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Tag Archives: automation
Animated GIF SVG Quiz Argument Tutorial
In line with the URL arguments theme of yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Automation Arguments Tutorial, today we wanted to try automating the Animated GIF Creator web application to serve as an agent to create a Quiz based on SVG input, … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, animated gif, animation, annotate, annotating, Apache, argument.arguments, automation, background, background colour, background-color, btoa, canvas, child, clearRect, colour, convert, emoji, ffmpeg, fill, fillRect, fillStyle, font, font colour, font family, font size, Google, Google PageSpeed, graphics, image, ImageMagick, interface, line feed, local web server, localhost, MAMP, parent, PHP, programming, quiz, scribble, slide, SVG, svg quiz, svg+xml, text, toDataURL, transparency, transparent, tutorial, url, utf-8, window.btoa,, window.opener
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Animated GIF Creation Automation Arguments Tutorial
The automation measures in yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation Transparency Tutorial get an “arguments consideration” (maybe a five minute one, or perhaps ten minutes for “the outraged”) to help out ideas for our aspirational readers and users out there, who we … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, animated gif, animation, annotate, annotating, Apache, argument.arguments, automation, background, background colour, background-color, btoa, canvas, child, clearRect, colour, convert, emoji, ffmpeg, fill, fillRect, fillStyle, font, font colour, font family, font size, Google, Google PageSpeed, graphics, image, ImageMagick, interface, line feed, local web server, localhost, MAMP, parent, PHP, programming, scribble, slide, SVG, svg+xml, text, toDataURL, transparency, transparent, tutorial, utf-8, window.btoa,, window.opener
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Animated GIF Creation Transparency Tutorial
You might have heard … Transparency begins at home. … or not, because as far as we know, we just sprouted it?! Nevertheless, this matter of … image transparency … in terms of the image being an Animated GIF slide … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, annotate, annotating, Apache, automation, background, background colour, background-color, btoa, canvas, child, clearRect, colour, convert, emoji, ffmpeg, fill, fillRect, fillStyle, font, font colour, font family, font size, Google, Google PageSpeed, graphics, image, ImageMagick, interface, line feed, local web server, localhost, MAMP, parent, PHP, programming, scribble, slide, SVG, svg+xml, text, toDataURL, transparency, transparent, tutorial, utf-8, window.btoa,, window.opener
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Animated GIF Creation Automation Tutorial
There are two competing issues going on with software development, of complexity, to challenge the skillset of the programmer … keeping at an issue as it is fresh, and not letting go, as much as anything to keep up with … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, annotate, annotating, Apache, automation, background colour, canvas, child, colour, convert, emoji, ffmpeg, font, font colour, font family, font size, Google, Google PageSpeed, graphics, image, ImageMagick, interface, line feed, local web server, localhost, MAMP, parent, PHP, programming, scribble, slide, SVG, svg+xml, text, toDataURL, tutorial,, window.opener
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Shortcuts iOS App Email Arrival Sounds Tutorial
When we coded for the Chess Game collaborative aspects with the recent Chess Game Correspondence Tutorial, almost immediately after bedding down its logic to be able to play Chess via email or SMS communication conduits, our thoughts then turned to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged app, automation, desktop, email, event, icon, iOS, mobile app, music, notify, play music, play sound, procedure, setting, shortcut, shortcuts, shortcuts app, SMS, sound, tutorial, web, web browser, web url
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Inhouse Slideshow Mobile Google Crawl Tutorial
The recent Inhouse Slideshow Mobile Tutorial did not satisfy all the “mobile usability” tests performed by the “Google Crawl” algorithm, failing on “Content wider than screen”, and you can read some background to this with Google Crawl Viewport Geographicals Tutorial. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animation, automation, crawl, crawl error, deployment, device, emoji, EXIF, file, file specification, filespec, glob, Google, Google Search Console, image, inhouse, inode, iOS, iPad, iPhone, korn shell, Linux, mobile, natsort, PHP, presentation, programming, slideshow, sort, tutorial, vertical-align, viewport, width, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow Mobile Tutorial
The recent PDF Slideshow and Form Creation Helper Slideshow Tutorial changes were made on a MacBook Pro laptop. Did it show that we have put off until today, to look at that functionality with mobile platforms?! In a “going off … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animation, automation, deployment, emoji, EXIF, file, file specification, filespec, glob, image, inhouse, inode, iOS, iPad, iPhone, korn shell, Linux, mobile, natsort, PHP, presentation, programming, slideshow, sort, tutorial, vertical-align, viewport, zip
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Inhouse Slideshow Design Exif Order Tutorial
Ever get those “oops” moments? Anyone, anyone? … no, Reverend William Archibald Spooner … we will not accept that answer here now, thank you very much. Ever get an “oops” moment that you can wait for a little while before … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged animation, automation, deployment, EXIF, file, file specification, filespec, glob, image, inhouse, inode, korn shell, Linux, natsort, PHP, presentation, programming, slideshow, sort, tutorial, zip
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