PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Names Tutorial
Am sure there are a lot of users out there whoโd prefer being referred to by their name rather than some form of number in their online activities. But we donโt want to be nosy and have an optional paradigm going with assigning names to our online Sudoku game players, else the default and fall through option is to refer to our players via a number basis, based on their IP address and web browser brand.
Notice how, sometimes above (and elsewhere), looking at a scenario from within the iframe โchildโโs point of view, we can call โparentโ Javascript, for example โฆ
//$aswell.=โ parent.document.getElementById(โ . โโsudokui'โ . โ).placeholder=parent.document.getElementById(โ . โโsudokui'โ . โ).placeholder.replace(โ . โโ(others typing)โ,'(bit before a colon is your name)'โ . โ); โ;
$aswell.=โ parent.document.getElementById(โ . โโsudokui'โ . โ).placeholder=parent.document.getElementById(โ . โโsudokui'โ . โ).placeholder.replace(โ . โ/\([^\)]*\)/g,'(bit before a colon is โ + ((parent.pargyn().length > 0) ? parent.pargyn() + โ)โ : โyour name)โ)โ . โ); โ;
PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Typing Tutorial
Weโve seen chat websites and SMS messaging types of apps that indicate to users in communication with each other when another user is typing, so that they have a chance to wait for that correspondence before sending their own next piece of correspondence. And so, onto yesterdayโs PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Notifications Tutorialโs chat functionality we wanted to try to code for this functionality.
What events on the chat textbox can help?
onkeydown event can be used to indicate chat typing ahead of โฆ
onblur event can be used to determine when typing ends and sending of correspondence begins
ithis.title='Last chat you contributed at ' + hdate + ' was ... ' + ithis.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39)).replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39));
ithis.placeholder='Optionally chat here (bit before a colon is your name) ... last chat was at ' + hdate;
} //else {
โ; ?>
indent user player chat in chronological order of appearance โฆ
if (isset($_GET['thegame']) && isset($_GET['random'])) {
ithis.title='Last chat you contributed at ' + hdate + ' was ... ' + ithis.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39)).replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39));
ithis.placeholder='Optionally chat here (bit before a colon is your name) ... last chat was at ' + hdate;
โฆ conduits to involving outside parties into your Sudoku โpartyโ, via an invitation to the relevant emailee or mobile number, respectively. Once the invites are answered, it can be like a chat session for the collaborators, featuring โฆ
textbox (input type=text) chat elements โฆ and an accumulated โฆ
textarea total chat session (most recent to the top)
What goes to make up this โchatโ feature?
start involving PHP as the /Games/Sudoku/ default webpage
using that PHP itself to store data required to make this happen (effectively the โchatโ data source) via the PHP reading its own content (as well as the content of thechangedsudokuhtm)
calling the self same PHP with different $_GET[] arguments in a child iframe element at regular intervals, and, as necessary, update the textarea content above
an inflexible โEasyโ and โHardโ mode of use, using a set pattern of revealed squares โฆ
var easyarr=',3,4,7,10,12,14,15,19,20,27,28,29,30,32,34,39,41,44,45,49,51,52,55,57,59,61,67,68,70,71,74,75,76,80,';
var hardarr=',1,5,8,9,13,19,21,28,33,36,37,39,43,49,52,54,61,62,63,67,69,70,72,80,';
โฆ but, today, as a personalization measure, we allow โฆ
user control over that pattern of revealed squares (via a new โTailoredโ option in the top mode of play dropdown) โฆ
var'mustbeguessed=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('mustbeguessed=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
var'mustnotbeguessed=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('mustnotbeguessed=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
function askmaybe(indef) {
var tans='';
var tpars='';
if (indef.indexOf('tailored=') == 0) {
tans=prompt('Using square numbers of 9x9 grid from 1 to 81, specify in comma separated list, where prefixed by minus would be pre-answered else represents squares to be answered, for Sudoku game to follow. To remember for the future involve leading or trailing spaces. Involve an x to delete any pre-existing saved tailored Sudoku game configurations.', '');
if (tans == null) { tans=''; }
var atansarr=tans.replace(/x/g,'').replace(/X/g,'').split(',');
if (gls!= '' && tans.toLowerCase().indexOf('x') != -1) {
// via document.body onload call via ... <body onload="checkls(); while (!okay) { okay=newgame(); }">
โฆ meaning you can set up a personalized Sudoku level of difficulty called upon each time you start it up again when using the same device and web browser combination with ourchangedsudokuhtmSudoku game feel free to try below, as well.
