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Tag Archives: address URL
Event Calendar Collaboration Textarea Highlight Linking Tutorial
For the first time we can remember, with our Events in Month web application of yesterday’s Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial … we’re channelling how in emails “word strings” starting with “http” become links … and so … in … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, address URL, argument, arguments, bold, bookmark, button, calendar, collaboration.share, colour, communication, conduit, CSS, data, date, day, day of week, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, event, file_get_contents, get, hashtag, hashtagging, highlight, highlighting, HTML, IP address, Javascript, label, linear gradient, link, localStorage, mailto, MAMP, month, onblur, PHP, placeholder, popup, popup window, programming, recipient, select, selector, sharing, SMS, span, stop press, style, styling, table, text, text shadow, textarea, timing, title, tutorial, uniquifier, url, user experience, UX, value,, window.localStorage, word
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Event Calendar Collaboration Remembering Recipient Tutorial
When doing our inhouse testing for Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial the other day, it got us “peeved”, shall we say. We wanted a mechanism, with those “a” link “mailto:” emailing arrangements, of not having to fill out the email address … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, address URL, argument, arguments, bold, bookmark, button, calendar, collaboration.share, colour, communication, conduit, CSS, data, date, day, day of week, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, event, file_get_contents, get, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IP address, Javascript, label, linear gradient, link, localStorage, mailto, MAMP, month, onblur, PHP, placeholder, programming, recipient, select, selector, sharing, SMS, span, stop press, style, styling, table, text shadow, timing, title, tutorial, uniquifier, url, user experience, UX, value,, window.localStorage
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Event Calendar Collaboration Tutorial
The Event Calendar web application project, of Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial, from last year is worth a revisit, the reason being … it did not have a fully fleshed out collaboration or sharing set of functionalities … at the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, address URL, argument, arguments, bold, bookmark, button, calendar, collaboration.share, colour, communication, conduit, CSS, data, date, day, day of week, dropdown, emoji, emoji button, event, file_get_contents, get, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, IP address, Javascript, label, linear gradient, link, mailto, MAMP, month, PHP, placeholder, programming, select, selector, sharing, SMS, span, stop press, style, styling, table, text shadow, timing, title, tutorial, uniquifier, url, user experience, UX, value,
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Event Calendar PHP Bookmark Tutorial
Client meets server today, allowing the PHP data storage talents in yesterday’s Event Calendar PHP Tutorial‘s work to meet a “clientside” way to … Record to Remember via Bookmark … use the web browser Bookmarks to help you recall an … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged address bar, address URL, argument, arguments, bold, bookmark, calendar, colour, CSS, data, date, day, day of week, dropdown, event, file_get_contents, get, hashtag, HTML, IP address, Javascript, label, linear gradient, MAMP, month, PHP, placeholder, programming, select, selector, span, stop press, style, styling, table, text shadow, title, tutorial, uniquifier, url, user experience, UX, value, window
AutoCompletion ComboBox Relative URL Tutorial
As the web application programmer for a domain URL part which is quite long … ie. “” … it is no surprise, in this age of small screen widths and limited patience for typing keyboard data in, that we are … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, absolute URL, address URL, autocompletion, button, class, combobox, contenteditable, data, div, DOM, dropdown, external Javascript, form, HTML, id, Javascript, list, method, mobile, navigation, PHP, post, relative, relative URL, select, submit button, textbox, url, web browser, Wikipedia, wrapper
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