Python Tkinter Primer Tutorial (try twirling round bottom of image for a synopsis ... 'do the twirl now')
Have you heard of Python?
Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.
Check √
How about Tkinter (the Tcl/TK GUI interface for Python)?
Tkinter is a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit. It is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit[1] and is Python’s de facto standard GUI,[2] and is included with the standard Windows and Mac OS X install of Python.
Check √ (we hope)
Have used it for Games Programming and it is great at parsing XML via the SAX API.
Python has some really interesting data structures such as tuples, lists, sets, dictionaries for instance … read more here.
In this primer tutorial you can see Tkinter being used by Python to display a file browser dialog, from which you can select a jpeg file to display with the default operating system image application (in our case, on a Mac laptop, this is Preview).
Here is another Python tutorial called Python Processing Directory Filespec Primer Tutorial.
Useful tutorials helping with this tutorial were
Link to Python information … from Wikipedia … where quote up the top resides.
Link to Tkinter information … from Wikipedia … where quote up the top resides.
Link to some Python downloadable programming source code which you could rename to tkinter_filebrowser_test.py
Link to Python website … Home of Python … where quote up the top resides
Link to Python jobs done … Python jobs done … personal experience
And yes, it’s true … the language name is a fond reference to Monty Python
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