br><br><br>Widthโ€ƒxโ€ƒHeightโ€ƒFile<br>" . str_replace(" ","โ€ƒ",str_replace("\n","<br>", file_get_contents("find_images_via_size.txt"))) . "</div></body></html>";



    if (isset($_GET['commandline'])) { // in curl mode

    $gcl=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['commandline']));

    if (!isset($argc)) {

    if (strpos($gcl, "\t") !== false) {

    $argv=explode("\t", "file_images_via_size.php\t" . $gcl);


    for ($ii=0; $ii<$argc; $ii++) {

    $argv[$ii]=trim($argv[$ii]); // join "command line" mode of use logic






    โ€ฆ rejoin โ€œcommand lineโ€ mode of use logic by inventing our own (does not normally exist with โ€œcurlโ€) $argv array of size $argc โ€ฆ and โ€ฆ
  • you can output Image Dimension report data in that simplified way to the webpage (rather than the command line) and make use of that (use of) &emsp; advice we got from this useful link regarding tabstop spacing simulation on a webpage (without using table elements) โ€ฆ thanks

โ€ฆ adding onto that โ€œcommand lineโ€ mode of use โ€œpushโ€ of yesterdayโ€™s PHP Image Dimensions Linux and Windows Glob Command Line Tutorial.

Previous relevant PHP Image Dimensions Linux and Windows Glob Command Line Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Linux and Windows Glob Command Line Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux and Windows Glob Command Line Tutorial

Yesterdayโ€™s PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Javascript Tutorial helped out a PHP โ€ฆ

  • โ€œsurfing the netโ€ mode of use โ€ฆ but what if you are on Windows? (well, today we link up PHPโ€™s globโ€˜s organizational skills with its image interrogation getimagesize skills to help) โ€ฆ and as far as โ€ฆ
  • โ€œcommand lineโ€ mode of use โ€ฆ yes, that could be useful as a report with brevity โ€ฆ no links, nor webpages, but still lots of the data of interest in a text Image Dimensions report

Differentiating these two different modes of use in PHP? Pretty simple really โ€ฆ


if (isset($argc)) {

// do command line mode of use logics here

} else {

// do surfing the net (or perhaps, curl), modes of use here logics here



If this is of interest, take a skeg at todayโ€™schanged find_images_via_sizeโšซphp that can be downloaded or tried out at this liveโœ‚run link.

Previous relevant PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Javascript Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Javascript Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Javascript Tutorial

Itโ€™s a little bit funny, this feeling inside, how yesterdayโ€™s PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed UX Tutorial was about UX (or user experience), what to our eyes very much involves โ€œfront-endโ€ concepts, yet the vast majority of work done on this remained on the โ€œserverโ€ side of the software coding ledger. Even our one tiny foray (via โ€œOperation 4Ay U Over There, โ€˜guvโ€) into Javascript โ€œclient landโ€ we used to set non-default select (dropdown) element values on analyzing posted data we could have handled in โ€œserver landโ€ by inserting some โ€œselectedโ€ HTML element attributes. And so, yesterday, we didnโ€™t even have a โ€œscriptโ€ tag within a โ€œheadโ€ tag, which is quite unusual.

Not so today, though, where we unleash Javascript in all its glorious โ€œclient sideโ€ partnership with the โ€œserver sideโ€ PHP, as a layer of web application logic for immediately before the user sees the web page, from that time when a โ€œweb browser address bar URLโ€ equates to Javascript DOMโ€™s โ€œdocument.URLโ€, through โ€œdocument onloadโ€ event logic and responding to user actions. Today, in this regard, we convert that hardcoded โ€œxโ€ between the width column and the height column into a select (dropdown) element initially showing that โ€œxโ€ but selectable so that โ€ฆ

  • Exif Information
  • Blog Search
  • Animated GIF Creation

โ€ฆ โ€œclient facingโ€ functionalities have been added with todayโ€™schanged find_images_via_sizeโšซphp that can be downloaded or tried out at this liveโœ‚run link.

Please note with Node.js Javascript is used as a โ€œserverโ€ language and โ€œclientโ€ language. Interesting, huh?!

Previous relevant PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed UX Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed UX Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed UX Tutorial

Yesterdayโ€™s PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Primer Tutorial set the scene for a new approach to an Image by Dimension Size web application idea. Today we turn our attention to โ€ฆ

  1. user experience (ie. UX) functionality improvements โ€ฆ
  2. user experience fixes for annoyances

โ€ฆ both contributors to the overall viability of a web application project.

