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Tag Archives: aesthetics
Google Chart Geo Chart Zoom In Quiz Aesthetics Tutorial
We recently revisited the PHP web application we call … Google Chart Geo Chart Zoom In Quiz … last talked about at Google Chart Geo Chart Zoom In Quiz Sharing Tutorial, and noticed a bit of ugliness regarding its CSS … Continue reading →
Posted in Not Categorised
Tagged $_POST, abscissa, aesthetics, Ajax, area, border-radius, chart, click, clutter, codepoint, collaboration, content, country, CSS, declutter, email, emoji, emoji flag, ephemeral, FileZilla, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, flag, form, geochart, geographicals, Google chart, Google Chrome, hover, HTML, induction, inline CSS, interaction, iPad, ISO, Javascript, MAMP, mantissa, map, mobile, onclick, onmouseover, overlay, permanent, perspective, PHP, placename, post, programming, prompt, quiz, region, save, scale, screenshot, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, sort, sorting, String.fromCodePoint, style, styling, surface area, test system, text editor, TextWrangler, thumbnail, timezone, tooltip, tutorial, tweak, upload, user experience, user interaction, web browser, web inspector, Wikipedia, zoom
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SVG Shapes Collaboration Tidy Up Tutorial
It’s the day further to the recent SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial‘s … Will we be leaving our SVG Show Some Shapes project with a blog posting titled, weirdly, “SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial”? Who’s to … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, absolute, aesthetics, animation, annotate, annotation, annoyance, Apache, attribute, attrribute selector, audio, backslash, backslash escaping, blog, collaboration, color picker, colour, colour picker, commentary, communication, conduit, Content Management System, cron, crontab, data, data uri, data url, delete, delimitation, depth, dimensions, double quote, drop shadow, dropdown, element, elevation, email, emoji, entities, error, error 404, escape, fill, filter, find, foreignObject, form, geometry, hardcoding, height, HTML, HTML entities, image, input, Javascript, Korn, korn shell, line, linear, mathematics, maths, media, mode, navigation, onsubmit, opacity, origin, overlay, percentage, PHP, position, post, programming, regex, regular expression, replace, responsive design, rotate, rotation, schedule, script, search engine, select, shadow, shape, share, sharing, shell, SMS, speech bubble, src, srcdoc, stroke, superimposition, SVG, svg animation, svg filter, svg image, svg text, SVG viewBox, svg+xml, temporary, text, textbox, tidy, tidy up, title, transform, transformation, transparent, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, video, viewBox, viewBox attribute, web inspector, web server, width, Wordpress, wordpress blog, wrapper, wrapper function, XML, z-index
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SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial
It’s tempting to think, for a given scenario, you’ve written code that can satisfy you forever. How about, for a day?! Well, with the recent SVG Shapes Aesthetics Tutorial it may well have ended up “a day” before we noticed … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, absolute, aesthetics, animation, annotate, annotation, annoyance, attribute, attrribute selector, audio, backslash, backslash escaping, blog, collaboration, color picker, colour, colour picker, commentary, communication, conduit, Content Management System, data, data uri, data url, delimitation, depth, dimensions, double quote, drop shadow, dropdown, element, elevation, email, emoji, entities, error, error 404, escape, fill, filter, foreignObject, form, geometry, hardcoding, height, HTML, HTML entities, image, input, Javascript, line, linear, mathematics, maths, media, mode, navigation, onsubmit, opacity, origin, overlay, percentage, PHP, position, post, programming, regex, regular expression, replace, responsive design, rotate, rotation, search engine, select, shadow, shape, share, sharing, SMS, src, srcdoc, stroke, superimposition, SVG, svg animation, svg filter, svg image, svg text, SVG viewBox, svg+xml, text, textbox, title, transform, transformation, transparent, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, video, viewBox, viewBox attribute, web inspector, width, Wordpress, wordpress blog, wrapper, wrapper function, XML, z-index
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SVG Shapes Aesthetics Tutorial
In a sizeable online web application project, it can be that you “put off” annoyances to follow through on “the main game”, so to speak. But, don’t forget to come back to at least try to fix the annoyances! And … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, absolute, aesthetics, animation, annotate, annotation, annoyance, attribute, attrribute selector, audio, blog, collaboration, color picker, colour, colour picker, commentary, communication, conduit, data, data uri, data url, depth, dimensions, drop shadow, dropdown, element, elevation, email, emoji, error, error 404, fill, filter, foreignObject, form, geometry, hardcoding, height, HTML, image, input, Javascript, line, linear, mathematics, maths, media, mode, navigation, onsubmit, opacity, origin, overlay, percentage, PHP, position, post, programming, responsive design, rotate, rotation, search engine, select, shadow, shape, share, sharing, SMS, src, srcdoc, stroke, superimposition, SVG, svg animation, svg filter, svg image, svg text, SVG viewBox, svg+xml, text, textbox, title, transform, transformation, transparent, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, video, viewBox, viewBox attribute, width, Wordpress, wordpress blog, wrapper, wrapper function, XML, z-index
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CSS Gradient Creations Conic Tutorial
Yesterday’s CSS Conic Gradient Primer Tutorial set us to thinking about integrating these Conic Gradients into our “Gradient Central” web application where you can create your own gradients which we last talked about with CSS Gradient Creations Mobile Width Tutorial. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, colour, colour gradation, conic-gradient, CSS, disabled, DOM, dropdown, gradation, gradient, graphics, HTML, Javascript, linear gradient, programming, radial gradient, readonly, select, stop press, tutorial
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Dots and Boxes Game Parameterization Tutorial
We quite like … substitutional approaches to coding interpretive approaches to coding take a hardcoded string and either … parameterize it repurpose it … and with the “Dots and Boxes Game” web application of yesterday’s Dots and Boxes Game Primer … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, clone, cloning, colour coding, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, device width, dimension, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, hardcode, hardcoding, highlight, hover, HTML, image, instance, interpretive, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, morph, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, parameter, parameterization, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, size, sizing, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, substitution, substitutional, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Dots and Boxes Game Primer Tutorial
Today, do you fancy … Morphing a clone … or should that be … Cloning a morph … onto yesterday’s SOS Game Primer Tutorial with our new “Dots and Boxes” game? Yes, that’s it for us today, simply because the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animation, background, background image, border, class, click, clipboard api, clone, cloning, colour coding, copy, CSS, CSS3, cursor, cut, degree of difficulty, dropdown, Event-Driven Programming, fixed, game, games, gesture, glow, highlight, hover, HTML, image, instance, iPhone, Javascript, keyframes, linear gradient, Mac OS X, macOS, message box, mobile, mode, modes of use, morph, navigator.platform, notification, notifications, notifications API, number of players, onclick, paste, player, players, position, programming, say, score, select, selection, selection api, spread, spreading, status, style, styling, Tclipboard, text, text to audio, textarea, This entry was posted in eLearning, toast, tutorial, underlay.opacity, viewport, webpage, word, word game, z-index
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Google Chart Image Chart Dynamic Icons Tutorial
Does statistics have to be staid and boring? Kitch and quiche?! Welcome to the wooorrrlllddd of Google Charts Image Chart Dynamic Icons! Think of Dynamic Icons as a way to decorate one or more data points displayed in one of … Continue reading →