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Tag Archives: crop
Animated GIF Creator Video Revisit Tutorial
We hope you realize that our changed tutorial_to_animated_gif.php inhouse Animated GIF Creator (helped out by a changed emailhtml.php inhouse email creator helper serverside PHP web application) can be accessed … in that public RJM Programming mode of use above … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Installers, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, Document Root, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, EXIF, ffmpeg, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, local web server, localhost, MacBook Air, macOS, Mail, MAMP, medium, merge, metadata, mime, mimetype, mov, onclick, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, video, vignette, webm, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator PDF Last Reveal Tutorial
As a web application programmer we like buttons. There are “buttons” and there are buttons. Yes, there is an HTML button element, and it and the input type=button element render as that part of a webpage most recognizable to users … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, onclick, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator PDF Order Tutorial
Order becomes an interesting subject to us today regarding the PDF conversions possible in amongst the Animated GIF creating of yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator PDF Share Tutorial. That is because we may have some advanced users out there that want … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, dropdown, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, onclick, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator PDF Share Tutorial
To share yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator PDF Conversion Tutorial PDF data formatted image slides (and then onto an animated GIF) would be a step forward, wouldn’t you say? What sharing conduits do we code for? We always intended … email … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, onclick, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator PDF Conversion Tutorial
Up to yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator Slide Specific Application Tutorial the recent progress had us … knowing the good places to intervene between the original slide image data being read in and the animated GIF slide output … and … … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, onclick, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator Slide Specific Application Tutorial
It’s all fine and good improving on the ImageMagick and GD and Exif functionality modifications like with yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator Exif Rotation Compensation Tutorial, but in reality, if you are going to start creating animated GIFs to explain a … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, hardcoding, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, onclick, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette, wrapper
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Animated GIF Creator Exif Rotation Compensation Tutorial
The recent couple of days of work like yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator GD Transformations Interfacing Tutorial have given us “rotation functionality” tools to counteract the unusual effects Exif … Exchangeable image file format (officially Exif, according to JEIDA/JEITA/CIPA specifications) is … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, metadata, photos, PHP, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette
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Animated GIF Creator GD Transformations Interfacing Tutorial
The PHP GD image library is so much more useful than for the “filters” interfaced to with yesterday’s Animated GIF Creator GD Filter Interfacing Tutorial. Under an “umbrella term” transformations, today we add interfacing to GD functionality … Crop DefaultCrop … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, batch, brew, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, desktop, email, EXIF, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, GD, Homebrew, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, macOS, Mail, medium, merge, photos, Png, quality, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, share, sharing, shear, size, small, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, vignette
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