What are some examples of this for this project? Weโ€™d say the offering of several โ€œsorting of dataโ€ mechanisms falls into the โ€œimprovementsโ€ category. The moving of the โ€œformโ€ back above the fold when there is a report to show is the fix of an annoyance, and, it pans out, an improvement, because we take advantage of this change to โ€ฆ

  • make it an optional โ€œreadโ€ for non-IE and non-Edge users by encasing it in a โ€œreveal starโ€ details tag (and its nested summary) HTML element encasing (initially set to โ€œhideโ€) โ€ฆ as well as โ€ฆ
  • start initializing form defaults according to user designations so that the form can also be like a report header helper, to explain the Image Find Parameters of an execution run

The emoji hashtag navigation? Doesnโ€™t matter either way, but at least brings attention to a navigational offering.

So hereโ€™s the thing. Am sure you can think of a whole swag of offerings to improve. It is up to the programmer, or user acceptance test results, to try to imagine improvement ideas and to imagine what might annoy. On hover (for non-mobile users) over an image link, for example, we faintly show that image full size as a (total) webpage background image. There might be those who hate any overlay clashes to be annoyed by what we were hoping would be an UX functional improvement. More assured, weโ€™d say, are the newly displayed thumbnail images next to the (image) URLs, that when clicked, still go off showing the user the full image in a new (target=_blank) window (or tab โ€ฆ which is a web browser setting of your choosing, to do with the web browser). UX considerations are subjective by nature, though you can look around the net and see lots of doโ€™s and donโ€™ts talked about ad infinitum with regard to UX.

So, โ€œUX-wiseโ€ see thechanged find_images_via_sizeโšซphp that can be downloaded or tried out at this liveโœ‚run link.

Previous relevant PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Primer Tutorial is shown below.

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Primer Tutorial

PHP Image Dimensions Linux Find File Awk Sed Primer Tutorial

Weโ€™ve written web applications to list image files via their dimension, based on the incredible ImageMagick, when we presented the blog post thread ending with PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Sort Tutorial. But ImageMagick, alas, does not come out of the box with an operating system, always. Looking for an image bigger than or equal to a particular dimension yesterday, our online research had us thinking, โ€œWhat about a macOS (or Mac OS X) and Linux โ€œPHP supervises exec supervises find pipes file pipes awk pipes sedโ€ solution (inspired by this useful link, thanks), relying on not much more than having a Unix (ie. Linux) shell?โ€ Sounds good?! And why, pray tell, when macOS has the Finder desktop app? Well, remarkably, here with macOS Mojave, we think weโ€™ve seen better times showing image dimensions. But even if we have missed something, weโ€™re looking for โ€ฆ

  • a report โ€ฆ ideally โ€ฆ
  • tabularized โ€ฆ ideally โ€ฆ
  • linkable to the images themselves โ€ฆ and user interactive tailorable as far as being able to โ€ฆ
  • define width and height operator and value constraints (eg. width >= 567 and height < 751)

โ€ฆ which is all beyond a GUI like macOSโ€™s Finder desktop app. But it isnโ€™t beyond our โ€œPHP supervises exec supervises find pipes file pipes awk pipes sedโ€ solution called find_images_via_sizeโšซphp that can be downloaded or tried out at this liveโœ‚run link.

Weโ€™ve long admired unixโ€™s (ie. Linuxโ€™s) sed but our admiration grew with todayโ€™s project. It truly is a star of a piece of software functionality. The modesty of โ€œman sedโ€โ€˜s โ€œsed โ€” stream editorโ€ heading belies the power of the combination โ€ฆ

  • โ€œstreamโ€ being any text piped to it โ€ฆ and โ€ฆ
  • โ€œeditorโ€ which covers a lot more than just a โ€ฆ
    1. โ€œsubstitutingโ€ tool โ€ฆ when you consider its โ€œregexโ€ type syntax particularly featuring its โ€œgroup regexโ€ syntax today allowing it to be โ€ฆ
    2. โ€œexpanding and repeating of dataโ€ tool โ€ฆ eg. find occurrence 1, replace with find occurrence (or back-reference) 1, find occurrence 2, replace with find occurrence (or back-reference) 2,

      $ echo " in Spain " | sed 's/\(\ \)\(in\ [^\ ]*\)/The rain\1\2\1falls mainly on the plain./g'

      The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.