Today weโve got an inhouse version of a well known mathematical (but you donโt have to be a mathematician to play) game called Sudoku which you regularly find in the puzzles section of the newspaper, like the KenKen game of HTML/Javascript KenKen Game Primer Tutorial times.
The rules are, for our version โฆ
there are 81 squares in a 9ร9 grid that need to get assigned a counting number from 1 to 9, but some are filled out already to help you
no row of nine should contain a duplicate counting number
no column of nine should contain a duplicate counting number
none of the 9 3ร3 squares within that 9ร9 grid should contain a duplicate counting number
Simple, when put like that, but can be quite challenging in the solving!
KenKen is a well known mathematical game, featuring in the puzzle section of some newspapers. We see it here in Sydney, Australia, in The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper.
Do not know what the paper KenKen puzzle creators use to create their KenKen puzzles, but we do end up with a bit of a trial and error approach (populating the KenKen grid with numbers).
Am sure if you are interested in the methodology you would not have too much trouble seeing what we did by examining the HTML and Javascript code you could call kenkenhtml
KenKen consists of a grid (ours is 6ร6) of numbers (from 1 to 6) not repeated horizontally nor vertically within that grid.
The user solving the KenKen puzzle is not shown those numbers, except the ones caught in a 1ร1 โcageโ โฆ and these can help you greatly to solve the puzzle, the rest of which is made up of 1ร2 and 1ร3 โcagesโ that have a โclueโ โฆ for example โฆ
โฆ which tell you a clue about the numbers you can use dropdowns with which to solve.
There is no surprise with the HTML โgridโ being composed of an HTML table element, shadowed by a multi-dimensional array we initialize for our 6ร6 grid scenario via โฆ
var mda=[[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]];
in the Javascript.
Youโll see that we made use of the HTML sup tag for a superimposed feel to the clues within some of the grid squares at the start of the โcageโ.
Hope you get some HTML and Javascript ideas about games, and have fun playing this mathematical and logic game, today, with our liverun.
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If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.
If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.
PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Names Tutorial

PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Names Tutorial
Am sure there are a lot of users out there whoโd prefer being referred to by their name rather than some form of number in their online activities. But we donโt want to be nosy and have an optional paradigm going with assigning names to our online Sudoku game players, else the default and fall through option is to refer to our players via a number basis, based on their IP address and web browser brand.
Involving names onto the chat typing โsmartsโ of yesterdayโs PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Typing Tutorial, today, involves some PHP writing out some new Javascript arrays and functions โฆ
<?php echo โ
var yourname='';
var mapfrom=[];
var mapto=[];
var mapft='';
function domaps() {
if (mapfrom.length > 0) {
for (var ii=0; ii<mapfrom.length; ii++) {
document.getElementById('sudokui').placeholder=document.getElementById('sudokui').placeholder.replace('(' + mapfrom[ii] + ' ', '(' + mapto[ii] + ' ').replace(' ' + mapfrom[ii] + ' ', ' ' + mapto[ii] + ' ');
function mapfromto(ifrom, ito) {
if (mapft.indexOf(' ' + ifrom + ' ' + ito + ' ') == -1) {
if (mapft.indexOf(' ' + ifrom + ' ') != -1) {
for (var ik=0; ik<mapfrom.length; ik++) {
if (mapfrom[ik] == ifrom) { mapto[ik] = ito; }
} else {
mapft+=' ' + ifrom + ' ' + ito + ' ';
function pargyn() {
return yourname;
โ; ?>
โฆ teaming with a new HTML iframe element โฆ
<?php echo โ
<iframe id=xnotif src="./index.php?noaction=y" style="display:none;"></iframe>
โ; ?>
โฆ and โkicked offโ as far as (Javascript) usage goes, when the Sudoku numbers have been finalized โฆ
<?php echo โ
var prevvs='-1';
function aftervn() {
if (prevvs != document.getElementById('vsarrs').value) {
var esels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var ejj=0; ejj<esels.length; ejj++) {
if (('' + esels[ejj].id) != 'smode') {
