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Tag Archives: base64_encode
Chess Game Practice Castling Tutorial
Maybe in mathematics, in school, you discussed limits (and/or perhaps even “proof by contradiction” and/or “paradoxes”). You know, those fancy ways of saying if “such and such” you never finish the race, such as in “Achilles and the Tortoise” … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, array, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, chess, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, DOM, email, emoji, eval, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, Javascript, layout, link, logic, mail server, mobile, move.moves, onmouseover, personalization, photo, PHP, piece, placement, post, postcard, privacy, programming, rule, rules, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, sentence, setInterval, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, strategy, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Chess Game Practice Basic Moves Tutorial
Adding onto yesterday’s Chess Game Practice Layout Tutorial‘s basis for a more formal Chess game, today we feel like we’re in the calm … Coding for the basic pawn and knight and bishop and rook and queen and king chess … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, chess, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, email, emoji, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, Javascript, layout, link, logic, mail server, mobile, move.moves, personalization, photo, PHP, piece, placement, post, postcard, privacy, programming, rule, rules, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, sentence, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, strategy, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Chess Game Practice Layout Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Chess Game Practice Tutorial‘s Chess Game Practice web application, today, we’ve developed further, in a “layout” sense, to allow for … practice via Drag and Drop from the top emojis into your select Chess Board game positions … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, chess, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, email, emoji, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, Javascript, layout, link, mail server, mobile, personalization, photo, PHP, placement, post, postcard, privacy, programming, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, sentence, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Chess Game Practice Tutorial
Further to the recent Sentence Shuffle Game Tutorial‘s concepts regarding … Drag and Drop emojis pseudo sentences (ie. the chess pieces) … we present our start to our Chess web application, we’re calling “Chess Game Practice” for now because it … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, camera, camera app, canvas, chess, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, email, emoji, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, Javascript, link, mail server, mobile, personalization, photo, PHP, placement, post, postcard, privacy, programming, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, sentence, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Canvas via Image Web Share API Photo Postcard Tutorial
We discovered, further to yesterday’s Canvas via Image Web Share API Personalization Tutorial, out and about, with an iPhone, that … Image Input Mode Image Sizing Modus Operandi URL Actual (canvas resized to image) Contain (canvas) Cover (canvas) Browsing Actual … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, camera, camera app, canvas, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, dimensions, document, Document Root, email, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, link, mail server, mobile, personalization, photo, PHP, placement, post, postcard, privacy, programming, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Canvas via Image Web Share API Personalization Tutorial
Yesterday’s Canvas via Imge Web Share API Tutorial‘s Web Share API (so far, on Safari and Google Chrome web browser(s)) image (via canvas) sharing functionality did not have enough privacy for the user, as far as we were concerned. We’re … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, annotation, Apache, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, canvas, clicking, collaboration, communication, contain, cover, data uri, data url, dimensions, document, Document Root, email, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, IP address, Javascript, link, mail server, personalization, PHP, placement, post, privacy, programming, Safari, scale, scaling, scribble, security, send, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, temporary, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Responsive Web Design Landing Page Image Map Onresize Tutorial
We try to not make the onresize event a “second class citizen” in our thinking here, and we wait for the day we think about it as a matter of course, and we’ll know we’ve arrived at some representation of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged area, base64, base64_encode, child, CSS, data uri, data url, file_get_contents, GD, getBoundingClientRect, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, Javascript, landing page, left, onclick, one image, one image website, onload, onmouseout, onmouseover, onresize, overlay, parent, photography, PHP, position, programming, top, transparency, transparent, tutorial, webpage, width, z-index
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Responsive Web Design Landing Page Image Map Tutorial
The recent Responsive Web Design Landing Page Incarnation Tutorial said … So, why keep the old way? Well, we packed the “old way” with content rich functionality, and do not want to ditch that yet, but maybe over time?! We’re … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged area, base64, base64_encode, child, CSS, data uri, data url, file_get_contents, GD, getBoundingClientRect, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, Javascript, landing page, left, onclick, one image, one image website, onload, onmouseout, onmouseover, overlay, parent, photography, PHP, position, programming, top, transparency, transparent, tutorial, webpage, width, z-index
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