Add the incredible Linux (and macOS command line) find and file and awk into the mix and behind the scenes of our PHP web application and PHP could have fed exec (after a quiche entree) โ€ฆ for the example of our MAMP document root HTTP://localhost:888/find_images_via_size.php address bar URL โ€ฆ

cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs; find . -name '*.*g' -exec file {} \; | sed 's/\(.*g\): .* \([0-9]* x [0-9]*\).*/\2 \1/' | awk 'int($1) > 500 && int($3) > 500 {print}' | sed 's/\(\ \)\(\.[^\<]*\)/\ \<a target=_blank title="\/Applications\/MAMP\/htdocs\/\2" href="\2"\>\2\<\/a\>/g'

โ€ฆ resulting in (the first five lines of result set) โ€ฆ

625 x 896 <a target=_blank title="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/./HTMLCSS/MIDI.js-master/examples/images/tuna.png" href="./HTMLCSS/MIDI.js-master/examples/images/tuna.png">./HTMLCSS/MIDI.js-master/examples/images/tuna.png</a>

2880 x 1800 <a target=_blank title="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/./HTMLCSS/web_audio.png" href="./HTMLCSS/web_audio.png">./HTMLCSS/web_audio.png</a>

800 x 563 <a target=_blank title="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/./vmcommerce/administrator/templates/hathor/template_preview.png" href="./vmcommerce/administrator/templates/hathor/template_preview.png">./vmcommerce/administrator/templates/hathor/template_preview.png</a>

800 x 767 <a target=_blank title="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/./vmcommerce/templates/atomic/template_preview.png" href="./vmcommerce/templates/atomic/template_preview.png">./vmcommerce/templates/atomic/template_preview.png</a>

2880 x 1800 <a target=_blank title="/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/./stopPropagation_preventDefault.png" href="./stopPropagation_preventDefault.png">./stopPropagation_preventDefault.png</a>

โ€ฆ the parts thereof gleaned via a combination of user interactive HTML input textbox values and PHP dirname(__FILE__) and Linux awk space delimiter arguments and Linux find data and Linux file data and Linux sed โ€œxโ€ inclusions and Linux sed edits (within as well, regarding those file and awk โ€œreplace with find occurrenceโ€ usages, but others override).

Previous relevant PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Sort Tutorial is shown below.

PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Sort Tutorial

PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Sort Tutorial

Itโ€™s natural for people to try to introduce order into their world. No matter what you think of the goings on in the world, you can โ€œretireโ€ into that โ€œcushioned worldโ€ of I.T. and create your own order. The most common form of โ€œorderโ€ used, we dare to guess, in the I.T. world is to sort data. Our data we started with yesterdayโ€™s PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Primer Tutorial in the form of image URLs and their dimensions (plus some other fields) presented in a table are a case in point where a lot of people would be quick to point out โ€œthat it would be good to sort by widthโ€ and those who would โ€œdo a triple pike with a double somersault to see data sorted by heightโ€.

If you are in charge of the data that forms your data, that is easy to arrange. But if you are the โ€œsecond sourceโ€ you need to work out your own ways to manipulate the data to be able to sort it usefully. We found these manipulations still only had to call on โ€ฆ

  • awk # command line processor repeats column field data
  • sed # command line editor most associated with pipe commands

โ€ฆ with the focus, today, on awkโ€˜s String functionality โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ preparing the ground for the Linux command โ€ฆ

  • sort # sort with its -k -t -n -r switches

โ€ฆ enabling the useful sorting of image URL filespec data presented in a table โ€ฆ order indeed!

You can retry this out for yourself at todayโ€™s liveโœ‚run link with its underlying serverside PHP code you could call image_dimensionsโšซphp and changed in thisway as you wish.

Previous relevant PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Primer Tutorial is shown below.

PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Primer Tutorial

PHP ImageMagick Image Dimensions Primer Tutorial

We revisit the talents of the brilliant ImageMagickโ€˜s Identify command featuring, last, in Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Png Metadata Tutorial to start down the road of a web server image information presenter web application.

With ImageMagick command line โ€ฆ

identify [webServerImageFileSpec]

โ€ฆ sums up what we build a web application around, having a PHP shell use its exec method to filter the information through (Linux command line) โ€ฆ

  • awk # command line processor repeats column field data
  • sed # command line editor most associated with pipe commands

โ€ฆ to result in the table contents of our image (specification) table in our web application today.