document.getElementById('xnotif').src='./index.php?vsarrs=' + encodeURIComponent(prevvs) + '&namecheck=y&myname=' + encodeURIComponent(yourname) + '&ipme=" . urlencode($weare) . "' + '&thegame=' + (thenums.substring(0,81)) + '&rnd=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765643);
function xn() {
if (1 == 1) {
var esels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var ejj=0; ejj<esels.length; ejj++) {
if (('' + esels[ejj].id) != 'smode') {
document.getElementById('xnotif').src='./index.php?vsarrs=' + encodeURIComponent(prevvs) + '&namecheck=y&myname=' + encodeURIComponent(yourname) + '&ipme=" . urlencode($weare) . "' + '&thegame=' + (thenums.substring(0,81)) + '&rnd=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765643);
setInterval(aftervn, 3000);
function tacheck() {
var esels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
var onechar=' ', twochar=' ';
for (var ejj=0; ejj<esels.length; ejj++) {
if (('' + esels[ejj].id) != 'smode') {
if (eval('' + thenums.length) < 81) {
setTimeout(tacheck, 3000);
} else if (ioffis != 0) {
for (var iejj=0; iejj<esels.length; iejj++) {
if (('' + esels[iejj].id) != 'smode') {
onechar=String.fromCharCode(eval(Math.abs(ioffis) + twochar.charCodeAt(0)));
//alert(esels[iejj].getAttribute('data-answer') + ' vs twochar=' + twochar + ' vs onechar=' + onechar + ' ioffis=' + ioffis + ' twochar.charCodeAt(0)=' + twochar.charCodeAt(0));
esels[iejj].setAttribute('data-answer', onechar);
setTimeout(tacheck, 3000);
โ; ?>
โฆ and those iframe โsrcโ attribute changes bring on re-calls of (the same PHP data sourceโs) โฆ
if (isset($_GET['thegame']) && isset($_GET['namecheck'])) {
if (isset($_GET['vsarrs'])) { $vsarrs='' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['vsarrs'])); }
$thatset='' . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['thegame']));
$thisset='' . str_replace('(','9',str_replace('*','8',str_replace('&','7',str_replace('^','6',str_replace('$','4',str_replace('#','3',str_replace('@','2',str_replace('!','1',str_replace('1','(',str_replace('2','*',str_replace('3','&',str_replace('4','^',str_replace('6','$',str_replace('7','#',str_replace('8','@',str_replace('9','!',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['thegame']))))))))))))))))));
while ($doaloop) {
$allcontentw=file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php');
if (strpos($allcontentw, '/' . '*') !== false && strpos($allcontentw, '*' . '/') === false) {
$allcontentw.="\n" . '*' . '/' . "\n" . '?' . '>';
$relr=explode((';' . $thisset . ';'), $allcontentw);
if (('' . sizeof($relr)) == '0' || ('' . sizeof($relr)) == '1') {
$relr=explode((';' . $thatset . ';'), $allcontentw);
//file_put_contents('x.x', '' . sizeof($relr) . ' for ;' . $thisset . ";\n" . $allcontentw);
if (('' . sizeof($relr)) != ('' . $vsarrs)) {
$vsarrs='' . sizeof($relr);
for ($iwr=1; $iwr<sizeof($relr); $iwr++) {
$lfld=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode("\n", $relr[$iwr])[0]));
if (strpos($lfld, ':') !== false) {
$renamebits.=" parent.mapfromto('" . explode(';',$relr[-1 + $iwr])[-1 + sizeof(explode(';',$relr[-1 + $iwr]))] . "','" . explode(':', $lfld)[0] . "'); ";
if ($renamebits != '') { $renamebit.=' parent.domaps(); '; }
echo '<html><body onload=" parent.document.getElementById(' . "'vsarrs'" . ').value=' . "'" . $vsarrs . "'" . '; ' . $renamebits . ' "></body></html>';
} else {
Notice how, sometimes above (and elsewhere), looking at a scenario from within the iframe โchildโโs point of view, we can call โparentโ Javascript, for example โฆ
โฆ and โฆ
Also notice with thechanged collaboration and sharing logic for index
php PHP Sudoku game that you should feel free to try and collaborate with below, as well, how we have decoupled the PHP from the (need for the) original HTML (to exist), meaning just having the one PHP code source will run your Sudoku game.
Previous relevant PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Typing Tutorial is shown below.
PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Chat Typing Tutorial
Weโve seen chat websites and SMS messaging types of apps that indicate to users in communication with each other when another user is typing, so that they have a chance to wait for that correspondence before sending their own next piece of correspondence. And so, onto yesterdayโs PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Notifications Tutorialโs chat functionality we wanted to try to code for this functionality.
