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Tag Archives: argument
Textarea Content Masking Pattern Genericization Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Textarea Content Masking Pattern Tutorial, today, we improve the genericization aspects to this project via any/all … parent calling URL (get) ? and & argument usage … parent calling URL hashtag usage … child called external Javascript … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, attribute, carriage return, character, character set, data attribute, event, external Javascript, global data attribute, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, Javascript, keyboard, line feed, mask, masking, onblur, onkeyup, pattern, programming, regular expression, text, textarea, tutorial, url
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GraphViz Dot Venn Diagram Resharing via PHP on AlmaLinux Tutorial
Regarding … recreating … yesterday’s GraphViz Dot Venn Diagram Recreatable via PHP on AlmaLinux Tutorial … offered a DIY Dot data based usage set … whereas … resharing … is happening today, offering other users you can email or SMS … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, 404.php, AlmaLinux, alphabet, animation, argument, attribute, bar chart, border, box, cache, character, character set, chart, chgrp, chmod, chown, circle, circo, circular, circular layout, client pre-emptive iframe, clientside, co-ordinate, co-ordinate set, co-ordinates, coding, collaboration, colour, colour picker, colour wheel, command line, contentDocument, crontab, curl, data, delimitation, delimiter, deployment, design, dimensions, DOM, dot, dpi, dropdown, edge, editing, ellipse, email, emoji, encoding, error 404, exec, family, family tree, file, form, format, full circle, geo chart, Google, Google Charts, graph, GraphViz, hash.hashtag, hashtagging, height, hierarchy, horizontal tab, HTML, IFRAME, image, imagemap, img, implementation, inch, include, inshes, install, integration, interface, interfacing, intersession, intrasession, Javascript, JSON, keyboard, korn shell, label, language, layour, line chart, localStorage, map, map chart, neato, node, onblue, onclick, onload, onmousedown, onsubmit, ontouchdown, opacity, organization, output, output format, outputs, overlay, ownership, package, PDF, peer, peer to peer, permissions, PHP, pip, pixel, Png, point, points, polygon, position, positioning, post, posted, programming, px, Python, QuickChart, radar chart, recall, require, require_once, scatter chart, serverside, session, setTimeout, share, sharing, shell, size, SMS, software integration, solution, stop press, submit, SVG, switch, tab, table, temporary, textarea, tree, tutorial, Tutorials $_POST, twopi, uniquifier, units, url, user input, venn chart, Venn diagram, verb, width, Wikipedia, xlabel
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GraphViz Dot Venn Diagram Recreatable via PHP on AlmaLinux Tutorial
We did not start yesterday’s GraphViz Dot Venn Diagram Sized via PHP on AlmaLinux Tutorial showing the two “recreatable” style links … … challenge here reaches a new more fruitful recreatable PNG or recreatable SVG or recreatable HTML phase via … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, 404.php, AlmaLinux, alphabet, animation, argument, attribute, bar chart, border, box, character, character set, chart, chgrp, chmod, chown, circle, circo, circular, circular layout, client pre-emptive iframe, clientside, co-ordinate, co-ordinate set, co-ordinates, coding, collaboration, colour, colour picker, colour wheel, command line, contentDocument, crontab, curl, data, delimitation, delimiter, deployment, design, dimensions, DOM, dot, dpi, dropdown, edge, editing, ellipse, email, emoji, encoding, error 404, exec, family, family tree, file, form, format, full circle, geo chart, Google, Google Charts, graph, GraphViz, height, hierarchy, horizontal tab, HTML, IFRAME, image, imagemap, img, implementation, inch, include, inshes, install, integration, interface, interfacing, intersession, intrasession, Javascript, JSON, keyboard, korn shell, label, language, layour, line chart, localStorage, map, map chart, neato, node, onblue, onclick, onload, onmousedown, onsubmit, ontouchdown, opacity, organization, output, output format, outputs, overlay, ownership, package, PDF, peer, peer to peer, permissions, PHP, pip, pixel, Png, point, points, polygon, position, positioning, post, posted, programming, px, Python, QuickChart, radar chart, recall, require, require_once, scatter chart, serverside, session, setTimeout, share, sharing, shell, size, SMS, software integration, solution, stop press, submit, SVG, switch, tab, table, temporary, textarea, tree, tutorial, Tutorials $_POST, twopi, units, url, user input, venn chart, Venn diagram, verb, width, Wikipedia, xlabel
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Find Games Peer to Peer Tutorial
It wasn’t our initial intention, but on completion of the cloning aspects to … sporning from the Find the Words game basis … cloning to a … Finding the Numbers game … as two distinct entities, we could piece them … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, cell, click, clone, cloning, clue, clues, collaboration, connective, CSS, dictionary, dropdown, email, emoji, English, event, first name, game, genericization, highlight, HTML, Javascript, Linux, listenerdictionary, mobile, mode, mode of use, name, navigation, numbers, onchange, onclick, option, overlay, parameterization, peer, peer to peer, player, programming, regional indicator, score, scoring, select, selection, selectionchange, share, sharing, SMS, styling, subelement, table, table cell, text shadow, textarea, timer, tutorial, user, webpage, word, word game
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Local Popups Tutorial
There is little doubt that popup windows can distract users in terms of the “user experience” as of yesterday’s Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial. And that is … if we are talking URLs all on the same domain … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, parameter, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, wrapper, z-index, zoom
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial
We’re starting down the long and windy road, further to the recent Region Picker GeoJson Area of Interest Tutorial, of providing “workaround Google Chart Geo Chart solutions to semi-cover the loss (because nothing will be quite as good, as far … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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Canvas DrawImage First Parameter Primer Tutorial
Some time ago we presented a short tutorial about a great online product addressing a big area of interest to online users … online meetings. We showcased the great GoToMeeting, with GoToMeeting Primer Tutorial, and we remember using it to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, autoplay, autostart, canvas, canvas context, caption, captions, closed captions, context, diagnosis, drawImage, EDI, file, GoToMeeting, HTML, Javascript, loop, online meeting, parameter, play, presentation, programming, srt, textarea, troubleshooting, tutorial, video, WEBVTT
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Settings Tutorial
Onto the start for our Colouring In web application via yesterday’s Colouring In Canvas Clone of Numbers Guessing Game Tutorial we’re starting to enhance, on top of that “clone level” functionality, via two new settings with two approaches to the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, arguments, border, cell, column, Did you know, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, emoji, entity, game, games, genericize, get, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, html entity, Javascript, location.hash, navigation, number, ondragover, palette, PHP, programming, proof of concept, stop press, table, table cell, tutorial, value add
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