You can try this out for yourself at todayโ€™s liveโœ‚run link with its underlying serverside PHP code you could call image_dimensionsโšซphp as you wish.

Previous relevant Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Png Metadata Tutorial is shown below.

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Png Metadata Tutorial

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Png Metadata Tutorial

Todayโ€™s โ€œfoot further into the waterโ€ progress building on Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Jpeg Exif Tutorial, as shown below, has a posting title that includes the word โ€œGeolocationโ€, but alas, weโ€™ve found with PNG files coming off our iPad that Geolocation or Geotagging information is lost, unlike our recent iPad JPEG files, and so our preference for the latter has become stronger. We discuss this also at WordPress 4.1.1โ€™s Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Png Metadata Tutorial. However, there are other interesting pieces of information regarding an image that donโ€™t involve the โ€œwhereโ€ of life, and so we find this topic interesting even so, and hope you do too.

As with so many issues in Information Technology, there are often many approaches to solving problems, and we took the first approach of just some of the possibilities for approaches to PNG metadata processing, listed below โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ and so, once again, we find useful work for the wonderful ImageMagick software product for our purposes. As we say, our foot is just further in the water, and there is more analysis and testing we feel necessary here, but hope this helps you out or is a source of ideas for you.

We leave you with the reworked read_exif_off_image_rotateโšซphp, changed thisway, that has this corresponding new liveโœ‚run.

Previous relevant Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Jpeg Exif Tutorial is shown below.

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Jpeg Exif Tutorial

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Jpeg Exif Tutorial

Maybe you were here when we left off with Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Primer Tutorial as shown below โ€ฆ

  • amazed at the power of mobile devices, specifically an iPad, with their Camera apps and Geolocation data โ€ฆ and/or โ€ฆ
  • not knowing enough โ€ฆ and still not โ€ฆ about when the iPad chooses to output the photograph in *.PNG or *.JPG โ€ฆ ie. the blurb below about meta data versus exif data โ€ฆ and โ€ฆ
  • vowing to be like Fu Manchu โ€ฆ so here we are

Okay, you might want to read more about that iPad decision regarding *.PNG versus *.JPG, and you may want to start here, but in any case, with our fish photographs from that day we got a mix of โ€ฆ

  • JPG
  • PNG

โ€ฆ and as far as teeing into Geolocation (or Geotagging) data goes we, so far, much prefer JPG, because we can use PHP exif methods, and todayโ€™s tutorial is about that, building on what we did at PHP Exif Image Information Rotation Tutorial. As far as the PNG photos go โ€ฆ well, thereโ€™s more to do regarding metadata considerations, and we havenโ€™t given up on that โ€ฆ but that is for another day. In the meantime, enjoy the reworked read_exif_off_image_rotateโšซphp, changed thisway, that has this corresponding new liveโœ‚run link to show that GPS data we havenโ€™t seen up until the fish photographs, and interpreting the exif data now, means we can display a Google Chart Map Chart โ€ฆ

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Jpeg Exif Tutorial

โ€ฆ showing the Geolocation context of where and when, and even how high up, this photograph was taken. Cute, huh?!

Previous relevant Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Primer Tutorial

Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Primer Tutorial

We had occasion to read here about resetting Location Services on an iPad โ€ฆ which, we need to say, youโ€™d only read about and contemplate if something youโ€™ve done has stopped a Geolocation thing you wanted to happen to no longer happen and youโ€™ve ruled out tweaks to Location Service individual app settings with regard to this (and you may have been in on the discussion we had with some time back with Location Services iPad Battery Loss Issue Tutorial) โ€ฆ and the result of doing this opened up the iPadโ€™s Camera app for permission for Location Services to record Geolocation data, and it looks like, time, information on the photographs you take. We also explore this subject at WordPress 4.1.1โ€™s Location Services iPad Camera Geolocation Primer Tutorial. Presumably, this happens in the photographโ€™s exif data, perhaps (am not promising, might pan out to be metadata) โ€ฆ which interests us as well, and weโ€™ll go into that more soon.

So we used this functionality, as well as zooming in on some fish in our pond for todayโ€™s digital photography sojourn. Maybe seeing fish is a source of mindfulness โ€ฆ


โ€ฆ for you, as it seems to help for me?

The Geolocation aspects are great, as you can imagine, for helping document a trip, in pictures, even well after the event, if you can get the context of where you are when a photograph is taken.

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