What events on the chat textbox can help?
โฆ in thetweaked HTML/Javascript basis of sudoku
htm referenced by thechat typing detection parts to collaboration and sharing logic for index
php PHP Sudoku game that you should feel free to try and collaborate with below, as well.
Previous relevant PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Notifications Tutorial is shown below.
PHP/HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Notifications Tutorial
Say the word โcollaborationโ, as with yesterdayโs HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Tutorial start, and we think, as far as communication conduits go weโd like to start using โฆ
<?php echo โ
function ifcheck() {
if (eval('' + thenums.length) >= 81) {
document.getElementById('sudokuif').src='./index.php?thegame=' + thenums.substring(0,81) + '&random=' + encodeURIComponent(Math.floor(Math.random() * 19878654));
var vstabit=tabit;
if (document.getElementById('tais')) {
if (vstabit != tabit) {
document.getElementById('tais').rows='' + vstabit.split(String.fromCharCode(10)).length;
var hhdate=new Date();
document.getElementById('sudokui').placeholder='Optionally chat here (bit before a colon is your name) ... last chat was at ' + hhdate;
if (document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0].trim() != '') {
if ((lastbofyours.indexOf(document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0].trim()) != -1 && document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0].trim() != '' && lastbofyours != '') || (amhost && document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0].indexOf('Welcome to our Sudoku game') != -1)) {
} else {
if (yourname.trim() != '' && document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0].indexOf(':') == -1) {
document.getElementById('notif').src='/HTMLCSS/notifications_ideas.php?scheduledblurb=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0] + ' (' + yourname + ')');
} else {
document.getElementById('notif').src='/HTMLCSS/notifications_ideas.php?scheduledblurb=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('tais').value.split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0]);
โ; ?>
โฆ in addition to yesterdayโs โฆ
โฆ methodologies to aid with communications among users sharing the same modifiedHTML/Javascript basis of sudoku
htm Sudoku game.
A few more changes involve โฆ
<?php echo โ
var yourname='';
function iblur(ithis) {
var esels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var ejj=0; ejj<esels.length; ejj++) {
if (('' + esels[ejj].id) != 'smode') {
if (ithis.value.trim() != '' && eval('' + thenums.length) >= 81) {
if (yourname == '' && ithis.value.indexOf(':') != -1) {
} else if (ithis.value.indexOf(':') != -1) {
if (ithis.value.split(':')[0].indexOf(' ') == -1) {
ithis.value=ithis.value.replace(/\//g,' ').replace(/\*/g,' ').replace(/\;/g,' ').replace(/\\\"/g,' ').replace(/\'/g,' ').replace(/\(/g,'{').replace(/\)/g,'}');
if (yourname.trim() != '' && ithis.value.indexOf(':') == -1) {
ithis.value=yourname + ': ' + ithis.value;
document.getElementById('sudokuif').src='./index.php?thegame=' + tenminus(thenums.substring(0,81)) + '&newmsg=' + encodeURIComponent(ithis.value);
var hdate=new Date();
ithis.title='Last chat you contributed at ' + hdate + ' was ... ' + ithis.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39)).replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39));
ithis.placeholder='Optionally chat here (bit before a colon is your name) ... last chat was at ' + hdate;
} //else {
โ; ?>
if (isset($_GET['thegame']) && isset($_GET['random'])) {
$allcontentx=file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php');
$lcsx=explode('/' . '*', $allcontentx);
//file_put_contents('azx.azx', '' . sizeof($lcs) . ' ' . $cuda . ';' . $thisset);
if (sizeof($lcsx) > 1) {
$collabx=explode('*' . '/', $lcsx[1])[0];
$linesx=explode("\n", $collabx);
$thisxset=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['thegame'])); //'' . str_replace('(','9',str_replace('*','8',str_replace('&','7',str_replace('^','6',str_replace('$','4',str_replace('#','3',str_replace('@','2',str_replace('!','1',str_replace('1','(',str_replace('2','*',str_replace('3','&',str_replace('4','^',str_replace('6','$',str_replace('7','#',str_replace('8','@',str_replace('9','!',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['thegame']))))))))))))))))));
