Regional Text Google Chart Text Onclick Tutorial

Regional Text Google Chart Text Onclick Tutorial

Regional Text Google Chart Text Onclick Tutorial   ๐Ÿ”

The SVG elements in the Google Chart Geo Charts subplayer, for Map Chart option, in our latest Regional Maps web application of interest, featuring in yesterdayโ€™s Regional Text Google Chart Text Tooltip Tutorial, behave, for the most part, as far as Javascript DOM ideas go, like regular HTML elements, with their event-driven programming capabilities.

And so, getting past โ€œthe lookโ€ of them, we turn our attention today, to the โ€œway they behaveโ€ via โ€ฆ

  • event โ€ฆ in our case onclick event โ€ฆ logics โ€ฆ pointing to โ€ฆ
  • Javascript โ€ฆ largely using โ€ฆ
  • DOM โ€ฆ Document Object Model

โ€ฆ modus operandi, making those regional text parts to these Regional Maps spring to life, and become more useful, and now capable of navigating a user to relevant โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ resources, that latter one accessed on a double click, but not needing the ondblclick event, just checking for a second call, in a row, of that onclick event Javascript function โ€ฆ

<?php echo โ€

var lastwwoo='';

function wowox() {

var latlongstuffs=[],alatis='',alongis='',suggm='';

if (lastwwoo != '//' + encodeURIComponent('<')[0].replace(/\ /g,'_').replace(/\+/g,'_'))) {

lastwwoo='//' + encodeURIComponent('<')[0].replace(/\ /g,'_').replace(/\+/g,'_'));'//' + encodeURIComponent('<')[0].replace(/\ /g,'_').replace(/\+/g,'_')),'_blank','top=50,left=50,height=600,width=600');

} else {

latlongstuffs=document.head.innerHTML.split(',' + String.fromCharCode(39) +'<')[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ',2]');

if (eval('' + latlongstuffs.length) > 1) {

alatis=('+' + latlongstuffs[0].split('[')[eval(-1 + latlongstuffs[0].split('[').length)].split(',')[0]).replace('+-','-');

alongis=('+' + latlongstuffs[0].split('[')[eval(-1 + latlongstuffs[0].split('[').length)].split(',')[1]).replace('+-','-');

//suggm='//' + alatis + alongis;

//suggm='//' + alatis + alongis + ',328.51120179a,63169669.71505167d,1y,0h,0t,0r';

suggm='//' + alatis.replace('+','') + ',' + alongis.replace('+','');

if (lastwwoo != suggm) {






โ€œ; ?>

It also occurred to us we could improve on the โ€œstrike rateโ€ shading more โ€œisland based countryโ€ parts of country boundaries behind our Regional Map (SVG) text elements because we had all those extra text anchor positions to check polygons against โ€ฆ

<?php echo โ€

var tarray=[]; // elsewhere filled with SVG text element objects

function pointInPolygon(polygon, point) { // thanks to

var odd = false, tar=0, worryonthis=false, jtar=0, excludethis=false, excludeall=false;

var inlisti=['>Jawa<'];

var exlisti=['>Champasak'];

var callitoffi=['>Attapu'];

for (var i = 0, j = polygon.length - 1; i < polygon.length; i++) {

if (((polygon[i][1] > point[1]) !== (polygon[j][1] > point[1]))

&& (point[0] < ((polygon[j][0] - polygon[i][0]) * (point[1] - polygon[i][1]) / (polygon[j][1] - polygon[i][1]) + polygon[i][0]))) {

odd = !odd;


j = i;


if (!odd && !doingtar) {

if (eval('' + tarray.length) > 0) {



for (jtar=0; jtar<inlisti.length; jtar++) {

if (tarray[tar].outerHTML.indexOf(callitoffi[jtar]) != -1) {




if (!excludeall) {

for (tar=0; tar<tarray.length; tar++) {



for (jtar=0; jtar<inlisti.length; jtar++) {

if (tarray[tar].outerHTML.indexOf(exlisti[jtar]) != -1) {




if (!excludethis) {

for (jtar=0; jtar<inlisti.length; jtar++) {

if (tarray[tar].outerHTML.indexOf(inlisti[jtar]) != -1) {




odd=pointInPolygon(polygon, eval('[' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0] + ',' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0] + ']'));

if (odd) {


return odd;

} else if (worryonthis) {

odd=pointInPolygon(polygon, eval('[' + eval(-8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ',' + eval(-8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ']'));

if (!odd) {

odd=pointInPolygon(polygon, eval('[' + eval(8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ',' + eval(8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ']'));


if (!odd) {

odd=pointInPolygon(polygon, eval('[' + eval(8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ',' + eval(-8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ']'));


if (!odd) {

odd=pointInPolygon(polygon, eval('[' + eval(-8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ',' + eval(8 + eval('' + tarray[tar].outerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])) + ']'));


if (odd) {


return odd;







return odd;



return odd;


โ€œ; ?>

Again, feel free to try thechanged geo_chartโšซphp used in the Map Chart option of the inhouse web application interfacer.

Previous relevant Regional Text Google Chart Text Tooltip Tutorial is shown below.

Regional Text Google Chart Text Tooltip Tutorial

Regional Text Google Chart Text Tooltip Tutorial   ๐Ÿ”

Inherent with the involvement of Google Chart Geo Charts in Regional Text Google Chart Text Configurations Tutorialโ€˜s web application Map Chart option โ€ฆ

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