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Tag Archives: absolute URL
Code Difference Report Mixed Content Issue Tutorial
It took us a long time, but we now feel we’re better across, writing web applications, and dealing with URLs, that … not mentioning protocols http: nor https: specifically is preferable … As time goes on, more and more we … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, absolute URL, address bar, diff, difference, differences, differences report, get, header, Linux, mixed content, PHP, programming, protocol, ptogramming, recall, relative URL, report, syntax, tutorial, url
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Reveal Tutorial
Around here, we’re not ashamed to simplify 90% of web design issues into two categories … an “overlay” issue … or … a “reveal” issue … and today’s improvements, pitted against the progress up until yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, details, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, overlay, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, reveal, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, status, still, summary, textbox, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Absolute URL Tutorial
The other user entry the user might do using the Animated GIF Slide Extraction web application of yesterday’s Animated GIF Slide Extraction Browsing Tutorial onto … relative animated GIF URL (within the address bar domain of use or an absolute … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, animated gif, animation, browse, browsing, canvas, command line, convert, curl, drawImage, extract, extraction, file, form, hotlink, hotlinking, HTML, image, image file, ImageMagick, interaction, Javascript, korn shell, local file, method, object, parameter, PHP, Png, post, programming, prompt, relative, relative URL, script, sequence, shell, shell_exec, slide, still, tutorial, uniquifier, upload, url, user interaction
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Event Calendar Collaboration Textarea Highlight Linking Tutorial
For the first time we can remember, with our Events in Month web application of yesterday’s Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial … we’re channelling how in emails “word strings” starting with “http” become links … and so … in … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, address URL, argument, arguments, bold, bookmark, button, calendar, collaboration.share, colour, communication, conduit, CSS, data, date, day, day of week, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, event, file_get_contents, get, hashtag, hashtagging, highlight, highlighting, HTML, IP address, Javascript, label, linear gradient, link, localStorage, mailto, MAMP, month, onblur, PHP, placeholder, popup, popup window, programming, recipient, select, selector, sharing, SMS, span, stop press, style, styling, table, text, text shadow, textarea, timing, title, tutorial, uniquifier, url, user experience, UX, value,, window.localStorage, word
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Earth Scanner Google Chrome Speech to Text Tutorial
We’re interested in methodologies, even if they are not fully cross-browser and/or cross platform ones, if only to reassure that a concept is possible, and that applies to today’s … Google Chrome … only … non-mobile … only … https:// … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, Ajax, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, base64, blog post, browse, browsing, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, curl, decode, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, external CSS, external Javascript, file, FileReader, filereader api, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, hotlink, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, intranet, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, link, local web server, localStorage, longitude, making of, MAMP, mantissa, map, Mapping, margin, margin-left, margin-top, media, Mercator, meridian, microphone, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, operating system, order, orientation, overlay, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, script, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, speech, speech to text, stop press, style, styling, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, timing, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, Web Speech, Web Speech API, when, where, Wikipedia, window, window.atob,, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner User Emoji Entities Tutorial
Recently we’ve been trying to add to the flexibility and power of the user using our recent Earth Scanner web application to tailor what it looks like and how it works via settings the user can control. Adding to this … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, Ajax, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, base64, blog post, browse, browsing, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, curl, decode, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, external CSS, external Javascript, file, FileReader, filereader api, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, hotlink, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, intranet, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, link, local web server, localStorage, longitude, making of, MAMP, mantissa, map, Mapping, margin, margin-left, margin-top, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, operating system, order, orientation, overlay, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, script, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, style, styling, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, timing, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window, window.atob,, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Intranet Feeling Externals Tutorial
Yesterday’s Earth Scanner Externals Tutorial left off with … HTTP://localhost:8888/newstuff.js … and if it had been called http://localhost:8888/newstuff.JS it could have persevered. … as an “Intranet feeling” idea for the styling and scripting that users can get involved with, working … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, Ajax, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, base64, blog post, browse, browsing, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, curl, decode, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, external CSS, external Javascript, file, FileReader, filereader api, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, hotlink, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, intranet, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, link, local web server, localStorage, longitude, making of, MAMP, mantissa, map, Mapping, margin, margin-left, margin-top, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, operating system, order, orientation, overlay, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, script, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, style, styling, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, timing, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window, window.atob,, wrapper, YouTube
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Earth Scanner Externals Tutorial
The “externals” we’re talking about in today’s “Earth Scanner Externals Tutorial” blog posting title refer to … <style> … CSS code … </style> … (or </STYLE> for persevering) … CSS styling (then/or external CSS via URL ending with .css or … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, blog post, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, external CSS, external Javascript, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, hotlink, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, link, local web server, localStorage, longitude, making of, MAMP, mantissa, map, Mapping, margin, margin-left, margin-top, media, Mercator, meridian, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, order, orientation, overlay, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, script, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, stop press, style, styling, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, timing, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, wrapper, YouTube
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