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Tag Archives: apothem
C++ OpenGL in Xcode Generic Regular Prism Drawing Tutorial
In our search for a “C++ (Xcode IDE) OpenGL desktop application regular polygon drawer” (if anybody asks today what I do, that’s it, for the day), feel that they can’t channel the lyrics of Charlene this time, as we have … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GUI, Operating System, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged apothem, C++, geometry, graphics, hexagonal prism, lighting, Mac, Mac OS X, mathematics, OpenGL, perspective, programming, tutorial, Xcode
C++ OpenGL in Xcode Hexagonal Prism Tutorial
People think differently. People have reverence for different things. Some people do not like generalizations (“bye for now”). We like … associations linkages patterns creeping up on knowledge, especially if the subject matter is difficult … and so we proceed, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GUI, Operating System, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged apothem, C++, geometry, graphics, hexagonal prism, lighting, Mac, Mac OS X, mathematics, OpenGL, perspective, programming, tutorial, Xcode