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Tag Archives: app
Google Lens Reverse Image Search Tutorial
Have you ever wanted to follow up on an isolated image and see where else on the Google search engine, close graphic matches to that imagery are found? Most of us, right?! Well, we tried out on iOS (on an … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Installers, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged app, Google, Google Lens, image, install, iOS, reverse image search, tutorial
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Frog Identification App Primer Tutorial
We wanted to start the ball rolling with the Australian Museum’s FrogID app to record and, eventually, but not today, submit, frog sound recordings to the Australian Museum for frog identification purposes. The app looks great, and is full of … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged app, audio, Australian Museum, frogid, iOS, mobile, mobile app, programming, record, sound, tutorial
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Citizen Science Primer Tutorial
Cannot remember having ever participated in any Citizen Science projects ever since the advent of mobile apps, though there was that time I filled in a New South Wales Museum contact us form to discover that we had a rubber … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged app, archimedes, citizen science, count, environment, environmental science, iOS, ios app, iPhone, mindfulness, register, science, scientist, survey, tutorial
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Offline Covid Vaccination Records in Australia Tutorial
If you live in Australia and interested in life going forward living with the Covid-19 pandemic, then, the recent Covid Vaccination Records in Australia Tutorial‘s advice is a true prerequisite for today’s use of (the prefix) “Offline” in today’s tutorial … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged app, Australia, covid, covid-19, document, download, Express Plus Medicare, government, iOS, iPhone, Medicare Express Plus, mobile, mobile app, myGov, offline, QR Code, record, tutorial, vaccination, website
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Gmail on iOS Email Clients Tutorial
The other day we were out and about with an iPhone and had a scenario where I was relying on a Gmail email to complete a task. Other than the rare and occasional size and content of email attachments, on … Continue reading