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Tag Archives: click
Australian Indigenous Language Drag and Drop Tutorial
Further to Australian Indigenous Language HTML Map Trove Tutorial, today, we wanted to see whether the Indigenous Language webpage could be improved by the application of drag and drop functionality. The thing is, “drag and drop” can supplement good “click” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged called, caller, child, click, DOM, drag, drag and drop, drop, external Javascript, global variable, IFRAME, indigenous, indigenous Australia, Javascript, language, parent, programming, tutorial, typeof, variable
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Code Difference Saved User Settings Tutorial
As a PHP programmer it is easy to admire … the server side file and database and operating system smarts of the great serverside language PHP is … all while … PHP writing out HTML (with its CSS and Javascript) … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged click, client, clientside, code, color coding, command line, contenteditable, diff, exec, external Javascript, get, interactive, interactive entry, IP address, Linux, localStorage, onblur, oncontextmenu, PHP, privacy, programming, recall, report, save, server, serverside, set, shell_exec, tidy, tutorial, user, user settings, window.localStorage
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Code Difference User Settings Tutorial
Yesterday’s Code Difference Privacy Tutorial represented too much of an echo chamber for our liking. Where possible, we prefer functionality that the users out there can tweak themselves. In thinking about this, those 5 categories (involving 2 subcategories) … New … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, color coding, command line, diff, exec, interactive, interactive entry, IP address, Linux, PHP, privacy, programming, report, shell_exec, tidy, tutorial, user, user settings
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Image Source Tutorial
As you program, in anything, we are sure you will have occasions when you think … This is a lot of trouble for very little effect. … and sometimes, infinitely better … Wow! That was easy! And it’s, like, doubled … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, click, code, confirm, country, country code, details, div, DOM, Earth, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, image source, image URL, img, innerHTML, International Dateline, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, mercator projection, method, NASA, Natural Earth Data, navigate, North Pole, ondblclick, opacity, overlay, override, placeholder, placename, programming, projection, reveal, scroll, search, source, span, summary, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Reveal Tutorial
Our favourite “reveal” tool, the HTML “details and summary” duo, add user control functionality on top of that up to yesterday’s World Scrolling and Clickarounds Trip Tutorial. Where the user has their own control, principally to declutter in the “toast” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, confirm, country, country code, details, div, DOM, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, img, innerHTML, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, method, Natural Earth Data, navigate, opacity, overlay, override, placename, programming, projection, reveal, scroll, search, span, summary, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, webpage, Wikipedia
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Trip Tutorial
Whenever we think “trips” these days we gravitate towards involving Google Directions, with our web applications here. And so, extending the functionality of yesterday’s World Scrolling and Clickarounds Search Tutorial‘s “Scrolling and Clicking World Map” web application, we started involving … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, confirm, country, country code, div, DOM, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, img, innerHTML, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, method, Natural Earth Data, navigate, opacity, overlay, override, placename, programming, projection, scroll, search, span, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, webpage, Wikipedia
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Search Tutorial
In yesterday’s World Scrolling and Clickarounds Google Charts Tutorial‘s improvements we introduced a textbox to search via … place name … even then, but today we extend its “understanding” to … timezone place name … or even … latitude, longitude … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Trips, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, confirm, country, country code, div, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, img, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, method, Natural Earth Data, navigate, opacity, overlay, override, placename, programming, projection, scroll, search, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, webpage, Wikipedia
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Google Charts Tutorial
Today’s involvement of Google Charts into the result information sources, today, was “inhouse” by nature, with our interfacing PHP web applications to the Map Chart and Geo Chart sitting inside HTML iframe elements (ie. “inhouse”, with the URL “src” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged click, confirm, div, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, img, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, method, Natural Earth Data, navigate, opacity, overlay, override, programming, projection, scroll, textbox, toast, tutorial, webpage
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