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Tag Archives: backslash
Template Literal Backtick Syntax Quote Delimitation Tutorial
We spend quite a sizeable proportion of our programmatical coding time working out string variable creation where quotes, be they … “ ‘ Here’s an example of a complex scenario from some Javascript code … var lastcursor=”Url(\”data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=’’ width=’66’ height=’48’ … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged backslash, backtick, delimitation, delimiter, double quote, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, programming, programming.tutorial, quote, single quote, syntax, template literal, tutorial, variable
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SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial
It’s tempting to think, for a given scenario, you’ve written code that can satisfy you forever. How about, for a day?! Well, with the recent SVG Shapes Aesthetics Tutorial it may well have ended up “a day” before we noticed … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged 404.php, absolute, aesthetics, animation, annotate, annotation, annoyance, attribute, attrribute selector, audio, backslash, backslash escaping, blog, collaboration, color picker, colour, colour picker, commentary, communication, conduit, Content Management System, data, data uri, data url, delimitation, depth, dimensions, double quote, drop shadow, dropdown, element, elevation, email, emoji, entities, error, error 404, escape, fill, filter, foreignObject, form, geometry, hardcoding, height, HTML, HTML entities, image, input, Javascript, line, linear, mathematics, maths, media, mode, navigation, onsubmit, opacity, origin, overlay, percentage, PHP, position, post, programming, regex, regular expression, replace, responsive design, rotate, rotation, search engine, select, shadow, shape, share, sharing, SMS, src, srcdoc, stroke, superimposition, SVG, svg animation, svg filter, svg image, svg text, SVG viewBox, svg+xml, text, textbox, title, transform, transformation, transparent, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, video, viewBox, viewBox attribute, web inspector, width, Wordpress, wordpress blog, wrapper, wrapper function, XML, z-index
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Animated GIF Creation Install Paths Tutorial
We dislike hardcoding paths to installed … pdfimages ImageMagick ffmpeg … but if your PHP is flaky with exec and shell_exec as our MAMP Windows setup is, you might understand our kludginess here. But, onto yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation on … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, cmd, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, exec, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, forfiles, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PATH, PDF, PHP, php.ini, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, shell_exec, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP via PDF Tutorial
Today’s lesson, further to yesterday’s Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP Tutorial first day of Windows integration work with our Animated GIF Creator is … Try not to rely on exec or shell_exec always, if there is a way to … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, cmd, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, exec, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, forfiles, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PDF, PHP, php.ini, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, shell_exec, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Animated GIF Creation on Windows MAMP Tutorial
It was surprising today, finally getting around to testing Animated GIF creation on a local Windows (desktop operating system) MAMP environment, how much there was to do with the relationships amongst … string values and manipulations directory delimiters \ for … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apache, backslash, bitmap, btoa, character, data uri, data url, delimiter, dimensions, directory, directory delimiter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DOM, encodeURIComponent, escape, escaping, extract, extraction, ffmpeg, folder, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image/png, ImageMagick, inkscape, intranet, Javascript, link, local web server, MAMP, mimetype, onblur, onload, PDF, PHP, Png, presentation, programming, QR Code, screenshot, size, slide, snapshot, string, string delimiter, SVG, svg text, textbox, tutorial, url, vector, vector graphics, web server, webpage, webpage snapshot, width
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Linux Find and/or Locate Files/Directories Double Quote Tutorial
When you write inhouse procedures that end in reports you can occasionally “get sideswiped” by peculiarities in the data that occurs. But it could be the cause of that irregularity that the report is meant to highlight. And so, if … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged backslash, command line, crontab, delimitation, double quote, file, file name, file specification, filename, files since, korn shell, Linux, PHP, programming, reporting, reprt, sed, tutorial, web server
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SVG Shapes Collaboration Tidy Up Tutorial
It’s the day further to the recent SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial‘s … Will we be leaving our SVG Show Some Shapes project with a blog posting titled, weirdly, “SVG Shapes Iframe Srcdoc Double Quote Tutorial”? Who’s to … Continue reading →