//$thisxset='' . str_replace('(','9',str_replace('*','8',str_replace('&','7',str_replace('^','6',str_replace('$','4',str_replace('#','3',str_replace('@','2',str_replace('!','1',str_replace('1','(',str_replace('2','*',str_replace('3','&',str_replace('4','^',str_replace('6','$',str_replace('7','#',str_replace('8','@',str_replace('9','!',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['thegame']))))))))))))))))));
for ($ilx=0; $ilx<sizeof($linesx); $ilx++) {
if ($sofarx == ";") {
$sofarx.=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode(';', $linesx[$ilx])[1]))) . ';';
} else if (sizeof(explode(';' . explode(';', $linesx[$ilx])[1] . ';', $sofarx)) == 1) {
$maxb.=" ";
$sofarx.=str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode(';', $linesx[$ilx])[1]))) . ';';
} else {
$rest=explode(';' . explode(';', $linesx[$ilx])[1] . ';', $sofarx)[0];
if ($rest != "") {
for ($iop=1; $iop<sizeof(explode(';', $rest)); $iop++) {
$thisb.=" ";
$parts=explode('' . $thisxset . ';', $linesx[$ilx]);
if (sizeof($parts) == 2) {
$taxbit=$thisb . str_replace(' ',' + ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($parts[1]))) . "\n" . $taxbit;
if ($taxbit != "") {
echo '<html><body onload=" parent.document.getElementById(' . "'toright'" . ').style.display=' . "'table-cell'" . '; parent.document.getElementById(' . "'tais'" . ').value=' . "'" . str_replace("\n","' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '",$taxbit) . "'" . '; "></body></html>';
.bright { border-right: 5px solid black; }
.bbottom { border-bottom: 5px solid black; }
td { font-size: 24px; width: 11%; height: 9%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; }
select { font-size: 24px; }
th { text-align: left; vertical-align: top; }
textarea { width: 95%; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,0,0.5) 20px, white 8%); }
input { width: 95%; }
<?php echo โ
function iblur(ithis) {
var esels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var ejj=0; ejj<esels.length; ejj++) {
if (('' + esels[ejj].id) != 'smode') {
if (ithis.value.trim() != '' && eval('' + thenums.length) >= 81) {
if (yourname == '' && ithis.value.indexOf(':') != -1) {
} else if (ithis.value.indexOf(':') != -1) {
if (ithis.value.split(':')[0].indexOf(' ') == -1) {
ithis.value=ithis.value.replace(/\//g,' ').replace(/\*/g,' ').replace(/\;/g,' ').replace(/\\\"/g,' ').replace(/\'/g,' ').replace(/\(/g,'{').replace(/\)/g,'}');
if (yourname.trim() != '' && ithis.value.indexOf(':') == -1) {
ithis.value=yourname + ': ' + ithis.value;
document.getElementById('sudokuif').src='./index.php?thegame=' + tenminus(thenums.substring(0,81)) + '&newmsg=' + encodeURIComponent(ithis.value);
var hdate=new Date();
ithis.title='Last chat you contributed at ' + hdate + ' was ... ' + ithis.value.replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39)).replace(String.fromCharCode(34),String.fromCharCode(39));
ithis.placeholder='Optionally chat here (bit before a colon is your name) ... last chat was at ' + hdate;
} //else {
โ; ?>
โฆ to round out thetweaked collaboration and sharing logic for index
php PHP Sudoku game that you should feel free to try and collaborate with below, as well.
Previous relevant HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Tutorial is shown below.
HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Collaboration Tutorial
Onto yesterdayโs HTML/Javascript Sudoku Personalized Game Tutorialโs progress with our Sudoku game is todayโs collaboration and sharing phase, offering โฆ
โฆ conduits to involving outside parties into your Sudoku โpartyโ, via an invitation to the relevant emailee or mobile number, respectively. Once the invites are answered, it can be like a chat session for the collaborators, featuring โฆ
What goes to make up this โchatโ feature?
โฆ as thecollaboration and sharing logic added to index
php Sudoku game that you should feel free to try and collaborate with below, as well.
Previous relevant HTML/Javascript Sudoku Personalized Game Tutorial is shown below.
