Tag Archives: AlmaLinux

AlmaLinux Astronomy via PHP and Python PyEphem Tutorial

You might recall reading the previous PHP/Javascript/HTML and Python PyEphem Moon Angle Tutorial below how we got into some Astronomy via … PHP … calling, via exec … Python … (alas, no 3P’s Perl here) … and it’s … PyEphem … Continue reading

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Daylight Saving Time AlmaLinux Migration Tutorial

Today we start down the road adjusting our inhouse Daylight Saving Time PHP web application from the previous PHP (starting with a 5) invocation at Daylight Saving Time Iframe Sandbox Tutorial for an AlmaLinux PHP (starting with an 8) friendly … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux TimeZone Places Associative Array Tutorial

Have you been waiting for more “heads up” regarding issues we’ll have moving from a PHP (of a version starting with a 5) to a PHP (of a version starting with an 8)? Join the crowd?! But so far, it … Continue reading

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PHP GNU Multiple Precision Mathematics Tutorial

Maths fun “PHP style” can be had with the GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) extension with echoes of PHP mathematics work talked about with PHP Bcmath Factorial Tutorial. Again, on this AlmaLinux PHP (starting with 8) environment, we started off with … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Backup Translation Tutorial

As we intimated earlier, using PHP gettext is a good framework to use regarding writing your own serverside language translation functionality, but the “gruntwork” is there ahead of you maintaining those [domain].po (Poedit) files. And so, improving on yesterday’s AlmaLinux … Continue reading

Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Your Own Translation Tutorial

To open up yesterday’s AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Translation Tutorial‘s PHP Gettext Using web application to the possibility of … user supplying a new locale into the mix … and … user supplying their own English to “Their Newly Introduced Locale” … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Translation Tutorial

With our changeover to … AlmaLinux Apache/PHP/MySql web hosting … using … PHP version with an 8 starting it … it is time to revisit the PHP gettext (Human Language Translation) module, that had us reach an install situation which … Continue reading

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AlmaLinux Landing Page WordPress Content Update Solution Tutorial

As with yesterday’s MySql Watchdog Migration Transition Solution Tutorial, and it’s … crontab and curl “MySql Watchdog” basis … we also, around here, use … crontab and curl “Landing Page Daily Updates Regarding WordPress Blog Posting Content” … so that … Continue reading

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