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Tag Archives: apple maps
Swift Playgrounds on macOS Game Tutorial 
Further to yesterdayโs Swift Playgrounds on macOS Map Tutorialโs reacquaintance with Xcode and Swift and Playgrounds, today, we consider โฆ Xcode on macOS โฆ File -> New -> Playgroundโฆ Game Next Create โฆ with those Sprite animation, and even collision โฆ Continue reading โ
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Games, Operating System, Software, Tutorials, Xcode
Tagged animation, Apple, apple maps, application, build, compilation, compile, desktop, emoji, game, game scene, Google Map, Google Maps, IDE, label, latitude, longitude, macOS, map, playground, programming, scene, SKLabelNode, sprite, Swift, tutorial, where, Xcode
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Swift Playgrounds on macOS Map Emoji Tutorial 
We find work in the Google Maps or Apple Maps style of related โwhere of lifeโ development work has you reaching for more and more layers of functionality, but we want to draw a line in the sand at โฆ โฆ Continue reading โ
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged annotate, annotation, Apple, apple maps, application, build, colour, colour coding, compilation, compile, customise, desktop, emoji, geojson, Google Map, Google Maps, IDE, JSON, latitude, longitude, macOS, map, MKGeoJSONDecoder, playground, programming, public data, Swift, tutorial, where, Xcode
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Swift Playgrounds on macOS Map GeoJson Tutorial 
Before we leave the โฆ Xcode on macOS โฆ File -> New -> Playgroundโฆ Map Next Create โฆ โwhere of lifeโ Google Maps or Apple Maps ideas of yesterdayโs Swift Playgrounds on macOS Map Tutorial we wanted to further take โฆ Continue reading โ
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged annotate, annotation, Apple, apple maps, application, build, colour, colour coding, compilation, compile, customise, desktop, geojson, Google Map, Google Maps, IDE, JSON, latitude, longitude, macOS, map, MKGeoJSONDecoder, playground, programming, public data, Swift, tutorial, where, Xcode
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Calendar Location Services Integration Tutorial 
Of all those English question words โฆ why which how what who when where โฆ which is more apt as far as software goes? Well, and sorry to our regulars who have heard our theories so often, it goes in โฆ Continue reading โ
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged ai, Apple, apple maps, artificial intelligence, big sur, calendar, desktop, Desktop Application, location services, macOS, map, operating system, Siri, tutorial, when, where
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