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Tag Archives: Access
VMWare vSphere Web Client Primer Tutorial
If you manage an Apache web server, you may well find cPanel a big enough topic. As a layer on top of such a web server’s more conventional access methods (you can read about at Web Server Access Primer Tutorial) … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Adobe, configuration, Crazy Domains, Desktop Application, Did you know, Flash, login, logout, Mac OS X, macOS, power management, power off, power on, shutdown, tutorial, virtual machine, vmware, vsphere, web client, web server, Windows
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CentOS Linux Web Server Crontab Restart Primer Tutorial
Just as “mindfulness” can be a wakeup call to us, when something unusual happens, it can be a great time to learn, but, alas, it can be like being “thrown in at the deep end”. I’d like my time over … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, blog, CentOS, command line, configuration, cPanel, cron, crontab, curl, landing page, Linux, MySql, operating system, process, restart, ssh, start, stop, web server, WHS, Wordpress
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Server unexpectedly closed network connection FileZilla Tutorial
In day to day web server management (of the CentOS (Linux) WHM/cPanel Apache/PHP/MySql domain) we find the most baffling error that you occasionally come up against “web server access wise” is FileZilla’s (or any sftp application’s) error message … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Networking, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, blog, CentOS, command line, configuration, cPanel, database, FileZilla, Google, Linux, MySql, network, operating system, process, restart, service, sftp, ssh, StackOverflow, start, stop, web browser, web server, WHS, Wordpress
Linux Disk Usage cPanel Heads Up Tutorial
What’s important, and what’s not? Leave you with that. See you tomorrow. Not a very good blog posting is it? Let’s say, instead … “What’s important, and what’s not, regarding Linux CentOS WHM Apache/PHP/MySQL cPanel, when it presents one of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, command line, cPanel, disk, disk space, diskspace, Document Root, error log, file, FileZilla, ftp, Linux, log, operator, sftp, ssh, Terminal, tutorial, web server, website
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CentOS Linux Web Server Services Restart Primer Tutorial
The other day the unthinkable happened, for us. Something to do with Linux and its associated role in running the web server failed, not totally, but in a way I’d never before encountered using Linux or Unix. You see … Continue reading →
Posted in Database, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, blog, CentOS, command line, configuration, cPanel, database, Google, Linux, MySql, operating system, process, restart, service, sftp, ssh, StackOverflow, start, stop, web server, WHS, Wordpress
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Windows Troubleshooting WiFi Connects No Internet Access Primer Tutorial
Today’s blog posting (also viewable at WordPress 4.1.1’s Windows Troubleshooting WiFi Connects No Internet Access Primer Tutorial) is about a very specific troubleshooting issue. Its “annoyance factor” rating is so high, that we rate its specificity as paling into insignificance … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Networking, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, cable, configuration, DNS, driver, hardware, internet, modem, network, router, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, tutorial, WiFi, Windows
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Mac OS X Users and Groups Primer Tutorial
Underpinning a Mac OS X MacBook Pro laptop’s workings is a Linux or Unix-like BSD operating system. This operating system, like a lot of others, uses files that have permissions and ownership. If you have file permissions they are for … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Access, bsd, chgrp, chmod, chown, command line, directory, file, file permissions, folder, group, Linux, Mac, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, membership, owner, ownership, ssh, su, sudo, tutorial, unix, user
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Windows FTPManager Ftp Client Primer Tutorial
We are always on the lookout for good tools to do with the fundamentals of Web Server maintenance. Our view of what are the essentials for the maintenance of an Apache/PHP/MySql web server (like for the domain) are … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Access, Apache, desktop, ftp, FTPManager, sftp, tutorial, web server, Windows