HTML/Javascript Sudoku Personalized Game Tutorial
Yesterdayโs HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Primer Tutorial gave us a โfirst draftโ look at the Sudoku game which featured โฆ
var easyarr=',3,4,7,10,12,14,15,19,20,27,28,29,30,32,34,39,41,44,45,49,51,52,55,57,59,61,67,68,70,71,74,75,76,80,';
var hardarr=',1,5,8,9,13,19,21,28,33,36,37,39,43,49,52,54,61,62,63,67,69,70,72,80,';
โฆ but, today, as a personalization measure, we allow โฆ
var'mustbeguessed=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('mustbeguessed=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
var'mustnotbeguessed=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent('mustnotbeguessed=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
function askmaybe(indef) {
var tans='';
var tpars='';
if (indef.indexOf('tailored=') == 0) {
tans=prompt('Using square numbers of 9x9 grid from 1 to 81, specify in comma separated list, where prefixed by minus would be pre-answered else represents squares to be answered, for Sudoku game to follow. To remember for the future involve leading or trailing spaces. Involve an x to delete any pre-existing saved tailored Sudoku game configurations.', '');
if (tans == null) { tans=''; }
var atansarr=tans.replace(/x/g,'').replace(/X/g,'').split(',');
if (gls!= '' && tans.toLowerCase().indexOf('x') != -1) {
for (var it=0; it<atansarr.length; it++) {
if (('' + atansarr[it]).trim() != '') {
if (('' + atansarr[it] + ' ').indexOf('-') == 0) {
if (tpars.indexOf('mustnotbeguessed=') == -1) { tpars+='&mustnotbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim().substring(1); } else { tpars=tpars.replace('&mustnotbeguessed=', '&mustnotbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim().substring(1) + ','); }
} else {
if (tpars.indexOf('mustbeguessed=') == -1) { tpars+='&mustbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim(); } else { tpars=tpars.replace('&mustbeguessed=', '&mustbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim() + ','); }
if (tpars != '') {
if (tans.trim() != tans) {
if (getls() != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('sudokudefs', encodeURIComponent(tpars.substring(1)));
return tpars.substring(1);
return indef;
โฆ as well as a way to have โฆ
var gls=getls();
function getls() {
return decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('sudokudefs')).replace(/^undefined/g,'').replace(/^null/g,''));
function checkls() {
if (gls != '' && document.URL.indexOf('?') == -1) {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?' + gls;
// via document.body onload call via ... <body onload="checkls(); while (!okay) { okay=newgame(); }">
โฆ meaning you can set up a personalized Sudoku level of difficulty called upon each time you start it up again when using the same device and web browser combination with ourchanged sudoku
htm Sudoku game feel free to try below, as well.
Previous relevant HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Primer Tutorial is shown below.
HTML/Javascript Sudoku Game Primer Tutorial
Today weโve got an inhouse version of a well known mathematical (but you donโt have to be a mathematician to play) game called Sudoku which you regularly find in the puzzles section of the newspaper, like the KenKen game of HTML/Javascript KenKen Game Primer Tutorial times.
The rules are, for our version โฆ
Simple, when put like that, but can be quite challenging in the solving!
Feel free to try our first draft sudoku
html Suduko
game you can try in a new window, or below โฆ
Previous relevant HTML/Javascript KenKen Game Primer Tutorial is shown below.
HTML/Javascript KenKen Game Primer Tutorial
KenKen is a well known mathematical game, featuring in the puzzle section of some newspapers. We see it here in Sydney, Australia, in The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper.
Do not know what the paper KenKen puzzle creators use to create their KenKen puzzles, but we do end up with a bit of a trial and error approach (populating the KenKen grid with numbers).
Am sure if you are interested in the methodology you would not have too much trouble seeing what we did by examining the HTML and Javascript code you could call kenken
KenKen consists of a grid (ours is 6ร6) of numbers (from 1 to 6) not repeated horizontally nor vertically within that grid.
The user solving the KenKen puzzle is not shown those numbers, except the ones caught in a 1ร1 โcageโ โฆ and these can help you greatly to solve the puzzle, the rest of which is made up of 1ร2 and 1ร3 โcagesโ that have a โclueโ โฆ for example โฆ
โฆ which tell you a clue about the numbers you can use dropdowns with which to solve.
There is no surprise with the HTML โgridโ being composed of an HTML table element, shadowed by a multi-dimensional array we initialize for our 6ร6 grid scenario via โฆ
var mda=[[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]];
in the Javascript.
Youโll see that we made use of the HTML sup tag for a superimposed feel to the clues within some of the grid squares at the start of the โcageโ.
Hope you get some HTML and Javascript ideas about games, and have fun playing this mathematical and logic game, today, with our live
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