PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

PHP Recompiles C Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

For years and years, before the Internet, there were (and still are) the publicly accessible desktop application worlds of โ€ฆ

  • Windows with command line DOS
  • Mac with command line (a lot like, but not exactly) Linux

โ€ฆ and in either of these woooorrrllldddsss, or within any Unix or Linux environment, for years and years the C programming language was a big programming language presence.

Weโ€™re hooking into this C programming today because up at our AlmaLinux web server we have the gcc (ie. GNU Compiler Collection) compiler available to compile C code into an executable program.

And we didnโ€™t argue with the great Numerical Bubble Sort C code basis we visited at W3schools, thanks, and so weโ€™re allowing users to โ€ฆ

  • tweak that code โ€ฆ ie. weโ€™d be mad not to control the bulk of what a user can do โ€ฆ so that โ€ฆ
  • a user can add their own integer comma separated array list โ€ฆ our PHP โ€ฆ
  • creates a new_bubble_sort.c โ€ฆ and as the PHP explains โ€ฆ
  • use PHP exec and shell_exec to โ€ฆ

    $ gcc new_bubble_sort.c -o bubble_sort

    $ ./bubble_sort

  • outputting a sorted array result

โ€ฆ further to that discussion back with CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial, some time ago now, going along the same lines.

See โ€ฆ

Previous relevant CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

CSH/KSH/PHP Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that follows up on yesterdayโ€™s C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial as shown below, in an โ€œoh, I forgotโ€ moment to make the link between the programming language C (and then C++) and its relationship to the Linux or unix shell scripting environment C Shell (weโ€™ll be saying CSH) (ie. today we go from a compiling language to an interpretive scripting set of languages), and CSHโ€™s relationship with (the remarkable, the wonderful, the stupendous) awk, making functionality like numerical sorts quite easy just using shell scripting functionality. Well, thatโ€™s how it started with work on the Linux command line here on this Mac laptop using the Terminal application. But, and am so very very very sorry to start a sentence with but โ€ฆ but, well you see thereโ€™s this โ€ฆ but I digress โ€ฆ I thought this could become a webpage or web application pretty easily by involving our old favourite PHP/exec combination (with code rewritten for Korn Shell (weโ€™ll be saying KSH)), because the domain prefers KSH Korn shell โ€ฆ so we proceeded along those lines โ€ฆ and then lo and behold, it was apparent this could also be written for all the three PHP โ€œmodes of useโ€ (latest โ€œfoot in the doorโ€ tutorial for this would be PHP Modes of Use File Traverse Tutorial) weโ€™ve been talking about here lately at this blog โ€ฆ namely PHP used with curl and the command line usage and the web browser usage.

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

So in the CSH scripting code youโ€™ll (need, maybe, to open up execute privileges via a command like chmod 755 ./bubble_sort.*sh and) see:

  • The use of set via set variable=value syntax โ€ฆ will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages (who like to add $ โ€ฆ (who doesnโ€™t?))
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./bubble_sort.csh 22 2 15 0 โ€ฆ adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the script
  • The CSH (and very C like) way of incrementing numerical variables via @ variable++ syntax
  • The use of the underlying Linux operating system command to (numerically) sort (ie. sort -n[r]) โ€ฆ whether it uses a โ€œbubble sortโ€ am not totally sure โ€ฆ but if not try the โ€œbuble sortโ€ โ€ฆ chortle, chortle
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one โ€ฆ doh! โ€ฆ in that we have a stipulation for a numerical data sort

Found this link very useful for C shell (ie. CSH) research โ€ฆ thanks.

Link to some downloadable CSH programming code โ€ฆ rename to bubble_sortโšซcsh โ€ฆ okay at Linux command line at this Mac, at least โ€ฆ but for web server usage needed โ€ฆ

Link to some downloadable KSH programming code โ€ฆ rename to bubble_sortโšซksh โ€ฆ the differences described by bubble_sortcsh

Link to some downloadable PHP programming code โ€ฆ rename to bubble_sortโšซphp โ€ฆ which can supervise bubble_sort.ksh above using PHP exec command in the, aforementioned, โ€œmodes of useโ€:

  1. Via http transport layer (ie. web browsing, or โ€œsurfing the netโ€) in an Internet mode of use (eg: // in address bar of a web browser
  2. Via curl in an Internet mode of use (eg. curl // at Linux or unix or Windows command line
  3. Via command line PHP in Linux or unix or Windows command line in a command or Intranet mode of use (eg. php ./bubble_sort.php 12 37 82 0) at a Linux or unix or Windows command line

Previous relevant C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial is shown below.

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

C++ Xcode Numerical Bubble Sort Tutorial

Here is a tutorial that uses the Xcode IDE on a Mac laptop to create a C++ desktop compiled application using a Bubble Sort method to numerically sort some numbers (ie. double).

Attempting to write code with a generic eye has the advantage that you end up with more flexibility, and, usually, more readable code.

Some ideas used in todayโ€™s code include:

  • The use of Preprocessor directives via #define identifier replacement syntax โ€ฆ will fit in with all those lovers of interpretive languages
  • The use of Command line arguments as with ./Test 22 2 15 0 โ€ฆ adds to the flexibility of your code with the user being able to tailor each usage of the executable
  • The use of a pointer to an array within a function, meaning that the data can be changed (ie. sorted) in situ rather than returning a value (or resorting to a global variable array) โ€ฆ hence we use void numerically_sort_array(double* asort, int isize = ASIZE, bool ascending = (SMODE != 0)) โ€ฆ you could change the void return, to return an error code, for example
  • The C++ use of default values in parameters of the function call, making use of the Preprocessor directives, so that the call could make sense as numerically_sort_array(psarray); as numerically_sort_array(psarray, 1000, true); โ€ฆ such thoughts come into play, in C++, also when considering Overloading
  • The deliberate pointing out of any important restriction should there be one โ€ฆ doh! โ€ฆ in that we have a stipulation for a double data type array โ€ฆ and have not implemented any Template functionality, on this occasion

Link to some downloadable C++ programming code โ€ฆ rename to mainโšซcpp for use.

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