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Tag Archives: catch
Mobile Two Finger Gesture Inline HTML Email Quiz Tutorial
Do you remember the recent … two players within calling distance and able to get to the same device ( 🐵 / 🙈 ) … and today we cover … two players not within calling distance and not able to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged catch, collaborate, collaboration, CSS, email, emoji, event, form, game, gesture, Gmail, HTML, inline, interactive, interactive entry, Javascript, mobile, name, ontouchmove, ontouchstart, pinch, player, programming, prompt, quiz, share, sharing, stopPropagation, stretch, style, submit, swipe, textAlign, touch, try, tutorial, two finger gesture, validation
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Mobile Two Finger Gesture Your Quiz Tutorial
We always think, as far as quizzes go, like with yesterday’s Mobile Two Finger Gesture Quiz Tutorial‘s (mathematical) quiz, it is good to allow the user to add their own tailored questions into the mix. Along with that, we had … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged catch, collaborate, collaboration, CSS, email, emoji, event, game, gesture, Gmail, HTML, inline, interactive, interactive entry, Javascript, mobile, name, ontouchmove, ontouchstart, pinch, player, programming, prompt, quiz, share, sharing, stopPropagation, stretch, style, swipe, textAlign, touch, try, tutorial, two finger gesture
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JSON or XML to CSV Report Error Handling Tutorial
Things go wrong sometimes. It depends a bit on the likelihood of such issues as to whether you let that thought be an important consideration with your web applications. For example … supposing the web application is not mission critical, … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged argument, button, catch, command line, CSV, curl, delimitation, delimiter, details, email, email client, error, error handling, exec, explode, file, file specification, glob, Gmail, interactive, JSON, local web server, MAMP, multiple, onblur, onion, PHP, post, programming, readline, report, reveal, spreadsheet, summary, table, try, tutorial, web server, XML, zip
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Monthly Chronicler LocalStorage Tutorial
Are you familiar with “LocalStorage” at the client side of web application usage, as an alternative to HTTP Cookie usage? It can store much more information than HTTP Cookies, but has no expiry date as such. This is not to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged array, calendar, catch, chronicler, contenteditable, cookie, details, diary, div, encryption, event, hashing, HTML, Javascript, localStorage, monthly chronicler, onclick, password, planner, programming, propogate, push, security, setTimeout, shift, simulation, ssl, summary, table cell, try, tutorial, web storage
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